#和平阿帕音樂工作室 Hepingapa Studio
fyeahcindie · 6 years
New solo song from Frandé, 法蘭黛樂團's Fran Fran Chen 法蘭!   =D
Written/Produced/Arranged by 法蘭Fran. This is the ‘theme song’ for a new book of poems by 徐珮芬 Pei-Fen Hsu (aka 徐珮芬/patmuffin):
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Much more about the book/collaboration at Line Today (this feature was also published at Blow 吹音樂) More release info back at YouTube.
Backing vocals by 李友廷 Li Youting (aka Yo Lee) , Mumu Mu-Chun Wang (阿牧君 mumu, My 8 Day Weekend 週休八日, Mrs. This 這位太太), 柯家洋 KoChiaYang (PUMPKINney Fan Club 南瓜妮歌迷俱樂部) and Fran
Electric Guitars/江鎮宇 Chen Yu Chiang (Frandé, Mrs. This)
Recording & Mixing Engineer-John Wu 吳孟諺 (drummer from Frandé)
Recorded/Mixed at 和平阿帕音樂工作室 Hepingapa Studio
This is the first & only clip on 法蘭 Fran YouTube Channel. More links: 非常棒 Fusion Bomb YouTube (Frandé, etc.), fran fran Instagram, frandemusic Instagram
By the way, Fran and the band will be at Beans & Beats on Jan. 20th for an event that involves wine and music. ~天蠍座の下午酒~【01/20 法蘭】  This is a series already in progress:
~天蠍座の下午酒~【01/05 Leo王】 ~天蠍座の下午酒~【01/06 Riin】 ~天蠍座の下午酒~【01/12 葛洛力】
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