#【 queue 】… signs her LETTERS with x’s and o’s
thesnowfelled-a · 2 years
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send 📱 for a lockscreen of my muse’s phone, ref. ~ Cammie & Hope
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ofthingschanged · 5 years
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                           Must have interacted with you in or outside of rping!  OR you are willing to interact and or talk to me. 
            ❍ To be a main for one of my characters you can be both in the fandom the character is in or crossover. 
           ❍  To become exclusive with a character right now, I am only going to make exclusives for a character that is outside their original fandom so if you wanted to be exclusive with say Mal your character has to be one that is not from the descendants fandom of canon characters so right now won't be taking an exclusive Evie but I would take an exclusive Pure from charmed for Mal. This doesn’t mean that if say Prue had a descendants verse that she wouldn’t be allowed to be exclusive to Mal! Right now I want to keep a more open experience of writing with several duplicates of characters in the same characters in the fandom. Please note that this rule here does not apply to mains
                         ☙ right now I am not doing shipping exclusives  If I do ship exclusives at a later date they will be with people that are +18 and I talk with often
                        ☙  What does it mean to be my main? Your memes tend to come first when it comes to replying, random edits will be thrown your way, you will be the first ones that I come to when I get a new idea for a plot as well! 
                        ☙ I will be taking FOUR MAINS for each character and ONE EXCLUSIVE for a character. That means that I can have FOUR mains of Evie’s for my Mal.
                        ☙ Can a duplicate fc or another Mal become a main? The answer is yes! You can become a main to the same character if you play them as I love duplicates, love to do twin threads, and just am all for that kind of life.
                       ☙  For mains and exclusives, I require that we are mutually doing the main or exclusive so it is not one-sided. 
                       ☙  Any mains or exclusives I had on my old blogs are now reset. so if you were a main or exclusive on naturesloopholed, etc it hasn't carried over to this blog
                       ☙  I reserve the right to not become mutuals with someone or ignore a like or comment. If we are not mutuals please don’t comment or like this
                       ☙ If you have any questions my ims or my ask box is open
                                    ⦿ How to become a main or an exclusive? Like this post or comment and I might just jump into your ims to talk about this! 
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cinnaminsvga · 5 years
intermission • iv | eclipse
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→ summary: When the love letter you wrote and submitted as an assignment is leaked to the entirety of your university, it becomes a race against time to dispel rumours and convince the seven suspected muses of the poem that they aren’t the subject before anyone realises that you are the author. Easy, right? Well… maybe not as easy as you think.
→ pairing: bts x reader (feat. sera) → genre: college!au, crack, fluff, angst → warnings: sfw other than some ugly jealousy c/o a snake → words: 4.9K → a/n: sera didn’t always use to be a shitty person. well, that’s a lie. she was always a shitty person. she just used to be able to hide it well.
— • masterlist | prev | intermission iv | next • —
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–– the first day of freshman year ––
The line for the free freshman orientation merchandise is longer than Sera had anticipated, even though she had arrived almost an entire hour early. Though most people would have dismissed the lengthy queue, Sera is Asian as Asian could get, her genes forbidding her from skipping over free shit when free shit can be received. She is sure her ancestors would never forgive her if she allowed this opportunity to slip through her fingers. And so, Sera waits with the rest of the cattle as the line shortens slowly, the heat of the early sun reminiscent of the summer months that should have already passed.
After sweating her body’s weight worth of sweat, she finally finds herself near the front of the line, foot tapping impatiently as the rowdy bunch of newly hatched boylings before her fought amongst themselves for the canvas knapsacks over the pink water bottles. Fragile masculinity at its finest, Sera thinks, as she watches with something akin to pity as the runt of the litter ends up with the “girlier” merchandise in the end.
At this point, all the better free items have mostly run out, though Sera wouldn’t mind getting the university emblem encrusted notepad and pen set. It is only a matter of moral principle when she gets the water bottle after seeing the boy from before shooting her with a desperate look, probably hoping to trade items with her if she had gotten something else. Sadistic pleasure courses through her veins when she sees the light fade from his eyes, the inevitability of his pink water bottle fate permanently sealed.
Puny boy. Drink your nasty energy drinks from your pink tinted bottle for all she cares. She’ll be doing the same, at least.
Free from that slow torture, Sera now has to subject herself to more agonizing torment by waiting for the rest of her orientation group members to arrive, most of whom should have gotten to the intended meeting location by now. She observes as her harried orientation leader tries unsuccessfully to get your small group to interact with one another, his fake cheery smile looking more strained as the apathetic faces of sleep-deprived freshmen fail to respond to his forced banter.
Her orientation leader, whose name she cannot recall for the life of her but will call “Mike” from now on, coughs awkwardly into his spotted handkerchief before dabbing his sweating forehead. Sera grimaces when she notices that a small glob of snot remains stuck to his skin where he had touched, though no one seems obliged to alert him of this fact. He glances at his watch, jumping from one foot to the other, as he does another headcount for the third time in the last ten minutes.
“7… 8… 9…” His finger hovers when it reaches the last person, his brow turned downwards in worry. The glob of snot dangles ever precariously from its perch. “Umm… Does anyone know where the last person is? We’re supposed to be ten, and the first part of our agenda is starting soon.”
Sera wonders why on earth he’s asking that as if they were supposed to be friends with one another. The university had forced everyone to make a group chat with their orientation groupmates a week ago, which was honestly a lost cause considering that everyone was randomly sorted into groups. Sera’s group chat only has two messages so far, with both being from the orientation leader himself. Out of ten people, only two of them have seen the messages, with Sera being one of them.
If that’s an indicator of how today is going to be, then Sera should have poured some shots into her kombucha like a sane person would have.
“Maybe you should try calling her?” One of the girls in her group says, her gaze never leaving her phone as she types rapidly, her dexterity astonishing despite her inch-long acrylic nails. Mike, on the other hand, stares forlornly at the black screen of his phone.
“No can do. My phone died a few minutes ago when I was in the middle of calling my mom. I guess I was too excited when I was telling her about today’s orientation day.” He laughs half-heartedly at that, and Sera might’ve felt a little bad for the guy if his phone didn’t have a keychain of an anime girl with big ol’ dobonhokeros. The only thing missing from his outfit is a big backdrop of his mom’s basement behind him to complete his look.
Mike looks around the group expectantly, obviously trying to catch the eye of one of you. Everyone’s heads bow down immediately, sensing that some effort and participation are about to be required from one of them. Nothing gets tired teens to disappear into the ground quicker than being asked to volunteer for anything that needed 0.01% of their brainpower. Unluckily for Sera, she is a bit too slow in her response, immediately locking gazes with Mike as a grin stretches on his face.
“Sera! You must know Y/N, right? I saw that you and Y/N had opened the group chat the other day. Why don’t you try calling her?” He says brightly, no signs of his depression from earlier. Two boys in Supreme hoodies snicker loudly at Sera’s dismayed face, and she vows to “accidentally” stomp on their pristine white sneakers later with her muddied old trainers.
“Um. Alright,” she agrees through gritted teeth, pulling out her phone with a heavy hand. Sera wonders if you’ll even take the call, possibly wary of answering an unknown number. Her pondering only lasts a second when you answer the call on the first ring, your heavy breaths being the first sound that greets Sera’s ears.
“I’m lost! I can’t find the soccer field! I’m running as fast as I can,” is your jumbled reply, followed by a screech on your end and what sounds like a honking car in the distance. “Sorry!” you call out immediately afterwards, and Sera hazards a guess that you were only two inches away from being roadkill.
“Yeah, this is Sera, one of your orientation groupmates. Mik–I mean, our orientation leader is wondering where you are.”
“I’m–” There is a pause, and Sera thinks for a moment that you might have dropped the call by accident or something. Then, you reply shakily, sniffling slightly. “I… I don’t know??? Help???”
What is it with today? Sera is meeting more people than she would like, and all of them seem to be the human equivalent of a cry for help. Surely, this is a test from above? However, there is something endearingly pitiful about your quiet sobs that makes her want to help you a little bit. She is never one to offer her services so freely to any stranger, but then again… She could become friends with you if you weren’t such a crybaby all the time.
“Describe where you are. I’ll try to come get you,” she says, not missing the way you gasp at her generosity. A feeling of pride settles into her chest, not disliking the way you must be so grateful for her benevolence. She should do this more often.
