#阿牧君 mumu
fyeahcindie · 5 years
*When these peeps work together, beautiful things happen!  =D
New from 阿牧君 mumu, mysterious and hypnotic as ever!
Produced & Arranged: 蘇玠亘 Chuck Su & Mumu
Guitar: mumu & 江鎮宇 (fr. Frandé, 法蘭黛樂團) 
Bass: ARNY Ing (fr. Constant & Change 康士坦的變化球, We Save Strawberries 草莓救星, NyLas)
*Mumu, 江鎮宇, and Chuck Su were in Mrs. This 這位太太
*Mumu, 江鎮宇, and Arny were in My 8 Day Weekend 週休八日
Mumu will be performing at PIPE Live Music on the 15th: 伸長脖子還不夠 w/ Gao Xiao Gao/The White Eyes 白目樂團, 當代電影大師 Modern Cinema Master, 黑色收音機派對 Black Radio Party
Let’s go back to 2017 for this one from My 8 Day Weekend 週休八日:
Arny, Mumu, and drummer 李懿修 Lexon Lee star in the clip. Lexon was also the drummer for Mrs. This 這位太太.
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jhenying · 4 years
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李英宏 水哥2020 / 專輯裝幀、預購贈品設計
水哥是一種風尚,是一種寶島少年轉大人之後的作派與人生觀。 2000年以前我們看著灌籃高手與東京情色派長大,家裡總有某個有點壞壞的長輩,梳著油頭配雷朋墨鏡,牛仔外套口袋裡總揣著一包紅大衛和名店的新鮮檳榔,見人從不說廢話,身邊從不缺七辣,他的職涯總是神秘,但長輩都說他為人正氣,那股揉合劉德華與湯姆克魯斯的在地原生種,可能就是水哥的原型。 千禧年後我們看了村上春樹,想成為聽著爵士唱片煮著義大利麵的文藝大叔,又看了昆丁塔倫提諾,想要穿著黑西裝和墨鏡,唸完馬太福音後一槍打爆某個阿斯巴辣的太陽穴,那種既市井又像個哲學家的走跳法,才夠水氣。 台北直直撞之後,英宏已改寫國民帥哥的定義,這次新專輯把他最新的音樂配方再進化,質感再升級,色色壞壞的台帥新頂峰,就是水哥 2020。
【 文案 by 顏社 KAO!INC. 】
發行 Distributed by:顏社企業有限公司 KAO!INC.。發行人 Publisher:張逸聖 Dela Chang。監製 Executive Director:張逸聖 Dela Chang。專輯製作人 Producer:李英宏 Yinghung Lee。製作統籌 Production Director:李英宏 Yinghung Lee。企劃統籌 Marketing Director:劉玟姍 Kitty Liu。企劃執行 Marketing Planner:蘇禹瑄 YuHsuan Su、游伶雅 Anita Yu、郭家蓉 Mary Kuo、吳佳蓉 Momo Wu。專輯混音工程師 Mixing Engineer:戴建宇 Jungle Iam、萬志軒 HipHop LuChihShen。母帶後期處理工作室 Mastering Studio:Metropolis Studio。母帶後期處理工程師 Mastering Engineer:Tony Cousins。藝人演出經紀 Artist Agency:汪牧君 mumu [email protected]。藝人商務經紀 Artist Agency:劉玟姍 Kitty Liu [email protected]。平面美術設計 Graphic Designer:施真穎 Jhen-Ying Shih。陶藝製作 Pottery Art:THEVOLCANO 火山販賣舖。陶藝攝影 Photographer:周育存 Chou Yu-Chun
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leekankyo · 6 years
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李漢強個展《李真的很強!》 2019年3月15日-4月7日 展場 朋丁 pon ding + [wum]竇騰璜+張李玉菁 台北中山概念店 地址 台北市中山北路一段53巷6號+台北市中山北路二段16巷1號
