aticketplz · 6 months
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石にブチギレてた なにか気に触ることでもあったの
He was happening to a stone living with him in a tank. what's wrong?
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cozroom · 1 year
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riki-wadaikohikari · 1 year
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【 やっぱ八千代座ええなぁ 】 工業高校時代、建築科の授業の一環で見学に来たのが初めて。 木造の芝居小屋である八千代座の魅力は、一言では言い表せないないですね🤩🤩 林田ひろゆき氏の桶太鼓ワークショップのお昼休憩の短い時間に、奈落をとにかく見せたくてバタバタと見学しに行きました😂笑 またこの舞台で演奏できるように頑張ります✊🔥 ・ ・ ・ ✎✎✎✎✎✎✎✎ 『和太鼓は “誰かを幸せ”にする  和太鼓は “人生を豊か”にする』 和太鼓輝-HIKARI-は、 熊本から世界へ向けて 和太鼓の魅力を発信している 創作和太鼓チームです。 和太鼓の演奏や指導 和太鼓教室の開催 創作曲の作曲、編曲など 和太鼓に関するご用命は 和太鼓輝-HIKARI-にお声掛け下さい。 ✐✐✐✐✐✐✐✐ ・ ・ ・ ──────────── 各リンクは @wadaiko_hikari の プロフィールページ下部に表示している 『 Linktree 』をご確認下さい🤲🏼 ──────────── ・ ・ ・ ✔️公式ホームページ ➭お問い合わせ、随時受付中! ➭ SUZURIにて、グッズ販売中! ➭ LINEにて、スタンプ販売中! ・ ✔️SNS各種 ◆Instagram ◆Twitter ◆TikTok ◆Facebook ◆YouTube 1stチャンネル ◆YouTube 2ndチャンネル ・ ・ ・ #和太鼓輝 #創作和太鼓 #熊本から世界へ #和太鼓 #輝 #ひかり #日本 #熊本 #山鹿 #八千代座 #築113年 #国重要文化財 #廻り舞台 #迫 #天井広告画 #奈落 #スッポン #シャンデリア #芝居小屋 #素敵 #またここで演奏したい (八千代座) https://www.instagram.com/p/CnwmP2jPhTV/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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usacom33 · 2 years
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リクエストイラスト3日目 🐢
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fujyn234 · 2 years
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nature watching June 28 2022
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wwwwwwwwwwww123 · 3 months
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Xユーザーのふぁっふぉいさん: 「8万円超のカセットコンロ、腐すつもりで見たけど、これは全然アリだと思った。見た目に全力なだけだけどそれが潔いというか、「テーブルも土鍋も高級なのにカセットコンロだけ安っぽい工業製品感丸出し」というダサい状況を回避することの需要は多かろう。スッポン屋とか。 https://t.co/cShoR2RpLC」 / X
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ttopbbtom · 3 months
これまでに乳首無感の人には何度か会ったけど 、どこを責めたら良いのかわかんなくなる…両手って乳首いじるためにあるんだよね?て思ってやまないほどに、普段から手を乳首にやってたから…
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koch-snowflake-blog · 5 months
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成瀬 心美は、日本のタレント、歌手、元AV女優。福岡県出身、ティーパワーズ所属。 ウィキペディア
出生地: 新潟県
生年月日: 1989年8月10日 (年齢 34歳)
TV/映画: 魚拓と成瀬のツキとスッポンぽん、 殺し屋サチ、 さらに表示
身長: 147 cm
スリーサイズ: 89 - 60 - 82 cm
チャンネル: 成瀬心美のここチャンネル
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keroxx-a-go-go · 11 months
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monchan-tcs · 1 year
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.大阪❁天満 ❁ツキと寿っぽん まじでわかりづらいところにあるツキと寿っぽん。 予約しないとたぶん入れないし、インターホンに一見さんがどうの書いてあってビビる。笑 スッポン料理なのに、会社の人たちと行ったんだけど予約してもらってたのはぶりしゃぶだったけどすーごい美味しかった! 感動✨また行きたい! #ツキと寿っぽん #鰤しゃぶ #ぶりしゃぶ #鍋料理 #天満グルメ #天満橋グルメ #大阪グルメ #大阪居酒屋 #大阪観光 #観光スポット #グルメ女子 #グルメ巡り #大阪ディナー (ツキと寿っぽん) https://www.instagram.com/p/CppdEt5LjDf/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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dadnews · 2 years
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浜田隆さん 小川原湖で巨大スッポン捕れた! [東奥日報] 2022-09-30
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hgc211hiro · 2 years
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こんばんは😅 今週もドタバタでしたがなんとか金曜の夕方になりました💦 仕事場にはスッポンの赤ちゃんも来たし、楽しい一週間でした😊 皆様もよき週末をお迎えくださいね😁 https://www.instagram.com/p/Cht9FjyvYKI/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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claire-starsword · 1 year
Shining Force 2 All HQ Quotes - JP & ENG
Quotes from the first game here
[put this off for a while since i feel there are less mistranslations, the dialogue in this game is mostly just abridged for ROM space reasons I suppose. Still, there’s still interesting things to see. Unfortunately there’s also even more sexual harassment gags than in the previous game, and hitting most of my favorite characters no less. Yay.
