nieru07 · 5 years
Hoshino Kureha Side Story Chapter 13, 14, & 15 [English Translation]
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These 3 chapters is the last chapter of Kureha’s side story………...for now
[Previous chapter]
Chapter 13 : “Where is My Real self....”
Kureha: “My real self…...”
Mother: “Because Kaede said “i want to fulfill Kureha’s dream no matter what”, i didn’t stop you that time. And i’m also rooting for you now, but…”
Mother: “I don’t want you to forget”
Mother: “About what do you really want to do… and who you really are…”
Mother: “You are Kaede, not Kureha. You can’t be Kureha”
Mother: “That’s why, it’s okay even if you didn’t push yourself to fulfill Kureha’s dream”
Kaito: “Sigh… be it your true self or whatever it is, the you whom standing right here is the real you, right?”
Kureha: “I’m Hoshino Kaede, but also Hoshino Kureha…...”
Kureha: “Kaede is… My past self is…. not as bright as the me now, and is a complete opposite of Kureha…”
Kureha: “Then, the reason i became cheerful now… is because i’m Hoshino Kureha?”
Kureha: “...........”
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Kureha: “Who is the me whom standing here right now..?”
Kureha: “Aiming to become an idol… whose dream is that?”
Kureha: “Ah, a message… from Kazuyuki?”
Kureha: “‘Club has already started’, he said… AAAAAHH!! IM LATE!!”
Kureha: “S-sorry for being late..”
Toya: “Oi oi, did you oversleep?”
Kureha: “No… i’m awake but, i spaced out”
Kazuyuki: “Do you feel sick?”
Aoi: “Is that true?”
Kureha: “Ah, no! There’s nothing like that”
Kureha: “As you can see, i’m full of spirit!”
Yuhi: “Are you really okay?”
Kureha: “I am!”
Kazuyuki: “Don’t push yourself, okay?”
Kureha: ‘I have to focus on practice right now!’
Kaito: “Oi. You did the choreography wrong there”
Kureha: “Eh, s-sorry!”
Toma: “Somehow, don’t you think Kureha-san did a lot of miss than usual today?”
Aoi: “It looks like his mind is somewhere else”
Yuhi: “As i thought.. maybe he doesn’t feel well…”
Toma: “Hmm~ but from what i saw, it doesn’t looks like he is sick or something like that”
Yuhi: “Then… is something bothering his mind..?”
Aoi: “Kazuyuki, did you ask what happened to him?”
Kazuyuki: “I did. But no matter what i asked, he only said that he is okay..”
Kazuyuki: “But, it always looks like he was thinking about something”
Toya: “Kureha always so noisy when it comes to other person, but he is rather quiet when it’s about himself”
Aoi: “You have a point..”
Kureha: “Today, i can’t act like Kureha at all”
Kureha: “Kureha will not made that much misses and will not make everyone worried like that..”
Kureha: “As i thought, i’m not good because…. i’m not the real Kureha…”
Chapter 14 : “A Secret of the Hidden Wound”
Yoichi: “Let’s end today practice”
All: “Good work!”
Toma: “Uwaah… there’s a downpour outside..”
Toma: “I don’t want to get wet”
MC: “Since i brought a folding umbrella, should i go to the club room and take everyone’s share of umbrellas as well?”
Toya: “But.. even though we will get wet, it’s not like we will be soaking wet, right”
Toya: “Let’s go to the club room by running”
Kureha: “Eh”
Kazuyuki: “Kureha-kun, what’s wrong?”
MC: “I can take one person with me so, Kureha-kun, do you want to go back together with me?”
Kureha: “N-no… it’s okay! I’m going to go back by running with everyone”
Toma: “Uuugh.. I can’t believe we also have to run even after the practice is over..”
Toma: “I’m going with manager---”
Aoi: “What are you thinking of taking the good part by yourself! You also going to run with us”
Toma: “Eeehh”
Yoichi: “Well then, everyone. Let’s go”
Kureha: ‘I’m going to be okay, right…’
Toma: “Who said we wouldn’t be soaking wet?”
Toya: “I was completely mistaken haha”
Toya: “But well, you became such a good man until water is immersed in you, right”
Aoi: “I’m immersed! Toya-san is so charming! Beautiful!”
Toma: “What are you sayi---achoo!”
Yoichi: “It will be bad if anyone catch cold. Everyone, hurry up and get changed”
Aoi: “Huh? Kureha. I didn’t know you have a wound on that place”
Kureha: “Eh…?”
