#【☔♕trials among the sands】
  MAKEOVER for Nami (@thundertempo), she would love for Vivi to help with her hair~
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She knew Nami's hair care regimen down to a tee. Vivi still remembered it even more than two years since she left the Straw Hats to pursue her own path. She was not sure if that path was still open to her now that the Reverie happened! Vivi was thrilled to be with the Straw Hats again after all this time. She missed adventuring with them the most, and she hoped she could do so again.
She got her wish, but at what cost? It brought tears to her eyes. She blinked them back as she concentrated on washing, conditioning, and blow-drying Nami's hair. Terracotta taught her a great deal when it comes to styling. She sectioned Nami's hair and began styling it in an updo. A little braiding for some of the strands here and there, with some beads in lapis lazuli and gold. Hm, she was sure Nami would love it.
"This was the hairstyle Terracotta styled for me when I had a formal. It became the trend in the young women of Alabasta," she said. "The lapis lazuli would look good with the blue evening dress." She continued with a smile. "Terracotta would describe it much better. Though in ancient times, my people would use crushed lapis lazuli for eye shadow. Many nobles wore it."
Vivi examined the front of the style and fixed some of the kinks in the bangs and hair. "Lapis lazuli was also believed to help connect to self. It was believed to help souls into the afterlife. It is a stone of wisdom, truth, and intuition. And I hope it'll help on your journey, Nami." She took a step back to admire her handiwork. She grinned as soon as she finished checking it.
"Perfect, you're ready for whatever the seas throw at you!"
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30.  NUDE :  for one muse to walk in on the other while they’re changing., Vivi, post-time skip (She can walk in on him, and see all of his scars)
a comprehensive list of scenarios
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Vivi was sure today would be a good day for Timmy to take a walk around the courtyard. There was a nice breeze despite the sun beating down. She felt it was good for Timmy to get some fresh air and she was sure the advisors would agree. Heck, it would be good for her to get some sun.
Vivi made it to the guest room where Timmy was staying. She knocked first but she did not get an answer. She stayed for five minutes and later called that it was Vivi. No answer. She knocked again after another five minutes.
No answer.
Growing concerned, Vivi was sure Timmy would be in his room at this time. She placed her hand on the knob and turned it. There was a soft click and Vivi's eyes widened. It was unlocked! Still concerned for Timmy, she opened the door partly only to be met with nudity. It seemed Timmy was just standing there, possibly examining his battle scars.
Heat rose to her cheeks. She blurted a "My apologies" and closed the door. She hurried down the hall, passing by a servant. Her cheeks were still flushed.
"Vivi?!" They got out as they watched the princess hurry back towards her room. The princess seemed embarrassed by something.
'I didn't mean to do that, but I was concerned!' she thought, as she reexamined the events leading up to that realization. She did not know the young man very well, other than that he was an ally of the Straw Hats and he proved it. 'I should really say sorry.`
She made it to her room and closed the door.
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🩹 from nami to vivi
send  🩹  for  an  injured  /  sick  starter . || starter call
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Vivi soaked a towel in the basin of cold water and gently dotted the sweat on her friend’s forehead.  It would not be easy.  In fact, she did not know what to do.  She researched the symptoms in the books on the bookshelf but found nothing.  All she can hope for is that Nami gets through this.  The Straw Hats absolutely need their Navigator!
Vivi placed the small towel on Nami’s forehead.  She straightened the blanket covering Nami and pulled it further up to her shoulders.  She clasped her hands as she looked down at the Straw Hat Navigator.  Please, let her get better, my friends need her.  I need her, she prayed.  
Vivi turned to pick up the used dishes from lunch.  She was sure Sanji would be worried.  She looked down into the bowl to see some rice porridge left.  Outside, everyone was waiting with baited breath for Nami’s return.  Vivi had to give them the news.
She took a step forward to bid the crew the news their Navigator was still suffering from something.  She was not sure what it was, and they would need to take a detour to get Nami checked out.  Vivi looked over her shoulder at Nami resting, turned back, and walked towards the door.
"Do your best to get better, Nami," she whispered.
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send  🌷  for  a  soft  starter . with Vivi (post Time Skip)
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The ship she took for the Reverie was large enough to have a small garden of Nami's tangerines. Nami was kind enough to give her tangerine seeds to plant, and so Vivi was in charge of tending to the tiny grove she accumulated over the months away from the Straw Hats. She smiled as she kept up with the strict care regiment Nami had with the Straw Hats' own tangerine grove.
She examined one of the tangerines. Finding one that ripened just fine, she pulled it off as gently as she could.
One of the guards ran over to her. He was working in the crow's nest as the ship's watch when he heard someone calling her name. He pointed towards the distance where sure enough there was a man on a ship.
"Hm...." she bid the guard to hold her tangerine and leaned on the railing to get a better view.
