#Blow 吹音樂
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mocchiripan · 3 years
【翻譯】rose-tinted bitter grudge/玫瑰色澤苦澀恩怨【ippo.tsk】
you, 你,
you claim to be a god你自稱為神明
but all I see is fraud但我看到的只有詐欺
sad to be you當你可真是讓人傷心
sit down坐下來
and tell your metal fan 告訴你的金屬風扇
to stop blowing停止風
the wind in my face吹向我的臉
I bet you never thought 我敢打賭你一定沒有想到
that it would have to come to this後果會是這個樣子
the ones you've held in high regard你高度重視的東西
fare still no better than the rest下場和其餘的近乎一樣
so now I'm at a total loss於是我現在完全無法理解
with no more care in the world對世界毫無關心
yet I still live forever即使如此,我依然永生
I wanted to say我想要說的是
that I wanted you to stay我想要讓你
as far away from me離我越遠越好
as you know how如你所知道的那般
but now you're no more但你已經不在
I still yearn to bear我依然渴望着
my fangs at you again將我的獠牙對着你
as I knew how如我所知道的那般
you think I care if I soar high above your ground你認為我會在乎我是否飛離你的地面
the difference parting us is something you have not found將我們分開的區別是你尚未找到的東西
understand? I hope I've helped you明白嗎?我希望我幫到了你
to realize your place讓你認清自己的地位
so thank me later for所以之後向我答謝吧
leaving you with some face! 尚留一絲顏面!
I wanted to say我想要說的是
that I wanted you to stay我想要讓你
as far away from me離我越遠越好
as you know how如你所知道的那般
but now you've come back但你已經歸來
I still yearn to bear我依然渴望着
my fangs at you again將我的獠牙對着你
as I knew how如我所知道的那般
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proust1688 · 4 years
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djmykaltaipei · 5 years
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"M@M Records 的名稱另一層意義是 Memory 與 Moment,店內牆上可以見到 Suede、The Chemical Brothers、�Underworld 及《娛樂世界》的海報。CD 與黑膠除了依照新品與音樂類型分類,更有一區突顯 90 年代的音樂風潮,包含 Breakbeat、drum ‘n’ bass、Britpop、Post-rock 等。"  謝謝 Blow 吹音樂 的報導,我們這週五晚上先一起到 The Bar 同樂吧~~ WALKMAN: M@M RECORDS 20TH ANNIVERSARY PARTY  #四樓唱片行 #MM_RECORDS #recordstore #recordshop #lonely_tokyo #lonely論理(在 M@M Records) https://www.instagram.com/p/B4e2q2BH7i7/?igshid=1ilgpp6h86sgh
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nalydbobisnotthere · 5 years
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上星期去了一個奇妙的地方烤肉, 很久沒用盆浴的方式洗澡
好像只有很小的時候跟以前在奶奶家有這樣洗過, 有點懷念
上面這件事就大概這兩行, 想不到要打什麼的時候用分隔線很方便
到底是魯蛋還是柚子, 照比例看感覺魯蛋比較像, 也許出乎人預料的是枇杷也不一定
其實那間房子的壁畫還蠻抽象的, 我還記得有一種四隻腳的動物
工作的部份最近是一個不需要動腦的狀態, 雖然有點覺得這樣不好
可是其實自己蠻想過一陣子這樣的生活的, 跟以前那種變化快速不同的壓力一直來的生活不大一樣
真的感覺到快要結束了吧, 很值得紀念的五年
回想起來滿是各種對不起客戶的時刻, 開心或是成功的部份忘的特別快
為什麼同時有這麼多人在問呢, 實在是不想回答
很辛苦的把盒子再弄到手了, 應該會在裡面放很多重要的東西吧
難怪覺得好像有很多的事可以打, 就先從最近在聽什麼音樂開始吧
之前聽了Vampire Weekend在Jimmy的秀唱的Jokerman, 覺得很強
以前就知道迪倫伯有這首歌, 想說好吧正好來仔細聽一下原唱
先放一下Vampire Weekend的版本, 很好聽
我是覺得很好聽啦, 這個版聽了很久後
就想開始認真聽迪倫伯唱的, 然後就找到下面這個
因為一直都是聽Vampire Weekend的情況下, 剛聽到的時候有一種被打到一拳的感覺