Subaru: “You’re right~ there’s a wound on your forehead~”
Kureha: “........!”
Yuhi: “Ku-Kureha-kun?”
Kureha: “I-I’m…..”
Kureha: ‘What should i do… they’ve seen it….’
Kureha: ‘Even though i must be “Hoshino Kureha” in front of everyone..’
Toma: “What’s wrong? Getting panicked like that..”
Kazuyuki: “Could it be.. you don’t want anyone to see it?”
Kureha: “Eumm… Err…”
Kureha: “I’m going to toilet for a sec!” *runs*
Yuhi: “Kureha-kun…”
Toya: “It’s my first time seeing Kureha panicked like that..”
Aoi: “Could it be.. that wound is the reason why he doesn’t to take a bath together until now..”
Kureha: “Sigh…”
Kureha: “Huh? It’s open..” *enters the club room*
MC: “Who is that!?”
Kureha: “Uwah!?”
MC: “Ah, i’m sorry! The door’s sound surprised me..”
Kureha: “I’m also sorry for making you surprised. So you are still here..”
MC: “Err.. I still have something to do, so…”
Kureha: “Manager is someone who can’t lie, huh”
MC: “Eh?”
Kureha: “It’s my fault, right”
MC: “What are you saying! It’s not your fault!”
MC: “I’m worried about Kureha-kun, so i waited here by my own will”
Kureha: “As i thought, i made you wait”
MC: “Ah… that’s….”
Kureha: “Sorry for troubling you”
Kureha: “I became distraught like that just because my wound was being seen...”
MC: “Could it be, that wound is…”
Kureha: “Yeah. It was from when i got caught up in the mudslide...”
Kureha: “I always tried to hide it so it can’t be seen though”
Kureha: “It seems like the foundation was swept away by the rain..”
MC: “Why are you hiding it?”
Kureha: “Because if don’t, i feel like “Hoshino Kaede” going to come out even for a bit”
Kureha: “How should i put it….”
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Kureha: “There’s two divided part inside me. The one with wound is “Kaede”, and the one without wound is “Kureha””
Kureha: “When i’m being Kureha, i would definitely hide my wound along with hiding “Kaede”s existence as well”
Kureha: “That’s why, when my wound was being seen, it felt like they found out that i’m “Kaede” and i ran away…”
Kureha: “Heheh, even though there’s no way they would found out. No one know about this wound after all..”
MC: “Kureha-kun….”
Kureha: “Say, manager… the one who is here right now, which one do you think it is?”
MC: “What did you mean by which one?”
Kureha: “The me who were talking with you right now.. Is it Kureha? Or Kaede?”
Kureha: “Recently, there’s a time when i’m trying to be Kureha but, when i realized it i became Kaede..”
Kureha: “”Kureha” and “Kaede” become mixed up and i became more and more unable to understand my real self…”
MC: “So that’s why your condition is strange recently”
Kureha: “...sorry for always whining. I should get ahold of myself, right”
Kureha: “I should be the decent “Hoshino Kureha””
MC: “Kaede-kun…”
Kureha: “Ahahah! Manager, you got it wrong!”
Kureha: “My name is “Hoshino Kureha”! “Kureha” that’s written as Momiji!”
MC: “..........”
Kureha: “Woops, i should get ready to go home soon if not, manager can’t lock the room, right!”
Kureha: “I’m going to get ready right now so, wait for a bit”
MC: ‘Is there something i can do for Kureha-kun….’
Chapter 15 : “Cycling on a Sunny Day”
Kaede: “Kureha, you are mad at me, right?”
Kureha: “Eh? What are you talking about?”
Kureha: “Ah!! Could it be, Kaede was the one who eat my pudding!?”
Kaede: “No, you are wrong...”
Kureha: “Eeh? Then, are you the one ate the ice cream that i kept?”
Kaede: “No, that’s not what i’m talking about”
Kaede: “Kureha, I’m sorry…. Because of me… That time… instead of you, i…..”
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Kureha: “....whoever the first one, it’ll be the same”
Kureha: “......again...”
Kureha: “....it’s still early. Recently, i keep on seeing a dream about Kureha..”
Kureha: “....sigh”
Kureha: “Kureha…”
Kureha: “...this is not good!”
Kureha: “I can’t be like this!”
Kureha: “Yosh, it’s sunny!”
Kureha: “There’s no club activity today. As expected, at time like this, it’s that, right!”
Kureha: “Huh? Yuhi-senpai?”