"Pri-Princess!" another guard called, worriedly. "If King Cobra saw y--"
"I'll be fine!" Vivi called. "Do any of you have a pair of binoculars?" One of the guards gave her pair. She thanked them and pointed the binoculars at the man waving on the ship and smiled. "Can we veer off course a little? I know this man. He's Timmy!"
The guards exchanged looks and nodded. "Yes, at once."
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❛  your optimism might be starting to rub off on me.  ❜ Vivi
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"Good, that's what I'd like to hear!" she rallied.
Vivi smiled at the Wood-Wood fruit eater. She learned a great deal just from journeying with the Straw Hats. She learned to have more faith in her people and in her kingdom while Crocodile held the strings from the shadows. It was a dangerous time, and she lost faith in the World Government from ever stepping in until it conveniences them.
She had to have faith that the Straw Hats wherever they were. Intelligence suggests they were scattered throughout the world!
"Come, Igaram says he should have information on the Straw Hats!" She gestured for Timmy to follow.
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😣 During a panic attack for Vivi
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(( Send in an emoji to find my muse... ))
Vivi gasped for air.
She had remember what had happened at the Levely (Reverie). The sounds, the people involved. She remembered it all. She even remembered the people who tried to save her and her father from the attempted assassination of her and her father. It was all coming to her now as she sat by herself at the newspaper agency she was being held at.
It was no different than ... she thought of the time Alabasta was under Crocodile's control. She was determined to fight back, and even do things she never thought she could do. Tears stung her eyes at the revelation as her hands grabbed her chest. What did her country do to deserve this?! She just wanted to save other people from going through what she went through. Her father was doing his best to make that happen.
And yet...
He... She blinked back tears. He...
Breathe, Vivi, breathe...
"My... throat..." she whispered. It had tightened up. She heard the door open and she rushed to the door. She needed a glass of water. She needed to get out of there. She needed to take a walk. However, she was scared.
What if... what if it was the government going after her now? She had to remain optimistic, but it was hard.
"Somebody... please, I need a glass of water!" she said as loudly as her lungs would allow.
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the weather is relatively nice out, which is why he’d initially climbed up the tree. he wanted to see the view from the highest point, but he found himself dozing off after finding it. however, when the sound of footsteps approaching fill his ears, he wakes up.
there are better ways of checking to see who’s walking by, but by doesn’t really want to leave this spot. ensuring his feet are nicely secured on the branch he’s currently perched on, he goes upside down, appearing seemingly out out nowhere.
“ vivi!!! ” the fact that he might’ve startled her doesn’t cross his mind, he’s just happy to see the princess. so much so, he’s willing to untangle his feet from the branch, which sends him flying down, his face hitting the ground. he’s completely unfazed, and he stands up, acting as if he hadn’t just fallen from a tree. “ it’s nice to see you again!! how’ve you been? ”
Vivi admired the weather for a while. It was absolutely gorgeous out and had a small breeze. She was relieved to be outside when they could have just as easily kept her indoors since the Levely was about to be underway. There was plenty of time to spare, so Vivi made sure to take advantage of this time to visit certain islands with her guards. She was watched closely by her father's trusted guards.
She stepped within the area of the peaceful shade, not bothering to look up into its branches. She smiled, enjoying the breeze as it strengthened into a bit of a gust. She admired the sound of the rustling leaves. Yes, it had been so long since she got to explore other islands with the Straw Hats. She missed those days, even if the circumstances were not in their favor. She looked everywhere till lastly, she looked up to see Straw Hats' captain, himself falling towards her. She hugged the trunk of the tree with a slight yelp.
She watched as Luffy hit the ground. She could not help but feel thankful nothing was broken as he got up from the ground unfazed. The years went by and Luffy still was recognizable. His clothing might have changed and he may have gotten a scar on his chest, but he was still wearing his signature straw hat. She smiled at her country's savior. It has been maybe more than two years since he's saved Alabasta from Crocodile. Her brown eyes glossed over with tears. She had wanted to go with the Straw Hats, but she had a duty as a princess as well, and that was to her people.
"Luffy, it's been so long! I'm well," she said with a smile. She has changed too. Her sky-blue hair has gotten longer and with each passing day, she looked more and more like her mother. Well, according to King Cobra and his advisors. As for Vivi, she was getting closer and closer to taking over for her father. "I'm headed for the Levely, but we took a bit of a detour. I think we'll make it, but I'm free today! How are you?"
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Nefertari Vivi Tag
Nefertari Vivi Tag
【☔♕the rain princess】
RP Threads
【☔♕trials among the sands】
【☔♕discussion in the shade】
【☔♕the desert is also a sea】 Headcanons
【☔♕not miss wednesday anymore!】
【☔♕desert blossom beauty】
【☔♕reminiscing the straw hats】
【☔♕interview at the levely】
【☔♕alabastan folk music】
Nefertari Vivi One Piece Tag
【☔♕crown princess of alabasta】
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