staticgcne · 1 month
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i have determined that alastor is very much a drinker && smoker both. he will even get high with you. just expect him to be horrendously annoying. trying very hard to either convince you to let him eat you or go hunting for food with him. tries to get you in his swamp for torture.
he will be flirtatious if he thinks it will work.
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staticgcne · 2 months
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alastor's station on the radio is called "station trd" station : the radio demon he's creative often but usually a little on the nose
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staticgcne · 2 months
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on alastor's shadow.
it is absolutely sentient on its' own. when alastor was alive, he worked heavily with various pagan deities && put his talents to work there, a passion for it inherited from his mother. his initial arrival in hell afforded him some usage of this power, granted by such work && knowledge from those ... less good - willed entities. however, upon making a deal for more power, in return for a few other things, his primary shadow, which previously was no more than an extension of himself that he could use as a vessel, gained sentience. it now acts on his behalf, prioritising alastor's life, protecting him when necessary, by pulling him away. it is also the reason he has various shadow puppets — they are connected to him, then injected with various consumed soul energy from contracts && used to do menial work. they are not sentient, but rather personality-less creatures following orders. they are not very bright.
his primary shadow, named signal, expresses all the emotions that alastor cannot or refuses to. a slight result of the sheer amount of manipulation he indulges in, his shadow is much less capable of pretending than he is. his shadow can be interacted with, && while it does not speak, it can understand anything said to it. it acts as alastor's eyes && ears for a reason. it can fully detach from alastor if necessary or told. while quite obedient, alastor has recently had to become slightly harsher with signal due to the spiraling nature of his emotions that his shadow may well express without his knowledge. despite everything, he interacts with his shadow in a very friendly manner outside of necessary ... chiding.
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staticgcne · 2 months
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on vox ( as a generic character interaction ). technically speaking this is default verse info about alastor with vox, that portrayal being my own. this past lore doesn't auto apply to anyone else's vox, but it does define a little bit how alastor will interact with vox to the tune of being a bit of a bully even in times of friendship.
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alastor was fascinated by vox. i always love the concept of the two being connected by radio waves. that they could send across messages, or feelings, across them has always been appealing. alastor loves being in control, having access to someone so inherently is very desired. with my own vox, he made this connection unavoidable. every thought vox ever has is broadcast to alastor, he simply chooses to ignore most of them. this, of course, is both one way && unknown to vox. also only specific to my own.
alastor is aware that there may be affection or love on vox's side. he doesn't find it particularly uncomfortable or awful. he is pretty neutral when it comes to ideas of love, although he would laugh at any soft, romantic portrayals of it. love is not beautiful to him. love is all - consuming, love should be devotion of all, love is smearing blood on the wall in the name of your lover, without them having to ask.
depending on the vox, he was either a gentle tease or a very large sort of bully. he is always the type to push down those he likes, he enjoys experiencing their suffering, this has never not been true. this is what drove him in life in his killings, always those he was close to, those he liked. vox is absolutely no exception to that. however, he really doesn't know what it is or how to express it. he believes love should be known, right? he should know, be able to inherently tell, && he shouldn't want them to suffer, right? so obviously he doesn't love him at all.
he does, he just ... uh. isn't very good ?
he would never admit it. being in love is ... weird. he's never been, he wants to see vox suffer && wants to take out his entrails && hold them in his hands && see how long he would take to bleed out, if he can. he wants to remove him limbs, learn how his silly little anatomy works, maybe take him apart && put him back together. find out just how adaptable he is.
in early days, assuming any vox's were friends with him in some capacity, he was very much the type to make fun of him for nearly everything, but would slaughter anyone else saying the same things. others weren't allowed to lay a hand on him, that was his job.
vox gaining the vees was silly to him. what could he need that he wasn't providing? fine, if you want to do this silly little team thing, good luck, he will be here when you change your mind. but vox didn't change his mind. his attention was stolen by his work && val && vel && he found himself experiencing a level of anger about it that was outside of his control. he hates them. he hates vox, surely, that's not new, right?
vox offering him a spot on the team would lead to a real fight. a calling out that, what, they aren't good enough for him either, so now he's here again, seeking him out? ha. you'll have to work for it. beat him in a fight && he will concede.
he almost lost.
vox isn't the puny little picture box sinner he remembers best. he underestimated, took his leave, && then found himself being dragged by the chain elsewhere. he fumed, took time to recover during his disappearance. but rage eventually faded through the years, because he had little where he was. he missed him, && he wanted to see him, && he thought of him often. but he had business to attend to when he got back, && with little time, && plenty of uncertainty, well.
vox reached out first with stayed gone. a mixture of trying to meet alastor on a level, hateful playing field. alastor took this to be a vying for his attention — good news, as far as he was concerned — && now has every intention of reconnecting. somehow.
whether positively or not, well. that's not the important part, is it?
