staticgcne · 4 months
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concubuck · 2 years
((Time for a meta post paraphrased from a discord convo because this is a side of Alastor I never get to write on tumblr!
Question: when Alastor has a vag he likes to stick vagina dentata up it! Does he also have teeth in his butthole?
No. His butthole is relatively normal. He CONSIDERED adding teeth, but then decided there's no point adding teeth if he's not putting in a mouth, and there's no point having a mouth if it can't taste, and—he does NOT want to constantly taste the insides of his colon.
He could shapeshift up a temporary butthole mouth if somebody asks, but it would just LOOK like a mouth (or beak or terrifying ring of teeth or whatever), it wouldn't be functional in the way his vagina dentata are. He put loving thought and care into that and made it anatomically *work* because he WANTED to have a coochie mouth. On the other hand, he does not want to have a butthole mouth.
As an emergency measure he can instantly spawn a ring of fangs to shear off the dick of any partner who's displeased him, but then they go away
Question: how many dicks has he literally bitten off with his butthole?
IDK. Probably more than 10, less than 100. This considering he's had upwards of 3500 sexual partners, not all have dicks, and not all top; and this is only considering dicks he's bit off during anal as opposed to vaginal or oral.
This generally happens with partners that he knows can't (or won't) identify him later (so there would be no repercussions for mangling them), and he's decided he can no longer benefit from fucking them (for example, they try to turn on porn to watch while fucking him and he's realized they're paying him zero attention—which means it's biologically impossible for him to get off with them). That's the point when he goes "well if I can't get off, i might as well get SOME benefit out of this" and chomps.
Part of it is motivated by rage/petty revenge, and part of it is a revulsion reflex: when he realizes his partner isn't into him, his touch aversion snaps back from 0% to 100% and being touched feels DISGUSTING.
Also, he's mean.
Question: when you say Alastor is "mean," you mean on rare occasions he can be mean when he wants to be, right?
No I mean at all times, by default, in his heart, he is MEAN. He suppresses mean BEHAVIOR 99% of the time because nobody will call him and ask to fuck if they think he might behave monstrously; but he is not "mostly nice with the occasional mean lash-outs," he is "mean at all times and constantly forcing himself to be nice not to scare fucks away."
You just don't see that much on tumblr because 99% of the people he interacts with are either alternates (whom he unconditionally adores) or just... other muses with actual muns (and I'm not going to be an out-and-out asshole to somebody else's character without KNOWING they're cool with that). The side of him shown on tumblr is the side that, due to the necessities of cooperative roleplay, he has to be showing; but it's not the majority of his personality.
But he's just! A bad person, who doesn't care about almost all people! If there were no consequences he'd probably mangle and devour almost all his partners once he's gotten off.
I occasionally make posts like "I want Alastor to have terrible sex with people he has zero interest in and feels no obligation to be nice to" but nobody's taken him up on that 😔 That kind of treatment is the sort of thing it's only really acceptable to give to disposable NPCs and nobody wants their muse to be treated like an NPC. (Shoutout to the One Person who's gonna have some really terrible sex with Alastor; but it's probably not gonna cross his "this person isn't useful to me so I'm gonna just eat her" threshold. It'll just be terrible for him.)
"Alastor chews up a fuck who disappointed him and never thinks about them again" is somewhere on my list of drabbles to write someday. I'd love for it to happen in RP, but that requires a mun who wants their muse to be on the receiving end of that. 🤷))
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