“Will you really? Oh my god, thank you!” you say giddily. You are quick to describe your surroundings, and luckily, Sera knows exactly where you are. The good thing about being a perfectionist is that Sera loves to over-prepare, so she already did her own tour of the campus before orientation day. In hindsight, she wonders why she even bothered to attend when she could handle herself perfectly. Oh right, the free stuff.
“Okay, hold tight. Be there in a bit,” she says before hanging up the phone. Sera turns back to Mike, who looks awfully smug for being as inept as he is. He begins to gather the rest of the group together, addressing all of them loudly.
“Thanks to the lovely Sera, our last member will join us shortly. In the meantime, we’ll head to the auditorium for the first event of the day while Sera finds Y/N!”
Wait– “You’re leaving me?” Sera shouts, jaw agape. Isn’t he supposed to be in charge? Whatever happened to teamwork and all that shit he was spouting literally ten minutes ago? Yet, here he was. All Mike the Mighty Ass does is shrug his shoulders, patting her impetuously on the back.
“We’re not leaving you! The auditorium is just over there,” Mike points to the imposing domed stadium just across the field. “And we’ll be seated right at the front, so just look for us there!”
“That stadium has a 7000 person capacity. How the hell am I supposed to–”
Sera doesn’t get to finish her sentiment as Mike raises his gaudy orange flag high up into the sky, signaling the rest of the group to follow his lead. None of the little shits even bat an eye as they quickly leave Sera in the dust to look for you.
As Sera gawks at the rapidly emptying field, she surmises that no number of free water bottle could ever amount to the trauma that the past few hours have inflicted on her. You better kiss the ground that she walks on when she finds you, or else there will be consequences to pay.
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Finding you is easier said than done. Sera is sure she knew where you were from your descriptions, though there is a possibility that she might have overestimated herself. Either that or your explanation had been vague at best.
“‘In front of the weird blue houses,' she said,” Sera mutters to herself, looking up at the only blue-painted buildings in sight. She supposes that “weird” is subjective, as the houses appear quaint as can be, though maybe you had found the little garden gnomes at the front to be a bit disconcerting. Regardless, there seems to be no other person in sight, unless the crotchety old man in the wheelchair might be you.
She is just about to call you again when a person with twigs in their hair comes running down the sidewalk, their backpack thumping harshly against their back with every step they take. They are waving their hands wildly in the air, a large grin on their face as they struggle to slow down their momentum before inevitably tumbling into Sera’s slight body.
She found you.
“Ooph!” Sera groans, barely holding onto her senses as she tries her best to keep both of you upright. “What the fuck? Where were you?”
“Sorry, sorry!” You apologize repeatedly, swatting away bits of leaves from your hair that consequently fall onto Sera’s sweater. “I got a bit distracted by this dude at a hair salon and I had to make a run for it–”
“Whatever,” Sera interrupts, tugging you by the elbow and back to where the orientation is being held. “Let’s just get out of here before we miss out on the stupid orientation.”
You stumble a bit as you follow after her quick strides, having to hobble a little to catch up. You tilt your head curiously at your surroundings, not recognizing any of the landmarks at all. “Uh. You sure we’re going the right way? All these buildings look weird…”
“Says the chick who couldn’t even find the soccer field.” Sera snorts, continuing to walk with determination. “If you’re going to ogle at every ‘weird’ building we pass, then it’ll take us years to get there. Hurry up!”
After taking a few wrong turns and reaching two deadends, it is only then Sera admits that she might have forgotten the way back. It’s not her fault; she’s only been on campus for a few hours before. To your credit, you don’t seem all that disheartened as she had expected, unlike how distressed you had sounded on the phone earlier. In fact, you are skipping happily along beside her, pausing every often to take a few pictures of the dormitories and lecture buildings like a tourist.
“It’s like this is the first time that you’ve ever seen a building,” Sera jokes, taking a seat on a bench as she watches you frolic around a water fountain. You strike a weird post at her, smiling radiantly with your teeth showing.
“It’s because I only just moved here! I was late because I was busy unpacking my stuff in my dorm room,” you explain, straightening up into a more dignified posture before going to sit beside her.
Sera looks at you curiously. “Oh? You’re living on res? Are you from out of town?”
You shake your head. “Nah. My mom and I live pretty far off though, and I’d prefer not to take a commute in the morning. It’s chill though; I’m sharing a room with this dude I used to go to high school with.”
“They have co-gendered dorm rooms here?” Sera’s interest is piqued, and you are quick to notice it. You laugh, shrugging your shoulders.
“Uh, kind of? We’re like childhood friends and his mom is really close with the residence dean, so she asked if we could room together, just for the first year. She doesn’t really trust him with strangers. He’s really shy, so he’s uncomfortable rooming with someone he doesn’t know.”
“So, you guys aren’t, like, dating or..?”
“Me? Dating Jungkook? Oh God, that’s funny!” You laugh, slapping your knee. The more you think about it, the more ridiculous the idea is. “He’s like a bro to me! I would never date him.”
Sera smiles, a seed of an idea being planted in her brain. She stores it for later, but for now, she asks “Oh? So you’d be fine with introducing him to me sometime? I’d love to meet new people.”
“Sure, dude. He’s really introverted, so I doubt you’ll get too much out of him,” you hum. You close your eyes, enjoying the way the breeze gently caresses your face as Sera observes you from the sidelines.
Interesting, she thinks. She’ll definitely hang around you more. You are not as annoying as she had originally thought, and maybe it would be nice to have a friend to hang out with in between classes. Unassuming, overly excitable, naive… You’re just an innocent puppy, who will follow anyone who pets it. Easy enough; Sera can afford to accommodate you.
Sera smirks, allowing herself to enjoy the breeze as well. University might not be so bad after all.
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A few months pass, and being friends with you isn’t as tedious as Sera had feared. In fact, you are a pretty chill person, someone whom Sera never needs to pretend to save face around. To you, her little mean streaks are nothing but little “quirks,” and you often wave them off as silly parts of her personality. Most of the time, the things Sera says are just that: jokes. More often than not, however, Sera has just grown comfortable around you to let her filter run a little loose, letting her goofier and bitchier side come out more easily.
Call it naivety or stupidity, but Sera is thankful to have you around.
Nevertheless, there are still some small moments when that thankfulness falls a little short. Take, for example:
“That TA is totally a bitch! She gave me an 80 on that essay only because her ex-boyfriend hit me up on Instagram. It’s not my fault that her boobs sag all the way to her hips!” Sera exclaims a little too loudly, and you have to silence her through stilted giggles as the two of you pass by the aforementioned TA.
“Marina isn’t that petty,” you say, though your defense is a little too lackluster to be effective. In fact, you’ve been a bit spacey all afternoon, not really present in most of your conversations together. You exit the lecture hall, walking to the cafeteria to grab some lunch. Sera has to pull you out of the way of two speeding bicycles before she thinks to ask you what’s up.
“Huh?” You mumble back, still smiling dopily at nothing. You’ve always been the type to get lost in your head, which is hilarious to Sera, given that your current debilitating crush is on none other than the most air-headed boy on campus. She supposes there is a certain appeal for opposite personalities, though it is funny that out of all the men on campus, you had to choose the heart-on for none other than–
“I was asking you what’s up with you,” Sera repeats, tutting as the two of you arrive at the cafeteria with no further casualties. “Seriously, it’s like your head is in your ass. Don’t tell me you finally got dicked down in the janitor’s closet and you’re basking in the afterglow.”
Sera’s crude comment is what finally gets you to snap out of it. “Hell no, you sex fiend!” You hiss, cheeks reddening at the jab. “Are you ever going to let that go? I told you that fantasy in confidence!”
“My lips are as loose as my pussy, my dude. You should know by now.” Sera says plainly, directing the two of you to one of the sushi joints. You don’t even protest Sera’s choice like you ordinarily would, as you have previously gotten intense food poisoning from one of their sashimi platters a week back. You must really be overthinking something then.
“I know. I’m just saying shit right now,” you say, pulling up a chair and plopping down. You fiddle with the soy sauce bottle contemplatively. “I’m spacing out because I’ve been thinking about the essay we just got back.”