Yuhi: “Kureha-kun…. morning”
Kureha: “Good morning! Where are you going this early in the morning?”
Yuhi: “I’m going to check the rabbits…. that’s in the breeding hut”
Yuhi: “How about Kureha-kun?”
Kureha: “Since  there’s no club activity today, i’m thinking about going to cycling!”
Yuhi: “Then, wanna go together until the midway..?”
Kureha: “Okay!”
Yuhi: “Eumm.. yesterday, are you okay..?”
Kureha: “Ah… yeah. I’m really sorry for suddenly rushed out like that!”
Yuhi: “It’s okay..”
Yuhi: “You didn’t catch cold, right…? I’m worried…”
Yuhi: “that time Kureha-kun was still soaked after all..”
Kureha: “Don’t worry about it! As you can see, i’m healthy and lively!”
Yuhi: “I see…”
Kureha: “Ah… please don’t mind what happened yesterday!”
Yuhi: “If that’s what Kureha-kun wished for…”
Yuhi: “If you don’t want to tell us the reason you hide it then there’s no need for you to do so. Everyone also said the same thing...”
Yuhi: “Everyone has things that they want to hide after all…”
Kureha: “Yuhi-senpai…”
Yuhi: “If one day Kureha-kun want to talk about it, just tell me, i’ll always lend you an ear”
Yuhi: “Even though it’s not me….. I think everyone will lend you an ear”
Kureha: “Thank you very much”
Yuhi: “Then, i will be going to the breeding hut...”
Yuhi: “Be careful while you cycling”
Kureha: “Yeah! I’m off!”
Yuhi: “Take care”
Kureha: “It’s already this late when i’m being absorbed in riding my bike”
Kureha: “Ah! It’s Kaito!”
Kureha: “Kaitooo!!”
Kaito: “..........”
Kureha: “What is it what is it? It’s rare for you to stare at me like that!”
Kureha: “Could it be you are worried about me?”
Kaito: “I am”
Kureha: “I know righ---wait, Eeeh!?”
Kaito: “Oi, don’t get it wrong. I’m not worried about you”
Kaito: “I’m worried whether it will affect our next Pre-star or not if the center condition is like that”
Kaito: “You understand that the next Pre-star is the last one, right?”
Kureha: “I understand…”
Kureha: “But no worries! Since i’ll do it properly”
Kureha: “By the way, just now you indirectly said that you are worried about me, right?”
Kaito: “I didn’t”
Kureha: “I’m happy~! If i didn’t bring a bike right now, i’m gonna hug you right away. What a shame!”
Kureha: “By the way, tonight’s dinner seems to be fried chicken, you know?”
Kaito: “then what’s with that”
Kureha: “The one who arrive at the dorm first will receive one fried chicken from the one who lose!”
Kaito: “Huh? Even though it’s an equal challenge, it’s a foul play if you’re the one who ride a bike---Oi! Hoshino!”
Kureha: “Come on! Run if you want to eat many fried chicken!”
Kaito: “wtf… what’s with him..”
Story clear! (for now)
Aahh i finally translated the last chapter for now. Certainly thought it’s gonna take one month because i’m a lazzy-ass but i managed to finish it within 2 weeks. Congrats to myself for not being lazzy *clap clap*
Btw have you guys read the newest chapter of the main story? It’s finally Kureha’s turn to make us cry :’D his monologue at the beginning of the chapter made me cry for 2 minutes *sobs* my son;;; *sobs* i think starting now i need to prepare some tissues whenever they updated the main story _(:’D_
Oh right, i plan to translate Toya’s side story next! which is another trip of feels :’D
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strayhitsuji · 6 years
stirRhythm Radio 3|| 自分を好きだと思った瞬間は?((With Aoi and Touya))
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Touya: The time has come for the radio segment where we pass the time with you, our listeners “OuRadio” for short. Aoi: You being here’s enough to mesmerize anyone, Touya-san, but that ain’t what we’re here for today Touya: Oh my, it appears I’ve made a careless mistake. Let’s start from the top, then. I’m Touya Shido, and with me I have Aoi: Aoi Muko, reporting in! Touya: And this is stirRhythm Radio! Let us commence! Aoi: Yaaaay!
