#安妮朵拉 Anniedora
fyeahcindie · 7 years
And still MORE new MVs!  
First up is 安妮朵拉 Anniedora, the clip stars actress 連俞涵 Cindy Yu-Han Lien and features lovely scenes in Kaohsiung.  =D
Next up is some mysterious electro from 幽谷響 YUGU (Wen-hsin Teng 鄧雯馨); we posted the audio version from SoundCloud just last week, but since she is also a visual artist, I think we need to see the MV as well:
And one more, a brilliant mini-epic from Hong Kong’s chochukmo 觸執毛. I’m getting a bit of a space rock vibe from this, and I love it!  The use of live footage is very effective.  =D
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fyeahcindie · 5 years
Let’s hear some sweet new tunes!  =D
First up, 安妮朵拉anniedora. Lovely string arrangement to go along with the gentle acoustic song, really nice!  Full credits at YT, but let’s acknowledge:
Song by 安妮 Annie (陳以恩). Producer: ciacia 何欣穗
Guitar Arranger/Player: 阿樊 A-Fan (樊哲忠)
Strings Arranger: Hang Liu 劉涵. String Quartet: Hang Liu & 蔡曜宇 Yao-Yu Tsai (Shuon Tsai)
B. Vocal Arrangers: Annie & ciacia.  Piano: Peggy Hsu 許哲珮
And here is song from the new (August, 2019) album from PiA吳蓓雅:
Full credits at YT
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fyeahcindie · 7 years
I think this is a new summer single from Anniedora 安妮朵拉.  =D 
Unique vocal sound this time, with 安妮 Annie (陳以恩) sharing the lead vocal with a male voice. I don’t see his name in the credits, so I’ll assume he is one of the Anniedora band guitarists, 阿樊 A-Fan (樊哲忠) or 叮噹 Ding Dong (吳為民)
They have another very recent MV, and I apologize if I forgot to post this, ‘cos it’s really nice. (They always have such a sincere, pleasing sound!)
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fyeahcindie · 7 years
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promo & release news!
霧虹 Fogbow album and tour about to happen. Lots of details at fb, and you can hear 3 new songs at their StreetVoice. Listening to 播放 atm, they sound GREAT!  Song written by guitarist 有點燃 Fish Chang, and vocals by new singer 秋口 Choco (秋口 勒!)  =D
Vast & Hazy rehearse a full band for 黑市音樂 Black Market Music Production showcases 2017 Feb. 10th at Legacy & Feb. 11th at Hidden Agenda in HK; February 26th in Guangzhou with 椰子!! Coconuts; and the last show of their tour at Legacy on March 10th.   Take a look at the Black Market links to see all the other bands it’s an excellent lineup!   =D
Slightly early warning for a triple bill at *SOUND Live House in Taichung: Cat in the case., Ruby Fatale 鹿比 ∞ 吠陀, THE WAiiT 等等樂團. (*you can see the SOUND show calendar thru April at the link)
Remember the other day when I told you about Elephant Gym 大象體操 planning to cover a Cheer Chen ‘country’ song?  You can watch a partial rehearsal clip at Kaiting 張凱婷’s fb.  The Mercury 水星酒館 in Kaohsiung tomorrow night (Sat.)
Pilots In The Sky And On The Sea 旅人 posted a very brief clip with the message: “今天我們也跟著大家開工了,新年快樂.” (Today, we have also started work, and happy new year.)  Go check it out, I really want them to feel encouraged!  And then go to either iNDIEVOX or Bandcamp and listen to their epic 2014 ep. So much beauty for a measly $3 bucks!  =D
P!SCO season 7 launch show is at Legacy on March 4th, and as usual for their big events, they have bus/tix/merch packages available for P!SCOers. And regular tix on sale at iNDIEVOX.
Shortwave have a new song to hear at iNDIEVOX, and they’ll be at The Wall on the 15th with 阿克曼樂團 Arkmenband.  
吳蓓雅 PiA posted more shows for February.  She has 2 shows in Tokyo tomorrow, the evening show is sold out, but tix still available for the afternoon gig.
Finally, 安妮朵拉 anniedora will announce a new ep and release tour very soon!
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fyeahcindie · 7 years
Very simple & sweet. 安妮 Annie (陳以恩) covering 梁靜茹 Fish Leong
Coming up for Anniedora 安妮朵拉:
「2017 we are young tonight」 2017/12/2 Sat. Taichung 台中場 玩劇島小劇場 20:00 https://www.accupass.com/event/1711120914589159541790 2017/12/9 Sat. Taipei 台北場 海邊的卡夫卡 20:00 https://www.indievox.com/kafka/event-post/20248
I posted this already, but it’s quite nice, well worth another listen:
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fyeahcindie · 7 years
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Saturday scenes: Anniedora 安妮朵拉 new ep launch at 海邊的卡夫卡 Kafka by the Sea. It looks like they changed the layout of Kafka– I’ve never seen bands set up by the windows at that venue, it looks good!  =D
P!SCO at Legacy.  Spark Chen 火花 from Quarterback 四分衛 went to both the P!SCO show and Night Keepers 守夜人 at Riverside Live House, posted some nice photos with the caption, “今天看了兩場表演覺得好爽!大家都黑皮威肯!”  =D
Update: added the crowd selfie photo by ShoLar Photography, captioned:
“昨晚大家跳舞的畫面還在腦中盤旋,謝謝參與這場演出的你們,陪我們站上Legacy 傳 音樂展演空間的舞台,下次再回來這裡,就是更強的P!SCO,到時候我們再一起玩❤️”
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