“Oh?” Sera says, eyebrows lifting at that. She pulls out the menu, taking charge for the two of you as you have never quite mastered the art of choosing what food to get. Also, you’re scared of flagging down waiters, for whatever reason. “Did you also get saggy tits as your TA? I’m still mad about that B+, by the way.”
“That’s the thing,” you pause, accidentally flipping open the soy sauce bottle’s cap and spraying yourself with drops of the dark liquid. Neither of you even flinch when it happens, so used to catastrophes happening when it comes to you. You’re like a walking disaster magnet, and Sera has no idea why karma hates you so much. It’s a miracle that you’re alive, sometimes.
So it does come as a huge surprise to her when you follow up by saying, “She gave me an A+.”
The menu drops out of Sera’s hand. “What?” she nearly screeches, scaring the waiter who had been idly standing by your table. You point an apologetic glance at him as he scurries as far away from the two of you as possible, but Sera is undeterred. The words that had come out of your mouth makes no sense whatsoever.
“But… Marina literally gives no one higher than an A! I’ve got sources from upper years saying that she’s a beast when she grades – there must have been a mistake!” Sera says, not bothering to be polite.
You shrug, looking just as confused. “I thought so too. I was going to talk to her after class a while ago, but thought better of it and decided to not look a gift horse in the mouth… Better to accept it than question it, right?”
Sera hums, not wanting to admit that it was irking her that you didn’t ask the TA about it. Her annoyance is unwarranted, however, because she would’ve done the same. Why argue over a blessing? Still, it pains her to know that you got a higher grade than she did, even though you are taking the writing course as an elective, while Sera is a writing major herself.
The two of you enjoy your meal as if nothing had happened, and that is the first time in a long while since Sera has needed to put a façade around you.
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In the next coming sessions, Sera and you begin to realize that the A+ had not been a fluke as you consistently continue to ace the quizzes and assignments for your creative writing course. Your professor has been badgering you to consider switching courses for a week now, and you’ve politely declined each and every time.
“Music is just more my thing, you see,” you explain to him, bowing quickly as you exit out of the room to escape another ten minutes of his incessant pleading.
It’s really starting to grate Sera’s gears a little bit.
The thing is, Sera knows she is being petty. It’s not even a new occurrence for her, as she has been known to ditch people once they start being better at her in anything.
Gymnastics in 4th grade had been a bust when star athlete Jinyoung Choi discovered her flexibility during PE. Mathematics had gone down the drain once Abegail Sun had won the Mathlete Competition for the third time in a row. Writing should have been Sera’s only crowning achievement, as she had always grown up with people around her praising her ability to weave universes with her words.
She can’t share that spotlight, not when she’s been pushed into the shadows numerous times already. This time, she’s not going down without a fight.
The worst part about the whole situation isn’t even that you were like a baby waiting for their candy to be stolen. With Sera’s connections and sly tendencies, it wouldn’t be hard to crush you where you stood. She’s only done it once back in high school, stripped someone of their confidence so savagely that they were forced to move to another school. She is sure she could do it again, but for whatever reason, it feels like it would be too easy of a win.
The worst part is that you didn’t even want the limelight, the success. Creative writing is just a hobby for you, and you certainly don’t deserve the recognition at all. Effort should be awarded its due, and you have certainly never exerted more than a pinky finger’s worth in your entire writing career.
The final straw that broke the proverbial camel’s back, which pushed Sera past the point of reason, comes much later than anyone might have guessed. Sera’s patience is like plastic, sometimes durable and heat resistant, but oftentimes flimsy and tearable. It does not take a genius to figure out that all plastic must melt, one way or another.
Second-year comes, and Sera has all but allowed her simmering hatred to remain as just that: simmering. She is careful never to let it boil over, fearful of letting you see her break in the event that you would retaliate. Her problem is that she had allowed you to grow, forgetting to stomp on your confidence every so often so that you would be forced to depend on her. Now, you have amassed a sizeable following for your writing online, and Sera knows that you could use that power against her if you pleased. Cancel culture can be like the plague, and Sera knows the ins and outs of it better than anyone else.
Sera knows logically that you would never do that to her, as much as you would like to. Your morals restrain you from doing so, which saves Sera from some anxiety of backlash at least. Still, she has to remain careful anyway.
The two of you do not see each other as often as you once did during your first year. As sophomores, your majors require you to take more courses specialized towards your degree, meaning the general education courses that you shared were no longer required. The only time you ever saw Sera is during Creative Writing and the occasional lunch out in between classes.
Despite that, Sera just can’t get away from you, no matter how hard she tries. Your presence is everywhere: on the university newspaper, on the university forums, on club recruitment posters – hell, she thinks she sees some dude wearing a t-shirt with your face and Jungkook’s face printed on the front or something. Worst of all, she hears about you all the time, from her stupid professors who can’t stop waxing poetic about you. Case in point:
“Professor, may I speak to you?” Sera approaches Professor Puth at the front of his podium once class ends, whiffs of musky marijuana hovering around him like a cloud. You give Sera a confused look, about to ask what she wants to ask before she waves you off, urging you to go ahead.
“I’ll see you next Thursday. I got a tutorial right after this,” Sera lies smoothly, poised grin in place. Not really one to question her, you shrug your shoulders, waving both her and your professor goodbye.
“So,” Professor Puth says, peering at Sera. “Sera, right?”
Sera beams at him. “Yes, Professor. Glad you remember me.”
He hums thoughtfully, tongue jutting out as he appraises her with eyes sharper than any stoned person would have. “Yes, of course. What did you want to talk about?”
“You see, I got my assessment draft back this morning, and it says I got a C+ on it, but I’m sure I followed the rubric very carefully. Are you sure there wasn’t a mistake?” Sera says, not a hitch in her voice despite her outrage slowly starting boil over the edge. She’s never felt so humiliated in her life, having to beg like a dog for a regrade like some sort of pitiful loser.
“You might want to ask the TAs about regrading, in that case. I only graded a few of the works. Which one was yours about?”
“The poem about the withering tree, Professor.”
“Oh, yes. I remember that one. I was the one who graded it,” Professor Puth says, rubbing his chin. He tilts his head. “What did you want to ask about it?”
Sera stares at him, disbelief coloring every inch of her face. “Um, I just said… I wanted to ask – I followed the rubric and everything, so how come my grade was…” she trails off, embarrassed.
Professor Puth tuts, swiveling away to approach his desk. Sera follows, unsure for the first time in her life, as he starts rearranging his things to pack up. “Sera, I can e-mail the rubric to you again, if you want. I assure you, there is one essential part of the grading scheme that you forgot, and I’m afraid that is what cost your grade.”
Sera thinks. “Was it… the formatting?”
He barks out a laugh, slamming his papers down as if what she had just said was the funniest thing he’s heard since a Yo Mama joke. “No, of course not. It was the content! The emotion! You cannot just string highfalutin words together and expect the reader to feel moved.”
Sera flinches, offended. “I think those aspects of poetry are very subjective, Professor. Surely, you could ask for a second opinion–”
“I always ask for second opinions when grading assignments,” he says, wagging a finger. “We all agreed that your work was at least a C+, though I had originally graded it a C- at best.”
Once again, for the first time in her life, Sera is at a loss for words. Never has she been so casually humiliated before, especially after all the time she has put in to being nothing but a stellar student for all her professors. This must be some sort of bad dream.
“On the other hand,” he continues, pausing in his packing to stare at Sera. She does not feel like he is truly looking at her; rather, he looks to be lost in thought about something else entirely. “That friend of yours… Miss Y/N, right? I’ve always heard about her from my colleagues.”
The mention of your name causes the hairs on the back of her neck to bristle, and Sera goes defensive immediately. “What about her?” she cautions.
“Oh, just that she’s a wonderful writer. Very moving stories with lots of depth. I was a bit skeptical at first because Professor Whitney has always been a bit of a softie with freshmen… but she was right,” he nods to himself, a small smirk on his face. “That girl… I don’t doubt in the slightest that she could make someone fall in love with her just by writing them a piece.”
The comparison might have hurt less if he had used a different example, anyone else really. Some unknown sap that Sera could tear piece by piece without a shred of remorse, made easier by the fact that she did not have to know and care for them. You, on the other hand…
It has always been you. She rues the day she met you, when she had thought you were nothing but a meek little puppy to play with, not knowing that you had a hidden dagger behind your back. How foolish of her to let her guard down, and it makes her even angrier to think that you had no idea of the pain you have inadvertently caused her. No, she will make you understand her pain, her struggle. It is only right and just.
