chaewandz · 1 year
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synopsis: niki catches u practicing japanese on duolingo just for him while he’s asleep
wc: 777 words
pairing: nishimura riki x reader
genre: fluff
warnings: niki teases, y/n throws a pillow, cliché, very cringey I must admit
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“translate: a vegetable”
you quickly typed “やさい” into your keyboard, earning a little ding meaning you were correct.
moving onto the next question you were determined to finish the lesson under 30 seconds, even though your speed did not matter in the slightest.
“translate: どうもありがとう!”
“this is way too easy.” you whispered, swiftly typing “thank you very much!” into the space provided. duo blinked at you, then cheered.
“どうもありがとう duo!” you said, giggling as you prepared to answer the next question.
“translate: 先生, おはようございます”
as you were typing the correct english translation, a voice suddenly interrupted.
“what the actual fuck are you doing.”
you jumped, dropping your phone onto the floor and holding your chest, gasping for breath.
“YOU WERE MEANT TO BE SLEEPING!” you declared to your boyfriend as if he was somehow in the wrong for waking up to your extremely loud duolingo practice.
niki laughed and shook his head.
“HELLO why are you learning Japanese from a BIRD when you have me?” he asked, eyes wide and eyebrows raised, now propped up on his elbows.
“because! you were ASLEEP!” you were determined to blame him but only so you could mask your embarrassment.
niki just rolled his eyes, muttering something in japanese that you tried your absolute hardest to understand. but that was merely impossible considering you were still on level one of “greetings” according to Duo’s lesson plan.
“what was that?” you asked accusingly.
“did you not understand? i thought you were a japanese master…” he teased, a smug look on his face.
you just threw a pillow at him in return. this brought about the most dramatic gasp that you had ever heard from niki, which was not easy to beat considering he did this all the time.
you watched as he contemplated picking up the nearest pillow and chucking it at your head in the name of revenge, but paused and composed himself.
“y/n, why are you learning japanese? especially while I’m asleep?” there was a slight smirk on his lips that let you know that he already knew the answers to his own questions, he just wanted to tease you.
“you know, I know, we all know- let’s move on haha go back to sleep goodnightnikisweetdreams!” you rambled, quickly diving under the covers, hiding your face and turning your body away from him.
this didn’t really do anything. you were only met with loud shuffling and breaths until your boyfriend was now laying next to you, also underneath the covers.
“this is nice.” he whispered sarcastically, his lips pressed into a thin line as he stared at the duvet above him.
“now what do you want.” you turned your body now to face him, only to be met with the same mischievous smirk as before.
“tell me why you were learning japanese as a secret.”
“FINE. fine fine fine fine you win- alright- whatever- yes I was learning japanese because I wanted to surprise you and your family to make them feel more comfortable at dinner tomorrow and to make you happy.” you whispered the last part, letting out a deep sigh. “can we go to sleep now?”
even in the dark underneath your blankets, you could still pick out the rose colored tint that dusted niki’s cheeks, paired with an equally as flustered grin.
“thank you.” was all he could manage to say without getting too lovey-dovey. slowly, you began to smile back, finding his reaction to be quite sweet, a complete contrast to his sass from moments prior.
niki then grabbed your wrist and pulled you closer to him so that your head was now resting against his chest with your arms around his waist.
you breathed in his warmth, eyes peacefully closing.
“do you want to stay under the covers because I’m starting to sweat…” he whispered, suddenly breaking the comfortable silence. you just laughed, jokingly rolling your eyes. your laugh instantly made him chuckle as well, chin rested on the top of your head.
“yeah I’m overheating as well.” you slowly released your hands from around his waist and shoved the blanket away, the cool air of your apartment rushing in.
“better?” you asked, fanning his face.
“much.” he grabbed your wrists again and put your arms back to the way they were, wrapped around his waist.
“goodnight riki.” you whispered, titling your head up to lightly press a kiss to his chin.
“goodnight, sneaky japanese prodigy.” he whispered back, smiling as he kissed the top of your head.
and the two of you fell into a comfortable silence, the same way you did each night. and as always, you wished that you could stay this way forever.
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a/n: 🫠😅💃🏼🩰😚😊☺️😳 guys I wrote this like last summer bc I was trying to beat my gf in our friends quest on duolingo LOLLLL yes freja this is inspired by u. Guys also I gave up learning Japanese on duolingo bc it made absolutely no sense ??? n e ways
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valkyrietookme · 11 months
Yummy・Tummy・LOVE!! - Niki solo translation
Japanese lyrics used are at the very end. Feel free to let me know about any mistakes or ask any questions about the translation