●開幕3月16日(六)15:00~ 阿牧君 mumu 現場演出 ●講座3月17日(日)15:00~ 講題:李的一天長怎樣? 費用:150元,可折抵當日消費 報名:請寫信至[email protected],標題「報名李漢強講座」,內文註明名字、人數 ●李點卡活動3月23日(六)15:00~ 費用:650元,須事先繳費報名,連結如下↓↓ https://www.pondingstore.com/tickets/leepointcard
李的一天長怎樣?早餐睡過頭沒關係,中午飯後來一杯果菜汁,自拍上傳是例行公事!台北的菜市場,媽媽們騎著機車直直撞!曬白的機車手套、卡通貼紙的安全帽、黏黏的地板上或許有某家電子電器揪甘心的廣告;東京的超級市場,主婦們傳單人手一張。週五限定的豬肉特價、新菜色的便當,結帳掏出集點卡,會員福利不能忘!經過7-11、全家、TSUTAYA,翻閱書刊是日常。新一期的雜誌週刊,哪個藝人引退不倫、政治界的八卦緋聞,旁邊的OL大學生,又在關心什麼新聞?首爾的街道,從明洞到東大門,載滿衣服準備去批發的機車,像變形的機器人⋯⋯你的一天又是長怎樣?   李漢強的全新展覽《李真的很強!》將近期作品集大成,生活即藝術不是巧合,審美也沒有標準,只是好看的東西都在「這裡」發生! 你心目中的台北長怎樣?是俗俗的台味十足的看板?是街上閃爍不停的霓虹燈管?還是停在路邊的機車被貼滿罰單?有點凌亂有點散漫,但沒關係是台北啊!透過李漢強的作品,看一些怪美的世界,色彩繽紛滿版的廣告傳單、腥羶字體堆疊的雜誌週刊⋯⋯內容怎樣重不重要?好不好看封面就知道! 雙展場的尊榮配置,在靠近捷運中山站的「朋丁」展出傳單、雜誌封面,當然還有李點卡入會,把握時間和李本人面對面!逛完朋丁可步行至「wum」竇張李台北中山概念店,展出機車系列作品和李漢強x竇張李時裝秀視覺原稿。來一趟中山,昇華品味、全新體驗,多個願望,一次實現! 傳單、機車、雜誌都似曾相見,你我生活也不是非常特別,但不是日子一成不變,是你的想像太過侷限!朋友說你最近變得有點不一樣,一樣不一樣,但又怎樣?來一趟李的展覽,你也能變得很「強」!
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fyeahcindie · 5 years
阿牧君 mumu loves to dance!  =D
I missed this MV when it came out back in February, this is one of the 2 songs on her 備胎 (spare tire) ep.  (bandcamp)
Long time readers will recall that mumu (Mumu Mu-Chun Wang) was in both Mrs. This 這位太太 and My 8 Day Weekend 週休八日)  Her solo songs are just as mysterious and hypnotic.  =D
Check out the familiar names in the credits:
Lyrics & Music: 汪牧君 mumu
Producer, Arranger, Keyboard & Midi Programming:  Fran Fran Chen 法蘭 (fr. Frandé, 法蘭黛樂團) 
Guitars: 江鎮宇 Chen Yu Chiang (Frandé, 法蘭黛樂團, ex-Mrs. This 這位太太)
Backing Vocals: mumu & Fran
Drums: LukeMuzik小光 (The White Eyes 白目樂團)
Bass: Fang Q 方Q (Carter Fang (方奎棠) (CosmosPeople 宇宙人, ex-Mrs. This 這位太太)
Full credits at YT, including several indie friends that filmed all of the dancing for the MV.  =)
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fyeahcindie · 6 years
New solo song from Frandé, 法蘭黛樂團's Fran Fran Chen 法蘭!   =D
Written/Produced/Arranged by 法蘭Fran. This is the ‘theme song’ for a new book of poems by 徐珮芬 Pei-Fen Hsu (aka 徐珮芬/patmuffin):
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Much more about the book/collaboration at Line Today (this feature was also published at Blow 吹音樂) More release info back at YouTube.