But man, I kinda wanted to ask about that “OuRadio” thing. Touya: I wanted to make this episode more... personal. Aoi: Kyaaaaaaaa!! Touya-saaaaan!!! My heart’s poundin’!! I can’t!!!! It’s a miracle!!! Touya: I don’t quite understand what you mean by miracle However, I’ve charmed you today as well, hm? I am a sinful man Aoi: Hate to cut you off, Touya-san, byt look at all these submissions we got! Touya: This episode our topic was “A Moment You Liked Yourself”. I can say without a doubt that since the time of my birth I-- Aoi: Ah, Touya-san. Stop right there. First we should show off everyone’s letters, then I’ll listen to what you were sayin’ without interruption, just like I want to! Touya: Is that so! Well then, what shall I pull with this divine hand of mine.. Aoi: What’s it gonna be ♪  What’s it gonna be  ♪ Touya: It’s a bit like rolling the dice, hm? Aoi: Even though that ol’ show ended, you sure know a bunch from it, huh. Touya: Well, it used to be one of the only things I caught on TV way back when But I digress. And the one who will be chosen.... Yes! This one! I’ve selected this submission from one, A-rutencho-san! Aah, let’s see... “When I do things that I like! I love myself most when I sing through a song I especially love!” Is what they’ve written. Aoi: Oooh, I feel that. When I found you, Touya-san, who I was aspiring to be like, I remember being filled with those feelings, too. And now, also being a member of stirRhythm and all... Tch, this is kinda embarrassing! Touya: I’m also rather fond of myself when I’m around you and the others? As  A-rutencho-san wrote “I like me when I sing songs I enjoy.” I understand that very well, too! Whether it be our songs or dust/mondo’s songs, when I sing them perfectly putting all my heart and soul behind them, There’s no better feeling. That is the best possible me in my eyes! Aoi: It’d be awesome if  A-rutencho-san added one of our songs into their playlist of favorites! Touya: Aboslutely! Would you do this for us?  A-rutencho-san! Aoi: That way when you come to one of our lives we can sing our hearts out together! Touya: My my, our time is drawing to a close OuRadi.... no stirRhythm Radio’s light-hearted hosts bid you adieu. From myself, Touya Shido! And Aoi: Aoi Muko! Next time’s topic will be “Things I Wasn’t Able To Do This Year”. Touya: We will be accepting submissions until the 20th of December, so feverishly send in your comments! Let them pour in! Aoi: Pour! Pour! Pour! Touya: Hey, what’s up with you? Aoi: No clue I think I had too much, and it’s kinda messing me up... Touya: Since Aoi’s become like this, we’ll end it here. Farewell!
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musical-kiki · 6 years
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嬉しいです♪スタパレのCD ゲトだぜ。凄く綺麗な曲でした♡有墨昴さん激推しです!伊原辰さんを応援しています♪♡
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damegema · 5 years
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m-yellow · 5 years
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久しぶりにお絵かき掲示板でお絵かき楽しい~~~~!みんな!「スターリィパレット」っていうゲームご存知ですか?!アイドル部の青春とキラキラのストーリー!I’veのクリエーター多数参加の幅広いジャンルの楽曲!基本プレイ無料!ぜひDLしてみてくださいね~~~~!現在バレンタインイベント開催中で、推しアイドルにチョコレートを渡せるよ♡ 私の推しはナルシストなんだけど今までに出会ってきたナルシストキャラとは違う…自分大好きだけど、それ以上に仲間のことを大切にしてくれる・紫藤菫哉様(CV.木村昴さん)だ~~~~!
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rca1188 · 6 years
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Drafts of red haired cheerful idols 😥 They are a lot of them each series Kyaah~♡ Koki 😍 I dunno but I think I'm into E-lements unit 😋 Red haired again 😛 #animeidols #アイファン #stiRhythm #starrypalette #スタパレ #リアライヴ #アニドル #anidolcolors #realive #idolfantasy https://www.instagram.com/p/BqTwX4jhT6W/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1xkvh1hu9jmwh
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saboteurphantasm · 5 years
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Starry Palette Icons for SHIDO and YOICHI! ~
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◆DMM.com OVERRIDEが贈る青春系リズムゲーム◆ ある日、弱小アイドル部のマネージャーとなったあなたは、一癖も二癖もある個性豊かな部員達と共に、学生アイドルの頂点「スターライブ」を目指すことに…! 笑いあり、涙ありの熱い青春ストーリーと、軽快で楽しいリズムゲームをお楽しみいただけます♪
『スターリィパレット』(通称:スタパレ)は、9人の男子学生”stirRhythm(ステアリズム)”が、様々な困難に立ち向かい、アイドル部の頂点を目指し成長していく物語です。 ゲームの他にもWebラジオやイベント・ライブなど、様々な形で楽しめるメディアミックスプロジェクトとして展開中♪
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nieru07 · 5 years
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Igarashi Kazuyuki Short Comic
Artist: 豆屋
Bad luck Kazuyuki //SHOTS
Kureha | Kaito | Kazuyuki | Aoi | Toya | Yuuhi | Touma | Subaru | Yoichi
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nieru07 · 5 years
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Starry Palette 4 coma part 8 & 9
tbh these parts is my favorite parts because it’s funny haha
cleaning these was a pain in the ass tho _(:D_
part 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12
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nieru07 · 5 years
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Muko Aoi Short Comic
Artist: 豆屋
Toya & Aoi’s relationship in one pic
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Kureha | Kaito | Kazuyuki | Aoi | Toya | Yuuhi | Touma | Subaru | Yoichi
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nieru07 · 5 years
Hoshino Kureha Side Story Chapter 1 & 2 [English Translation]
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Heeyyy guys!! Since i finished translating sutapare’s short comics & 4 comas, i’m going to translate Kureha’s side story now!