腦袋裡一直冒出迪倫伯你係咧衝山小, 然後就好像中毒了一樣每天都要聽
他後面疑似找不到正確音階的口琴, 吹了一下發現是錯的, 再找人換
基本上很少那種聽流行樂常有的, 前幾個段子就覺得好好聽那種感覺
有時候會是聽一些利害的翻唱, 然後再莫名其妙喜歡上原唱
或是常常在某些奇怪的狀況, 某首歌就突然浮現在你腦子裡
之前發現在我用Tumblr之前, 這裡似乎是一個了不起的地方
詩歌集終於要出了, 以前一度想自己把歌詞看懂
看到一大堆靴腿也覺得很有意思, 想說慢慢來聽看能聽多少
也是一下就放棄了, 數量之大超乎我想像
現在總算有覺得可以做到的事, 就是把詩歌集看一次
再來想想之後要做什麼, 也許就只是一直聽而已沒什麼特別的
事後發現, 聽到那件事的一瞬間, 我腦子裡想的都是自己
沉澱一天後仔細想了很久, 對前一天的我笑了兩聲=_,=
之後會怎麼樣好像已經不重要了, 有那些回憶就夠了吧
還是想跟你說謝謝, 很多話不知道有沒有機會講出來
每一個問題我都要盯的營幕看很久, 然後想我到底要答什麼
我沒辦法承諾什麼, 因為感覺講什麼都不大對
好久沒去聽b唱歌了, 今天跑去
一件就是他挑了兩個路人問知不知道Tom Waits
然後有個奶奶好像很喜歡聽他唱日文歌, 一直站在那聽
不過一開始唱Blowing in the wind的時候他掉頭就走了...=_=
今天他唱了一首新歌是I Threw It All Away
這首在專輯的時候我聽過幾次, 但是他唱我認不大出來xddd
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錄音方式也依照古法現場錄音直接呈現出來,音樂的質感上概念有點像 Beastie Boys – Ill Communication 的感覺,類比的,髒髒的,溫暖的,濕濕的。這年頭太多漂亮的東西了,我希望 88 能一直勿忘初衷。
開頭的 Picking 如此保守小心,Vocal出來時跟音樂完全合不起來,屋屋屋屋屋屋屋屋屋屋屋,那誒安捏~~~~~
雖然音樂組成很簡單的,但是人家聲音的厚度是這樣...  基礎的技術層面台灣不知道到底是差美國多遠~~~~
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nelly-sang · 5 years
秋波電台 qiūbō Radio #31 by 秋波 ♨ qiūbō radio 感謝這集參與的製作人/音樂家,謝謝 :) thanks to all the producers/artist ,respect! plz follow : https://ift.tt/2xML2F7 https://ift.tt/2e8BOfs Pic by: Travis Yeh 大方 tracklist : 1. 월간 윤종신 7월호 - Summer Man 2. Modha - Harzer Strase 3. Suff Daddy feat. Ill Camille & J​.​Lamotta - Magic 4. Sofasound X Edo Lee - This Could Be Us 5. Matt Mcwaters x Ta-Ku - White 6. emawk - bayridge 7. mabanua - Call on Me feat. Chara (Knxwledge Remix) 8. SUKISHA - 釈迦の手のひら 9. edbl - Table for Two 10. 萬能麥斯MightyMax - 溫柔鄉 ft 吳獻Osean 11. 黃宇韶 - 微不足道的存在 12. Ivan Ave - Nu Path 13. kid kaba - Aurora 14. Sean Dream - What Would Nip Do 15. DSPS - 我會不會又睡到下午了 (demo) 16. Hope Tala - Jealous 17. 詹士賢 - 別離(feat. 黃宇韶) 18. Robohands - Green 19. 水源 Xueiyuan - 風來吹 Wind Blowing 20. Lucky Daye - Roll Some Mo 21. monolog+Ai Ichikawa - 泡になった 22. Why Not - 無法度按奈 23. queen james - yokoono (prod. rgry) 24. 李亞明 - Feeling Summer
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digitalbugs · 7 years
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分享:林強、DJ Point入圍金馬配樂作 《強尼.凱克》原聲帶歌曲限時開放下載 – Blow 吹音樂 今年老友與強哥入圍了金馬配樂作,現在限時開放兩首歌下載,喜歡強哥、Point的朋友別錯過了! 透過 林強、DJ Point入圍金馬配樂作 《強尼.凱克》原聲帶歌曲限時開放下載 - Blow 吹音樂
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fyeahcindie · 6 years
New solo song from Frandé, 法蘭黛樂團's Fran Fran Chen 法蘭!   =D
Written/Produced/Arranged by 法蘭Fran. This is the ‘theme song’ for a new book of poems by 徐珮芬 Pei-Fen Hsu (aka 徐珮芬/patmuffin):
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Much more about the book/collaboration at Line Today (this feature was also published at Blow 吹音樂) More release info back at YouTube.