To save those characters a bit, I’ve also translated some stuff from a japanese guide book. That guide book sadly doesn’t have much in terms of character trivia and such, it’s more focused on gameplay stats only, but it does give each character a spicy quote or description for flavor (some are very ambiguous on if they’re first or third person, I’ve noted them as such). And if you stick til the end, maybe you’ll even get some words from our great leader as well? Wouldn’t that be a change of pace.
Most screenshots here are mine but I still had to take a few from RRPG as I didn’t finish my JP playthrough. That’s all the rambling I had, let’s jump to it.]
Active: english version is accurate
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"Got it? Don't be reckless! You're our leader, so we lose if you're defeated."
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"That Jaha! I won't forgive him! ...He was harassing me so I beat him up real hard."
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Guide book quote/description (ambiguous if it's first or third person):
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"Divine punishment dealt in a flash with Hellblast!"
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"*Whinny!* *Snort*... When I imagine the next battle I get kinda pumped up!"
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"That Jaha, man... He is way too flighty with his crushes! He keeps hitting on everyone!"
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Guide book quote/description (ambiguous if it's first or third person):
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"Face the enemies in our way with a powerful charge!"
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"Get ready for anything! I'll be on my guard as well! Huh? Ah, I forgot my helmet."
Originally Jaha says 兜の緒を締めよ, which literally means "fasten the straps of your helmet", but is meant as an expression for "be ready/be on your guard" (kinda like "buckle up" i guess, but that's more related to vehicle so it felt weird to use it). He then follows up on the literal meaning by going to fiddle with his helmet before realizing he just tied a cloth to his head instead. Which is, uh, sure a mistake one can make??? It's pretty nonsense and i didn't find an equivalent expression anyway so I took liberties with it. Do I look like I respect canon Jaha anyway.
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"Oww... Is my cheek still red? I just messed around with Sarah a bit and she slapped me real hard!"
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Guide book quote/description (ambiguous if it's first or third person):
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"A single swing of this axe can shatter even mithril!"
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"When it comes to battle strategy... Yes, Sir Hawel's teachings will be very useful after all..."
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"I'm just... *crack* stretching! My neck gets stiff from using magic, so I have to do some exercises once in a while."
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Guide book quote:
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"Flames of the demon world, burn my enemies to ashes!"
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"I'm skilled at throwing knives! Passing it from one hand to the other helps it pick up speed. Hah!"
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"After this battle is over... Hehe, I wonder what I should steal next... Ah, you heard that?"
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Guide book quote:
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"A great thief like me, caught by the likes of you?"
