nuowas · 2 years
“诉山讼海”疑无路 “时间沙漏”将见底 郭文贵的“挤牙膏”式退款难掩“假破产”之恶意
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“诉山讼海”疑无路 “时间沙漏”将见底
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jhhgwahhg · 2 months
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shuaabxyooj · 11 months
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kuaab · 1 year
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ghvjbk1245 · 1 year
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gsdfgt · 2 years
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xbs2021 · 2 years
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gfyugt · 2 years
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hn3193comsblog · 2 years
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bdyobdyo · 2 years
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hn8559com · 2 years
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hnljcom · 2 years
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linghxr · 9 months
Tackling abbreviations in Chinese (简称)
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Let's learn some abbreviations 简称! A common format you may encounter is ABCD -> AC. AB is one word, CD is another word, and the two can be abbreviated as AC. As a learner, these can be a bit tricky to figure out the first time, but I find that they're usually pretty easy to remember if you know both constituent words.
(1) 家庭教师 -> 家教
家教 jiājiào - private tutor 
家庭 jiātíng - family / household 教师 | 教師 jiàoshī - teacher
I mentioned 家教 in this recent post: Do you really know the meaning of a word?
(2) 环境保护 -> 环保
环保 | 環保 huánbǎo - environmental protection / environmentally friendly
环境 | 環境 huánjìng - environment / circumstances / surroundings  保护 | 保護 bǎohù - to protect / to defend / to safeguard / protection
(3) 科学技术 -> 科技
科技 kējì - science and technology 
科学 | 科學 kēxué - science / scientific knowledge / scientific 技术 | 技術 jìshù - technology / technique / skill
(4) 性别平等 -> 性平
性平 xìngpíng - gender equality
性别 | 性別 xìngbié - gender / sex  平等 píngděng - equal / equality 
(5) 限时动态 -> 限动
限动 | 限動 xiàndòng - stories (on Instagram)
限时 | 限時 xiànshí - to set a time limit / for a limited time / time-limited / limited period of time  动态 | 動態 dòngtài - movement / motion / development / trend
(6) 业务配合 -> 业配
业配 | 業配 yèpèi - writing an article or creating a video favorable to a business in return for payment from the business (Taiwan)
业务 | 業務 yèwù - business / professional work / service 配合 pèihé - to coordinate with / to act in concert with / to cooperate
(7) 客户服务 -> 客服
客服 kèfú - customer service 
客户 | 客戶 kèhù - client / customer  服务 | 服務 fúwù - to serve / service
(8) 新型冠状 -> 新冠
新冠 xīnguān - novel coronavirus (esp. SARS-CoV-2, the virus causing COVID-19)
新型 xīnxíng - new type / new kind 冠状 | 冠狀 guānzhuàng - coronary / crown-shaped
Commonly see in: 新冠病毒
(9) 初级中学 -> 初中
初中 chūzhōng - junior high school / middle school
初级 | 初級 chūjí - junior / primary  中学 | 中學 zhōngxué - middle school / secondary school
高级中学 -> 高中
高中 gāozhōng - senior high school
高级 | 高級 gāojí - high level / high grade / advanced / high-ranking  中学 | 中學 zhōngxué - middle school / secondary school
And apparently 中学 itself is short for 中等学校!
(10) 国民小学 -> 国小
国小 | 國小 guóxiǎo - elementary school (Taiwan)
国民 | 國民 guómín - nationals / citizens / people of a nation  小学 | 小學 xiǎoxué - elementary school / primary school 
国民中学 -> 国中
国中 | 國中 guózhōng - junior high school (Taiwan)
国民 | 國民 guómín - nationals / citizens / people of a nation  中学 | 中學 zhōngxué - middle school
(11) 科学幻想 -> 科幻
科幻 kēhuàn - science fiction
科学 | 科學 kēxué - science / scientific knowledge / scientific 幻想 huànxiǎng - fantasy
(12) 超级市场 -> 超市
超市 chāoshì - supermarket
超级 | 超級 chāojí - super- / ultra- / hyper- 市场 | 市場 shìchǎng - marketplace / market
(13) 台湾大学 -> 台大
台大 | 臺大 táidà - National Taiwan University
台湾 | 臺灣 táiwān - Taiwan 大学 | 大學 dàxué - university / college
北京大学 -> 北大
北大 běidà - Peking University
北京 | 北京 běijīng - Beijing / Peking 大学 | 大學 dàxué - university / college
(14) 国家安全 -> 国安
国安 | 國安 guóān - national security
国家 | 國家 guójiā - country / nation / state 安全 ānquán - safe / secure / safety / security
(15) 刑事警察 -> 刑警
刑警 xíngjǐng - criminal police
刑事 xíngshì - criminal / penal 警察 jǐngchá - police / police officer
(16) 官方网站 -> 官网
官网 | 官網 guānwǎng - official website
官方 guānfāng - government / official 网站 | 網站 wǎngzhàn - website
(17) 公共安全 -> 公安
公安 gōngān - public safety / public security
公共 gōnggòng - public / common / communal 安全 ānquán - safe / secure / safety / security
(18) 双重标准 -> 双标
双标 | 雙標 shuāngbiāo - double standard
双重 | 雙重 shuāngchóng - double  标准 | 標準 biāozhǔn - standard / norm / criterion
(19) 人物设定 -> 人设
人设 | 人設 rénshè - the design of a character / image in the eyes of the public / public persona
人物 rénwù - person / personage / figure / character 设定 | 設定 shèdìng - to set / to set up / to install / setting / preferences
(20) 家庭暴力 -> 家暴
家暴 jiābào - domestic violence
家庭 jiātíng - family / household 暴力 bàolì - violence / force / violent
Definitions are adapted from MDBG. I initially only planned to include 5 or so abbreviations. Then I got a little carried away...!