Backing vocals by 李友廷 Li Youting (aka Yo Lee) , Mumu Mu-Chun Wang (阿牧君 mumu, My 8 Day Weekend 週休八日, Mrs. This 這位太太), 柯家洋 KoChiaYang (PUMPKINney Fan Club 南瓜妮歌迷俱樂部) and Fran
Electric Guitars/江鎮宇 Chen Yu Chiang (Frandé, Mrs. This)
Recording & Mixing Engineer-John Wu 吳孟諺 (drummer from Frandé)
Recorded/Mixed at 和平阿帕音樂工作室 Hepingapa Studio
This is the first & only clip on 法蘭 Fran YouTube Channel. More links: 非常棒 Fusion Bomb YouTube (Frandé, etc.), fran fran Instagram, frandemusic Instagram
By the way, Fran and the band will be at Beans & Beats on Jan. 20th for an event that involves wine and music. ~天蠍座の下午酒~【01/20 法蘭】  This is a series already in progress:
~天蠍座の下午酒~【01/05 Leo王】 ~天蠍座の下午酒~【01/06 Riin】 ~天蠍座の下午酒~【01/12 葛洛力】
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gaitsinwind · 7 years
孤芳自賞的邊境貴族 - 埃斯泰爾戈姆。The narcissist aristocrat at the border - Esztergom.
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匈牙利多瑙河河灣中的邊境城鎮,與斯洛伐克一河相隔,照片是埃斯泰爾戈姆聖殿,為世界第三大天主教堂。The town in the northern border of Hungary against Slovakia,separated by River Danube.The Church on the photo is Esztergomi Bazilika,which is the 3rd largest Catholic Church in the world.
要搭車了~,先坐捷運到藍線的 Nyugati pályaudvar 站下車,就在West End shopping Center那裡,再走到位於近處的西火車總站 Budapest-Nyugati Railway Terminal,再買車票坐火車即可。West End Shopping Center這裡很熱鬧。Come take a train~,Firstly,I took MRT to Nyugati pályaudvar ter(Blue Line),then got off.Immediately,I saw West End Shopping Center,then I walked to the West train terminal, Budapest-Nyugati Railway Terminal,bought a ticket and waited for my train there.That’s it.This area was very hustle-bustle.
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West End shopping Center 很大間,裡面可以逛很久。Big shopping mall,it’ll take you a lot of time in there.
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West End shopping Center
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西火車總站 Budapest-Nyugati Railway Terminal .
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月台,Train platforms.
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Esztergom火車站,車上會有螢幕顯示行車資訊,不用擔心坐過頭。The train station of Esztergom,and the train showed the transporting details on screens.No need to worry that you’d miss your destination.
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到了就要開始玩了,先到小鎮中心再說,反正我也漫無目的,也不想開手機導航,就這樣跟著人群往同一方向散步去了。After arrival,I decided to get to the town center as a start.Today,I was kind of slacking off,I didn’t even use my mobile’s GPS guide.I just followed other people and took a casual walk heading to the same direction.
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路過小教堂。Passed by a church.