Please sit over here. I kinda wish I could see your expression -your face- more Excitedly waiting for you to order, I end up getting hungry myself, same old patter That just means it takes quite a lot of energy to care this much for someone right? I’m receiving all of your love, if it makes me feel full then all the more reason to To think this song can move someone’s heart, it’s so amazing! Happy・Yummy・Tummy・LOVE!! Just as you like it You can ask for me at any time, all the time! Happy・Yummy・Tummy・LOVE!! Become entranced Ate too much? I understand that feeling so, so well! No need to hold back, ask for seconds all the time (go ahead) Immediately it’ll recharge all your energy (energy) Happy・Yummy・Tummy・LOVE!! All 24 hours I’ll keep you seat open, thank you for your reservation today as well This and that too, a ten course serving sounds so good. Suddenly trying to be more realistic I’m telling you that greedy side is adorable too, so don’t just ignore my words I’ll sing out my love, I hope I can satisfy your hunger! It's to repay you for giving my voice such a strange power! Happy・Yummy・Tummy・SMILE!! I feel like changing up the day’s menu Let me hear your wishes any time, all the time! Happy・Yummy・Tummy・SMILE!! I want to live up to them Selfish requests just fire me up, I can’t help it, it’s my nature Have a cheerful melody today (please enjoy) Recharge calories, make it lively and exciting (exciting) Happy・Yummy・Tummy・SMILE!! Your smile just Makes me so happy, I think I’m hooked, today too I’m full of enthusiasm! Happy・Yummy・Tummy・LOVE!! All 24 hours Please let me sing it out Happy・Yummy・Tummy・SMILE!! Your heart I want to be able to please it everyday Happy・Yummy・Tummy・LOVE!! Just as you like it You can ask for me at any time, all the time! Happy・Yummy・Tummy・LOVE!! Become entranced Ate too much? I understand that feeling so, so well! No need to hold back, ask for seconds all the time (go ahead) Immediately it’ll recharge all your energy (energy) Happy・Yummy・Tummy・LOVE!! All 24 hours I’ll keep you seat open, thank you for your reservation today as well Please sit over here. I kinda wish I could see your expression -your face- more
こちらへどうぞ もっと表情-かお-を見せてほしいな キミのオーダー心待ちにして こっちがお腹減っちゃうパターン それくらい誰かオモウ気持ちって なかなかエネルギーいるよね 受け取ってますキミの愛 僕が満たせたらナニヨリ この歌でふくらむハートがあるって スゴイことだ! Happy・Yummy・Tummy・LOVE!! お気に召すまま 僕のこと 求めてよ いつでも! Happy・Yummy・Tummy・LOVE!! 夢中になって 食べ過ぎちゃう そういうの めちゃくちゃわかるし 遠慮せずにおかわりどうぞ(どうぞ) 即効性の元気をチャージ(チャージ) Happy・Yummy・Tummy・LOVE!! 24時間 キミの席 空けとくね 本日もご予約どうも あれもこれもテンコ盛りでいいじゃん 急にゲンジツ気にしてみたり 欲張りなところも可愛いんだって 聞き流さないでよホントなんだ 歌います僕の愛 お腹いっぱいにあげたいな この声に不思議なチカラくれた お返しに! Happy・Yummy・Tummy・SMILE!! 日替わりの気分 お望みを 聞かせてよ いつでも! Happy・Yummy・Tummy・SMILE!! 応えたいんだ ワガママな リクエスト 燃えてくるショーブン うきうきするメロディーをどうぞ(どうぞ) カロリー弾むトキメキチャージ(チャージ) Happy・Yummy・Tummy・SMILE!! キミの笑顔が うれしくて ヤミツキで 本日も張り切っちゃうね Happy・Yummy・Tummy・LOVE!! 24時間 歌わせてほしいよ Happy・Yummy・Tummy・SMILE!! キミのハートを 毎日満たしてあげたい Happy・Yummy・Tummy・LOVE!! お気に召すまま 僕のこと 求めてよ いつでも! Happy・Yummy・Tummy・LOVE!! 夢中になって 食べ過ぎちゃう そういうの めちゃくちゃわかるし 遠慮せずにおかわりどうぞ(どうぞ) 即効性の元気をチャージ(チャージ) Happy・Yummy・Tummy・LOVE!! 24時間 キミの席 空けとくね 本日もご予約どうも こちらへどうぞ もっと表情-かお-を見せてほしいな
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aprichan-dodcom · 2 months
彼女はスウェーデン生まれのMARTHA NABWIREというfemale dancerで、最初に会ったのは私が小4の頃、私の師匠であるtomokoさんが金沢にWS、show caseで呼んでくれた時。
当時のMARTHA↓ これは一万回見たと言っても過言ではない。この年のjustdeboutで優勝したのは世界中のfemaleに大きな希望を持たせたと思う。
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iuminouscrown · 4 months
Sudden Death Believability/ Chapter Twelve Translation
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Sudden Death
Believability/Chapter Twelve
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(Nearly one hour later: City of Osaka) 
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Rinne: ほら見ろニキッ、撮って撮って写真! 世界一。。。。。。✩
Rinne: Look, Niki! Take pictures! Take Pictures!!~ The best in the world! ✩
Niki: は、恥ずかしい!  田舎者の観光客そのものっすよ燐音くん!?
Niki: H… How embarrassing! Are you a hick tourist, Rinne-kun!? 
Niki: 看板と同じポーズをしてハシャがないでほしいっす~、通行人がみんな 『何事?』って顔で見てるっすよ!?
Niki: I want you to do the same pose as the billboard without overdoing it!~ Everyone passing by is looking at me with faces like “What’s going on!?”
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Rinne: ぎゃはは! 俺っちたちはアイドルなんだぜェ、注目されてナンボっしょ?
Rinne: Gyahaha! We’re idols or whatever the hell so isn’t attention what matters? 
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HiMERU: ………
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Rinne: あらっ、メルメルも格好付けてねェで一緒にアホになって騒ぐぞ!
Rinne: Oh? Merumeru isn’t striking a pose either, so let’s be stupid together and cause problems on purpose! 
Rinne: つっても大阪もだいぶ満喫し尽くした気がするし、次は他の観光地に行ってもいいか?
Rinne: Even though I feel like I’ve enjoyed Osaka to the fullest, can we go to tourist attractions somewhere else next time?
Rinne: 俺っち、奈良で鹿と友達になりたい!
Rinne: I wanna make friends with the deer in Nara!
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Niki: あ~、奈良の鹿は良いっすよね。美味しそうだし、あれはあれで僕にとっては理想の生き方っす
Niki: Ah!~ The deer of Nara are nice, aren’t they? They look tasty and that’s the ideal way of life as far as I’m concerned!
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Rinne: 観光客に可愛がられて餌付けされる、あの生き方に近いのってヒモかアイドルだと思うぜェ?
Rinne: They are doted on and fed* by tourists so I think the people who are closest to that way of life are gigolos and idols, right?
Rinne: ってことで、ニキもそろそろ真面目にアイドル活動がんばろうな♪
Rinne: So, it’s about time for Niki to get serious about doing his best for idol activities! ♪
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Niki: ええっ、観光地で浮かれて騒いでるひとに『真面目にやれ』とか言われたくないっすけど!
Niki: Eh? I don’t want to be told to “get serious” by someone who's messing around and being noisy at a tourist attraction!
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Rinne: ば~か。。。。。。 俺っちは計算してあえてアホのふりをしてるだけなンだよ、根っから不真面目なてめェと一緒にするんじゃねェ
Rinne: Stupid~....... I’m just making my calculations and intentionally playing the fool. Don’t lump me together with someone who is innately unserious. 
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Niki: んもうっ、自分に甘く他人に厳しい! いちばん嫌われるタイプっすよそれ!?
Niki: Hmmm… Being kind to yourself and harsh to others! Isn’t that the most hateable type of person!?
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Rinne: でも、ニキは俺っちのそういうところが大好きなんだろ♪
Rinne: But, Niki must love that kind of thing about me! ♪
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Niki: いや普通に不快で嫌いっすけど!? そういうとこ直してっ、真人間になって!
Niki: No! It’s actually extremely unpleasant and I hate it!? Please become an honest man and fix it!
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HiMERU: 相変わらず仲良しで何よりですが。それよりも
HiMERU: The most important thing is that we’re good friends as always. More importantly… 
HiMERU: .....おや?
HiMERU: …… Oya? 
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Kohaku: ーー 何やえらい楽しそうやねぇ、蜂ちゃんたち♪
Kohaku: — Looks like y’all are havin’ great fun, ‘lil bees! ♪
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Rinne: おっ、姉御! お疲れさんでェ~す☆
Rinne: Oh, Anego!** Thank you for your hard work!~☆
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Niki: サクラ姐さん、こんちゃ~っす♪
Niki: Hi, Sakura-neesan!~♪
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HiMERU: ーーー桜河姉。しばらく姿を見ませんでしたが、どこで何をしていたのですか?