All she had to do was wait for an opportunity to strike and until then… It should be easy to keep up this charade. She has done it for more than a year, and she can do it for another ten. She has been doing it all her life, in fact.
When that day comes, she’ll be ready, and there’s nothing you can do but watch as she burns your whole world to the ground.
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bauhurricane · 5 years
Tag info and style under the cut.
★·.·´ ❪ Visage  🎔 Andrea Joy Cook ❫  🎔  ❝ Her skin has turned to porcelain. to ivory. to steal.❞
★·.·´ ❪ Visage  🎔 Britt Robertson ❫  🎔  ❝You will move mountains when you are older.❞
★·.·´ ❪ Visage  🎔 Jane Fonda ❫  🎔  ❝I wasn’t made to sit still and look pretty.❞
★·.·´ ❪ Answered ❫  🎔  ❝ She is going to prove you all wrong.❞
★·.·´ ❪ Musing ❫  🎔  ❝She is a diamond. They can’t break her.❞
★·.·´ ❪ Desires ❫  🎔  ❝You can touch me with slow hands. Turn it up and make me sweat.❞
★·.·´ ❪ Dash Only // Ask Meme ❫  🎔  ❝I know how to play this game.❞
★·.·´ ❪ Interactions ❫  🎔  ❝Pretty words all strung together.❞
★·.·´ ❪ Verse name here ❫  🎔  ❝❞ ❰Canon❱
★·.·´ ❪ Verse name here ❫ 🎔  ❝❞ ❰Private with ❱
★·.·´ ❪ Verse name here ❫  🎔  ❝❞ ❰Alternative Universe❱
★·.·´ ❪ Higher Ground ❫  🎔  ❝she used to be someone else and that person made her into the woman she is today.❞ ❰Alternative Universe❱
★·.·´ ❪ Verse name here ❫  🎔  ❝❞ ❰Crossover❱
★·.·´ ❪ Undecided ❫ 🎔  ❝ Not sure where she belongs in this world beside team other. ❞ ❰Undecided❱
★·.·´ ❪ Verse name here ❫ 🎔  ❝❞ ❰Group❱
★·.·´ ❪ Headcanon ❫ 🎔  ❝ The truth hurts but secrets kill.❞
★·.·´ ❪ Faceless ❫ 🎔  ❝ She doesn’t need a hero because she is the hero.❞
★·.·´ ❪ Wardrobe ❫  🎔  ❝Just another dressed up heartbreak.❞
★·.·´ ❪ Isms ❫  🎔  ❝Turn the pain into power.❞
★·.·´ ❪ Ships // Willifer ❫  🎔  ❝Ask me again.❞
★·.·´ ❪ Ships // Jeid  ❫  🎔  ❝I’ve always loved you. I was just too scared to say it before. ❞
★·.·´ ❪ Aesthetic ❫  🎔  ❝She doesn’t give a damn about her bad reputation.❞
★·.·´ ❪ Wanted Plots ❫  🎔  ❝Write a little wish list and then burn it under the stars.❞
★·.·´ ❪ Queue ❫  🎔  ❝When the lights go out in the BAU.❞
★·.·´ ❪  Will LaMontagne ❫  🎔  ❝Home isn’t a place but a person with a heartbeat. ❞
★·.·´ ❪ Astrid Jareau ❫  🎔  ❝Life is tough but darling so are you.❞
★·.·´ ❪ Mine // All ❫  🎔  ❝A collection of things I done over time.❞
★·.·´ ❪ Mine // GIFs ❫  🎔  ❝Almost like a short little video but not.❞
★·.·´ ❪ Mine // Drabble ❫  🎔  ❝Sometimes I write things just to write them.❞
★·.·´ ❪ Mine // Watch Me Edit ❫  🎔  ❝Watch me edit and have fun.❞
★·.·´ ❪ Mine // Fanfiction ❫  🎔  ❝We write to fill a hole in our hearts.❞
★·.·´ ❪ Mine // tutorials ❫  🎔  ❝Step by Step instructions made by me.❞
★·.·´ ❪ Mine // Screencap ❫  🎔  ❝Quickly snap a picture because it will last longer.❞
★·.·´ ❪ Mine // Static ❫  🎔  ❝Just a wonderful edit.❞
★·.·´ ❪ Mine // Videos ❫  🎔  ❝Sometimes you just wanna watch a show.❞
★·.·´ ❪ Mine // PSD ❫  🎔  ❝A special coloring here and there for everyone.❞
★·.·´ ❪ Mine // Icons ❫  🎔  ❝feel free to use these when you rp.❞
★·.·´ ❪ Mine // Drawings ❫  🎔  ❝Sometimes I like to get a piece of paper out and draw.❞
★·.·´ ❪ Mine // Polarr ❫  🎔  ❝Sometimes making a free coloring is worth it.❞
★·.·´ ❪ Saved // Positivity ❫  🎔  ❝Your message has made my day that much brighter.❞
★·.·´ ❪ Dash Only // Dash Games ❫  🎔  ❝Just going to play a little game.❞
★·.·´ ❪ Jen // Out Of Character ❫  🎔  ❝Signs her letters with x’s and o’s.❞
★·.·´ ❪ Jen // Self Promo ❫  🎔  ❝A little self love never hurt anyone.❞
★·.·´ ❪ Jen // Giveaway ❫  🎔  ❝Here is a chance to win.❞
★·.·´ ❪ Jen // Blog Masterlist ❫  🎔  ❝Making a list and checking it twice.❞
★·.·´ ❪ Jen // Other Promo❫  🎔 ❝Amazing blogs full of beautiful writing.❞
★·.·´ ❪ Jen // About ❫  🎔  ❝She used to tie her hair up in ribbons and bows.❞
★·.·´ ❪ Dash Only // Rules ❫  🎔  ❝Everyone has a set of laws they follow inside of them.❞
★·.·´ ❪ Dash Only // All Replies ❫  🎔  ❝ A collection of writing that is magic. ❞
★·.·´ ❪ Dash Only // All Answered Asks ❫  🎔 ❝ A collection of writing that is like a book just begging to be read. ❞
★·.·´ ❪ Dash Only // Mains ❫  🎔  ❝ Sometimes we have people that just click. ❞
★·.·´ ❪ Dash Only // Where to find me ❫  🎔  ❝I have a lot of places that I might be. ❞
★·.·´ ❪ Dash Only // Exclusives ❫  🎔  ❝ Sometimes we have people that just click. ❞
★·.·´ ❪ Dash Only // Ships ❫  🎔 ❝ She would lay down her life for them because of love.❞
★·.·´ ❪ Dash Only // Permanent Starter Call ❫  🎔  ❝ Like for the randomness that is me. ❞
★·.·´ ❪ Dash Only // Permanent Graphic Starter Call ❫🎔 ❝ Like for the randomness that is me. Or just comment on this post if it is easier.❞
★·.·´ ❪ Dash Only // Starter Call ❫  🎔  ❝ Like for a starter. If your a multi muse tell me who you want the starter to be thrown at. ❞
★·.·´ ❪ Dash Only // Meme Call ❫  🎔  ❝  Like for a meme. If your a multi muse tell me who you want the memes to be thrown at. ❞
★·.·´ ❪ Dash Only // Navigation ❫ 🎔  ❝ She traveled the world looking for the beauty without stopping to see that she was what she was looking for. ❞
★·.·´ ❪ Dash Only // Verses ❫  🎔  ❝ Her vision of the world under the water represented a beautiful stillness. ❞
★·.·´ ❪ Dash Only // Credits ❫  🎔  ❝ Sometimes we have things that aren’t ours so shout out to these people that helped. ❞
★·.·´ ❪ Dash Only // Tell Me If You Can See ❫  🎔  ❝ Please comment on this post to let me know something. ❞
★·.·´ ❪ Dash Only // Stats ❫  🎔  ❝ There was once a girl who would die to protect others.❞
★·.·´ ❪ Dash Only // Biography ❫  🎔  ❝ Her story isn’t a pretty one with a happy ending. ❞
★·.·´ ❪ Dash Only // Introduction of Jennifer ❫  🎔  ❝ Hello and welcome to my blog! Learn more about me here! ❞
★·.·´ ❪ Dash Only // Canon Divergence ❫  🎔  ❝ Changing canon just a bit at a time because sometimes canon sucks.❞
★·.·´ ❪ Dash Only // Verses Information Drop ❫  🎔 ❝ Learn more about the wonderful verses of this blog. ❞
★·.·´ ❪ Dash Only // Starter Call ❫  🎔  ❝ Like for a starter. If you are a multi muse please comment on who you want the starter for. ❞
★·.·´ ❪ Dash Only // Format Change ❫  🎔  ❝ This is for anyone that is on mobile and unable to see a reply with my generated fancy text. ❞
★·.·´ ❪ Helpful  // Tag Drop ❫  🎔  ❝ Just a drop for all the things that need to be dropped. ❞
★·.·´ ❪ Helpful  // Reference ❫  🎔  ❝ Might need this someday so going to reblog it. ❞
★·.·´ ❪ Helpful  // Vocab ❫  🎔  ❝ This word is on the tip of my tongue just can’t remember it. ❞
★·.·´ ❪ Helpful  // Wishlist Plots ❫  🎔  ❝When you wish upon a star and hope for the best. ❞
★·.·´ ❪ Spencer Reid ❫  🎔  ❝He is my best friend and I would do anything for him. ❞
★·.·´ ❪ Dash Only // Preferences  ❫  🎔  ❝Just filling this out so others can learn more about me. ❞
★·.·´ ❪ Dash Only // Please Read ❫  🎔  ❝All of the important things to start with. ❞
★·.·´ ❪ Dash Only // Reblogged ❫  🎔  ❝ In case you haven’t seen this before or I changed something.❞
★·.·´ ❪ Dash Only // Navi Sections ❫  🎔  ❝ Sections make things easier to take care of and update.❞
★·.·´ ❪ Noah Jareau ❫  🎔  ❝He is the only one in this world that knows my deep dark secrets.❞
                 ★           ❰❝❞❱
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cowandcalf · 6 years
A - Z Game
A – Z Tag game
Rules: Answer the questions in a new post and tag 10 blogs you would like to get to know better.
