#【📷👟the sweet rabbit】
send  🌷  for  a  soft  starter . (shoreiji from my inbox call)
Send _ for a __ starter.
Post: Here
It's a little shorter than I wanted it to be, but here. I didn't have a tag for Shorter x Eiji, so I made one. . u .
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@whiskeysmultimuse || Send 🌷 for a soft starter. ((shoreiji))
While everyone else was out, Shorter had been put on Eiji-sitting duty. Eiji sat next to Shorter on the sofa while they had tea served by the housekeeper. They had finally made it to the address where Banana Fish was supposedly made in California but had run into Yue.
Was it Yue-long or Yue-lung? Eiji was not sure about the young man, but he let them stay at home. According to Shorter, Californians usually would let a new person/new friend stay with them. It was considered good hospitality. Eiji found the tradition odd, but no one hesitated when they were allowed guest rooms. The old housekeeper was very nice, and Yue-long seemed okay, but he was sure everyone else was on their toes.
There was a lull in activity, and Shorter seemed very tired, so Eiji smiled. He reached up to his shoulder and patted it. "You can rest here if you want," he said. He scooted closer to Shorter.
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“You know that little voice people have that tells them to quit when they’re ahead? You don’t have one!” (Asheiji from my inbox call)
Sentence Starters: Road to El Dorado
Post: here
And then "Born to Die" by Lana Del Rey came on just as I was posting the reply.
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@whiskeysmultimuse | Sentence Starters: Road to El Dorado (Asheiji)
“You know that little voice people have that tells them to quit when they’re ahead? You don’t have one!”
Eiji was appalled at what Ash was telling him at that moment. Tears stung his eyes. Not now, not now, not now! Brown eyes glistened with them as he has angrily gone over what transpired. He followed Ash to one of the gang's battlegrounds. He nearly got shot, and his arm was bleeding. He had luckily brought a gun with him.
Damn it. Miyuki must have alerted Ash to his presence! He did not know where she was in all of this. She was probably planning to assist the only way she knew how, by being a sniper. His eyes darted back toward Ash's piercing jade orbs. His cheeks tinged pink as he looked away again.
"I...I wanted to help," he said, ashamed. He had only become a burden by doing this. He hid behind the stone from the gunfire. Eiji made sure to find his gun before he looked up. It was just in time too. He could see the glint of a blade. His eyes widened. "Ash, behind you!"
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“I’m not sure I can trust you…” (Ash to Eiji from my inbox call)
Eiji hated hearing those words from his friend’s lips. His warm brown eyes glossed over with tears as he stared at Ash. He did not know why it hurt so much. His chest ached so much, he wanted to grab it to stop the pain that was blooming there.
He did not. He took a gulp of air but it was painful to breathe too. Why this? After he’s done so much for Ash already? What more can he possibly do to get someone to trust him? He was scared if he tried to move his mouth, the tears would fall. He clenched his hands to fists at his sides, and turned away from Ash.
“Then go already. Not stopping you,” he said, his clenched fists trembling as tears ran down his cheeks. His words were like ice in comparison to before. “After all I’ve done for you…. Go! Get out of here! Leave!”
Why did this hurt so much?
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Eiji Okumura
Eiji Okumura Tag
【📷👟the blue bird】
RP Threads
【📷👟trials at gunpoint】
【📷👟a meeting with ash】
【📷👟blue birds & cameras】
【📷👟about the ex track star】
【📷👟the foreign rookie photojournalist】
【📷👟curse of the fermented soybeans】
【📷👟search for the banana fish】
【📷👟falling on glass bgm】
Eiji Okumura Banana Fish Tag
【📷👟the sweet rabbit】
【📷👟the rabbit & the lynx | asheiji】
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