His story gonna be ‘a trip of feels’ so prepare your tissues and cry together with me :’D
Are you ready for a trip of feels? :^)
Chapter 1 : “Let’s record a Self-introduction!”
???: “Rescue him first instead of me!”
Kureha: “when it’s raining, i always remember it…”
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Kureha: “I’ve always regret it since that rainy day…”
Kureha: “Even though i’m not the one who should be rescued first..”
Kureha: “He always said that “I’ll definitely become an idol!””
Kureha: “That’s why…. I’ve made a resolution to carry on that dream”
Aoi: “AH--!”
Yoichi: “Aoi-san, you are noisy”
Aoi: “Yoichi-senpai, i want you to look at this! I found this when i were surfing on the internet just now..”
Yoichi: “...it’s a self-introduction video from other school”
MC: “This is something that used to increase popularity in Play Star, right?”
Yoichi: “I think it’s probably a strategy to increase some popularity by having the club members introducing themself one by one like this”
Subaru: “It’s indeed will left an impression~”
Toya: “Damn! How dare them became standout ahead of the great me!”
Aoi: “That’s right! Even though Toya-san is the coolest person in nationwide… no, in worldwide! I can’t forgive them for getting ahead of Toya-san!”
Kureha: “Hmm… then, let’s try taking a self-introduction video too!”
Kureha: “I think it’s better if we can do a self-introduction since we are an idol, along with practicing it too, how about it?”
Subaru: “Pass. It’s bothersome~”
Kureha: “Eehh!”
Kaito: “Rather than that, isn’t it better if we polish our technique more”
Kureha: “I see. It’s impossible for Kaito to do a perfect self-introduction because Kaito is unsociable, huh~”
Kaito: “Don’t joke with me. I can do it better than you.”
Kureha: “Eeh~! I wonder if it’s true~? Then let’s do it to proof what you said!”
Yuhi: “I’m…. not good… in front of camera..”
Kureha: “But if we became an idol, we would be in camera, you know? That’s why, we are going to do a special training now!”
Toya: “I’m in! I’m going to fully show my beautifulness, pureness, and toughness!”
Aoi: “Then i’m going to promote Toya-san with all my might!”
Toma: “I also want to take it ♪ Make it perfectly cute, okay?”
Subaru: “Eeh~ Everyone gonna do it? Hey, Yoichi-kun stop them please~”
Yoichi: “Then there’s no helping it if everyone want to do it. And just as what Kureha-san said, i thought it’s not going to hurt if we practice doing a self-introduction.”
Subaru: “You betrayer~”
Yoichi: “Who did you call a betrayer. Manager, can i ask you to record using smartphone?”
MC: “Of course!”
Yoichi: “Then, the first one is Kureha-san”
Kureha: “Ehh!? I’m first?”
Yoichi: “You are the initiator after all, I want you to take a responsibility and become the top batter”
Kureha: “Alright! I’m going to cheerfully introduce myself so, take a cool video for me, okay? Manager”
MC: “Leave it to me! Then, please start after i said 1, 2, 3, okay?”
Kureha: “Roger!”
Toya: “Kureha, do it perfectly and show your manliness, okay!”
Kureha: “Got it!”
Kureha: “Yosh, Manager, i’m ready”
MC: “Then, i’m going to record it, okay. 1, 2, 3…”
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Kureha: “Everyone’s smile is my source of power☆ Seika Gakuen First Year Idol Club, Hoshino Kureha! Please take care of me!”