HiMERU: —- Oukawa-ane.*** I have not seen you for some time. Where were you and what were you doing?
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Kohaku: 呼び方ぐらい統一しとき、ややこしいわ。それと一応、どこで誰か聞いてるかわへんしーーーわしのことは『桜河こはく』として扱っとくべきやろが
Kohaku: It’s about time to unify the way y’all call me. It’s confusin.’ Also, just in case, y’all should treat me as “Oukawa Kohaku” since we don’t know who's listenin ‘n where.
Kohaku: こっそり変装が得意な姉が本人と入れ替わっとる、なんてお上に知られたら問題になるん違うん
Kohaku: It’d be a problem if higher-ups found out that Kohaku’s older sister prided herself on disguisin’ herself in secret ‘n switchin’ places with said person. 
Kohaku: そんなことは有り得へんって普通は思うんやろけど、むしろそういう大掛かりな嘘こそをみんな信じるもんやしな
Kohaku: I wouldn’t think that sort of thing is normally possible but, if anythin,’ everyone would end up believin’ a large-scale lie like that. 
Kohaku: みぃんな、自分だけが誰も気づかない世界の真理に気づけたって思いこみたがるもんやからなぁ
Kohaku: Everyone likes to think that they are the only ones who have noticed truths about the world that no one else has.
Kohaku: そういう阿呆こそ詐欺師の餌食やのに、コッコッコ♪
Kohaku: Idiots like that are the prey of con men! Ko ko ko! ♪
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HiMERU: ーーー流石ですね。こうして間近で喋っている姿を見ても、桜河本人と見分けがつきません
HiMERU: —- It’s just as you’d expect. You are indistinguishable from Oukawa himself even when I see you talking up close in this way.
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Kohaku: ふぅん。こはくは、ぬしはんらには〝こういう部分〟も隠さず見せてたんかいな。粧えんだけだったんかもしらんけど
Kohaku: Hmm.~ I guess Kohaku didn’t hide “those parts”**** of himself from y’all, did he? Maybe it was just how he was “made up.”
Kohaku: そんだけ、ぬしはんらを信頼してたんやなぁ。うちとこの弟は果報者じゃ♪
Kohaku: I guess that’s why he relies on y’all to that extent. My younger brother and I are very fortunate people! ♪
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Niki: ………
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Kohaku: これ、椎の字。女子(おなご)の匂いをクンクン嗅ぐもんとちゃうで、助平
Kohaku: Hey, Shiinoji!***** You’re sniffing a girl’s (onago******) scent, aren’t you? Pervert.
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Rinne: 本当にすんません! この馬鹿は後で縛り首にしときますンで!
Rinne: I’m really sorry! I will hang this idiot later!*******
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Niki: ごごご、ごめんなさい! 悪気はなかったんすよ〜っ、でも匂いで区別するのがいちばん簡単っすから!
Niki: I… I’m… I’m so sorry! I didn’t mean any harm! But the easiest way to differentiate you two is by smell! 
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Kohaku: さよけ。拭っても消えんもんやからなぁ、この種の匂いは
Kohaku: That so? Even if ya get rid of this kind of smell it still won’t go away. 
Kohaku: 良い鼻を持ってんねんね、椎の字。親御さんから与えられた贈り物じゃ、大事にしぃや?
Kohaku: Ya possess a good nose, Shiinoji. Ya treasure the gift ya received from your parents,******** doncha? 
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Rinne: ぎゃはは! 良かったなァ、姉御の心が広くて? 下手したらセクハラで訴えられてたっしょ?
Rinne: Gyahaha! Thank God that Anego has a big heart, right? If he’s too careless, he could be charged with sexual harassment, no? 
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Kohaku: コッコッコ♪  訴えたりせぇへんけどな、わしらはそういう立場でもないし。。。。。。
Kohaku: Kokoko! ♪ I can’t sue him though. We’re in no position for that. 
Kohaku: せやけど嫁入り前の女子に唾つけたんや、責任を取ってわしと結婚してもらうしかないわな
Kohaku: Right. But if ya spit on a girl, she’s yours.********* So ya have no choice but to take responsibility and marry me. 
Kohaku: そのためには、まずはうちとこのお父はんを倒してもらう必要があるけど。あれも入り婿やけどそこそこ強いで、わしと結婚したいんなら気張らや
Kohaku: To that end, first of all, ya need to defeat my family and my father. If ya want to marry me, ya need to go all out though. My father may have married into our family and took our name, but he’s still pretty strong.
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Rinne: いや、こいつは俺っちと結婚するんで
Rinne: Nah. He’s gonna marry me! 
Niki: 前を見ても振り返っても地獄。。。。。。!
Niki: It’s Hell wherever I look….! 
HiMERU: モテモテで羨ましいですね、椎名
HiMERU: I envy how popular you are, Shiina. 
Niki: そう思うなら代わってくださいよHiMERUく〜ん! ずるいっ、いつも自分だけ安全圏を確保して。。。。。。!
Niki: If you think so then please take my place, HiMERU-k~un! Be cunning and always maintain a safe zone for you alone……! 
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HiMERU: ふふ。HiMERUには守りたいものがありますから
HiMERU: Fufu. HiMERU has something he wants to protect.
TL Notes:
*Term specifically for human feeding of wild animals. Edzuke (餌付け).
**Older Sister. Kenjougo language. Extremely polite and humble with intent for the speaker to speak lower of himself to a superior. Rinne is being playful and joking in tone with his usage of it here.
***Big Sister Oukawa.
****In reference to Kohaku's "manhood" so to speak. Obvious innuendo.
*****Oukawa Nee-chan's nickname for Niki. Originally a popular way of addressing someone from the Edo period without mentioning their full name. Usually implies the addressee is of lesser status. Antiquated.
******Specifies pronunciation of 女子 (which is usually joshi).
*******Rinne is using polite language here in a playful/performative way.
********Oyagosan (親御さん) for parents. Sonkeigo language. Very respectful.
*********Literally: But if you spit on a girl before marriage... (Spit on being an idiom for making a claim for or calling dibs).