Guys I’m seriously overwhelmed because I got tagged by five people. I still have some meme games queueing up to get done but I couldn’t wait with this one here. So thanks a million for thinking of me and wanting to get to know me better. I got tagged by the wonderful @leeloodmpwrites, by the lovely @82tweeder, by the fearless @tari-aldarion by the gorgeous @ibelieveinyou-ibelieveinus and by the wonderful @nade2308. Guys, you rock!
A – Age: Old (thank God others wrote that too!)
B – Birthplace: Switzerland
C – Current Time: 10.45 am Zurich Time, Switzerland (MET)
D – Drink You Last Had: Coffee
E – Easist Person To Talk To: I have more than one: my wife, my younger sister and my bestie Indie @indiepjones46.
F – Favorite Song: This changes frequently, but there are songs that stuck with me since my teenage days. My all time favorite is ‘Can’t Help Falling In Love’ by Elvis Presley. My current fave song is ‘Broken Glass’ from Mayaeni…and guess what? I watched an episode from season two Hawaii Five-O and at the end they played that song. Gosh, I googled it, downloaded it and when ever I sit down and write this song plays on repeat.
G – Grossest Memory: I’m not grossed out that easily. But yes there's this one memory. I worked as a cadet nurse (I don’t know if this is the right word) for my internship (nutritionist). During this time I had to wake up the patients and there was this room with only old men. The first thing they did after they woke up was to cough. Most of them had problems with their lungs, they were mucus-ridden. The sound they made while the slim got coughed up was gross. They spat it out into a cup and handed me the half full cup with yellow/greenish stuff at 7am and the cup felt warm in my hands. I was always at the verge to puke.
H – Horror Yes or Horror No: No. I love me some tension, but real horror is way over the top. I wouldn’t be able to sleep for days.
I – In Love? Yes!
J -  Jealous of People: Yes, of course I’m jealous of people. But I guess this needs definition? I’m jealous in a way that I wish to be able to do something specifically that the other persons are good at. And there is always someone I feel jealous of. But never in a distructuble way. I can easily admit this to the another person: "I’m so jeaous because….or I envy you for this and that" It’s normal and common to feel that way, isn’t it? It think of this as nothing bad, nothing special, it just happens.
K – Karma, do you  believe in Karma?: (The letter K vanished at some point. So I added a new question here.) I did a very long time, but now not anymore. It’s just a way to explain things we don’t understand; it is a way to look for justice where there is none sometimes. I try to just leave it be. I tend to see the world as a grain of sand in the vast, endless space of the universe. I have no fucking clue what is going on and humans can’t grasp this energy in its mighty. I don’t want to be ruled by human laws after my heart stopped beating. So, no, I don't believe in Karma.
L – Love at first sight or should I walk by again?: I believe in love at first sight, definitely a yes here. As I see it love is a force of nature. This energy is always around us and inside of us. We don’t have to build this feeling because it’s just there. I don’t talk about getting to know each other. I talk about just the feeling of love. Love has different levels and different stages of how it feels. I love a lot of people, but there is a huge difference in how deep, how much and what kind of a relationship I share with this person. I even can love my tumblr friends at first sight because they phrased a sentence in a way that pulled me in under one second flat.
M -  Middle Name: Elisabeth
N – Number of Siblings: 1 younger sister and 1 older sister.
O – One Wish: Whenever such a question is asked, there is this one wish that pops up without hesitation. So I just put it here: to live a Life around horses, to be able to ride and to read horses the way Buck Brannaman is able to do it. The yearning to understand these beautiful creatures is huge.
P – Person You Called Last: I don’t like to make phone calls. I’d rather record voice messages on WhatsApp. The last one I recorded I sent to my younger sister. So I ‘talked’t to her.
Q – Question You’re Always Asked: There are actually two questions and they are always the same: „You’re inked?“ and this: „How old are you? No, you’re lying, you can’t be that old.“ So yeah.
R – Reason To Smile: SO many things are able to make me smile: my animals, my wife, tumblr notes, funny English words, Steve McGarrett, Danny Williams, a good show, a bird, a chocolat bar, coffee, my note book, a child, the way I'm dressed….because for the love of God I can’t figure out how to have style.
S – Song You Last Sang: I can’t sing AT ALL. I love to listen to music, but singing?….forget it. I’m terrible at it and I never feel the urge to sing because I can’t find out how you keep a tone. So, no singing at all. I just remember one time, sitting on a spooked horse, on a chilly winter evening, riding alone on my way home, and my horse was skittish as hell and I started to sing; „silent night holy night“ like those four words because I don’t know anything else by heat. I sang it on end with a shaky, squeaky voice to calm us both down. It didn’t work though. LOL.
T – Time you woke Up: Sundays are an exception 6.30. Normally it's 4.30am, every day because I feed the horses at 5am. On Sundays it's my woman who gets up that early. I love mornings and the early hours before sunrise.
U – Underwear color: Black or white, nothing fancy
V – Vacation Destination: It would be Hawaii or a horse ranch somewhere in Montana USA.
W – Worst Habit: My eating habits. I eat to not feel hungry anymore. I actually don’t care sometimes what it is and I don't sit down. I eat while walking, doing stable work, reading, posting. Hmmm, and after work I’m very introverted and I don’t like to talk. I might come across very impolite and distant.
X – X-rays: Only a few and mostly during childhood. My last x-ray was taken from my teeth by the dentist to check if there is hidden caries. I was lucky.
Y – Your Favorite Food: I love Thai food and all sorts of dairy products. I love simple stuff, bread, apples, a soup, a stew. I don’t need much. But I have a sweet tooth.
Z – Zodiac Sign : Leo
Okay, I tag @laziestofthedreamers @mcdanno-love-marvey @once-upon-a-freaking-december @adz4995 @mcdannowave @cagdahl @missslothy @bgharison @vanduyn @bookemcaan-o @thekitsuneko
Feel free to skip it guys! 
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I will be using tags with  ★彡 Follow the leader. Follow this blog ❰Promotion // self Promos❱ as a format. I can use prokeys to help me so hopefully my ocd isn’t a bitch over this.
Old tags that will no longer be in use aside from the url and tw ones. 