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nanairoarts · 1 month
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Excerpt from Cowboy Bebop: The Jazz Messenger - History (translation below)
HISTORY 西暦2022年、地球上空で開発中の位相差空間ゲートが大爆発を起こしたとき、すべては始まった。 爆発に巻き込まれた月の破片が地球に振りそそぎ、放射線汚染と環境の変化でもはや地表に人類は住めなくなってしまった。残された人類は地下シェルターでの生活を余儀なくされ、そこに入りきれない人々はほかの惑星へと移住せざるを得なくなった。幸い、研究段階にあったテラフォーミング技術が位相差空間ゲートにより実現のメドがたち、皮肉にも、人類はゲートにより地球から放り出され、ゲートによって地球以外の惑星で生活できるようになったのである。 国家は、なしくずし的になくなり、人種は入り乱れた。 西暦は終わり、宇宙暦が始まった。 時が経つにつれ、各惑星や衛星は独立国家へと姿を変え、 経済も徐々に復興し始める。スパイクたちの乗るような小型の宇宙船も、ぞくぞくと市場に出回ることになった(要免許) そのかたわらで経済格差も広がっていき、スラム街も増え、犯罪は増加の一方をたどっていく(とくに宇宙暦初頭は法もロクに整備されておらず、犯罪組織が暗躍する時代でもあった)。 激増する犯罪に対抗するため、各惑星はついに太陽系刑事警察機構(I. S. S. P. = Inter Solar System Police)を設立、国家を超えた犯罪者に立ち向かうと同時に、賞金制度を設け、賞金稼ぎに対して超法規的措置(犯罪者をとらえるためなら多少の違法行為も帳消しにされる)をとることも決定した。 ゲート事故から50年、「ビバップ」はそんな混沌とした時代の物語である。
It all began in the year 2022, when a catastrophic explosion ripped apart a hyperspace gateway(*1) under construction in Earth's orbit.
Caught in the blast of the large explosion, pieces of the moon rain down onto the surface of the earth, rendering the planet uninhabitable due to widespread environmental destruction and radioactive contamination. What remained of humanity was forced to live underground in shelters. Those that could not find room in these shelters, were forced to migrate off-world. Luckily, the terraforming technology that was still in its research phase gained traction after the hyerspace gateway incident. Though it was the destruction of the gate that had forced humans from Earth, it was thanks to this very same technology that humans were able to establish a new life on planets beyond Earth.
Nations ceased to exist, and the races of old Earth began to mix.
And so ended use of the Western Gregorian calendar in favor of the Space calendar(*2).
Over time, each planet and satellite became its own independent nation and the economy began to recover. Smaller spaceships, like the one used by Spike and his crew, flood the market in droves (license required).
At the same time, economic inequality was rampant, there were more slums, and crime continued to rise (especially in the early years of the Space calendar when there were few laws in place and criminal organizations thrived).
In response to the surge in crime, the I.S.S.P (Inter Solar System Police) was established on every planetary body to fight against these interplanetary criminals. At the same time, a bounty system was implemented that granted bounty hunters extrajudicial power (which allowed the execution of any illegal acts committed in the process of apprehending criminals).
The story of Bebop takes place during this chaotic era, 50 years after the hyperspace gateway incident.
*1: I think a closer translation for the Japanese word for this gate, 位相差空間ゲート, would be phase shift gate, as that seems to be the scientific phenomenon referred to with the Japanese name, however, since your average viewer likely doesn't know what ‘phase shifting’ is, I understand why translators would go with a more localized term like ‘hyperspace’ or ‘astral gate’.
*2: I couldn’t find any references for how 宇宙歴 is translated in the English version. It’s possible the term was avoided altogether if it never showed up in dialogue.
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gsdfgt · 2 years
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