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siglai · 2 years
U-U-U.S.A. U-U-U.S.A. C'-C'-C'-C'-C'-C'-C'-C'mon, baby C'-C'-C'-C'-C'-C'-C'-C'mon, baby U.S.A. オールドムービー観たシネマ (シネマ シネマ) U.S.A. リーゼントヘア真似した (真似した 真似した) U.S.A. FM 聴いてた渚 (渚 渚) U.S.A. リズムが衝撃だった (だった だった) 数十年でリレーションシップ だいぶ変化したようだ だけれど僕らは地球人 同じふねの旅人さ C'mon, baby アメリカ ドリームの見方を inspired C'mon, baby アメリカ 交差するルーツ タイムズスクエア C'mon, baby アメリカ 憧れてたティーンネイジャーが C'mon, baby アメリカ 競合してく ジパングで C'-C'-C'-C'-C'-C'-C'-C'mon, baby U.S.A. ツイスト踊ったフロア (フロア フロア) U.S.A. ミラーボールに恋した (恋した 恋した) U.S.A. 仲間の中古のオープンカー (オープンカー オープンカー) U.S.A. あのこは髪なびかせた (かせた かせた) パシフィック・オーシャン 一飛び ハートはいつもファーストクラス 夢というグラス交わし Love and peace 誓うのさ C'mon, baby アメリカ サクセスの味方 organizer C'mon, baby アメリカ ニューウェーブ寄せる ウェストコースト C'mon, baby アメリカ どっちかの夜は昼間 C'mon, baby アメリカ ユナイテッドする 朝焼け C'-C'-C'-C'-C'-C'-C'-C'mon, baby C'-C'-C'-C'-C'-C'-C'-C'mon, baby C'mon, baby アメリカ ドリームの見方を inspired C'mon, baby アメリカ 交差するルーツ タイムズスクエア C'mon, baby アメリカ 憧れてたティーンネイジャーが C'mon, baby アメリカ 競合してく ジパングで C'-C'-C'-C'-C'-C'-C'-C'mon, baby C'-C'-C'-C'-C'-C'-C'-C'mon, baby
U-U-U.S.A. U-U-U.S.A.
U.S.A. OLD MOVIE mita CINEMA U.S.A. REGENT HAIR maneshita U.S.A. FM kiiteta nagisa U.S.A. RHYTHM ga shougeki datta
suujuunen de RELATIONSHIP daibu henkashita you da da keredo bokura wa chikyuujin onaji fune no tabibito sa
COME ON, BABY, AMERICA Rinne & Rei: DREAM no mikata wo INSPIRED COME ON, BABY, AMERICA HiMERU & Kaoru: kousasuru ROOTS TIME SQUARE COME ON, BABY, AMERICA Kohaku & Koga: akogareteta TEENAGER ga COME ON, BABY, AMERICA Niki & Adonis: kyougoushiteku ZIPANGU de
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manaplog · 2 years
この内容も save したままだったので。2020年。
近況報告を端的に言えば、 出歩いていない、 外食していない、 沖縄へは行っていない。  (テラハファンとしてはNikiちゃん好きだからな…残念案件。)
そんな中、 不要不急の外出に該当しない 自信はないけれど、 友人のピンチにつき、 ベビーシッター(&友人の家事手伝い) として、出動した先週と昨日。 二泊三日 × 2回。 送り迎えの三食お風呂付き。
まわりが続々と出産して、 「友人のこども」は増えるけど ここまで愛情注ぐ存在はいるだろうか。 惚気しか出てこない。 愛しすぎてててこわい。
友人夫婦と、友人息子たちに さいごに会ったのは昨年9月。 関西方面への出張時に寄って泊まらせてもろた。 約半年ぶりに会えるうれしさと、 不謹慎ではないか、 じぶんが保菌者でないか、 心配が入り交じって少し複雑だった、正直。
長男(5歳)は、 身長も顔つきも成長して 話す言葉も内容も拡がっていた! クレヨンしんちゃんから 影響を受けているとのこと。 「はい!部長!!」
次男(3歳)とは 前回以上に仲良くなってる。 しっかり意思疎通と会話が成立してる。 そして、初めて ひとのおうちのお子様を叱って、 泣かせてしまった。 大粒の涙を見て心が痛んだけど、 わがまま理不尽なこと言うから悪いのよ。 すぐ膝の上にのってくる。
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m-1950 · 3 days
Anderson .Paak & The Free Nationals: NPR Music Tiny Desk Concert
アンダーソン・パーク & ザ・フリー・ナショナルズが「Come Down」、「Heart Don't Stand A Chance」、「Put Me Thru」、「Suede」を Tiny Desk で演奏する様子をご覧ください。新しい Tiny Desk コンサートを YouTube にアップされる 1 週間前に npr.org で視聴できることをご存知でしたか? ここをクリックしてください:
NPRミュージックをフォロー: Twitter:
/ nprミュージック  
/ nprミュージック  
2016 年 8 月 15 日、BOBBY CARTER 著 • アンダーソン .Paak と彼のバンド The Free Nationals を分類するのは大変だろう。彼らのサウンドの多くは、ソウルフルなヒップホップの基盤の上に重ねられている。そこから、最も安全なのは、最高の意味でジャンルの寄せ集めと呼ぶことだ。ギタリストの Jose Rios とベーシストの Kelsey Gonzalez は、このセットのオープニング ナンバーである Hi-Tek プロデュースの「Come Down」にハード ロックのエッジを吹き込んでいる。彼らが「Heart Don't Stand A Chance」の最初の数ジャズ コードを演奏するのを聞くと、これを単純に R&B と呼ぶのは難しい。2014 年のデビュー アルバム Venice の前に数本のミックステープをリリースした .Paak にとって、それはゆっくりとした成長だった。今年は Malibu で正式にブレイクし、彼は同じ立場の多くの人がやらないことをやった。つまり、彼はそれをうまく利用したのだ。ドクター・ドレーの LP『Compton』に出演して一躍脚光を浴びた後、彼はすぐに『Malibu』のリリース準備に取り掛かった。このアルバムはアンダーソン・パークにとってまったく新しい道を切り開いた。彼は最高のアーティストたちと韻を踏むことができ、70 年代や 80 年代の名アーティストを彷彿とさせる彼のボーカルスタイルは、今日の繊細な R&B のエリートたちと対比すると爽快だ。それ以前に、彼はドラマー兼バンドリーダーでもある。私はこのバンドの別々の公演を 3 回体験した。最初は録音版で、そこでは .Paak はヒップホップ界の最高のプロデューサーたちとコラボレーションしている。そして、彼らのタイトなステージショーは、90 分以上に及ぶ純粋なエネルギーで胸を打つ。旋風のようなツアーの真っ最中、彼らは Tiny Desk に立ち寄り、『Malibu』からの 3 曲を、彼ら自身ですら驚いた観客のリクエストに合わせて作り直した。彼らは服を脱ぎ、部屋を満たすのに十分なだけ引き締まった姿になった。 Malibuは現在iTunesで入手可能です:
セットリスト: 「Come Down」「Heart Don't Stand A Chance」「Put Me Thru」「Suede」 クレジット: プロデューサー: Bobby Carter、Niki Walker、Abby O'Neill、オーディオ エンジニア: Josh Rogosin、ビデオ グラファー: Niki Walker、Claire Hannah Collins、Nickolai Hammar、制作アシスタント: Sophie Kemp、写真: Cameron Robert/NPR。Tiny Desk コンサートの詳細については、ポッドキャストをご購読ください。
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bmpmp3 · 1 month
Happy mothers day! STOP spending time with your loved ones and READ my posts about music instead <3
So for this week's Cover-Remix Weekend, I'm gonna talk about another oldie: -ERROR by niki!