★·.·´ ❪ Interactions ❫  🎔  ❝Pretty words all strung together.❞
★·.·´ ❪ Dash Only // All Replies ❫  🎔  ❝ A collection of writing that is magic. ❞
★·.·´ ❪ Jen // Out Of Character ❫  🎔  ❝Signs her letters with x’s and o’s.❞
★·.·´ ❪ Undecided ❫ 🎔  ❝ Not sure where she belongs in this world beside team other. ❞ ❰Undecided❱
★·.·´ ❪ Helpful  // Wishlist Plots ❫  🎔  ❝When you wish upon a star and hope for the best. ❞
★·.·´ ❪ Dash Only // Ask Meme ❫  🎔  ❝I know how to play this game.❞
★·.·´ ❪ Just a Marshall ❫  🎔  ❝She was never meant to be a girl that followed the crowd.❞ ❰Alternative Universe❱
★·.·´ ❪ Jen // Other Promo❫  🎔 ❝Amazing blogs full of beautiful writing.❞
★·.·´ ❪ Visage  🎔  Danielle Rose Russell ❫  🎔  ❝ Clever as the devil and twice as pretty.❞
★·.·´ ❪ Mine // All ❫  🎔  ❝A collection of things that I have done over time.❞
★·.·´ ❪ Musing ❫  🎔  ❝ She could set the world on fire and call it rain.❞
★·.·´ ❪ Dash Only // All Answered Asks ❫  🎔 ❝ A collection of writing that is like a book just begging to be read. ❞
★·.·´ ❪ Jen // About ❫  🎔  ❝She used to tie her hair up in ribbons and bows.❞
★·.·´ ❪ IC Answered ❫  🎔  ❝ She is going to prove you all wrong.❞
★·.·´ ❪ Headcanon ❫ 🎔  ❝ The truth hurts but secrets kill.❞
★·.·´ ❪ Pretend to be human  ❫  🎔  ❝Don’t let them look behind the curtain. ❞ ❰Alternative Universe❱
★·.·´ ❪ Hope Mikaelson not found  ❫ She jumped into the pit to save the world one final time  🎔  ❝❞ ❰Alternative Universe❱
★·.·´ ❪ Wardrobe ❫  🎔  ❝Just another dressed up heartbreak.❞
★·.·´ ❪ Next on Nashville ❫  🎔  ❝Without Music this life would be a mistake.❞ ❰Alternative Universe❱
★·.·´ ❪ Isms ❫  🎔  ❝.Turn the pain into power.❞
★·.·´ ❪ Landon Kirby ❫  🎔  ❝ Like a phoenix rising from the ashes.❞
★·.·´ ❪ Jen // Self Promo ❫  🎔  ❝A little self love never hurt anyone.❞
★·.·´ ❪ Verse // Marshall Mikaelson ❫  🎔  ❝A family built from pain and death. Like a phoenix they rise up.❞
★·.·´ ❪ Aesthetic ❫  🎔  ❝She doesn’t give a damn about her bad reputation.❞
★·.·´ ❪ Desires ❫  🎔  ❝You can touch me with slow hands. Turn it up and make me sweat.❞
★·.·´ ❪ Mine // Videos ❫  🎔  ❝Sometimes you just wanna watch a show.❞
★·.·´ ❪ Mine // Static ❫  🎔  ❝Just a wonderful edit.❞
★·.·´ ❪ Ipod ❫  🎔   ❝Just listen to this music and let your hair down.❞
★·.·´ ❪ Mine // Screencap ❫  🎔  ❝Quickly snap a picture because it will last longer.❞
★·.·´ ❪ Klaus Mikaelson ❫  🎔  ❝He wasn’t just the greatest evil. He was my father.❞
★·.·´ ❪ Saved // Positivity ❫  🎔  ❝Your message has made my day that much brighter.❞
★·.·´ ❪ Motherhood ❫  🎔  ❝In my daughter’s eyes I am a hero. ❞ ❰Alternative Universe❱
★·.·´ ❪ Welcome to my youtube channel  ❫  🎔  ❝everyone loves a girl like her. Painting pretty pictures in a flowered dress.❞ ❰Alternative U
★·.·´ ❪ Jen // Answered ❫  🎔  ❝Wears a smile to cover up everything else.❞
★·.·´ ❪ Guest Muse: Hayley ❫  🎔  ❝It’s time to fight little wolf.❞
★·.·´ ❪ Hayley Marshall ❫  🎔   ❝She’s somebody’s hero. A hero to her baby with a skinned up knee. A little kiss is all she needs. ❞
★·.·´ ❪ Mikaelson Boarding School ❫  🎔  ❝My father wanted me to have a place to be myself so he built this school.❞ ❰Alternative Universe❱
★·.·´ ❪ Powers ❫  🎔  ❝They used to burn witches at the stake. They can’t burn me for I am the most powerful witch in the world.❞
★·.·´ ❪ Dash Only // Graphics made by friends ❫  🎔  ❝These are so pretty I wanna keep it forever.❞
★·.·´ ❪ Dash Only // Verses ❫  🎔  ❝ Her vision of the world under the water represented a beautiful stillness. ❞
★·.·´ ❪ Rising Children ❫ 🎔  ❝Just two woman raising witches together.❞ ❰Private with abrokenwitch❱
★·.·´ ❪ Visage  🎔  Summer Fontana ❫  🎔  ❝ It’s not my fault I have my father’s eyes.❞
★·.·´ ❪ Dash Only // Verses Information Drop ❫  🎔 ❝ Learn more about the wonderful verses of this blog. ❞
★·.·´ ❪ Superstar ❫  🎔  ❝she belongs on the big screen and that is where she is now.❞ ❰Alternative Universe❱
★·.·´ ❪ Mine // tutorials ❫  🎔  ❝Step by Step instructions made by me.❞
★·.·´ ❪ Adopted We Hope  ❫  🎔  ❝We had to do what was right for you even if it hurt like hell at the time.❞ ❰Alternative Universe❱
★·.·´ ❪ Legacies Season One ❫  🎔  ❝A school for the young and the gifted.❞ ❰Canon❱
★·.·´ ❪ Helpful  // Tag Drop ❫  🎔  ❝ Just a drop for all the things that need to be dropped. ❞
★·.·´ ❪ Hidden Away ❫  🎔  ❝I just want to see the world. Feel the sun on my skin and sand between my toes.❞ ❰Alternative Universe❱
★·.·´ ❪ Mine // PSD ❫  🎔  ❝A special coloring here and there for everyone.❞
★·.·´ ❪ Josie Saltzman ❫  🎔  ❝You are the selfless siphoner that did black magic with me.❞
★·.·´ ❪ Haylope ❫  🎔   ❝Everything I do is for her. You are your mother’s daughter. Because the very best of me is in you. ❞
★·.·´ ❪ Grimoire ❫  🎔  ❝The most powerful witch in the world.❞
★·.·´ ❪ Dash Only // Starter Call ❫  🎔  ❝ Like for a starter. If your a multi muse tell me who you want the starter to be thrown at. ❞
★·.·´ ❪ Actress ❫ 🎔  ❝Lights. Camera. Action. Fake it until you make it.❞ ❰Private with dcnouement❱
★·.·´ ❪ Mine // GIFs ❫  🎔  ❝Almost like a short little video but not.❞
★·.·´ ❪ Raised by Aunt Bex ❫  🎔  ❝Andrea Jones was a high school cheerleader. Hope Mikaelson was a princess❞ ❰Alternative Universe❱
★·.·´ ❪ Dash Only // Permanent Starter Call ❫  🎔  ❝ Like for the randomness that is me. ❞
★·.·´ ❪ Bow down to them  ❫  🎔  ❝My god have mercy on her enemies because she surely won’t.❞ ❰Alternative Universe❱
★·.·´ ❪ Visage  🎔  Sophie Turner ❫  🎔  ❝I’ll survive because somehow I always do.❞
★·.·´ ❪ Mine // Icons ❫  🎔  ❝feel free to use these when you rp.❞
★·.·´ ❪ Dash Only // Credits ❫  🎔  ❝ Sometimes we have things that aren’t ours so shout out to these people that helped. ❞
★·.·´ ❪ Jen // Dual Promo  ❫  🎔  ❝ You have me all heart eyes. ❞
death threat tw
★·.·´ ❪ Rich Kids ❫ 🎔  ❝Dripping in diamonds trying to kill their feelings.❞ ❰Private with dcnouement❱
★·.·´ ❪ Helpful  // Reference ❫  🎔  ❝ Might need this someday so going to reblog it. ❞
★·.·´ ❪ Dash Only // Reblog ❫  🎔 ❝Reblogging this in case someone missed it or I have updated it. ❞
★·.·´ ❪ Dash Only // Introduction of Jennifer ❫  🎔  ❝ Hello and welcome to my blog! Learn more about me here! ❞
★·.·´ ❪ Faceless ❫ 🎔  ❝ She doesn’t need a hero because she is the hero.❞
★·.·´ ❪ Single Mom ❫  🎔  ❝She didn’t have time. She coulda cried but she didn’t have time.❞ ❰Alternative Universe❱
★·.·´ ❪ Marcel Gerard ❫  🎔  ❝He is my brother and my friend.❞
★·.·´ ❪ Dahlia raised  ❫  🎔  ❝do not weep because weapons do not cry ❞ ❰Alternative Universe❱
★·.·´ ❪ Visage  🎔  Elena Satine ❫  🎔  ❝The devil has nothing on me.❞
★彡 She is more than just a copy of her twin ❰Verse // Parent Trap❱
★·.·´ ❪ Jen // Blog Masterlist ❫  🎔  ❝Making a list and checking it twice.❞
★·.·´ ❪ Dash Only // Rules ❫  🎔  ❝Everyone has a set of laws they follow inside of them.❞
★·.·´ ❪ Happily Ever After  ❫  🎔  ❝the way things should have gone.❞ ❰Alternative Universe❱