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小十字路口上,發現城鎮上的徽章標誌。The statue of lion with a shield was the emblem of this town,which was on a little traffic intersection.
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小十字路口 a little traffic intersection .
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環境不輸羅馬尼亞傳統中世紀小鎮的風情。The ambience was similar with those towns of middle ages in Romania.
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華麗之處也不輸首都布達佩斯一些的巴洛克建物。 Some buildings with the style of Barogue were as magnificent as the ones in Budapest.
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來的時候,市鎮廳前面正在舉辦活動,整條街擠滿了人群,有音樂舞台和臨時市集。The town was holding an concert and vendors gathered on both sides of the street,packed with a lot of crowds there.
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音樂會人潮,The crowds at the concert.
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市鎮廳是古老建築。The City Hall is also an historic building.
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市鎮廳前雕像紀念碑。The memorial statue in front of the City Hall.
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快變成夜市了。The street had turned nearly into a night market.
Walking on the street in front of the City Hall,I saw Saint Istvan Stairs up front.I went along the stairs up to the top of the hill,where had been developed into a city park,providing one of the best location to have a panoramic views in town.
There was also a famous little church on the top of the hill,Sorrowful Virgin Chapel.Sitting on the bench with soft,cold breeze blowing on my face,I felt so relaxed and cozy,with the beautiful sight of the town in my eyes,it’d have been perfect if I had brought myself with delicious snacks.
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聖史蒂芬階梯 Saint Istvan Stairs .
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Saint Istvan Stairs
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聖史蒂芬階梯 Saint Istvan Stairs .
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panoramic sight.山上環景。
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哀傷聖母小教堂 Sorrowful Virgin Chapel .
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panoramic sight.山上環景。
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山上豪華別墅。The luxurious Villa in the hill.
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往城堡的公園路。The trail of the park to the Esztergom Castle.
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城堡外面的公園 The park outside of the castle.
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城堡外面的公園 The park outside of the castle.
這裡的人們非常自豪自己擁有的生活,好山好水,更有悠久歷史,可親善良的居民, 認為生活品質遠勝過布達佩斯大都會,雖然遠處邊界,不入經濟發達城市的眼中,猶如落難皇族,低調中過著優渥的生活。People here were very proud of what they had owned,good environment,long history,and amiable residents.They thought their living quality was better than people in Budapest,even though they were situated at the border ,not in the circle of high economically developed cities.However,they still could live a nice and extravagant life here like exiled aristocrats.
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城堡大門The gate of the fort.
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歷代銅鐘展示。The green copper bells of different time in display.
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緊鄰大教堂的王宮入口,現為博物館。The entrance that was adjacent to  Esztergomi Bazilika
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王宮博物館裏頭的餐廳。The restaurant at the Royal Palace Museum.
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地下水道。The underground waterway.
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王宮一景。The view in Royal Palace.
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王宮一景。The view in Royal Palace.
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展示品。The object in display.
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王宮一景。The view in Royal Palace.
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王宮模型。The miniature model. 
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餐廳 The restaurant.
該去旁邊的教堂宮殿了。Time to Esztergom Basilica. 
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埃斯泰爾戈姆聖殿 Esztergomi Bazilika .
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埃斯泰爾戈姆聖殿 Esztergomi Bazilika .
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埃斯泰爾戈姆聖殿 Esztergomi Bazilika .
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主殿。The Hall.
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圓頂。The dorm.
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主殿一景。The view at the main Hall.
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風琴組The set of windpipe.
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地下陵寢,The underground cemetery.  
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地下陵寢,The underground cemetery.  
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紅衣主教的棺材。The coffin of past Cardinal Joseph.
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佔地廣大的教區。The diocese occupied a lot of land.
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餐廳The restaurant.
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The restaurant.
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教堂一景。 The view from the Church.
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教堂一景。 The view from the Church.
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教堂一景。 The view from the The Church.
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從教堂望出的多瑙河畔。The view of River Danube from the Church.
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從教堂望出的多瑙河畔。The view of River Danube from the Church.
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從教堂望出的景色。The view from the Church.