(I couldn't really do this for the first one super easily, but for these posts I am going to try to point to places to buy these songs (MP3 or CD) if applicable. You're own your own with streaming unless there's a KARENT link or something that compiles everything though: I'm an MP3 freak (as you may have assumed by my username...) and outside of YT and NND videos, streaming means nothing to me. For fellow MP3 freaks, I do recommend OTOTOY specifically: lots of vocal synth music is put on there and its easy to use as an overseas buyer!)
-ERROR! A song that is difficult to google ("-" is a boolean thing that removes excludes terms from results HKJDSHldgkdgfd) but a wonderful tune nonetheless!
The original 2010 version above, and the later Youtube upload below that appears to have different mixing, and maybe tuning too:
You know, it seems this song wasn't super huge when it first came out (we'll talk a bit about its rise later) and its original versions are kind of overshadowed but listening to it again - the original NND upload is quite strong. Obviously the instrumentation and melody is great, I love a good big huge emotional rock ballad. The bit of digital theming (errors and such) is also a classic, you don't see it as often anymore but I'm a sucker for vocal synth music that plays a bit into the virtual aspects of the software. I also quite like niki's use of drums, the sort of marching band sound. But going back to the vocals, even though the NND original is a bit muffled, it kind of works for me! Lily's singing her heart out even as she's being drowned out... AND of course the remade Youtube upload sounds perfect.
My familiarity with niki is moreso through his heavier electronic works, such as WAVE:
and on the same album, GLIDE:
Which are absolute classics for my vocal synth journey, especially the latter! He uses these like, velvety deep synth sounds and really.. heheh.... GLIDES across the track with them and I'm a big fan!
The game can't run on my phone so I don't really know much about Project Sekai, but I do check out the music: earlier this week a commissioned (?) song was released for the game by niki and its really good! 烈火 (Rekka):
Those signature fading-in deep synths make an appearance again! I also like the black-haired girl's vocals, especially in the bridge with her vocalizations combined with the bass synth line underneath. I also am a fan of the lil orange guy's vocals at the beginning of the second verse, a sort of campy articulation that sounds quite nice. Luka sounds very interesting here, I will say: as in... she doesn't sound very much like Luka... BUT um. she still sounds great and um. that might. be because I'm not really a huge Luka fan (is immediately dragged away and shot out back)
JK JK Luka's fine I love her character and design, I love that she is pink and there is. octopus. but unfortunately I tend to find her vocals a bit weak in most songs using her: she might just be hard to mix, because she tends to blend into instrumentals too well for me. BUT I do like her here, she sounds a bit brighter and doesn't get fully eaten by the music which is nice~
TANGENT ABOUT OTHER SONGS and also Luka DONE, BACK TO -ERROR. Speaking of mixing, I think -ERROR might be a really hard song to mix. Most of the covers I'm going to highlight are vocal synths, and I'm realizing that it's probably in part because a human being singing this song is already a challenge (intense high ranged and powerful chorus) but also, I think the mixing will really sneak up on you! The instrumental with the emotional drum work and unrelenting guitars is gorgeous but also it's REALLY hard to keep a voice above instrumentation like this without it either falling under or separating entirely. I wonder if maybe the extra digital edge of a vocal synth voice helps it stand out from the more naturalistic rock backing track...
Anyway, now it's time to talk about this songs rise to fame! While I can't verify it's pre-2012 popularity, it seems what really bumped this song into particularly the English-speaking vocal synth canon was a cover featuring the UTAU voicebank Namine Ritsu by kyaami:
At over 2 million views, getting popular enough to be released on KARENT an entire decade ago, this cover is. well. pretty big! Kyaami also released a remake in 2018 using a different Namine Ritsu voicebank that's nearing 3 million views now:
I think both covers are really, REALLY good obviously, there's this sharpness in the 2012 one using Ritsu's old "kire" style bank (a style of voicebank where lower pitches are recorded softer and higher pitches get gradually more powerful, also called "powerscale") that I really enjoy, and the 2018 has a wonderful clarity in the mix. Both covers have a great emotionality in their vocals, which may be why they nearly have a combined 5 million views!
One of my absolute favourite covers is this piano arrange with MEIKO V3 by Earthy X6:
I'm a big Meiko defender, she's hard to use for those expecting a Miku or a Rin, but I adore her character and design and I think she can sound really beautiful and expressive such as here! Using her V3 expressions for softer parts and powerful sections sounds so so good, I really love it.
And here's a KAITO V1 cover by someone named ミズキ (Mizuki) on NND:
I'm a Meiko defender in general, but I'm especially a Meiko and Kaito V1 defender: honestly I prefer Kaito's V1 sound over his V3 most of the time! A really nice richness and depth that's missing in his later iterations, and for this song specifically the robotic aspects of the engine work in its favour! Very nice cover.
And on a slight detour: for years my absolute favourite cover of this song was, interestingly, this rock arrange English cover as the demo for the UTAU KYE's ARPAsing voicebank by his creator, WinterdrivE:
Now I'm not so sure which I would consider my absolute favourite, I'm almost 26 and I like too many things to choose one!! But it still really is an absolute highlight for me: this is the first time I'd ever heard an arpasing voicebank, and as someone who's still a bit too scared to figure out how English voicebanks work in UTAU I barely understand what's going on BUT man what a first example to hear! At the time this was honestly the best English vocal synth I'd ever heard in general, he sounds fantastic.
The mix is also great, the well placed breaths emphasized and his rich and slight nasal vocals sit nicely within the instrumental without getting drowned out. I also think his vocals just sound really nice singing these lyrics despite some lisping here and there, I dunno, I think it makes him sound like a dude making maybe slightly imperfect but very passionate garage rock, which I feel fits the character well! And in general I tend to like expression and character over perfection in music, as you might be noticing in these posts so far LOL
Speaking of lyrics, the English lyrics by AkiGlancy are really REALLY good. Translating any song from one language to be sung into another is genuinely one of the most difficult things in the world in my opinion, because you really have to mess with cadence and melody if you want it to sound natural: languages just got different things going on! I'm pretty picking with English translyrics, I tend to prefer that people try to get the emphasis sounding natural and the general meaning the same rather than trying to get too literal - localization is an art! But these lyrics are interesting in that they seem quite close to a lot of literal translations floating around, yet they still sound so natural with the emphasis on all the right parts. Really awesome translyrics.
And one more before I go, a human cover! The cover by the utaite Alfakyun!
