jie-c-c · 2 years
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#台灣fun心玩 溫和秋天 在 AjangHome 阿將的家23咖啡館 身旁鳥鳥炊煙 喝著阿里山特產的咖啡 搭配贈送的鬆餅甜點 每個角落精彩的畫面 不捨的喵星主人道別 悠遊進入 奮起湖大飯店 帶著自備的半島鐵盒 耳邊響起周杰倫的音樂 飯店問著半島鐵盒哪裡買 也將傳承許久的鐵路便當裝入半島鐵盒 收下米其林1+2星的推薦伴手禮 #奮起褔米餅 跟著 #阿里山號 #穿越時光隧道 走進 多林車站 野生愛玉 撲香的筍乾味道 突然腦中想起一道一道我料理的美食 中午時分到來 奔向 得恩亞納合掌村 期待大雪覆蓋的仿日本夢幻景點 吃著鐵盒中傳統鐵路便當 可惜養生麵包沒有營業 只好休息片刻 繼續前往 Hana廚房 雖然不是可用餐時間 但是已經在心裡默許安排想吃的 #薄餅披薩 環繞的雲霧山路 抵達 太平雲梯 漫步在濛濛細雨中 親撫山嵐雲霧 耐心的等待撥雲見日陽光明媚的雲海 結果 #巴比Q 了 只好走入 #太平老街 #空氣圖書館 #三元宮 在日落漸漸來臨時 沿著太平36灣 回到了現實的生活 跟著 我們的旅程 享受生活 為疲憊的身體找到能源補充站 😊😊😊 阿將的家23咖啡館(不供正餐,入場方式/營業時間見臉書公告) 0933 683 420 https://maps.app.goo.gl/KU8QgTf1LFy5ABAc9 奮起福米餅店 0900 770 117 https://maps.app.goo.gl/BaEQkj9EFqVWK2u67 多林火車站 https://maps.app.goo.gl/hRW63NMa3pnebzWXA 得恩亞納社區-小瑞士-合掌村 https://maps.app.goo.gl/27SXZ35bYG8ghoYi9 太平雲梯遊客服務中心Visitor Service Center(附設雲中找茶複合式餐廳) 05 257 1215 https://maps.app.goo.gl/peE1RMJ8TpnpgUtB6(在 奮起福餅創始店) https://www.instagram.com/p/CkDNinsykOK/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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beyourselfchulanmaria · 3 months
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午後我去皮革工廠選擇和購進客戶要的側背包的備材-內層式樣半成品,途經北高雄自由三路上著名的黃昏市場買了水果,突然好想吃披薩,於是晚餐去漢神餐廳吃了據說很好吃的"薄餅義大利海鮮披薩"~真的很好吃! 但我希望不是因為我餓了。lol (我喜愛餅皮薄、酥脆和厚起司的披薩。)
In the afternoon, I went to the leather factory to select and purchase the spare materials for the side backpack that the customer wanted - the semi-finished inner layer style. I passed by the dusk market on North-Kaohsiung Ziyou 3nd Rd and bought some fruit (This traditional market is popular specialized in food). I suddenly felt like eating pizza, so I went to Hanshen Restaurant for dinner. then It is said there's a very delicious Italian Pizza store, I picked seafood pizza, umm… simply delicious! but I hope not because I was hungry lol. (I love pizza with thin, crispy crust and thick cheese.) Lan~*
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👆 I met a tired bird and gave a little water to it. 🙂 ... later it's flying on the tree. 🐦
👇 I passed by the dusk market on North-Kaohsiung Ziyou 3nd Rd.
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👇 A very delicious Italian Pizza restaurant in the Hanshen shopping mall. 😋
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👆 這一對夫妻坐在那全程共45分鐘又18秒��了吃和喝,完全沒有任何交談,倆人都一直沉迷在手機裡。 😆😏 我真的很好奇,夫妻生活中的其他的無數個45分鐘,他們是否會珍視和在乎彼此的交談片刻? 還是他們根本就是與手機和網路結婚了。(The couple sat there for a total of 45 minutes and 18 seconds without any conversation except eating and drinking. Both of them were addicted to their smart-phones. 😆😏 I was really curious, among the countless other 45 minutes in that couple's life, will they cherish and care about the moments of conversation with each other? Or are they simply married to smart-phones with the Internet.)
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beautyupdate · 7 months
台北大安|JAPOLI義大利餐酒館 好吃又氣氛好的異國料理
在忠孝復興站附近,隱身於B1的JAPOLI義大利餐酒館,彷彿是一處不可告人的美食寶藏。經過耀眼的裝潢,走進這處義式餐廳,迎面而來的是濃濃的浪漫氛圍。兩人套餐集結了餐廳招牌,不僅節省了選擇時間,更能品嚐到他們最暢銷的美味佳餚。從濃郁的義大利麵到薄餅披薩,每一道菜都散發著迷人的香氣,讓人不禁迷失在這義大利的美味世界。无論是約會、聚餐,JAPOLI必定是一場美味的享受。 #JAPOLI #JAPOLI義大利餐酒館 #忠孝復興站美食 #義大利麵 #台北義大利麵 推薦
在忠孝復興站附近,隱身於B1的JAPOLI義大利餐酒館,彷彿是一處不可告人的美食寶藏。經過耀眼的裝潢,走進這處義式餐廳,迎面而來的是濃濃的浪漫氛圍。兩人套餐集結了餐廳招牌,不僅節省了選擇時間,更能品嚐到他們最暢銷的美味佳餚。從濃郁的義大利麵到薄餅披薩,每一道菜都散發著迷人的香氣,讓人不禁迷失在這義大利的美味世界。无論是約會、聚餐,JAPOLI必定是一場美味的享受。 JAPOLI義大利餐酒館 (FB) 地點:台北市大安區忠孝東路四段49巷2號 B1F 營業時間:週一~週日 11:30~22:30 電話:02 2731 6633 用餐方式:內用、外帶、外送 (food panda, uber…
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 Bing (Chinese: 餠) is a wheat flour-based Chinese food with a flattened or disk-like shape.These foods may resemble the flatbreads, pancakes, pies and unleavened dough foods of non-Chinese cuisines. Many of them are similar to the Indian rose, French crêpes, Salvadoran pupusa, or Mexican tortillas, while others are more similar to cakes and cookies.
 The term is Chinese but may also refer to flatbreads or cakes of other cultures. The crêpe and the pizza, for instance, are referred to as keli bing (可麗餅) and pisa bing (披薩餅) respectively, based on the sound of their Latin names and the flour tortilla is known as Mexican thin bing (墨西哥薄餅) based on its country of origin.
 Bing are usually a casual food and generally eaten for lunch, but they can also be incorporated into formal meals. Both Peking duck and moo shu pork are rolled up in thin wheat flour bao bing with scallions and sweet bean sauce or hoisin sauce. Bing may also have a filling such as ground meat. Bing are commonly cooked on a skillet or griddle although some are baked.
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