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教堂近照。 The close-up of the Church.
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教堂另一面。 The other view of the Church.
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教堂另一面。 The other view of the Church.
參觀好氣勢恢弘的埃斯泰爾戈姆聖殿,要趕快往多瑙河邊界去,在那裏的橋上可以有首屈一指的美麗河畔風光。After seeing the imposing Esztergom Basilica,I needed to go in a hurry to the bridge ,where connects two countries,Hungary and Slovakia. I could have myself enjoy a top-notched beautiful sight of River Danube.
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沿著小運河通往多瑙河畔。I walked along the little channel that leads to the bank of River Danube.
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邊境橋。Maria Valeria Bridge
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匈牙利和斯洛伐克國旗。The national flags of Hungary and Slovakia.
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邊境橋。Maria Valeria Bridge
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河中運輸船。The Barge on the River Danube.
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太美了,說不出話來~ I was speechless,for it was too beautiful.
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好漂亮,怎麼辦? Just.....beautiful..
暮色中,開始往火車站的方向依依不捨心情下,準備離開,再會了,我不知道以後是否還會再見面。In the fading dusk ,I started to move to the direction of the train station,with the lingering mood.However,I needed to go home now.Good-bye,Esztergom,I said in a soft voice,in case we wouldn’t meet again.
~ End ~.
Please note the relevant links,相關連結:
主文: The Main article:散落在多瑙河河灣上的珍珠-Towns like pearls scattered in the winding banks of River Danube.
其他相關章節:Other chapters. (一)、小家碧玉的賢淑女子 - 聖安德烈。            The little humble town - Szentendre. (二)、穿越至現代的中世紀戰士- 維謝格拉德。            The gladiators that come from the past - Visegrad. (三)、孤芳自賞的邊境貴族 - 埃斯泰爾戈姆。            The narcissist aristocrat at the border - Esztergom.  
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tim-hn-lu-blog · 7 years
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fyeahcindie · 6 years
好樂團 GoodBand and 瑪啡因 Maffine join forces for a full-band version of a song by 張子慶 Ching, and produced/arranged by both bands
好樂團 GoodBand are: 許瓊文 Wen Hsu-Voc. & 張子慶 Ching-Acoustic Gtr
瑪啡因 Maffine are:
謝孟庭 Mengting Xie-Voc/Acoustic Gtr. 褚士銘-Electric Gtr. (also in 鳳梨先生 Mr.Pineapple Band) Ching-Hsien Huang 黃瀞嫻 aka 雪倫 Sharon-Synthesizer / Clarinet 陳冠豪 Guan-Hau Chen-Bass 吳姵蓁-Drums
Recorded, mixed, mastered by Benn Chen(punkhoo 胖虎, HereThere Studio.)Bass Recording: 賴啟軒 Casey Lai. Bass Editing: 禇士銘 Chu. 
Full A/V credits back at YT.
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Front row: Wen, Mengting, 吳姵蓁. Back Row: Ching, Guan-Hau, 褚士銘.  (Sharon not present for this group photo, I think she is still studying in the USA.)
More about the release and a promo of their joint concert on February 22 over at Blow/StreetVoice
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fyeahcindie · 6 years
New interview with 大象體操 Elephant Gym by 阿哼 (Damien Chen) from StreetVoice/Blow 吹音樂.  =D
They touched on a lot of different topics, including KT’s singing, outside producers, their disappointment in the ‘Bridge’ project last year, (too ambitious to execute successfully) and different strategy/philosophy of digital music release (USA & China vs. TW & Japan)
EG on their way to play Singapore (1-18) and Kuala Lumpur (1-19) this weekend, and Taiwan dates are announced tomorrow. USA tour is already on sale.