I was talking about this earlier but I really think this song is like, deceptively hard to sing AND hard to mix. It gets high in those choruses! It's really hard to not get lost in the instrumentation! But Alfakyun does absolutely unreal here: sometimes with this song people either have to forego expressiveness to get more power, or forego power to allow more expressiveness, but she manages to kep both in the chorus. I'm an expressiveness girlie so I tend to value that more but I can appreciate some power here and there and this song really shines with both. A very very good cover.
That's all the covers of -ERROR I wanted to talk about today, thank you and you may go back to your beloved family members again. (bluescreens and all my internal mechanisms overheat and explode)
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gallerynamba · 2 months
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◇MIRIAM HASKELL(ミリアム ハスケル)◇アンティークジュエリーイヤリング 定価:99,000円(税込) 弊社通販サイト商品ページ⇒http://www.gallery-jpg.com/item/MiriamHaskell-3/ 素材:ガラスビーズ カラー:ブルー系 サイズ:全長約4.5cm (平置きの状態で測っています。) NIKIガラスパールを使用したイヤリング。 ミリアム ハスケルの中でも特にファンの多いシリーズです。 NIKIガラスパールとは、ガラスに太刀魚の鱗やセルロースなどから作ったエッセンスを幾度となく塗り重ねた模造真珠。 それは、天然の真珠の美しさをも超えると表現するコレクターもいる程で実際に、そのクオリティを目指して製造されたと言われています。 単なる代替えの模造品としてではなく、高級ジュエリーにおける重要なマテリアルの1つと言えます。 現代では、新たに製造されておらず世界中のコレクターによる買い占めにより未使用品や状態の良いヴィンテージ品の入手は非常に困難です。 繊細な金属細工も大変美しいです。 パーツ1つとっても細部までデザインされておりミリアム ハスケルのアンティークジュエリーの中でも博物館に展示されているレベルの品です。 ※ご覧頂いている媒体により、色の見え方が多少変わる場合がございます。 ※店頭でも同商品を販売しておりますので、通販サイトの在庫反映が遅れる場合があり商品をご用意出来ない場合がございます。予めご了承頂きますようお願い致します。 ※コンビニ決済、ネットバンク、電子マネー、銀行振り込みなどの決済方法を選択される方は弊社からの在庫確認のメールが届いてからお振込み下さい。 Gallery なんばCITY本館1F店 〒542-0076 大阪府大阪市中央区難波5-1-60 なんばCITY本館1F 【営業時間】11:00~21:00 【休館日】4月無休、5月無休 【PHONE】06-6644-2526 【e-mail】[email protected]
【online shop】http://gallery-jpg.com/
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yoshika-song · 1 year
佳夏です。 今回は昨年ブログに書けなかった作品について書きます。 冷やし中華さん(Twitter)に動画を作っていただいた「バッドエンドホリック」と「-ERROR -piano arrange ver.-(Cover)」についてです。
「バッドエンドホリック」は2021年に発表した私のボカロオリジナル楽曲です。 2021年に発表したときは音源のみだったので、いつかMVを作りたいと考えていて、今回冷やし中華さんにお願いしました。 冷やし中華さんには「アジアンダークな曲なので中華ロリータのようなミクを登場させてほしい」とお伝えしました。 それ以外は大きく要望など無く、おまかせで作っていただきました。 ミクさんのアニメーションの可愛さ、歌詞字幕の面白さがすごいのでぜひぜひチェックしてみてください!
-ERROR -piano arrange ver.-(Cover)
特にこちらから要望等なく、こんなに素晴らしい作品にしていただきました。 心がぎゅっとなるような表情ですよね……!ずっと見てられる…。 サムネは私がお願いするのを忘れていたので、イラストを切り取り等して私が作っております。 「-ERROR」は2010年に投稿されたnikiさんのボーカロイド曲です。 オリジナルのボーカルはLilyです。
ピアノアレンジはすぐにできました。 基本的には原曲の雰囲気を参考にしていますが、2サビのあとはかなり大きくアレンジをさせてもらいました。 そしていざ歌おうと思うと原曲キーは無理だったので-4しています。 投稿後の話になるのですが、YouTubeでは海外の方からたくさんコメントをいただきました。とても嬉しかったです。 nikiさんの曲の海外人気が高いのでその流れでみなさん来てくださったのかなと思います。 ついでに私のチャンネルの国別、言語別の分析をチェックしたところ意外と海外の方に来て頂いてることが発覚。 具体的には中国、韓国、アメリカ……という感じです。 嬉しくなった私は「-ERROR」以降のYouTubeの投稿文に翻訳サイトを使った英文も載せるようになりました。 今後も活動を頑張ろうと思いました。
冷やし中華さんには感謝の気持ちでいっぱいです。 「-ERROR」が短期間でこんなに見てもらえたのも冷やし中華さんのイラスト・動画あってこそ…! 本当にありがとうございます!
最後に…最近動画(「ヴィラン」ピアノアレンジ)を投稿したのですが、長くなってしまったのでそちらはまた後日書きます(笑) ここまで読んでくださりありがとうございました。
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k18210 · 2 years
糸がつながった構造物とダンス。 #神秘的 #ダンス #美女 #オシャレナ動画 #ナニスル
ポーランドのYouTuberでダンス&カップル・チャンネルLoczniki officialから「アタッチメント」という動画が配信されています。Nikieさんという女性が糸が取り付けられた構造物の間で踊る映像なのですが、音楽とその世界観、執着のような物を感じて、儚いというか神秘的というか、引き込まれるような映像作品となっています。 概要 振付・出演 ニコール・ホフ(Nikie)音楽 アグニェシュカ・マジェフスカ “アウェイクニング”ビデオ フィリップ・マレックprzywiązaNIE |…
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dayseternal-fashion · 5 years
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iuminouscrown · 3 years
NOTE: !Asterisks denote footnotes, translation notes, and further reading!
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Sudden Death
Believability/Chapter One
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(現代。十一月下旬。”SS” 予選会中盤、関西地域ー
(Present day. Late November. “SS” mid-qualifying round: Kansai Region
-At a nation-wide coffee shop chain*)
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Tsukasa: ……….
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Ritsu: ス〜ちゃん?
Ritsu: Su~chan?
Ritsu: 起きて起きて。お客さんを出迎えてるときに寝ないでよねぇーーって、よりにもよって俺に言わせないで
Ritsu: Wake up, wake up. Don’t sleep right when we're meeting guests--- Don’t make me say it again.
Tsukasa: 。。。。。あ、はい。大丈夫です。意識はあります
Tsukasa: ….. Ah, yes. It’s fine. I am conscious.
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Arashi: 本当に大丈夫ゥ? あれならアタシたちに任せて、司ちゃんは旅館で休んでてもいいのよォ?
Arashi: Are things really fine? If possible, would it be alright to let Tsukasa-chan rest at the inn** and to leave this meeting to us?
