staticgcne · 2 months
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❛ Hello, denizens of Hell's multiverse! Cast your votes now! Do you think Vox, CEO of the trash - fire company VoxTek, is cool? Or, like myself, do you find him quite the whiny little businessman desperately in need of his own vacation? Keep in mind, if the votes weigh in on the positive too much, I will believe the Vox's are lying to me, && vote counts will be adjusted accordingly! ❜
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staticgcne · 2 months
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❛ I recently requested for suggestions of how to be called throughout our much wider multiverse, && I am pleased to announce that I have chosen one! A set of kudos to ... hm. ❜ Squinting at his notes.
❛ A Miss Death? Red Lady? Something like that, who suggested Jupiter! Now, should any other Alastors out there meet me, I can be uniquely myself without much confusion. ❜
❛ Anywho, for the rest of today's broadcast — ❜
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staticgcne · 2 months
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@radicheart requested to co - star !! starter call.
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        ❛  WELL,  WELL!  Looks like there are two dashing hoteliers in the building!  ❜ 
     A chipper greeting directed at his duplicate as his ears twisted slightly,  betraying the wearier undertones in his body.  He might have been a little too gung - ho for all this world hopping that he was doing.  But the stitches did their job to keep his smile in place.
        ❛  I hope you don't mind the intrusion  —  I must have made a slight misstep in attempting to get home.  A delight in meeting you,  of course,  I am sure!  ❜
     A proffered hand,  regardless.  Important to take in all the differences,  make mental notes.  Make an impression,  one way or another.  He could be tired later.
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staticgcne · 2 months
@angelichooves said:
"Finally, one not in denial."
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❛  There's no need for denial! It's something plenty of people are in the market for. We're very attractive, as far as I have been told.  ❜
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staticgcne · 2 months
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❛ If he's fixable, I could certainly give that a try. I always did love his vocals, I do wonder how they sound when he's in pain. ❜
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staticgcne · 4 months
character tags.
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staticgcne · 1 month
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@staticintone whispered a line !! don't care about me ( accepting! ) “you can't just push away everyone who loves you.”
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❛ Who said anything about pushing? ❜ A quirked brow leveled at Coda, Jupiter chuckled. ❛ I'm truly not sure who you think you're talking about. I don't push away love. Those who claim it for me simply have to prove it. Love is sweet to have, even I wouldn't turn it away blindly. If you're referring to the one - sidedness of it, well. Surely you can't blame me! ❜
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Clawed hand splayed over his heart, dramatically sighing.
❛ I just don't think I've met the right one! Or it just hasn't bloomed yet. Oh! Perhaps this is you confessing? I'm flattered, of course! ❜ A wide grin spread into a smirk, regarding the other up && down for a moment.
❛ Although I wouldn't have guessed we would progress so quickly in this direction. ❜
Teasing, of course. Redirecting, even.
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staticgcne · 2 months
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@staticintone whispered a line !! Send "◉" to hear my muses honest thoughts on yours. ( accepting! )
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❛ I consider you amongst the most interesting of alternates out there. How we are so very different yet so similar absolutely fascinates. You inject yourself into my thoughts && I into yours, whether you admit that or not. ❜
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staticgcne · 2 months
Ire smacks alastor twice for tripping vox >0
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❛ Come now, Ire, surely you have better things to protect your darling Vox from than a little tumble! ❜
It was worth it.
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staticgcne · 2 months
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anonymous ( i know who u are ) whispered a line !! Send "🌶️ + a name" ( accepting! ) 🌶️ + alex ( you don't know who sent this shush haha )
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     ❛  OH,  HOW  I  WANT  TO  HANDLE  YOUR  INSIDES.  ❜    There was a soft little sigh,  almost longing.    ❛  I want nothing more than to see your pretty eyes trained on me as my claws dig into you.  Feel your blood on my skin,  hear your screams as you submit.  I imagine you might be one who enjoys that,  I haven't seen or heard you forcing anyone else to their knees.  I'm curious if you would be willing to taste yourself with me.  ❜
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        ❛  Wishful thinking!  ❜
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staticgcne · 3 months
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@rradiio whispered a line  !! unprompted  ( always accepting! ) Once again Ire smacks him upside the back of his head
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     STATIC  FILLED  THE  AIR.  Alastor's head snapped around the moment contact was made,  &&  a grin borne of fury filled his face.  Ire.  That pesky shadow guarding Vox these days.  He seemed to have made a friend out of the television overlord,  &&  this was infuriating.  Leave it to the pathetic little worm to somehow coax even a shadow creature into falling for his pitiful display ( literally! ).
        ❛  Go back to your master,  whichever your preference.  I would hate to send my own after you.  You may be wrathful,  but he will not hesitate to harm Vox in my stead while you are here.  ❜
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