#le reference tag
astrcthesiai-archived · 9 months
Sarina (Cloud flame user Varia)
Sarina Tag
【☁🌹princess of assassins】
RP Threads
【☁🌹feral beauty of the clouded skies】
【☁🌹video chat from italy】
【☁🌹the clouds are always watching】
【☁🌹about the beauty of the clouded skies】
【☁🌹goddess of war and beauty】
【☁🌹the culling of the bullshit】
【☁🌹filing paperwork & gathering data】
【☁🌹waltzing with the gola musca】
Sarina Katekyo Hitman Reborn version tag
【☁🌹sarina - beelzebub the king of flies】
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the doctor is in (ppl who think lesbians can like/be men + vice-versa, proship, & endo dni)
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dagensgod · 12 days
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switched up her design a bit :)
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oldbooksandnewmusic · 2 years
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for some reason all I've been able to draw recently is pictures and memes of Gavroche bullying Javert.
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inafieldofdaisies · 4 months
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WIP Whenever | Tagged by @cassietrn @kyber-infinitygems @simplegenius042 @simonxriley @nightbloodbix and @wrathfulrook
I've been quite busy with a final presentation for one of my classes (a minute of silence for my sleep schedule becoming messed up as result), so I'm slowly getting back into things when it comes to my WIPs. Stopping by this weekend with a little edit for Faith and Leslie I've been meaning to share, as well as dropping an audio I thought was neat as reference for Faith and their story. <3
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Tagging, @strangefable @socially-awkward-skeleton @theelderhazelnut @josephslittledeputy @josephseedismyfather @corvosattano @nightbloodbix @aceghosts @florbelles @adelaidedrubman @direwombat @macs-babies @marivenah @voidika @purplehairsecretlair @dumbassdep @la-grosse-patate @finding-comfort-in-rain @unholymilf @g0dspeeed @trench-rot @onehornedbeast @thesingularityseries @carlosoliveiraa @cloudofbutterflies92 @shellibisshe and anyone with something to share <3
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secretmellowblog · 1 year
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Fantine designs, for the @fantinefanfest <33 I love the way Fantine is compared to marble statues/Greek goddesses, it's very Enjolras! If only she got to smite Certain People with her divine wrath u_u
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tea-with--honey · 1 year
folks where does the enjolras had a crush on feuilly come from? is it a brick thing? has the fandom just decided that? and also is grantaire??? not actually an artist in canon??? what???
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dopepoisonivyoncrack · 9 months
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Vampire Askin Nakk Le Vaar x Viewer Made for Dance with the Dead Halloween collab. 2023 Part 3: The Haunted Lovely orchestrated by @nagumoan
Thank you for allowing me to join! This piece and the whole set of hcs, imagines and AU that were born with it, wouldn't have happened without this event. Wish you a lovely autumn and delightfully dark Halloween!
Traditional art on A4 paper with colored ink and pencils.
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24601orwhatever · 1 month
(original staging edition)
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transrevolutions · 7 months
had a conversation that made me really curious:
*if it means anything to you I'm talking about the literal situation during June 1832 in Paris, not a hypothetical modern scenario. (This might be relevant if your answer would be impacted by the cultural context surrounding the circumstances of your decision.)
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(( I have read your rules. I do roleplay dark themes, so if you need anything further tagged please let me know in an ask. The fandoms so far are Banana Fish, Trigun Stampede, Tower of God, Sailor Moon, One Piece, Obey Me! and fandomless. Tags can be found in Tags & Navigation link in the mobile-friendly navigation.
To Do List:
Make a trigger tag reminder list.
Replies and art/graphics to go with those replies.
I'll be working on Roberto, Vivi, Robin, and/or Jasper and Mira. Last two are OCs. ))
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nixariel · 1 year
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CARMEN SANDIEGO (2019) + locations: Poitiers, Prague, and Rio de Janeiro [4/?]
