bridgedevice · 2 months
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kazamip · 1 year
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チャイナネオンめちゃかわいいんだけど、 でっかい袖で顔が隠れちゃいがちでぐぬぬって感じ
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himiyurimy · 2 years
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86stagram · 8 days
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お借りしたマイキャラさん(敬称略): おばさん・なちゅどん @natyudon1 ・ののか
なちゅどんちゃん→プリに出てこない謎の制服。 (´Y`)「おい、てめぇどこ中だよ!」 鞄とスニーカーは校則自由だったらどんな感じかな~、リュックに厚底を履かせたいなってなった
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pretty-idol-hell · 6 months
Okay, so here's how promises have changed in Idol Land PriPara as of 12/13/2023.
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When you click on チーム条件 it now looks like this. The first option is Instant (いますぐ, or Right Now) and the second is Free to Join (こだわり, regular promise). If you pick Instant you get this:
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First option is おまかせ which literally translates into "I'll leave it to you" which will match you with randos.
The second option says 皆のマイキャラ (Everyone's Characters) which brings up this menu:
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Here I see ten friends...
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And ten randos....
Why they would not put in all our friends I do not know. Why. Why do this.
But it does change so if you are looking to make a promise with two specific friends just keep checking I guess.
Anyway I picked @happyheartstar-blog and @idolbutterfly .
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There was no option to choose your outfits, you just showed up as you are.
The option is grayed for the anime characters now too (好きなアイドル/Favorite Idol).
(But you could never choose the outfits of your teammates on the arcade game, it was whatever is on the friend ticket... so y'know...)
Here's the results of a pink promise with five gold tags:
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Not bad. Did you guys get any sort of notification you were in a promise with me or was some passive iine added quietly as usual?
(Edit: We get notified during the login bonus the next day. So cool!)
Incidently, here's the results of a pink free to join PR gold tag promise:
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If you go to Free to Join (こだわり) promise the options are Anyone (だれでも) or Friends (トモダチ) and it's just like before where you wait for people to join.
(They even let you choose from all your friends...)
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prism-stone-planet · 10 months
There was an article uploaded recently that talks about playing Idol Land Pripara.
First you can create your character and they can change parts at any time via the main menu’s “My Character (マイキャラ)” option. You get new character parts by ranking up or exchanging them for tickets.
After creating a character and playing the tutorial, your character appears on the Home Screen by falling into Pripara, like in the anime.
You can go to Prism Stone to buy coordes and spin the gacha, the Promise building to participate in Promises which involves playing Live performances or doing Snapshots, the Photo Studio where you can take photos of your character with various backgrounds and poses, the Friend Board where you can see photos your friends have uploaded and the Movie Theatre where you can watch the anime.
You can see other Pripara characters and other players characters in the town. By tapping another players character, you can see their profile, their Pristagram that has photos they’ve uploaded, you can send them a friend request and if they accept, you can talk to them via “Balloon Talk” where you can talk to them using various stamps.
To play the rhythm game, you have to do a Promise which are like quests that you get rewards from completing. You can make your own or participate in other players Promises.
Promises either feature playing a Live or doing a Snapshot. You need 3 player’s characters for a live and 4 for snapshots but if a Promise is an official one posted by an NPC then you can play right away. If a Promise doesn’t have enough players, you’ll get a notification in the lower right hand corner of the Home Screen when there is enough.
When you play with other players, you don’t have to play at the same time. You can just make a reservation and the next time you log into the game, you’ll be rewarded if you play the Promise with the required number of players. You can reserve 3 Promises at the same time.
If you do a Live performance Promise, the music is chosen by the Promise creator. There are songs that will be already be available and you can buy additional songs with Gold Idollars. You can’t play a Promise if it has a song you don’t own. You don’t choose your Coorde every time you do a Live performance and the Coordes will be the ones a character is already wearing. The center character will be the one that created the Promise.
After clearing a Live performance Promise, you’ll see your score which will be turned into Likes and Silver Idollars. You can go to the Promise Shop to buy Coordes and the lineup seems to change with each Promise.
