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Hezhi anchor training institution - live delivery training and other courses have been taught for seven years, and the course system is very perfect. For students' teaching, there are four classes in the morning, each class has 40 minutes of theoretical study, and the simulation and live broadcast exercise in the afternoon. After graduation, the quality of study is very good. Overview of live delivery training course: 1 Layout, equipment selection and application of live broadcasting room; 2. Operation cost accounting of stores and live broadcasting rooms; 3. Low cost pulverization and promotion inside and outside the station; 4. Editing skills of short video platform segment content; 5. The logical thinking framework of the impromptu anchor runs through the whole e-commerce live broadcast work; 6. Planning of various types of live sales programs with goods (how to sell online, explain products, how to interact, increase powder and cash, create enterprise personnel, edit lines, prevent being blocked, enhance store trust and retain fans) and assist students in making online stores. After graduation, the direct broadcast quality is high.横亘电商主播培训班详情描述,天津主播培训教授如何进行变现,日照拼多多直播培训学习好,朝阳直播卖货培训基地科目内容,重庆电商直播培训价格多少,成都直播带货培训基地课程内容,商洛网红直播培训教学口碑好,郴州电商培训基地实体班学习,成都网红主播培训教学质量不错,日喀则电商直播培训机构在哪里,天津快手直播培训学院学费如何,梧州快手直播培训学院好,甘南抖音直播培训线上实时直播学习,上饶拼多多直播培训招生简章都有内容
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打黑運動能轉移封城的失敗嗎? 06/13/2022
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hjunmki · 24 days
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yanghuifei · 5 months
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fmgn2123 · 8 months
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bhjj024 · 8 months
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9j-666 · 9 months
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vsxfbd · 9 months
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shuaabxyooj · 10 months
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dfry67245 · 10 months
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uighh5214 · 11 months
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