Backing vocals by 李友廷 Li Youting (aka Yo Lee) , Mumu Mu-Chun Wang (阿牧君 mumu, My 8 Day Weekend 週休八日, Mrs. This 這位太太), 柯家洋 KoChiaYang (PUMPKINney Fan Club 南瓜妮歌迷俱樂部) and Fran
Electric Guitars/江鎮宇 Chen Yu Chiang (Frandé, Mrs. This)
Recording & Mixing Engineer-John Wu 吳孟諺 (drummer from Frandé)
Recorded/Mixed at 和平阿帕音樂工作室 Hepingapa Studio
This is the first & only clip on 法蘭 Fran YouTube Channel. More links: 非常棒 Fusion Bomb YouTube (Frandé, etc.), fran fran Instagram, frandemusic Instagram
By the way, Fran and the band will be at Beans & Beats on Jan. 20th for an event that involves wine and music. ~天蠍座の下午酒~【01/20 法蘭】  This is a series already in progress:
~天蠍座の下午酒~【01/05 Leo王】 ~天蠍座の下午酒~【01/06 Riin】 ~天蠍座の下午酒~【01/12 葛洛力】
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fyeahcindie · 6 years
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Promo photo (see the previous post!)  =D
雙魚座の小劇場——歡迎來到我的腦洞 聯合主演: 鄭宜農 Enno Cheng Gao Xiao Gao (白目樂隊 The White Eyes) 阿牧君 mumu 攝影 photo:林予晞 Allison Lin
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fyeahcindie · 5 years
New single 你們自己玩遊戲 Reset from The Girl and the Robots 女孩與機器人!   =D
Music by Riin, Lyrics: 陳昭淵 Chen Chao-Yuan & Riin (Lin Yijun 林怡君). (Chao-Yuan has some songs at StreetVoice under the name Wonda Chen, and you can find him at YouTube also)
Vocals Producer:田曉梅 Brandy Tien (Brandy 布藍地)
Arranger:STL (Lin Shin-Ting), 蕭勝文 Hsiao,  紀昱名 Watorest 
Acoustic Piano:Hsiao  (STL & 蕭 Hsiao are the electronica duo 三重電音宮 SanChung Electronic Kong and also work with the Robots)
Backing Vocals Arranged/Sung by Brandy
MV directed by Vera Solaris  索拉力星影像 Vera Solaris Film, starring Riin & 林于農 Lubylong Lin (singer for 仙樂隊 SEN)
Earlier on Sunday, Riin & 阿牧君 mumu played an acoustic version of the song at 賣捌所 UriSabakisho; Riin kept Fran Fran (Frandé, 法蘭黛樂團) on stage for moral support, LOL:
By the way, this was part of an event with Zulin Wu 吳志寧/929樂團, Dadado Huang Jie 黃玠, Stanley Hong 洪詮翔 & Jiang Songlin 江松霖 (Xiaosong). I’ll keep my eye on lkk31067 YT channel for more from this long evening of songwriters.  =D
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fyeahcindie · 6 years
A coupla days ago, we posted some 鄭宜農 Enno Cheng news and a video from her acoustic tour.  
Earlier today (Sunday) she did a show at BEANS & BEATS in Taipei with 阿牧君 mumu and Gao Xiao Gao (白目樂隊 The White Eyes). 
The song In Lust I Lost was on The White Eyes 2011 ep Dead Boy:
It is also included on their 2017 album, 可笑的一天 with a more elaborate arrangement and it sounds amazing!  
lkk31067 YT is documenting Enno’s travels and she’s just uploaded another video from Sunday with Enno, Mumu, Xiao Gao plus Riin (The Girl and the Robots 女孩與機器人) and a very shy Fran (Frandé, 法蘭黛樂團). They sing Enno’s 2018 single The Path 人生很難. So cool to see all of these TW indie goddesses having fun playing music. Watch it HERE.
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fyeahcindie · 5 years
Check out this sweet, bouncy tune from 啊飄 Pew!   =D
This one of a 2-song single released earlier this year, [異常的日常].