Arashi: どうせ現状、急いでやるべきこともないんだしね?
Arashi: After all, we’re not in a rush at the moment, right?
Tsukasa: いえ。レオさんや瀬名先輩が満足に動きづらい現状、私がしっかりしなくては
Tsukasa: No. At the moment it is difficult for Leo-san and Sena-senpai to move properly so I must keep holding on.
Arashi: あんまり気負いすぎちゃ駄目よォ? 心配!
Arashi: It’s no good to work yourself up too much, okay? I’m worried!
Ritsu: そうそう。特に今年の “SS” は"裏指令"とかいうやつのせいで、リーダーが多重に枷を嵌められて動きづらくなってるんだしさ
Ritsu: Right. It’s hard for leaders to move when placed in handcuffs many times over... especially since this year’s “SS” is due to “offstage instructions.”
Ritsu: なのに無理に動こうとしたら、骨とかポキッてイッちゃうよ
Ritsu: Nevertheless, if you work too hard to move, your bones’ll snap.
Tsukasa: はぁ。"裏指令" ーー "指令"もそうですが、何でそのようなRuleがあるのでしょうね
Tsukasa: Haa. “Offstage instructions” --- Why are there such Rules like those “instructions?”
Tsukasa: そんなふうに戒めずとも、私たちはちゃんと真面目にやるのに
Tsukasa: We’ll perform diligently and earnestly even if warned not to in that way.
Ritsu: ……….
Tsukasa: 閑話休題。失礼いたしました、”Crazy:B”の皆さん
Tsukasa: Let’s get back on topic. Excuse me, everyone in “Crazy:B….”
Tsukasa: 我ら “Knights” との間に交わした約定に則り、現状を報告してください
Tsukasa: Please report on the current state of affairs in accordance with the agreement you made with us “Knights.”
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Rinne: はは。堅苦しいねェ、お偉いさんは
Rinne: Haha. That’s so stiff, big shot.
Tsukasa: 礼儀は大事でしょう、どのような局面でも。。。。。。誰が相手であっても
Tsukasa: I think that etiquette is important in any situation***….. No matter who the other party is.
Rinne: そりゃそうだ。言葉面だけ綺麗にしてりゃ話を聞いてもらえるってンなら、こんなに楽な話はねェっしょ?
Rinne: Of course it is. If you use nothing but flowery language while listening to conversations, then isn’t this kind of chat much easier?
Rinne: 敬語という士組みをつくってくださった、ご先祖さまに感謝しねェと♪
Rinne: I give my thanks to your ancestors for making that group of keigo****.~♪
Rinne: ーってことで!こっちも古き良き日本の伝統に則り、礼儀を尽くしてご報告させてもらいましょう!
Rinne: … With that, I shall also put in some courtesy and report***** by following the traditions of good ol’ Japan!
Rinne: すべては、偉大なる “Knights” さまのために!
Rinne: Anything for the sake of the esteemed “Knights!”
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Niki: ……...
Rinne: 。。。。。おい。お偉いさんとの面会中に寝でンじゃねェぞニキこの野郎
Rinne: ….. Oi. Niki, don’t sleep during the meeting with these big shots, you son of a bitch!
Rinne: そんなに寝んねが好(ちゅ)きなら永眠させてあげまちゃうかぁ?ぎゃはははっ☆
Rinne: If you like sleeping so much (kiss), then I wonder if you should just sleep forever? Gyahahaha!☆
Niki: 痛い痛い痛いギブギブギブ!何この突然に振るわれる理不尽な暴力。。。。。!?
Niki: Ow, ow, OW, mercy, mercy, mercy! What’s with this unreasonable display of violence all of a sudden….!?
Niki: 虐待はやめてほしいっす!っていうか”Knights”の皆さんを見習って、せめてもうすこし優しく叱ってほしいっす!
Niki: I want you to stop abusing me! I mean, you could follow the example of everyone in “Knights” and scold me a little more gently at the very least!
Rinne: あァ?猫撫で声で優しく諭してほしいってか?そんなふうに甘やかすから反省も学習もせず成長しねェんだよっ、体罰万歳!
Rinne: Aah? Do you want me to gently nudge you with a coaxing voice like you’re a cat? If I’m sweet on you like that, you won’t grow up reflecting on what you learned. Three cheers for corporal punishment!
Niki: あぁもうぅ、口を開けば問題になりそうなことしか言わない!燐音くんマジ燐音くん。。。。。!
Niki: Aaaah stop! You only open your mouth to say problematic things! Rinne-kun, I’m being /srs, Rinne-kun, not /j!.....******
Niki: ていうか、あんたは僕をいじめてストレス発散したいだけでしょ〜っ?
Niki: I mean, you just want to relieve some stress by picking on me, right?~?
Niki: 燐音くんは僕のことをいつでも気軽れるサンドバッグだと思ってないっすか!?
Niki: Does Rinne-kun think I’m a punching bag that he can use without a care whenever he wants!?
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HiMERU: ー意外と正確な自己評価をしていますね、椎名
HiMERU: - You’re doing a surprisingly accurate self-evaluation, Shiina.
Niki: あれっ? "そんなことないよ" って優しく慰めてほしかったのに肯定された!?
Niki: Huh? I wanted you to gently console me by saying “that’s not true at all” but instead you just reaffirmed everything!?
Niki: うあああん、酷いっす!こんな薄情なひとたちとは一緒にいられないっす、おうち帰る!ここじゃ食べたいものも食べられないしぃ!
Niki: Uaaan, that’s cruel! I can’t stay with such heartless people! I’m going home! I can’t eat whatever I want here!
Rinne: 勝手に帰ったら殺すぞ。”SS” 予選会の期間中は、他の他域に移動するのはルール違反なンだよ
Rinne: I’ll kill you immediately if you go home. It’s against the rules to move to another region during the “SS” qualifying round.
Rinne: 違反者への罰則も重めに設定されてるしなァ、もう忘れちまったのか?あァ?
Rinne: Have you already forgotten that they set heavier penalties for violators? Aah?
Niki: ううっ、すぐ殺すとか言う〜! そういう暴言は吐いちゃいけませんって小学校で習わなかったんすかっ?
Niki: Uugh, saying you’ll kill me immediately~! Weren’t you taught in elementary school not to spew out violent words like that?
Rinne: 小学校? 何だそれ、食えンのか?ぎゃははは✰
Rinne: Elementary school? What’s that? Can you eat it? Gyahahaha!✰
Tsukasa: あのう。。。。。?
Tsukasa: Erm…..?
HiMERU: ーあっと。無駄に騒いで失礼しました、”Knights” の皆さん
HiMERU: -Ah. My sincerest apologies for the pointless racket, everyone in “Knights.”