Chapter 2 : “My Speciality is Magic Trick!”
Kureha: “Everyone’s smile is my source of power☆ Seika Gakuen First Year Idol Club, Hoshino Kureha! Please take care of me!”
Kureha: “Entering Seika Gakuen Idol club where i am now, and winning Star Live is my dream since a long time ago!”
Kureha: “My speciality is magic trick! I’m quite popular for it in my family. Even myself think that maybe i’m really good at magic trick”
Kureha: “On my day off, i’m doing a self-training for singing or dancing… When the weather is good, i often went for cycling”
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Kureha: “Starting now, i’m going to do my best on aiming to be an idol that can make everyone smile, so please rooting for me!”
MC: “Alright, that’s OK!”
Toya: “Ohh! As a top batter, you are doing pretty well!”
Yuhi: “Really.... Amazing…”
Subaru: “But it looks like he still continue, you know?”
Kureha: “My favorite subject is National Language, my weak subject is English. And then…”
Subaru: “Even though the recording is already over, he hasn’t stopped yet”
Kaito: “He is really an idiot”
Kureha: “My favorite food is mushroom, the food that i dislike is….”
Yoichi: “Kureha-san”
Kureha: “Y-yes!”
Yoichi: “Since the recording is already over, i think it’s okay even if you didn’t introduce yourself more than this”
Kureha: “Eh…. but, i got the feeling that no one said OK yet….”
Aoi: “Manager has said OK, you know”
MC: “I’m sorry. I should said it more louder”
Kureha: “Ah, it’s okay! I also sorry! I became too absorbed when talking and didn’t hear you properly”
MC: “Putting that aside, i’m glad we can know about Kureha-kun’s hobby and speciality in this video”
Yoichi: “Indeed, not only for advertisement for the people outside our club, this is also effective to deepen our friendship”
Subaru: “I never thought that Momiji-kun can do a magic trick~”
Toya: “Hey hey, even the easy one is okay! Please show it to us!”
Toma: “I also want to see it”
Kureha: “............”
Kureha: “HMM?”
Toya: “It’s not “Hmm?”. You are trying to dodge it by smiling, right?”
Kureha: “............”
Kureha: “HMM?”
Toya: “That somehow pissed me off”
MC: “C-come to think of it, Kureha-kun also cycling, right”
Kureha: “Ah, that’s right! As expected from manager, you paid attention to the good part one!”
Kureha: “The wind feels good when you ride a road bike, you know”
MC: “To think that you have a road bike… that’s really authentic”
Kureha: “At first it was a normal bike but, i wanted to ride a road bike as well so i saved my new year’s allowance and bought it!”
Toya: “...He ran away, huh”
Toma: “Indeed”
Aoi: “Indeed”
Subaru: “Indeed~”
Kureha: “I-i’m not running away! Doing a magic trick require various preparation so…”
Kaito: “You ran away”
Kureha: “Uugh, even Kaito too… Aren’t you my ally?”
Kaito: “Instead, what made you think that i would become your ally?”
Kureha: “sobs…. You are cold as usual…”
Kaito: “I’m going to change my clothes and going on a running soon”
Kureha: “Ah! Wait! I also want to go~!”
To the next stage...
calm guys. the feels attack hasn’t begin yet ww
[Next chapter]
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nieru07 · 5 years
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Sakurai  Touma Short Comic
Artist: おかの
Kureha | Kaito | Kazuyuki | Aoi | Toya | Yuuhi | Touma | Subaru | Yoichi
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nieru07 · 5 years
Just continue reading chapter 16 of the main story and this scene made me laugh ahahah
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Kureha: "I always thought that it's strange but, why Aoi-senpai doesn't team up with Toya-senpai?"
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Aoi: "Oi... Are you kidding me? You don't understand?"
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Kureha: "Ah, i guesse----"
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Aoi: "By having Toya-san holding my feet when i sit-up, it means that Toya-san's noble face will get close to my face, you know?"
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Aoi: "No way no way. I'm gonna get a nosebleed. And become unable to continue."
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Toma: "That made me cringe...."
18 notes · View notes
nieru07 · 5 years
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Tsujiishi Kaito Short Comic
Artist: 豆屋
Kureha | Kaito | Kazuyuki | Aoi | Toya | Yuuhi | Touma | Subaru | Yoichi
14 notes · View notes
nieru07 · 5 years
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Starry Palette 4 coma part 11 & 12 
Eeeyy here’s the last(?) part of Sutapare 4 coma! (at least for now, maybe???)
part 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12
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