[As mascot characters often do, Kiwi has a speaking quirk of ending his sentences in kame (turtle). This stuff usually works better in japanese.]
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"I've learned... how to talk... a bit, but... it's tiring... Fighting.... not as much... Turt..."
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"Neck goes in... in... I'm training... how to dodge... Neck goes in, in, like a turtle..."
The word he uses for retracting his neck is スッポン, an onomatopoeia for things fitting nicely into a hole/entrance. It can also mean softshell turtle though, and I feel it's an intentional double meaning so i added the "like a turtle" to flow into his ending quirk. Literally the only time I'm happy with how I adapted it.
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Guide book quote:
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"I'll repay you for saving me, turt..."
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"We phoenixes are really great when it comes to battles! Even if we fall, we can revive without needing the church."
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"Hmpf... Hey, Bowie! I'm not brash, right? Seems some people have been saying about me!"
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Guide book quote: basically the same thing
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"Hey, hey, I'm not brash, right?"
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"As a centaur who can use a bow, I'm a good match against any enemy!"
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Rest: english version is accurate
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"Say, what's Grans Island like? I was born in the countryside, of course... I really wanna see big cities."
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Guide book quote:
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"The red shooting star running through the fields, that's me..."
The japanese word for shooting star, 流星, is made up of the kanji for flow/drift/stream and star. As far as I know any wordplay with "shooting" happening here is purely accidental and I love it.
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"If you ask me... Using weapons to fight is dirty! Real fighters should use their bare hands!"
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"Grrrrr, grrrrr... So? Scary, right? I'm trying to be intimidating, but..."
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Guide book description:
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"The gentle werewolf with a great sense of justice."
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"The ones who can freely use swords are you and us birdmen! Let us make them ring in the next battle as well!"
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"It's a relief to come back to headquarters. We might get rusty if we stay in the Caravan all the time..."
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Guide book quote/description (ambiguous if it's first or third person):
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"Can you survive this swooping kill?!"
This one is another reason I decided to bring up the guide book in this post. I find it curious that his active quote is one of the few changed in the english version for no discernible reason and happens to match the guide book quote. Obviously both are referencing his attack animation and thus could be a coincidence, but it’s still curious.
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“We centaurs are the main fighters in a battle, so we can’t ever let our guard down.”
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"I knew that I wouldn't be bored if I traveled with you all, but I'm impressed with how the surprises never stop."
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Guide book description:
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"A young centaur brimming with curiosity."
Active: English version is mostly accurate although he says enemies from the sky are "ours", plural.
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"Ah, some time to relax! Once you're clean of all the filth from the battlefield you can feel like yourself again!"
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Guide book quote/description (ambiguous if it's first or third person):
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"Hit in a single blow! No missing the target!!"
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"I've been in adventures before so I'm not scared of any battle! Let's head to the next one already!"
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"That hobbit! I won't forgive him! He's been doing a bunch of naughty things in the Caravan. Maybe I should teach him a lesson next time!"
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Guide book quote:
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"If it's healing magic you need, leave it to me."
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"Even while lost in time I didn't neglect my training, so I won't be a burden to you."
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"With this many centaurs gathered our value doesn't stand out as much, but... I might be the one with the greatest lineage here."
It was cut in the english version, but Eric mentions in the og game he used to be lord of a castle.
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Guide book quote:
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"I shall assist you, with my pride as a knight at stake!"
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"My magical power is still far from rusty! Let's defeat those devils."
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"What are young people thinking nowadays? Am I getting old? I can't follow it..."
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Guide book description:
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"A middle aged wizard who doesn't look like an elf."
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"You sure? That no coward is gonna chicken out when the battle starts? There's a bunch of brats to look after here!"
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"Bravo, bravo, here it comes! It's great that I can even drink here. Drinking and fighting, that's life for me!"
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Guide book quote:
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"Attacks of that level won't put a scratch on me!"