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staticgcne · 3 months
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alastor cannot cook inventively to save his life.
i think he was spoiled on it. his mother made him delicious meals && his father encouraged him to let her, that it was a woman's pride. not a job, mind you, he holds none of those views, but his mother loved cooking, && to get in the way would be upsetting. she taught him the basics, but he never really showed interest beyond that, or didn't pay much attention to the lessons, preferring to enjoy her happiness.
vox (my vox, who is my alastor's default until otherwise determined) was comparatively a very good cook. when the two met, && vox cooked for him for the first time, alastor found himself in a unique position of once again wanting to watch someone else's happiness. a very confusing thought, given that he didn't allow it for at least a decade && by then had decided he was a toy to play with. things shifted a little, but alastor ultimately could always be drawn back by a promise of a warm meal.
he can follow a recipe but it wont be incredible. it is likely why he prefers raw meat in general.
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staticgcne · 4 months
character tags.
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staticgcne · 3 months
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on the subject of core sins. thanks to talks with salt / @radiiosugars
alastor, or mine, anyway, suffers primarily within the sin of pride. it makes perfect sense given the way mine especially grew up, learning everything from his father, && then essentially being tasked with saving him from prosecution. alastor has a lot of pride centered around his capabilities, his self - confidence. his belief in any god does not come down to a true reverence, rather a belief that they work with him out of mutual respect, as i write alastor essentially as a pagan. he has a bit of a misguided god - complex, not necessarily that he is better, but as good.
he killed his father purely out of a sense of duty, a prideful act done, in his mind, to spare the man && take over what he was doing. he has a strong belief that he did what was right, && though now he would scorn his father's name, he knows well that he did what he found to be appropriate && would never claim he had made the wrong choice.
he is stubborn, unwavering in most opinions, && self - centered. if he knew what solipsism was, he would probably agree that it was true, though he doesn't necessarily fall so black && white into it as much as he would just think it made sense. he prefers to be in control, always, && when he is not, it's a problem. his smile is for control, his contracts are for control, the fact that he is contracted is of course a direct clash to his pride && any reminder of it will set him off.
he will always flee a situation that is too dicey, he has no desire to die for nothing. even if it were to be a temporary death.
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staticgcne · 4 months
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Relationship specific takes for Alastor??  Under the cut!
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It depends heavily on who you are, because women? Utmost gentlemanly respect, as much patience as he can ever muster, he will handle your problems without hesitation if you have any, he will bear the cross, encourage your goals ( especially the bad ones! ). If you have any power as a woman, he either wants to guide you along his path of sorts in a beneficial to both sort of way, or he wants to be able to control your stuff. Not necessarily in a malevolent way, but just as an extension of needing control. That way you don't even have to worry a pretty little hair on your head. He's most likely to have very genuine friendships with women, && while he can certainly still be manipulative, he is much more likely to believe its for your own good, whether you can handle yourself or not
With men?? Oh boy. He's got complex feelings, because to him, masculine intimacy is violent, sacrificial. Kill for him, die for him. If you won't shed blood for his sake, then clearly you have little care, or you're a bit of baby, in which case he is like to make fun, push you around, call you names, do more damage than he necessarily means to but get joy out of your cries. This often applies to anyone he would view in a familial way, too. His father came crawling on his knees for help, && he did help in the way he knew how, in the most devoted, loyal way. He saved him, as far as he was concerned, from the humiliation he himself later felt. He will kill for you, he will die for you, he will carve you up to hear you plead with him to make it stop because he knows how. There is nothing at all more intimate to him than spilling blood, being allowed to spill your blood for his own entertainment, or spilling his own for yours.
Granted, you're much less likely to get him to do it, because there aren't a lot of people who want to stick around after he's rooted around their intestines.
Romantic relationships he is very bad at. He will sleep with people to get what he wants, he has no qualms, but as far as real interest?? He's not really there. He's very heavily grey in both categories, sex - neutral as well. He's not abhorred by it, but more so views it as a means to an end && not something he's ever found himself desiring for desire sake. Romance is very similar, he doesn't really understand what it would mean, his parents were loving with each other but he had a lot more focus in his life on, you know, killing people. He would hardly know the difference between platonic love && romantic love because they all lead more or less to the same place as far as his priorities / behaviors go.