★·.·´ ❪ Mine // Drabble ❫  🎔  ❝Sometimes I write things just to write them.❞
★·.·´ ❪ Dash Only // Map ❫ 🎔  ❝ She traveled the world looking for the beauty without stopping to see that she was what she was looking for
★·.·´ ❪ Mine // Watch Me Edit ❫  🎔  ❝Watch me edit and have fun.❞
★·.·´ ❪ Dash Only // Dash Games ❫  🎔  ❝Just going to play a little game.❞
★·.·´ ❪ Mine // Fanfiction ❫  🎔  ❝We write to fill a hole in our hearts.❞
★·.·´ ❪ Mine // Drawings ❫  🎔  ❝Sometimes I like to get a piece of paper out and draw.❞
★·.·´ ❪ Dash Only // Stats ❫  🎔  ❝ There was once a girl who would die to protect others.❞
★·.·´ ❪ Dash Only // Where to find me ❫  🎔  ❝I have a lot of places that I might be. ❞
★·.·´ ❪ Jen // Giveaway ❫  🎔  ❝Here is a chance to win.❞
★·.·´ ❪ Dash Only // Permanent Graphic Starter Call ❫🎔 ❝ Like for the randomness that is me. Or just comment on this post if it is easier.❞
★·.·´ ❪ Mine // Polarr ❫  🎔  ❝Sometimes making a free coloring is worth it.❞
★·.·´ ❪ Dash Only // Permanent Romantic Ship Call ❫  🎔  ❝ Like for a lot of loving from the one bad ass tribrid. ❞
★·.·´ ❪ Visage  🎔 Alexandra Daddario ❫  🎔  ❝ Live fast. Die Young. Bad girls do it well.❞
★·.·´ ❪ Magic Bound ❫  🎔  ❝Witches are in fairytales not real life up until now.❞ ❰Alternative Universe❱
★·.·´ ❪ Dash Only // Adventures in iconic Editing ❫  🎔  ❝Look at this. Jennifer is playing in photoshop again.❞
★·.·´ ❪ Queue ❫  🎔  ❝When the lights go out in New Orleans.❞
★·.·´ ❪ Dash Only // Giveaways ❫  🎔  ❝Amazing People that do giveaways.❞
★·.·´ ❪ Dash Only // Starter Call ❫  🎔  ❝ Like for a starter. If you are a multi muse please comment on who you want the starter for. ❞
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thesnowfelled-a · 2 years
Lizzie has had depression since she was SIX years old.  It turned into / developed into BIPOLAR DISORDER.  She didn’t have her first manic episode until she was THIRTEEN.  Once you have a manic episode,  you no longer just have major depression. Lizzie has learned behaviors of perfectionism that causes anxiety Example: All of her research on Miss. Mystic Falls was all based on the anxiety of NOT winning. The anxiety that she had to be PERFECT just like JOSIE. Lizzie has had ANXIETY since she was EIGHT years old. Lizzie has a HARD time talking to people at times because she has this whole-body sensation of a sick stomach, shaking hands, irrational worries. You can’t always tell that people have anxiety and they can be EXTROVERTS and still suffer  PTSD shows up after Triad comes and storms the school because once again, this girl has a hard time coping with things and she spent a good chunk of her time worrying about Josie after she was shot.  EIGHTEEN ALMOST NINETEEN when she is diagnosed with PTSD.  That day with Triad was TRAUMATIC and then daddy left the school to someone else? He admitted he thought the humans had something to fear and he was more worried about protecting humans than his daughters + his students. (Which he had a right to fear SUPERNATURALS but these were CHILDREN of all ages Children just starting to go to school and make friends and they had someone there trying to hurt them. Alaric had a right to fear what he has seen but to give secrets of that school over to HUMAN parents it wasn’t needed.)
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thesnowfelled-a · 2 years
Hope really has no sense of self.  She was TOLD who she was gonna be from the age of 7 to the age of 18  ( my canon ).  She has spent YEARS camouflaging the true form of hers.  Hope has a habit of molding herself into what others want if she feels a sense of being UNSAFE.  Her definition of herself can be limited to just one thing even at times so ALPHA could feel like her only purpose in life for days on end even. 
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thesnowfelled-a · 2 years
So here is the thing about Caroline and the pregnancy that is the twins. It was not looked on as a happy time for her as she knew that one day soon it would be forced to give them up and then the whole town would look at her like she was a deadbeat mother. Caroline had no plans on staying in Mystic falls the moment that she gave the girls up. Her reputation was ruined anyway because she was Alaric's student before this. There is also the fact that during the time that she "got pregnant" he was with Josette Laughlin (and while in the show I think they were mentioning surrogacy I'm not going there because no one reasonable would pick their ex-student for that) meaning that she was in a relationship with a man that was going to be married.
When the option to go with Alaric opened up and be what she wanted there is nothing holding her down there. Caroline jumps at the chance and moving away from a judgmental little town was helpful. She created herself a new life where no one knew that she was "involved" with an engaged man. They made up a whole new story and blended it beautifully. The twins know the real story (clearly) but they also likely get strapped down with judgement from locals that remember Caroline and Alaric.
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thesnowfelled-a · 2 years
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Hope and Landon [Kid Meme]    ;     send me a pair name and I’ll tell you what I think it would be like if they had a child.         【 . . . 】     @redemptivexheroics​
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  Name:    Aurelie Rune     (  meaning:  Golden Secret )
Gender   &  Pronouns:   Cis Female    &  She/They
General Appearance:  Dark long hair that goes to the center of their back which is often braided into a single pleat. Big brown eyes that turn golden when she is angry after her turn into a werewolf.
Species:    vampire,  werewolf,  witch,  phoenix
Personality:   Hotheaded,  attentive.  stubborn, bighearted
Birthday: April 1st
Special Talents:  Can count to 100,000 without getting lost.  Math skills are up there as the highest in classes.
Who they like better:  Landon.
Who they take after more:  Hope but that could have a lot to do with species than anything else.
Personal Head canon:   never wants to be an alpha or be in charge.  very much happily leaving the position to others.  Plays better with others than most people would assume which is why she has a lot of little friends from the wolves in the bayou to the witches in the quarter.
Face Claim:     Maddison Jaizani    (   gif from here   )
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thesnowfelled-a · 2 years
FANGS        +    BITE         +     EYES    .
The veins under her eyes are LONGER and DARKER than those of a traditional vampire.  (Thnk I saw somewhere this was the original idea for the original vamps. could be wrong)
The color is GOLDEN   (  can be chosen to show this golden color when she isn’t feeding.  this is similar to Hayley showing half her hybrid self to intimidate others  ).  The color is bright and compelling.