Music/Lyrics by Pew, Guitars/Arrangement by Wong Kay Aik (王家毅 Wang Jiayi)
Pew is headed to Taipei in May for a show at 一文錢大學咖啡館 Penny University Coffee shop on the 5th. Special guest: 阿牧君 mumu
Let’s hear the other song from the single, this was co-written and performed by 啊飄 Pew, 黃美婷 Meiting, and 王曉敏 Shelby Wang:
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fyeahcindie · 5 years
Blast from the past!  929樂團 from 2008. Fun singalong song on their 2nd album.  =D
At the time, the band was Zulin Wu 吳志寧-gtr/voc, Russy Ing 吳雋然 aka DuDu 嘟嘟-bass/drums, Dadado Huang Jie 黃玠-gtr/voc, and Chan Cheng-yun (詹正筠) aka 小龜-keys/voc.
In 2009, 929樂團 went on hiatus and 小龜 & Dudu continued with their other band Miss Stocking 絲襪小姐 which includes 昆蟲白 / Insecteens Huang (黃建勳) on gtr (微光群島 Shimmering Islands aka Sugar Plum Ferry 甜梅號) and 錢煒安 Zen Chien-drums (Doodle and 8mm sky).  
Dadado, Dudu and Zulin restarted 929 with Robert Jen 任柏璋 on drums (he has played with many acts -- check out his fb -- I had no idea he had such a resume!).  In 2015, Dadado left to concentrate on his solo career and a new guitarist 蘇啟文 aka ‘由小蘇’ (光群島 Shimmering Islands) was added to complete the current lineup.  I think their 4th album came out last year.
Anyway, the reason I went on this 929 tangent is because of this clip from Sunday, a songwriter event at 賣捌所 UriSabakisho (we posted about it yesterday). Check it out: that’s Dadado & 小龜 singing the same 929 song from up above, with Dudu on drums, and a backing/dancing chorus of Riin, Fran Fran, Mumu and 江松霖 (Xiaosong)
Fran tries to coax some little kid into dancing, but it’s not happening. XD
By the way, 小龜 is one of the managers of 賣捌所 UriSabakisho in Yilan City, I think we’ve mentioned this before. On March 21st, she posted that as of April, they are suspending operation. I don’t know if this is permanent?. Maybe someone can take a look at the announcement and clarify this for me. I’d appreciate the info. =)
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fyeahcindie · 6 years
One of my all-time favorite C-indie bands: Mrs. This 這位太太
They were absolutely loaded with talent: 阿牧君 mumu  (ex-My 8 Day Weekend 週休八日)-voc/keys, 黑郎-keys, 江鎮宇 (Chen Yu Chiang)-guitar (Frandé, 法蘭黛樂團), 李懿修 Lexon Lee-drums (ex-My 8 Day Weekend 週休八日), Fang Q 方Q-bass (CosmosPeople 宇宙人), Chuck Su (aka 蛋 Egg)-keys (ex-The Girl and the Robots 女孩與機器人)
Every time I post about this band, I always ask what happened to 黑郎?  UPDATE: Her real name is Joni Hsieh, and apparently she stopped doing music some time after Mrs. This broke up.  
More, more, MOAR:
If you are a prog fan, you owe it to yourself to investigate them on YT:  mrsthis
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fyeahcindie · 7 years
阿牧君 mumu and her old bandmate Chuck Su aka 蛋 Egg from 這位太太 Mrs. This playing a song from the 1st Mrs. This album (released in 2007)
Mumu recently disbanded 週休八日 My 8 Day Weekend to go solo; the drummer in that band also played in Mrs. This, I think he would have fit in quite nicely at this gig at Witch House!   =D
By the way, 女孩與機器人 The Girl and The Robots no longer list Chuck Su as a member -- I’m not sure what happened there, but it’s definitely good to see him playing with Mumu!
Cece Lee YT channel has 4 more songs from this gig.
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fyeahcindie · 7 years
Following on from the previous post, Mumu from My 8 Day Weekend 週休八日 made her announcement that with the release of this last song and a final performance September 3rd at A Good Day Records Pause & Play Festival (2017llkfestival.com), she’s going to go on from here as a solo performer, and she has a new page: 阿牧君 mumu. 