Rinne: そうだぞォ?ちゃんと反省しろよォ、ニキ? すみませんねェ “Knights” の皆さん、うちのアホが。。。。。♪
Rinne: Right? Why don’t you reflect on that properly, Niki? Everyone in “Knights,”please excuse my wife.....♪
Niki: あっれぇ、何で僕が叱られる流れになってるんすか!?
Niki: Wait, what? Why am I the one getting scolded here!?
Rinne: ぎゃはは!いつの時代でもどんな場所でも、責められ不足され���のは、"いちばん悪いやつ" じゃなくて "いちばん弱いやつ" なんだよ!
Rinne: Gyahaha! Anytime, anyplace, it’s not the “guy most at fault” who gets criticized for what he lacks, but the “weakest guy!”
Niki: うわぁあんっ、理不尽ここに極まれるっす〜!?
Niki: Uwaaan, aren’t we reaching extreme levels of absurdity here!?
HiMERU: ー本当にすみません。いつもストッパー役となっている桜河が諸事情あって別行動している現状、ふぎけ始めると歯止めが利かないようです
HiMERU: -- I’m truly sorry. Oukawa always plays the part of “stopper” among us, but due to various reasons, he’s gone off on his own at the moment. No one’s putting on the brakes once the immorality starts.
Tsukasa: いえいえ。謝罪の必要はありませんからね、”Crazy:B”
Tsukasa: No, no. Apologies are unnecessary, “Crazy:B.”
Tsukasa: むしろ皆さん楽しそうで、仲良さそうで羨ましいほどです
Tsukasa: If anything, I’m envious of how close of friends you are. Everyone seems to be having a good time.
Arashi: ……….
*Japanese-style coffee shop in particular. "Kissaten" (喫茶店)
**Ryokan (旅館). Traditional Japanese inn. Traditional construction with tatami floors and sliding doors and communal baths.
***Drawing from any "situation" in a game of go or shogi in particular.
****Honorific speech.
I'm a linguist and have an M. Phil in semiotics so I'll try to be brief with Passion TM.
Honorific speech refers to the forms where many different levels of politeness are utilized via language, particularly verb changes and fall under many distinct classifications that can apply to either oneself or to those being referred to either directly or indirectly. Based on differentiations in rank and key to Japanese language usage, especially on a professional level. Tsukasa usually uses "polite" language.
Linguistically, it is relatively comparable (but significantly less formalized) in English through the use of blunt (rude or familiar) to indirect/flowery language (polite). See, "give me the book" vs. "if you would be so kind, may i please have the book."
For further reading, please see: Keigo in Modern Japan: Polite Language from Meiji to the Present by Patricia J. Wetzel, 2004.
*****Now Rinne is using the polite form but very sarcastically.
******I literally could not help myself do not perceive me.
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m-1950 · 15 days
Los Hacheros: NPR Music Tiny Desk Concert
2016 年 6 月 30 日、FELIX CONTRERAS 著 • 時には基本に戻る必要があります。Los Hacheros の場合、それは現代のサルサとそのすべての変形の元となるアフロカリビアン音楽の深いグルーヴに戻ることを意味します。このビデオでわかるように、バンドの本物へのこだわりは、かなりの量のサボールで見事に実行されています。実際、バンドはスイングしすぎて、傍観者でいるだけでは、「Bambulaye」の間に飛び入りしてバンドと一緒に演奏するチャンスを逃すことはできませんでした。家具を片付けて、このビデオの音量を上げて、自分だけのダンスパーティーを作りましょう。Bambulaye は現在 iTunes で入手できます。https://itunes.apple.com/us/album/bam... アマゾン:https://www.amazon.com/Bambulaye-LOS-... より セットリスト: 「Baila Con Los Hacheros」「Papote's Guajira」「Bambulaye」 クレジット: プロデューサー: Felix Contreras、Niki Walker。オーディオ エンジニア: Josh Rogosin。ビデオ撮影者: Niki Walker、Kara Frame、Colin Marshall。制作アシスタント: Jackson Sinnenberg。写真: NPR。Tiny Desk のコンサートの詳細については、ポッドキャストをご購読ください。
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gallerynamba · 2 months
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poi-son-ous · 3 years
Título: Decode / Descodificar  Música y letra: Niki  Traducción al inglés: PandaKittenhybrid Vídeo original: Nicovideo - YouTube Letra:
昨日まで繰り返した日々が 簡単に壊れてしまうなら 自由さえ奪われた迷路で 吐息まで空回り出してる Si hasta ayer los repetitivos días estaban simplemente rompiéndose por completo Entonces, en este laberinto donde incluso la libertad ha sido robada, empezaré a correr en círculos hasta suspirar. 立ち止まって繰り返す警告 蘇る感覚 Una cesante y continua advertencia; la sensación de renacer サヨナラ、僕達は迷い込んで この本能までが溶けるようだ 意味を分かったって答えなんて 偽りの言葉で重ねて 壁の向こう側にある自由が その正体までも拒むようで 息が切れたって影に迫ったって まだ見えないなら もう止まらない Adiós, tomamos el camino equivocado hasta que los instintos parezcan derretirse Respondiendo “Lo entiendo”, las palabras se amontonan unas sobre otras. Parece que la libertad que se encuentra al otro lado de la pared es denegada hasta que tu verdadero yo también la rechace Incluso si estoy sin aliento y rondando las sombras Si todavía no puedo verlo no me detendré 後悔を思い出す姿が 目に映る真実の世界だ 自由さえ奪われた迷路で 掴むのは新しい未来だ La figura arrepentida, reflejó en mis ojos el mundo real. En este laberinto en el que la libertad ha sido robada, lo que ansío es un nuevo futuro, 立ち止まって繰り返す警告 蘇る感覚 Una cesante y continua advertencia; la sensación de renacer 霞んだメロディを包み込んで この衝動までが嘘のような 何を逆らって悲しいなんて 読み解いた真実を語る このまま遠くまで走り続けて Envolveré esta difusa melodía hasta que este impulso parezca una mentira ¿A qué me estoy oponiendo? Es algo triste. Desvelaré la verdad que he descodificado. Así continuaré huyendo いつも見てたこの空に 声が今も届くなら Si mi voz es capaz de alcanzar el cielo al que siempre mire... 僕達は迷い込んで この本能までが溶けるようだ 意味を分かったって答えなんて 偽りの言葉で重ねて 壁の向こう側にある自由が その正体までも拒むようで 息が切れたって影に迫ったって まだ見えないなら もう止まらない Adiós, tomamos el camino equivocado hasta que los instintos parezcan derretirse Respondiendo “Lo entiendo”, las palabras se amontonan unas sobre otras. Parece que la libertad que se encuentra al otro lado de la pared es denegada hasta que tu verdadero yo también la rechace Incluso si estoy sin aliento y rondando las sombras Si todavía no puedo verlo no me detendré
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