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dagensgod · 24 days
guess who just got redesigned :^)
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I feel like we need to talk more about the les amis-marauders pipeline
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inafieldofdaisies · 10 months
OCs names as color palettes | generator | Tagged by @josephseedismyfather ❤️
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Sabrina: super matching, especially the greens, browns and grays. I definitely associate almost all of those with her aside from the two slightly pinkish shades.
Mercedes: Mer's color scheme to a T really - white, then different shades of gray, the blues are super accurate and green is generally a color that pops out a lot anytime I make edits for her (and Jacob).
Savannah: I definitely picture more color choices (and bright shades) for her. But she would so rock all of these.
Calahan: Torn about his result and how pastel-y it is and especially with the lack of blues :D
Leslie: He's someone that wears mostly dark and muted colors, so his palette is quite accurate.
John (as bonus because I wanted symmetry with the pictures): Okay, can we first take a minute to laugh at the fact him and Leslie have 7 from the same (or super close shades) colors in the line up 😂Overall, I feel like the palette fits him, though they could have thrown in a blue or two.
Tagging @socially-awkward-skeleton @poisonedtruth @florbelles @fleurviolettes @corvosattano @nightbloodbix @jillvalentinesday @shegetsburned @wyllravengards @josephslittledeputy @g0dspeeed @cassietrn @voidika @adelaidedrubman @strangefable @strafethesesinners @madparadoxum @aceghosts @purplehairsecretlair @direwombat @chazz-anova @clicheantagonist and anyone that would like to do the tag ❤️
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secretmellowblog · 2 years
Random, but. It’s fascinating how “Valjean and Javert written by someone who thinks cops are Good” is so radically different from “Valjean and Javert written by someone who thinks cops are Bad.”
Like, for me the number one Thing that will determine whether I enjoy someone’s take on Valjean and Javert are whether they realize that the police/prison as an institution destroyed both of their lives, and is the villain of both of their stories XD.
But yeah it’s really fascinating! Both in adaptations and in fanfiction, the tone/interpretation with which the plot beats are handled can change so much about the characterization. All the adaptations/fic start off with the same basic plot beats but so much can be changed and colored (for better or worse) by the way the author chooses to interpret them
#i do want to say that I always think more people in the fandom is fun!#and fanfic is supposed to be whatever self indulgent stuff scratches your id and can’t be held to the same standards as published stuff#I will never tell people what to write!#also I’ve got cringe fanfic on ao3 too (let he who is without cringe cast the first stone etc etc)#so I’d be the WORST person to preach about that XD#(the next part in the tags is a joke don’t come at me)#but— as a lighthearted joke— sometimes to me personally the Les mis fandom feels like#imagine if you’re in the fandom for the new she ra show#and the show’s about the Evil Horde and how it destroys the lives of the two main characters in different ways#but then like? half the fandom insisted on referring to it as the Morally Okay Reformable Horde#and then like. all the catra/adora fanfic ended with Catra realizing she needs to be a Nicer horde soldier#and maybe adora rejoins the horde to and they go off to fight for Justice (which is what the horde does)#and then you were like ‘huh that’s a bit odd’#‘I thought the point was that the horde poisoned both of their lives and ripped them away from their friends/family’#‘like I thought the evil horde was evil and stuff’#and people responded to you ‘why do you hate catra and catradora?’#and you were like ‘no I love catra! but I thought the whole point was that yknow. she kinda had to leave the evil horde and all’#‘like her upbringing in the horde had left her with a violent self-destructive authoritarian worldview and all’#‘and her obsession with being a good horde soldier was not indeed a good admirable thing but sorta pathetic and sad’#‘and adora was right to leave and hate the horde for what it did to her’#‘and her flaw was that (like catra) she still internalized a lot of the way it taught her to view herself’#‘and the whole fun of catradora is the idea of the two of them sorta finally figuring out who they are outside of that abusive system’#anyway in this metaphor catra is javert adora is Valjean the horde is the police catradora Is valvert XD#this is a goofy metaphor made after hours of homework and is not to be taken too seriously
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