quiet-toadstool · 1 year
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nathaniel russell
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quiet-toadstool · 1 year
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The Lady of the Lake sits by the fountain in Arroy, from The Story of King Arthur and His Knights by Howard Pyle (1903)
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quiet-toadstool · 1 year
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everything dances…  Maya Angelou
(via @lonequixote)
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quiet-toadstool · 1 year
Vocabulary from “Der Vorleser” by Bernhard Schlink  [part 3]
Der Groll - grudge Der Tratsch - gossip Der Kloß - lump Der Gerichtssaal - courtroom Der Angeklagte - defendant Der Wächter - guard Der Scherge - henchman Der Befangenheitsantrag - challenge on grounds of bias Der Verteidiger - defence lawyer, defence counsel, solicitor Der Richter - judge Der Schöffe - a lay judge, an assistant judge Der Bedacht - care, consideration Der Wachdienst - guard duty, watch duty, sentry duty Der Verdacht - suspicion Die Auseinandersetzung - dealing; conflict, dispute Die Darlegung - explanation, analysis; presentation, statement Die Vertrautheit - familiarity Die Ablehnung - rejection Die Lebenswelt - (living) environment Die Hingabe - devotion; dedication, commitment Die Ausschau - lookout Die Verlegenheit - embarrassment; an uninvited, but not necessarily embarrassing, situation Die Geste - gesture Die Zuwendung - friendly and kind attention, loving care, love and care Die Empfindsamkeit - sensitivity, sensitiveness, touchiness Die Scham - shame Die Vernehmung - interrogation, questioning;  examination (of a witness etc) Die Schutzstaffel - Schutzstaffel, SS Die Haft - custody, imprisonment Das Scheitern - failure Das Bedürfnis - desire, urge Das Einwohnermeldeamt - residents’ registration office Das Gehabe - affectation, posturing Das Konzentrationslager - concentration camp Das Gerichtsverfahren - legal process, legal proceedings, trial, lawsuit Das Schwurgericht - court (with a jury) Das Gericht - court (of justice) Zuweisen - to assign Ausweichen - to dodge, to avoid, to miss Erdenken - to think up Verraten - to reveal; to betray, to be disloyal to Preisgeben - to disclose, to reveal; to abandon, to forsake or betray Bloßstellen - to unmask, to expose, to show, to debunk Verleugnen - to renege, to repudiate Begnügen - to be content or satisfied (with something, to content (oneself with) Necken - to tease Quälen - to torture, to torment, to agonize Demütigen - to humiliate, to humble Verurteilen - to sentence; to condemn Sich bewähren - to prove oneself, to prove one’s worth Werben - to recruit Einschneidend - dramatic, drastic, radical Schwergewichtig - heavyweight Kameradschaftlich - comradely, companionable Kläglich - pitiful, pathetic, miserable Eigentümlich - typical, specific; peculiar Launisch - moody, capricious Herrisch - bossy, authoritarian Nichtig - void, null, inane Großspurig - arrogant, cocky Überlegen - superior Kaltschnäuzig - callous, cold-hearted Einschlägig - relevant, pertinent, appropriate Abstoßend - repulsive, repellent, repugnant, off-putting
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quiet-toadstool · 1 year
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"i loved my friend" by langston hughes // on earth we're briefly gorgeous, written by ocean vuong // scott street by phoebe bridgers // unknown painting // "the worm king's lullaby" from war of the foxes by richard siken // only friends by wallows // hope ur ok by olivia rodrigo // wish you were here by pink floyd // ghost photograph by angela deane // "thanksgiving 2006" from night sky with exit wounds by ocean vuong // dear friend by dayglow // the night we met by lord huron and phoebe bridgers // the archer by taylor swift // my buddy by chet baker // ghosting by txt // fading by flatsound // miserable lie by the smiths // bad friend by rina sawayama // haunted by dean gioia // hour of the wolf by surf curse // the last days of judas iscariot, written by stephen adly guirgis
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quiet-toadstool · 1 year
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quiet-toadstool · 1 year
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Krzystof Gieraltowski
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quiet-toadstool · 1 year
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quiet-toadstool · 1 year
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quiet-toadstool · 1 year
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Stockings, 1915.
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quiet-toadstool · 1 year
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quiet-toadstool · 1 year
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quiet-toadstool · 1 year
Love cooking and feeding people
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quiet-toadstool · 1 year
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Mahmoud Darwish
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quiet-toadstool · 1 year
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Clara Bow
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quiet-toadstool · 1 year
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Innocence Lost by Iness Rychlik
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quiet-toadstool · 1 year
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