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"Fighting is... always dreadful. But I'll give everything I've got to protect the peace of this land."
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"Hee hee! Ah, I'm so happy! Being with Elric is all I need to feel blessed."
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Guide book quote:
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"Aah Elric, you left me behind!"
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"The dwarves' technology is amazing! With this cannon, I can fight as well!"
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"The Ancients' technology is amazing! There's nothing greater than riding in a vehicle!"
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Guide book quote:
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"I'm tempted to use this cannon!"
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"I've recovered from my illness so I won't lag behind anyone! Let's show these devils our power!"
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"I heard that those possessed by a devil become unable to die... That could have been my fate back then!"
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Guide book quote:
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“Loathsome devils, I’ll stab you with this spear!”
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"No matter how strong devils are, they don't compare to the power of nature. Spirits! Lend me your strength!"
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"Goddess Mitula might look young, but she's been like that since the distant past! Just how old is she, exactly?"
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Guide book quote:
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"Come, o great Atlas! Heed my call!"
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"I can't deny my lack of strength, we are meant to shine with surprise attacks from the skies."
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Rest: english version is accurate
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Guide book quote:
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"I won't ever forget how you saved me."
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"Why is everyone here so enthusiastic? I fight at my own pace!"
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"Ah... It's so comfortable here! Never seen a place where you still get a meal without doing anything!"
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Guide book quote:
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"To the east today, to the west tomorrow, I'm a wanderer across battlefields."
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"How terrible are these devils... My wrath is the wrath of the gods, and I'll fight with their power!"
The word Frayja uses for power here, 法力, seems to be about powers attributed to buddhist priests. Another example of the religious term salad that makes up this series.
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"Hellblast! It, it feels great. Though we who serve the gods shouldn't indulge in violence..."
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He does not learn blast spells in game. This is false advertising.
Guide book quote:
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"Gods! Please grant my prayers!"
Active: english version is mostly accurate, though he's not as forceful, just asking to be put in the front.
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"Traveling has been a hobby of mine for a long time. Look at the souvenirs I got for my family! This one's for my wife, and this one is for my son!"
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Guide book quote:
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"My wife and son, wait for me!"
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"You devils! Hiyah! Hiyaah! I'll knock you out with my kicks!"
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"Jaha isn't the only pervert around, we gotta be careful with Sir Astral as well! If he tries anything I'm kicking him in the balls this time!"
Shout out to my phone for constantly suggesting the crying emoji through this one.
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Guide book quote:
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"Gathering strength from every inch of my body... Haah!"
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"The conflict against the devils... Comes from those ancient times. We must end it!"
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"*Click* *clack* *click*... You look puzzled. I'm taking apart my body to oil it. *pop*"
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Guide book quote:
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"I won’t be called a tin soldier!"
Active: english version is accurate, though i'd say duty instead of destiny, but it's a minor nitpick. Also it omits Claude's tick of saying "oon"/"olon" all the time.
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"No one comes near me inside the Caravan, they say they hate getting covered in dirt, oon."
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Guide book quote:
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"Olon! Forgive the power of magic!"
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“I usually seem gentle but, I’m thrilled when in battle. Perhaps it is in my nature to like conflict?”
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"Everyone here... They say I have the airs of a noble and shy away from me. *sobs*"
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Guide book quote:
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"Was it that one...? No, no, that's not it."
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"Like Peter, I cannot die, so you needn't worry no matter how harsh the battle!"
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"Could you take my hand for a moment? So, how it is? Cold, isn't it? But despite that I'm still alive..."
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Guide book quote:
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"My king... I believe in you."
Guide book description:
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"A hero who achieved balance between offense and defense."
...and more!
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sadly nothing in this guide book compares to the beauty that is Max's diary, but there is a small part with Bowie commenting on things as they return to New Granseal. It's largely just the HQ interactions you've read above, but hey! More words than you've ever got from Bowie before! Enjoy.
