#【 renesmee cullen ; headcanon】… she’s IMPERFECT but they try
thesnowfelled · 2 years
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Renesmee prefers HUMAN food to blood.  They prefer HUMAN blood to ANIMAL blood as well. Her eye color changes to a BROWN color when she is hungry.  Unlike vampires that often have golden or red eyes,  they gets to have her natural BLUE  (Unlike the books) color that stays.  Renesmee has issues when it comes to drinking blood.  Animal blood makes them SICK to her stomach but they do drink it as it is better than stealing from humans and her family is into that lifestyle.
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Even before the age of EIGHTEEN the dhampir was required to drink blood and there was no need to die to transition themself into a vampire. The urge for blood has been there since the dhampir was in the womb.
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thesnowfelled-a · 3 years
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Renesmee prefers HUMAN food to blood.  They prefer HUMAN blood to ANIMAL blood as well. Her eye color changes to a BROWN color when she is hungry.  Unlike vampires that often have golden or red eyes,  they gets to have her natural BLUE  (Unlike the books) color that stays.  Renesmee has issues when it comes to drinking blood.  Animal blood makes them SICK to her stomach but they do drink it as it is better than stealing from humans and her family is into that lifestyle.
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thesnowfelled · 2 years
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Renesmee prefers not to talk a all. Instead transferring the idea onto a page of paper and or through the special gift that was given to her. It isn’t that she can not speak well by any means, the young girl just prefers to sit around quietly and communicate her needs in a creative way. It should be noted that really their family carried her around and doted on her so the need for words weren’t there until she hit schooling age.
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The dhampir talks to people out in public when it is needed but they are described as soft spoken and skiddish around newcomers. Talking to family is sometimes the first time a person will hear their voice. It’s at home when the dhampir will speak freely and show a more chatterbox side but mostly on music, books, and movies. Some might also say that Renesmee has a anxiety in social situations deeply and they’d be correct.
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thesnowfelled · 2 years
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Renesmee does NOT want biological children ever. It was one of those things were their own birth scared them half to death. It was a traumatic thing that no one should have to go through and while it is more likely that they’d be fine, it is just not a drive for them. They like kids but as for even considering having their own even through adoption or fostering is next to zero.
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The images their mother’s half dead body looking down at them is hell. It leaves her feeling a sense of guilt that no one else can understand. Her father was not a fan of her,  they know this because of the sound of his voice in the womb. Her mother’s soft voice whispering poems to them was comforting. It was the only thing that made the time pass easier. It is now one of those things that Renesmee can not handle. A poem / book that was read to them in the womb will be shut down fast from them. It is apart of the reason public school would never work (Among the fact that she is advanced in education but has poor social skills).
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thesnowfelled · 2 years
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Renesmee pulls comfort from their long name over a nickname that is Nessie.  They’ll let family members give her the name but if they really know her well,  they know that she prefers the unique length of her mixed name compared to a nickname given to her on a whim that she sorta remembers her mother not being thrilled with.
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thesnowfelled · 2 years
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Renesmee has the gift of showing you what she wants you to see or even show you how that she feels.  It has to be done through TOUCH but that touch could be ever so slight as she gets older.  At first the subject must hold their palm FLAT on her cheek but over time grabbing her arm could show you the vision of art that is often in her head.   While not mentioned in the books, Renesmee CAN control who sees her thoughts (this takes time though as she has to age be of the age 18 for this to work).  She has an ability to block you from seeing anything at all. No subject can just simply GRAB her arm and see things.  Generally,   she has to be calm but when in a panic attack?  She has been known to give you all her feelings of self doubt,  pain,  and anxiety that bubbles beneath the surface.
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Zafina’s gift of being able to fool a person and give them a vivid view that isn’t transparent is something that Renesmee has to master as she gets older.  As a child it often looked like just her subject was there.  So if she was trying to show you the aunt that she wanted to go see,  it would appear as if one of them was there sitting on the couch. It was not solid of JUST the subject.  Best way to say is it as a child Renesmee projected “PNG LIKE” views of things.  As she aged?  She would give you a large canvas view that was more solid.
Another difference is at first?  Renesmee had to touch you as a child for her visions to come through but as time went on things evolved and now gives others more options to see what she wishes (or doesn’t) wish for you to see.
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thesnowfelled · 2 years
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This is a tag drop for  RENESMEE CULLEN  from the Twilight Saga. It covers desires, interactions, answered, headcanon, isms, visage.
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* … ( RENESMEE CULLEN : desires. ) ⠀ › ⠀ she’s IMPERFECT but they try * … ( RENESMEE CULLEN : interaction. ) ⠀ › ⠀ she’s IMPERFECT but they try * … ( RENESMEE CULLEN : answers. ) ⠀ › ⠀ she’s IMPERFECT but they try * … ( RENESMEE CULLEN : headcanon. ) ⠀ › ⠀ she’s IMPERFECT but they try * … ( RENESMEE CULLEN : edit. ) ⠀ › ⠀ she’s IMPERFECT but they try * … ( RENESMEE CULLEN : isms. ) ⠀ › ⠀ she’s IMPERFECT but they try * … ( RENESMEE CULLEN : visage. ) ⠀ › ⠀ she’s IMPERFECT but they try
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thesnowfelled-a · 3 years
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Renesmee pulls comfort from their long name over a nickname that is Nessie.  They’ll let family members give her the name but if they really know her well,  they know that she prefers the unique length of her mixed name compared to a nickname given to her on a whim that she sorta remembers her mother not being thrilled with.
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thesnowfelled-a · 3 years
Nessie has the gift of showing you what she wants you to see or even show you how that she feels.  It has to be done through TOUCH but that touch could be ever so slight as she gets older.  At first the subject must hold their palm FLAT on her cheek but over time grabbing her arm could show you the vision of art that is often in her head.   While not mentioned in the books,  Nessie CAN control who seems her thoughts.  She has an ability to block you from seeing anything at all.  No subject can just simply GRAB her arm and see things.  Generally,  she has to be calm but when in a panic attack?  She has been known to give you all her feelings of self doubt,  pain,  and anxiety that bubbles beneath the surface.
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Zafina’s gift of being able to fool a person a person and give them a vivid view that isn’t transparent is something that Nessie has to master as she gets older.  As a child it often looked like just her subject was there.  So if she was trying to show you the aunt that she wanted to go see,  it would appear as if one of them was there sitting on the couch.  It was not solid of JUST the subject.  Best way to say is it as a child Nessie projected “PNG LIKE” views of things.  As she aged?  She would give you a large canvas view that was more solid.
Another difference is at first?  Nessie had to touch you as a child for her visions to come through but as time went on things evolved and now gives others more options to see what she wishes (or doesn’t) wish for you to see.
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thesnowfelled-a · 3 years
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【 renesmee cullen ; responds】… she's IMPERFECT but they try
【 renesmee cullen ; answered】… she's IMPERFECT but they try
【 renesmee cullen ; edit】… she's IMPERFECT but they try
【 renesmee cullen ; headcanon】… she's IMPERFECT but they try
【 renesmee cullen ; visage】… she's IMPERFECT but they try
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