la-muerta · 3 years
ENG SUB - Fantasy New Jade Dynasty ad featuring both of Zhang Zhehan’s in-game characters
Who needs Loki self-cest when you can have the enemies-to-lovers, mutual pining across lifetimes romance between Mirror Carp Manor Lord A-Han, who has sworn to protect the world from the Demonic Sect, and Xiaozhe, the young master from the Demonic Sect, who finds himself drawn to the charming and enigmatic Manor Lord? 👀🤣
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linoliu · 5 years
天禄阁曲谱[正集]十一卷十一册所收昆曲折子戏曲谱1003出分卷分册总目 ============================ 卷一91出(总1至91出) [元小令百首]天净沙秋思;关汉卿碧玉箫二首;沉醉东风渔父;马致远拨不断三首;四块玉别情 〔散套〕马致远秋思
《昊天塔》托兆;激良;五台 《渔樵记》北樵;逼休;寄信相骂 《不伏老》北诈
《货郎旦》女弹 《气英布》赚布 《窦娥寃》斩窦;诉寃 《两世姻缘》离魂 《墙头马上》重圆 《荆钗记》开端;讲书;前央媒;议亲;后央媒;闹钗;绣房;别祠;送亲;遣仆迎请;回门;参相;前发书;改书;前拆(书);别任;后逼嫁(大逼);祭河;投江;捞救;拾鞋;女祭;脱冒;见娘;(后)发书;梅岭;男祭;脱靴;审局;开眼;上路;亲叙;拜冬;男舟;女舟;后相逢;钗圆 《拜月亭记》矫奏;形捕;神护;义拯结盟;大话;上山;问喽;走雨;冒雨;冲散;踏伞;路蛉;捉获;虎寨;招商谐偶;请医;离鸾;驿会;拜月;访兄;遗媒;递鞭;回话;请宴;双逢;双圆
《白兔记》闹鸡;赶蛇;抢棍;看瓜;分别;巡更;拷问;养子;产子;上路;送子(窦送);汲水;出猎;回猎;麻地;相会;团圆 《杀狗记》雪救 《琵琶记》称庆;规奴;嘱别;南浦;训女;登程;坠马;饥荒;相怒;辞朝;关粮;抢粮;请郎;花烛;吃饭;吃糠;赏荷;思乡;剪发卖发;拐儿;赏秋;描容;别坟;盘夫;谏父;弥陀寺;廊会;书馆;扫松;别丈 《八义记》翳桑;评话;闹朝;遣鉏;扑犬;吓痴;盗孤;付孤;换儿;观画 《彩楼记》赠衣;求壻;抛球;逐壻;成亲;被盗;归窑;祭灶;拾柴;泼粥;彩圆 《牧羊记》庆寿;过关;小逼;大逼;焚香;吃雪;看羊;遗妓义刎;花烛;望乡;告雁;陵陨 《寻亲记》借债;前索;遗青;杀德;出罪;府场;送学;跌包;复学;荣归拜别;刺血;饭店;茶访;后索;后府场;后金山 卷三98出(总189至286出) 《西游记》撇子;认子;饯行;胖姑;定心(收孙);伏虎;揭钵;传耗;女还;女国;问仙;借扇;思春(狐思) 《义勇辞金》挑袍 《金印记》言学;玩亭;逼钗;不第;投井;寻夫刺股;蛋赋;背剑;封相;金圆 《香囊记》看策 《连环记》起布;议剑;献剑;赐环;问探;三战;拜月;北拜;回军送冠;小宴;北小宴;大宴;梳妆;掷戟;计盟;假诏;诛卓;团圆 《千金记》赠剑;起霸;夺灯;鸿门;夜宴;撇斗;追信;拜将;北点将;楚歌;虞探;别姬;十面;跌霸 《绣襦记》聘乐;绣襦;乐驿;坠鞭;入院;扶头;试马调琴;卖兴;计赚;徙避;当巾;逼娃;打子;收留;教歌;莲花;剔目;荣归;驿会;襦圆 《桃花记》题诗 《闹钟馗》闹判 《双珠记》分珠;别友;汲水;诉情;杀克;二探;卖子;狱诀(三探);投渊;天打;中军;月下
《鲛绡记》写状;别狱;监绑;草相 《跃鲤记》芦林 《明珠记》煎茶;假诏 卷四96出(总287至382出) 《南西厢记》游殿;闹斋;酬韵;惠明;请宴;请酒负约;听琴;寄柬;跳墙;着棋;送方;佳期;拷红;长亭;草桥惊梦 《红拂记》靖渡;私奔 《宝剑记》鸣寃;救厄;草场;夜奔 《鸣凤记》嵩寿;吃茶;夏驿;写本;斩杨;醉易;放易 《节孝记》详梦;春店 《三元记》毁券 《目连救母劝善戏文》贺年
