holespoles · 9 months
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Hirohiko Araki "Happy New Year 2024" postcard
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hoffstrap-yuri · 5 months
This is probably a long shot, but anyone in Saw fandom into JoJo's bizarre adventure/likes drawing in Araki's style? I have some ideas that I need to see come to fruition
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hirokin · 2 months
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thedakku · 1 year
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‘Shojoji (Disco Version)’ by Pacific Coast Highway 1976 vinyl single
Did the JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure logo copy this?!
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gesotoku · 2 years
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doggie · 8 days
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avec-toi-1983 · 9 months
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lilliput-army · 7 months
・手塚治虫 「ちょっと上手すぎるよね」「彼は僕の後継者」 ・荒木飛呂彦 「鳥山先生の絵は、漫画家からするとちょっとした発明のようなもの」 ・井上雄彦 「鳥山先生の絵は漫画家からすると魅力的すぎるんですよね。マネしたくなる気持ちもわかります」 ・冨樫義博 「嫉妬するほど上手い」 ・いしかわじゅん 「漫画としての絵という意味で言えば、鳥山以上に上手い漫画家はいない」 ・夏目房ノ介 「漫画界には大友・鳥山以前と大友・鳥山以後が存在する」 ・尾田栄一郎 「神様。ディズニーより上手い」 ・ジョージ・ルーカス 「彼のイラストを見た時は驚いたよ。素晴らしい。本当に日本人が描いた絵なのかと思った」 ・ジェームズ・キャメロン 「鳥山明のファンなんだ。彼の絵を見るとワクワクするんだ」 ・シド・ミード 「鳥山のセンスは素晴らしい。世界中探してもこれだけのデフォルメセンスを持つイラストレーターはいない」 ・トッド・マクファーレン 「鳥山の何が一番凄いのかと言えば、あの色彩センスと画材選択の素晴らしさだ」 ・ エミネム 「ドラゴンボールの作者に俺のアルバムジャケットを手がけてほしい」 ・アンソニー・キーディス(レッド・ホット・チリ・ペッパーズの VO) 「日本に言った時に欲しかったドラゴンボールの画集を買ったんだ。満員電車にも乗りたかった」 ・鳥嶋和彦(元ジャンプ編集長) 「彼の絵に関して「基本的な絵の勉強を漫画ではなく、デザイン画などから学んでいるため、バランス感覚が優れている」 「トーンを使わないので、白と黒のバランスを取るのが非常に上手い」 「背景などを描かなくても画面が持つだけの構成力とデッサン力を持っている」
【特集】 死去の鳥山明さん 「アラレちゃん」「孫悟空」「スライム」数々の名キャラ生み出し… [朝一から閉店までφ★] [chaika]
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plasticdreams · 9 months
98: それでも動く名無し 2023/12/24(日) 11:04:06.65 ID:aU+AUQul0EVE 昔ワイの学校に講演で来た時「ジョセフはジョースター一族なのになんで不倫ジジイになってるんですか?」って聞かれてたわ 99: それでも動く名無し 2023/12/24(日) 11:04:23.12 ID:j9dLWrPI0EVE >>98 なんて答えた? 105: それでも動く名無し 2023/12/24(日) 11:05:48.52 ID:aU+AUQul0EVE >>99 「4部で出すキャラがいないから隠し子しか無いなと思った」って答えてて草生えた 109: それでも動く名無し 2023/12/24(日) 11:06:38.04 ID:j9dLWrPI0EVE >>105 草 まぁでも創作上の理由よなそりゃ 118: それでも動く名無し 2023/12/24(日) 11:08:11.93 ID:jd+dK8DL0EVE >>105 草 ごまかさないのええな
【悲報】荒木飛呂彦(63歳)、マジでどう考えてもおかしい… : 哲学ニュースnwk
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aratamackenyupics · 8 months
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Jojo interview: https://times.abema.tv/articles/-/2746056
Abema — August 2017
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showamagicalgirls · 1 year
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Some of the art in We Love Persia (ペルシャがすき!) reminds me a little bit of Hirohiko Araki (荒木飛呂彦), who created Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure (ジョジョの奇妙な冒険). He has some magical girl work of his own that I will eventually cover on this blog.
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chiyoha1488 · 1 year
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hirokin · 2 months
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thedakku · 1 year
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Iconic ‘JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure’ Shonen Jump original issues, spanning decades from 1987 to 2004!
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ewweird · 1 year
JoJo's Bizarre Adventure and Charlie and the Chocolate Factory
Since it was Hirohiko Araki's birthday on June 7th, the author of JoJo's Bizarre Adventure, I thought I would write a little article.
The reason for this is that Araki-sensei has mentioned in a past interview with the literary magazine "Da Vinci" that "Charlie and the Chocolate Factory" is one of his favorite books. In Japan, it was published under the title "チョコレート工場の秘密" (Secrets of the Chocolate Factory).
It seems that for the magazine cover shoot of Da Vinci, it is a rule to have a favorite book, and the book Araki-sensei had was the old translated version in Japan.
Let me explain a bit about the translated versions in Japan. I believe most of you are aware that the content of the book was revised by Roald Dahl himself from the initial 1964 edition until 1973. In Japan, the translated version remained the same as the old translation from its publication in 1971 until the release of the new translation in 2005, which coincided with the movie adaptation.
In the old translation, the character's name "Veruca Salt" changed slightly to "ベルーカ・サルト" (Belūka Saruto). However, when a different translator took over, in the new translation, it became "イボダラーケ・ショッパー" (Ibodarāke Shoppā). It is believed that the translator made alterations to appeal to Japanese children with their own interpretation based on the meanings of "Veruca" and "Salt." The new translation has received mixed reviews. ↓Comparison of old and new translations of 'The Secret of the Chocolate Factory'
I personally have a favorable impression of Araki-sensei for being photographed with the old translation of "Charlie and the Chocolate Factory."
Going back to Araki-sensei's interview, he said, "Both of them are textbooks of suspense for me." He brought two books, and one of them was "Charlie and the Chocolate Factory."
"I love the excitement, thrill, and narrative style. When I wanted to become a manga artist, I thought, 'I want to draw this kind of manga.' While reading, I was constantly on the edge of my seat, wondering what would happen next! It has elements of a mystery novel, great characters, and I like the slightly grotesque parts. Mixing something living into the chocolate… It was also a goal for me before my debut, like a foundation."
This encounter with the book goes back to his elementary school days. It can be said that "Charlie and the Chocolate Factory," which he read as a child, is the root of JoJo's Bizarre Adventure.
Considering that creators who are active in Japan have encountered "Charlie and the Chocolate Factory" as children, I really hope that many children can have the opportunity to experience this children's book. On a side note, it was announced that "JoJo's Bizarre Adventure" will be adapted into a musical production by Toho, to be performed at the Teikoku Theatre.
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