The song: lyrics by 阿牧君 mumu, music by 阿牧君 mumu & guitarist 江鎮宇
江鎮宇 isn’t in the MV, probably because he has been busy with his other band Frandé 法蘭黛樂團, and also playing on 劉若英 Rene Liu’s current tour.
Arny Ing is a member of Constant & Change ��士坦的變化球 and drummer 李懿修 Lexon Lee... The only thing I know about him is that he has played in both of Mumu’s bands (Mrs. This 這位太太 and My 8 Day Weekend 週休八日)
Well, I’m sad to see another band depart the TW scene, but if 阿牧君 mumu continues on in music, that will be a blessing~  =D
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fyeahcindie · 6 years
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阿牧君 mumu has a new 2-song single!  =D  
In pre-order now. (at this digital store, you will also find releases from her previous bands Mrs. This 這位太太 and My 8 Day Weekend 週休八日)
Produced by Fran Fran Chen (Frandé), cover art by Lee Kan Kyo
大家安安!昨天半夜的時候單曲全面數位上架了,發現之後我居然嗨到失眠啊哈哈哈。 這張單曲收錄了兩首歌,製作人法蘭大大 Fran Fran Chen 也參與大量的編曲,謝謝她對我的神經兮兮搖擺不定腦子有病百般包容居然一次都沒有發過脾氣,真心 respect,希望我們的友誼沒有因此變質(應該沒有吧)。 另外這個好看又有點機車的封面是李漢強 Lee Kan Kyo 做的,我們還設計了一款「沒有CD的單曲」實體開放預購中,絕對超乎想像的⋯⋯好看又機車,在這個數位音樂賺不了錢的時代,我只能靠這個斂財了!拜託各位了!鞠躬!附上預購連結! 預購連結:https://goo.gl/X69iHy 要謝的人還有很多我們下回分享,今天濕濕冷冷推薦單曲第二首「好想把自己晾乾」。
It’s been a long time since 2013, time flies...:
Mumu Mu-Chun Wang-voc/ac. gtr, ARNY Ing-bass (We Save Strawberries, Constant & Change 康士坦的變化球), 李懿修 Lexon Lee-drums (ex-Mrs. This 這位太太),  江鎮宇 Chen Yu Chiang-gtr (Frandé, 法蘭黛樂團, ex-Mrs. This 這位太太)
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fyeahcindie · 4 years
Let’s check out a big recommendation from 阿牧君 mumu, this is 鶴 The Crane  =D
鶴 The Crane is the 'Alternative R&B, Hip Hop, Soul, Bedroom Pop’ project of 林泰羽 Taiyu Lin (Arnold Lin) works with both Enno Cheng 鄭宜農 and HUSH, and is a member of 他者 the other.
The Crane links: Instagram,  Spotify,  YouTube
We’ve posted one MV from this lovely release in April, and 他者 the other subsequently posted their full 2nd ep (Ambient Temperature) to YouTube, let’s have a listen:
Lee Yi Hsan aka 李翌暄 Xuan-Voc/Ac. Gtr, Ten Yu 尤騰輝-Elec Gtr, 林泰羽 Taiyu Lin (Arnold Lin)-Keys/Drum beat
Full credits at YT. 
Other links: Door Cat Records,  YouTube,  Bear Lake YouTube,  Spotify,  Instagram,  StreetVoice
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fyeahcindie · 7 years
Blast from the past (2009)!  =D
Mumu Mu-Chun Wang posted this to the 這位太太 Mrs. This YT channel (mrsthis) and also to her fb, with the caption: 自我勉勵一下
Not a lot of activity at her new page, 阿牧君 mumu, but I think she’s got some songs brewing for release later this year.   =D
你畫了心中的模樣 叫我努力去模仿 高矮全任憑想像 你怎麼不覺得荒唐 你看見了我的長相 笑著說我不一樣 終於我不再緊張 已翻過了你的圍牆 不用變成任何人的模樣 就好好地做自己吧
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