When she compels anyone the pupil fills up the iris.  It does a hypnotic effect that goes small and then large and then small again.  this is designed to make the other not break gaze even more so.
Can compel vampires !!  Werewolves !!  And maybe even witches because she is all three creatures.  Wouldn’t be able to compel anything that was not one of the three things that she is.
two little fangs on each side        (  four in total.  one for the vampire,  one for the werewolf ).  Each set is designed for different things.  The vampire set meant to pierce skin and drink while the werewolf set is more suitable for tearing up meat. 
Can retract a single set if not needed.  Doesn’t do this though as there is no real reason and finds the blood tends to come faster into her mouth with both sets available.
Vampire venom can make a human feel high on life but will not do much else.  The werewolf venom doesn’t hurt a human at all.
For a werewolf,  the vampire venom makes them uncomfortable when released. For vampires,  the werewolf venom can kill them.  Hope has the ability to choose which or both to give someone but that takes time to control.  She can also decide if she wants to realize any at all.
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thesnowfelled-a · 2 years
This is just the ages she was when I WILL WRITE HER.  This isn’t how the shows has her when it comes to her ages. It just makes more sense for her to be these ages instead of what the show gives me.  I’m more comfortable with writing her at these ages with this canon over anything else.
Season 5 of the originals :  18 years old.  
Season 1 of Legacies : 20 years old. *Attends the Salvatore College
Season 2 of Legacies : 21 years old  * Leaves the Salvatore College and goes back home
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thesnowfelled-a · 2 years
Hope and Marcel are BROTHER AND SISTER as far as I’m concerned.  This depends on the Marcel if I’m writing with them but if I’m writing with someone that isn’t a Marcel?  They are siblings.  It is complicated on all fronts from the history that Marcel dealt with at the hands of her family and the fact they aren’t close in age.  THE MIKAELSON FAMILY WAS NOT KIND TO MARCEL IN CANON.  I’m going off canon material here and not the interoperation of Klaus and Marcel muses.  This is just so I am not god-molding a relationship.  I adapt for characters and what they see so if Rebekah is in a relationship with Marcel? That is noted.  If Klaus is kinder / nicer to Marcel than the show that is noted.  If a Marcel wants to have them cut sibling contact completely that is noted as well. The only real time that things aren’t noted is if your muse is not directly related to Marcel / the mikaelson family and this headcanon would be default unless otherwise talked about.
Marcel saved her when she was seven years old.  This was the first real memory she has of him.  He was this kind soul that told her “Close your eyes and sing.”  
She later uses that line with her own sired friend Henry  ( Read up on my version of what Henry was to Hope because to me he was a friend.  He wasn’t just some guy that bought his blood ).
Marcel stayed in contact with Hope as far as we could guess even after the Hollow broke her family apart.  
Hope finds out that they are related by adoption through reading her father’s journals as it never was outright stated that Marcel / Klaus / Hayley told her.
Hope doesn’t know the extent of what happened between her family and Marcel.  Her family write in journals and things but they all are one sided and as it has been shown Klaus will condemn people for the smallest of crimes.
Hope asked Marcel if it was OKAY for her to consider him her brother.  His answer was yes ( subject to change on a Marcel ).  She never asks deep questions about his relationship with their dad.  Whatever he shared or she knows is from journals and word of mouth
Hope is LOYAL to both sides of her family.  To her MARCEL IS A MIKAELSON or an honorary Mikaelson in her mind. This means if you fuck with him there is a chance that if she catches wind of it there is going to be an issue.  While Marcel has made it clear on the show he is glad that he isn’t a Mikaelson?  Hope sees him as family and thus shoves him in that category in her head but will NEVER tell him that to her he is a Mikaelson because it feels like a sore spot. 
Who Hope is most loyal to will always be HER MOTHER in my canon where Klaus still cut contact (subject to change with the Klaus).  So in a fight of MIKAELSON VS MARCEL?  She is going to side with her mother and stay the fuck out of it.  She doesn’t like being in the middle of the mess that started before her.  She can see both sides      ( Or she will try to see both sides but the Mikaelson family is YIKES at times and she knows it ).
Hope is also a CHILD in the eyes of everyone so if they put her in the middle of it ( like how divorced parents do often) it would be crappy all around.
Hope knows that she was treated better in life than Marcel was by this family.  Knows that she never had to feel left out 100% from ALWAYS AND FOREVER.  That this family will ALWAYS have her back even if she is in the wrong because that is how they are. 
Marcel is the only one that can understand the damage that her father can do to his children.  He is the only one that can understand a fraction of what it is like to be his child.  While Klaus never fully treated him like a son in canon or anything.  Anyways, Marcel might not understand everything he can sure try.
Hope is KLAUS MIKAELSON’S HEIR.  She is the one that everyone thinks about when they think of his child. She has the money of her father,  the legacy,  the power,  etc.  She is not on the same level as Marcel where she should be below him as the SECOND child?  She really isn’t in that family. Marcel has always been second rate and Hope knows it and hates it inside.  
Hope is insecure about her relationship with him.  Constantly tip toes around lines and isn’t sure of how steady and strong it is. She often wonders if dad comes back will she be shoved to the side or will she turn into one of them and push her brother aside. This doesn’t make sense when you think about how Hope knows that she is Klaus Mikaelson’s everything but at the same time it does. She constantly worries of not being enough for people and that includes her father.
Marcel is OLDER than her by a hell of a lot meaning that their relationship is a mix of sibling and parent.  When Klaus left and stopped talking to her it is likely that she looked for a father in Marcel which isn’t fair to Marcel but it happened.  She called him weekly like her mother,  looking for praise and love.  He gave her what her father didn’t show when he cut contact when she was 10/11 years old.
Hope has great views on adoption.  She believes it is an amazing thing and does believe that ADOPTION IS FAMILY because while Legacies wants us to believe she struggles with that idea she doesn’t for me.  “A crew is not a family.” didn’t happen here.  She saw the relationship Landon and Rafael had and respected it because in a lot of ways it is the same as her relationship with Marcel.
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thesnowfelled-a · 2 years
Hope donates JUST enough blood to the college to save vampire lives if a werewolf bites.  FIVE VIALS of blood at a given time.  No more and no less.  Requires a video chat of proof that blood is missing and a talk with the treated vampire to make sure it is legit.
Hope keeps a log of who has been given her blood.  A timer set for 24 hours once blood is given and if the school refuses to give in to her demands of a text the moment that they can to tell her when blood was given? No more for them.
Blood is hard to get out of her. We saw in the show a simple cut to the hand doesn’t produce more than a drop or two. 
Hope requires blood draws from a needle stick to donate any of her blood via a vial of blood.
Also magic   &  a heavy solution of VERVAIN and WOLFSBANE.
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thesnowfelled-a · 2 years
HYBRIDS     ;      werewolf  /  vampires.  a special kind of creature created by Hope’s blood.  Apart of her sire line.
Not as willing to give out blood to make a hybrid pack.  It would take a LOT to get here there.  If she was without her humanity when she turns some wolves then maybe.
Likely would change someone if she cared for them and it was the ONLY way to save their life.  Otherwise,  she would prefer not to change anyone.
She was in love with Henry and thus changed him to try to save his life. He was her first hybrid that was turned by her own hand. It was not a choice that she thought through completely.
Hope isn’t someone that looks for family in a pack of werewolves that are controlled by her.  She has no real need for hybrids of her own.
Hope believes in self autonomy and thus would try her hardest to keep out the sirebond the best that she can.  Would she willingly tell you how to break the bond?  It really depends on the person and how much she feels that one could be trusted.  For the most part,  she would be willing to give it as an option but also feel very nervous about dropping that down.
Hope wouldn’t WILLINGLY make a large number of hybrids and would take great care of all the ones she does make if she choose to do it in the future. 
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thesnowfelled-a · 2 years
Caroline's FAVORITE color is Yellow.  She wore it a lot before Damon but after she turned into a vampire and her memories of what happened came rushing back she was begging her mother for a new wardrobe and because they can't afford a whole new wardrobe it is shifting to through clothes to find things that weren't yellow.
When Caroline finally does come back to the color yellow it is to reclaim it.  She decides at some point that Damon isn't going to win.  It likely is when she tells her mother exactly what happened to her that she embraces yellows again.
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