Snapshot Promises have you take pics of characters in numerous poses and you can take up to 9 pictures. After selecting a photo to save, your score will turn into Likes and Silver Idollars. You can choose 4 Snapshot Poses but they can all be the same one if you want.
If you join another player’s Promise, you can send them up to 20 Likes and send them a friend request from the Promise Participant screen.
You can take photos of your character in the Photo Studio and use already existing backgrounds or use photos from your phone. You can upload these to Pristagram for other players to see and give Likes.
You can buy Coordes using Silver or Gold Idollars in Prism Stone and the lineup changes regularly. The “Dream Gacha” let you use a gacha to get a Coorde and requires Gold Idollars Gacha Ticket. A special song that seems to be created for this part will play.
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0663lovesdq3 · 9 months
すりめさん から
以前エアスケブにてすりめさんマイキャラの勇❤︎賢を描いたお礼にと、うちの賢エルマーさんと勇ロゼアちゃんを描いてくださいました😭🙏… なんとまあお美しい…😭💕❤️頂いた時とってもコーフンしましたよぉお!(3回目) あまりに美麗で心臓止まりそうでした! 優男感バッチリかつセクシーさが垣間見えるエルマー氏に 隣でほほ染めてエルマー氏を見つめるロゼアちゃんがとても愛らしくて感激です😭💕すりめさん、大変美しいお礼絵をありがとうございました!おるるはやはり『しあわせもの』です😭
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umimirezono · 5 months
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ayato3812 · 6 months
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kazurin12201005 · 1 year
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kazamip · 1 year
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フラッシュエレメンツコーデ、スモックみたいだよね エレメンツが赤ちゃんだからなのかな
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men0222 · 1 year
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86stagram · 14 days
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こんばんは、ハムの下僕です。うちのハムはみおんが好きらしいです。というわけで着せた。ちなみに 「性格と見た目が自分と同じく魅力的だから」 だそうです。……~~~? まぁ笑わないであげてほしい。 たぶん、自称クールだけど小悪魔的かつ金髪で強気な瞳を持っていることあたりの話だと思われます。
ちなみに彼女はかなりのナルシストハムちゃんです。 「なんやこいつ」という顔をされるのも無理はない……
(Good evening, ham's servant here! Ham said 'I love Mion she's character & visual feel pretty so cute like me... hehe' Ummmmmm... Don't laugh! She has golden hair, strong Eyes, Impish charmer. and... Maybe she blindly believe She has dignified appearance. Yeah, she's s seriously narcissistic hamster😧🙄😒)
雑多な落書き。昨日載せたRONI風コーデとか他のマイキャラなど。一部のキャラはマイキャラで、わたしとハムの家族です。今度紹介させてくださいね! (I drew doodle the RONI-ish mix coord that I made yesterday. btw, a part other characters is OCs. Let me introduce my family next time!)
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( í Y ì )「うんうんわかるよ。くまみみロングは本来ぼくたちのモノのはずなのに、使えないねぇえ……?」 ( ╯Y╰)「わぁあぁあん……!」
Kumamimi up : Yeah, I know... We want 'Kumamimi long'. Even though it's ours, we can't get it, isn't? Kumamimi long : wah-wah!
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一番上の絵みたいなアニメの��おんみたいにすらっとしたお姉さん風ビジュアルは完全に嘘です。 元々彼女はハムスターのぬいぐるみ(時折登場する丸っこい姿を参照)で、綿でふわふわ、もちもちボディという設定です。 ただの設定だけど、適切な表現がよくわからない *1 ので英語で書くのは保留します。自分のキャラとはいえ、デリカシーのない表現になるかもしれないのが少し怖いです。
*1 私の今のこの状態(A)を指せそうな珍しい英単語を知ったところなので試験的に使ってみようかと思ったのですが、どうやらどちらかと言えば別の意味(B)の方が浸透しているらしく、しかも(B)から派生した別の意味もいくつかあるようでした。わけわかんねー
…… 今日覚えた言葉はdookieです。 'what about coffee makes me have to dookie?' しょうもないことがきっかけで人間は言葉を覚えていく
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clint-benitoite · 1 year
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