Title track, you’ve probably all heard this already, but just in case you haven’t:
Arrangement:大象體操 Elephant Gym & 李詠恩 Joshua Lee (Hello Nico)
Producer/Keys/Synth:李詠恩 Joshua Lee
張凱翔 Tell Chang-gtr, 張凱婷 KT Chang-bass, 涂嘉欽 Chia-Chin Tu-drums
Recording Engineer:邱建鈞 J-Jyun Ciou, Recording Studio:大象體操錄音室 Elephant Gym Studio
Mixing Engineer:李詠恩 Joshua Lee, Mastering:Brian Elgin 【Sentient Sound Labs 覺知音樂工作室】
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fyeahcindie · 6 years
Soaring, dreamy shoegazer from the debut album from I Mean Us    =D
Written by Marvelous Mandark Ravel, the song just posted earlier today.
The band are: 章羣 Zebrateens (Chun Zhang)-gtr/voc, Mandark Ravel (梁丹郡) aka Mandark Liang-keys/voc (甜約翰 Sweet John), 楊永純 (Vitz Young)-gtr (Triple Deer, Chocolate Tiger 猛虎巧克力), 漢克 (Hank Chen)-bass (SADOG), 呂佩蓬 Pam Lu (PP L)-drums (Lake Blue 湖水藍)
Tour on the way:
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The guest act in Kaohsiung will be 鐘禮學 aka 克拉克 Clark from 橙草 Orangegrass, and the guest act in Taipei will be Enno Cheng 鄭宜農 (or maybe her full band Enno Cheng and the Farmers?)
李鑫 profiled the band and investigated the recording progress back in June for Blow/StreetVoice.
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fyeahcindie · 6 years
Vast & Hazy interviewed by Johnny Wen from Blow media (aka Omoi from P!SCO) about the new album. Also read the interview they did after the Insignificant Secret ep from the end of 2016.
Lots of insight into the songs and the various expert musicians they brought in to make these recordings!
Let’s go back to the ep for a killer track:
Lyricist | 顏靜萱 Ka Ka Yen   
Composer | 林易祺 Yi Chi Lin 
Arrangement | 李詠恩 Joshua Lee (Hello Nico)
Acoustic Guitar | 林易祺 Yi Chi Lin 
Electric Guitar | 韓立康 HLK (Coconuts, Waa Wei)、李詠恩 Joshua Lee、林易祺 Yi Chi Lin  
Electric Bass | 陳信伯 Hsin Po Chen  (Hello Nico)
Drums | 賴聖文 Peter Lai  (Coconuts, Waa Wei)
Backing Voc Arrangement | 破布子 PoBu、董兆怡 Aida Tung、林易祺 Yi Chi Lin 
Backing Voc: | 破布子PoBu、董兆怡 Aida Tung
Producer | 林易祺 Yi Chi Lin
Recording Engineer | 蔡周翰 Chou Han Tsay、李詠恩 Joshua Lee、林易祺 Yi Chi Lin
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fyeahcindie · 4 years
Gonna try and catch up on some new MVs today!  =D
First up, a band we featured earlier this summer, this is the duo 珂拉琪 Collage.  I still don’t see a fb page, but the members are Natsuko Lariyod (夏子) and 王家權 Chia-Chuan Wang (Hunter Wang)-Gtr. 
Natsuko "Studies 藝術與造型設計 Art & Design at 國立臺北教育大學 (NTUE)” and Hunter is an instructor at The Ball這球音樂教室 music studio.  The song was composed by Hunter and arranged by the duo. Natsuko does their art design and Professor 李勤岸 Lí Khîn Huānn is their ‘Lyrics Supervisor’.  (Back at YT, there is a long post in the comments about the Taiwanese lyrics. Some corrections / explanations were offered for alternate phrasing, e.g. to make the lyric better for singing.)  
According to a *Reddit poster named invisiblemute, Collage songs are sung in Japanese and Amis, and in Hokkien. (They also have an English song called Radical Love.)
*Found this at the TW Music subreddit:  https://www.reddit.com/r/twmusic/
More links: StreetVoice,  Natsuko Instagram,  YouTube,  ナツコ/ Natsuko YouTube.  These single songs are very polished, but I don’t see any streaming links, so I don’t know if they have had an official release?
Blow-StreetVoice just interviewed Collage. Very informative!  (There is a music playlist also, and some photos.)
This poem written by 李勤岸 Lí Khîn Huānn was posted to YT back in 2011. I don’t know who the girl is that is reading the poem:
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