"Phew, there really is no place like home to relax, am I right? We gotta rest a lot to prepare for our next journey. Everyone worked hard to rebuild this town to the point you can hardly recognize it from before, so we have to do our best too, we'll definitely bring peace back to the world!
We usually don't have much time to just chat, and there's new people here as well, so I've been spending time with everyone else at headquarters. Unlike in the Caravan, there's plenty of space here, so they're relaxing and making themselves at home.
Those in the active party are standing by with an air of 'bring it on, any time!' They've got a lot of fighting spirit. As for those who've been staying in the Caravan, they're having tea, lying around in the beds, or training for battle. I think I saw Kiwi practicing how to dodge earlier. By the way, it feels Sir Astral always wants to be in the same table as the girls for some reason...
Speaking of that, seems Jaha's been hitting on the girls in the Caravan, and they hate it. We're in the middle of a war with the devils, what is he thinking?
Despite that, everyone is fired up for the next battle and that's really reassuring. Let's gather our strength and defeat the devils together!!"
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mtblike · 2 years
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nexusloading588 · 2 years
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Version: 4.2.8 Updated: May 27, 2022 Support external device capture. This webcam screen recorder also provides the video editing option Debut Video Capture is also a great free webcam recording software for Windows 10. Super Webcam Recorder is a tool enabling users to capture streaming video and snapshots. Internet. 覗き大好きなあなたへ…素人女性の動画&画像がてんこ盛りサイト!... 街でolをストーキングしてパンチラを盗撮した映像! 目をつけたolにスッポンのごとく食い下がり盗撮! 街を歩いていて好みのタイプの女性とすれ違った時、思わずムラっときて後を.
How to record screen and webcam on Windows 10 - AddictiveTips.
京 府某温泉宿で隠し撮り 修学旅行女子学生たちのこたつパンチラ盗撮3 60人300分... 【動画配信限定特典映像付】部活合宿で出会った たわわな天使たちとただ欲望のままに…~ロリ巨乳、風呂・着替え盗撮、夜 い、乱交、猥褻映像~. Instructions for use: First, you can select the "Recorder" button in the startup interface to enter the recording interface. Second, Please adjust the area of the screen to be recorded, zoom in, zoom out, move by dragging the border. Third, click the "Record" button in the lower right corner of the interface. Recording begins.
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【熟女画像】人妻熟女のスカートの中を逆さ撮りしたパンチラ盗撮エロ画像 - 熟女画像ハメママ.
. ホーム パンチラ・逆さ撮り 【パンチラ】お花見で盗撮された座りパンチラ動画... 【パンチラ】セーラー服の女子高生の汚れたパンティーのしゃがみパンチラを対面から盗撮. Jan 12, 2019 · Click or tap on Cortana's search box from the taskbar and type in the word camera. Then, click or tap on the Camera app. To record videos with the Camera app from Windows 10, you first have to switch to Video mode. Click or tap the Video button from the right side of the app's window. Then, to start recording a video with the Camera app, click.
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More Than Just Free Screen Recording. Upload an existing video or record your own with the Vidyard Screen and Webcam Recorder. Embed your video on your website, send it in emails, or share it on social media with just a few clicks. Get notified the moment your video has been watched (and see who watched it, and for how long). そうやって盗撮された妹の着替え、お風呂、トイレ、オナニーの写真や動画をかき集めてみました。. パンチラやブラチラは言うに及ばず、さらに過激な部分が映ってしまってる映像も!. ロリコンでシスコンのあなたならきっとわかる家庭内盗撮の魔力. Supported OS: Windows, Mac. Price: Free but $30 for the PRO version. #5. Litecam HD. This is a great tool for recording your webcam and screen since it is designed to capture everything that appears on the screen. You can add your overlay in the settings. Pros.
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poddyshobbies · 2 years
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「ん、カメじゃない?」 ~ スッポン?
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