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staticgcne · 4 months
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Alastor.  A man born in 1897, dead by 1935.  Alastor came to Hell  &&  was very quick about making his way  &&  establishing his name,  something he had been taught to do for some time.  He chose quite a violent  &&  arguably very public way of doing so,  reflective of his last decade in life.  
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     Alastor was born January 1, 1897.  Death date marked for June 1, 1935.  Born to Esther  &&  Marcus Durand in Louisana.  He's been molded into who he is.  His father was a killer first,  when Alastor found him butchering a man,  at the ripe age of eight,  he chose to try to make a sort of assistant out him,  &&  he succeeded.  He raised Alastor to be a killer,  with grey morals,  if any.  Esther was a doting mother  &&  wife,  but entirely unaware of her husband  &&  son's activities.  Alastor was mostly socially isolated,  his father kept him away from his mother as much as he could in an attempt to keep their secrets,  well,  secret.  Their relationship already was tumultuous for the time  &&  kept as much under wraps as possible,  &&  to give Alastor a good shot at things,  lived with his father,  while his mother lived in another neighborhood.  They weren't unhappy by any means,  a devoted  &&  loving couple,  arguably very sweet to Alastor,  save for his father's choice of passed on passion for killing.
Alastor developed into an adult with little idea of what normal male relationships were like.  His mother was off - limits to harm,  as were any other women,  but men were their primary targets.  No rhyme or reason,  really,  not for Marcus,  but Alastor later would find himself killing only those he liked.  A sick,  twisted devotion.
He went into radio,  with a voice smooth for it  &&  his father wanting someone on the inside of the information circuit.  He enjoyed it greatly,  made a name for himself very well there for a local celebrity of sorts.  He made good money,  brought attention to the family name,  earned his father's further respect.
In 1928,  his father was caught.  Begging his son to solve this problem,  on his hands  &&  knees,  asking him to do something,  anything,  Alastor murdered his own father to save him the torture of prison or death row.  He spun a web of lies to his mother,  he was reported missing,  &&  his body never found at the bottom of the nearest bayou.
Alastor,  however, would not stop there.  Intimacy  &&  loyalty were now marked by murder,  &&  his favorite of people would suffer by his hand.  He would kill them,  lovingly,  slowly,  relishing their voices  &&  cries  &&  pleas.  But eventually it had to catch up.  He was the common denominator,  after all.  He was caught,  persecuted,  &&  hanged,  with his own mother present for his death,  sobbing for the loss of her son  &&  husband both,  aware now of his wrong - doings.
He found his father in Hell.  Marcus was very angry,  a very angry man,  indeed,  &&  for the better part of three months,  they fought every time they crossed paths.  Marcus would claim that he had not asked for his death,  that Alastor failed his mother,  that he was a failure of a son,  &&  that if he was here,  it was all because of Alastor.  When the first extermination came after Alastor's arrival,  he managed to lock his father out in the open,  allow him to be cornered,  leading him to his second  &&  final death.
Alastor started working towards gaining power,  displeased by the lack he had,  &&  determining the easiest path forward was removing those above him,  all the while gaining contracts over time.  He began to broadcast the screams of his victims for all to enjoy.  Eventually,  he found himself at the top,  with few left to antagonize  &&  a deal having to be made otherwise to keep him under one's control.  So he settled down upon a throne of bones  &&  screams,  before he disappeared for seven years  &&  then returned with a new investment,  in the one  &&  only Hazbin Hotel.
verse  one ;    ‘ CLIMB THE CROSS ’   (  SHOWTIME  ) The main verse.  Alastor is currently at the hotel,  contracted,  trying to navigate helping the Princess of Hell,  moving around between Lucifer himself  &&  the others at the hotel.  Contains anything happening post - pilot.
verse  two ;    ‘ MY SALIVA'S DRIPPING ’   (  PRE - SHOW  ) The prequel verse. Anything that could have happened pre - show happens here. This can include during his seven - year disappearance, or anything between 1935  ( when he arrived in Hell )  &&  present time.
verse  three ;    ‘ TAKE OFF YOUR LEASH ’   (  DUPLICATES ) The duplicate verse.  This verse will encompass any travelling of the multiverse,  where Alastor may meet other versions of himself.  He will likely refer to himself as  "Caedis"  for the sake of differentiating when needed,  Latin for slaughter or massacre.  If the alternates he meets has their own names to go by that are not Alastor,  he will default to being Alastor.
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