昭君出塞 金盆捞月 《浣纱记》前访;越寿;回营;劝伍访圣;养马;打围;思蠡;效颦;后访;寄子;拜施分纱;进美;采莲;赐剑;归第;泛湖 《玉簪记》手谈;佛会;茶叙;琴挑;问病;偷诗;姑阻;失约;来遅;催试;秋江 《狮吼记》梳妆;赏春(游春);跪池;梦怕三怕 《种玉记》笺允 《祝发记》做亲;败兵;祝发;渡江 《水浒记》借茶;刘唐;拾巾;前诱;后诱;杀惜;活捉 《西川图》三闯;败惇;负荆 《衣珠记》折梅;堕冰;园会;拷婢;饥荒;关粮(请粮);衙叙;珠园
《四声猿》骂曹 《紫箫记》友集;探春;纵姬 《紫钗记》述娇;观灯;折柳;阳关 卷五93出(总383至475出)
《牡丹亭》标目;言怀;训女;腐叹;延师;怅眺;学堂;劝农;肃苑;游园;惊梦;堆花;慈戒;寻梦;诀谒;写真;虏誴;诘病;道觋;诊祟;牝贼;离魂;谒遇;旅寄;冥判;拾画;忆女;叫画;道场;魂游;前媾;后媾;旁疑;欢挠;缮备;冥誓;秘议;诇药;回生;婚走;骇变;淮警;如杭;问路;耽试;移镇;御淮;急难;寇间;折寇;围释;遇母;淮泊;闹宴;榜下;索元;硬拷;闻喜;圆驾 《南柯记》树国;宫训;偶见;情着;决壻;就征;尚主;之郡;玩月;花报;瑶台;召还;芳陨;梷诱;象谴;疑惧;遗生;寻悟;转情;情尽
《邯郸梦》行田;扫花;三醉;赠枕;入梦;嫉试(招贤);骄宴;外补;开河;番儿;云阳法场;功白;生寤;仙圆 卷六92出(总476至567出)
《草庐记》花荡 《惊鸿记》吟诗脱靴 《钗钏记》相约;讲书;落园;讨钗;小审;大审;观风;赚钗;释罪;谒师 《红梅记》泛湖;妾殒;算命(私推);脱穽;鬼辩 《焚香记》阳告;阴告 《义侠记》打虎;诱叔;别兄;挑帘;裁衣;捉奸;显魂;杀嫂 《一种情》冥勘;卢度 《红梨记》赏灯;拘禁;访素;赶车;解妓;草地;盘秋;踏月窥醉;亭会;醉皂;花婆;北卖花;三错 《宵光剑》相面;报信;扫殿;闹庄;救青;功宴 《金雀记》玩灯;觅花;报捷;庵会;乔醋;竹林;醉圆 《金锁记》送女;私祭;说穷(思饭);羊肚;探监;斩娥;尹惴;魂诉;天打(天殛) 《赠书记》婚猜;辨男;辨女;真配
《鸾钗记》遣义;杀珍;拔眉;探监 《双红记》绣云;收仆;收女;谒见;猜谜;击犬;盗绡;显技;摄盒;服田;差捕;飞遁;请友;青门 《东郭记》井李;绵驹;出哇;乞墦;登垄 党太尉赏雪 卷七88出(总568至655出)
《蝴蝶梦》叹骷;扇坟;毁扇;脱壳;访师;吊奠;说亲;回话;做亲;劈棺 《望湖亭》照镜 《冰山记》阴战 《鸳鸯被记》绣被 《翠屏山》交账戏叔;送礼;酒楼;反诳;杀山;杀僧 《娇红记》晚绣;芳殒;双逝 《绿牡丹》强吟;谢咏;倩笔;社集;私评;赝售;闺赏;访俊;扼腕;报闺;友谑;疑貌;觊姻;艰遇;群偈;戏草;逐馆;辨赝;谈心;邀馆;疑释;叨倩;严试;晤贤;闺晤;争婚;假报 《疗妒羹》题曲;浇墓 《西园记》寻幽;双觏;忆见讹始;留馆坚讹;代祷;讹惊 《西楼记》觅缘;督课;楼会;拆书;空泊;打妓;玩笺;错梦;载月;侠试;赠马;会玉邸合 《一捧雪》卖画;豪宴(中山狼);说杯;送杯;露杯;搜杯;遣将;追杯;换监;代戮;审头;刺汤;祭姬;边信;杯圆 《人兽关》前设;演官;幻骗;恶梦 卷八84出(总656至739出)
《麒麟阁》卖马;打擂;激秦;三挡;看报;倒铜旗;斩子;侠救;郊坛;大考;托闸;扬兵 《燕子笺》写像;写笺;拾笺;狗洞;诰圆 《春灯谜》轰谜 《牟尼合》渡海 《千忠录》改遁;奏朝草诏;惨覩;刼装庙遇;双忠;搜山;打车 《两须眉》营寨;掌约;护庄;亲访
《清忠谱》家门;傲雪;书闹;破土;迎像;骂祠;拉众;鞭差;打尉;捕义;荫吴;叱勘;囊首;戳义;报败;毁祠;吊墓;表忠 《风云会》闹观;送京 《太平钱》缀帽;玩圃 《万里缘》忠渡;三溪 《十五贯》窃贯杀尤;男监;女监;判斩;见都;踏勘;访鼠测字;审豁;刺绣;拜香
《吉庆图》扯本;醉监 《南瓜传》(吉庆图)塞贷;园触;探家;絮圆 《乾坤啸》密报(劝酒) 《九莲灯》托孤;火判;指路;闯界;求灯 《党人碑》打碑;酒楼计赚;闭城;杀庙;请师;拜帅
《虎囊弹》山亭 《琥珀匙》山盟;立关;传歌 《如是观》交印;刺字 《金刚鳯》射潮;下山鬪鳯;三依刚刎 《醉菩提》付箟;打坐;伏虎;遇溜;醒妓;乱禅;天打(嗔救);当酒
《天下乐》嫁妹 《儿孙福》别弟;报喜;宴会;势僧 《慈悲愿》诉因 《白罗衫》揽儎;设计;杀舟;捞救;放走;投井;拾孩;贺喜;井遇;游园;看状;详梦;报寃 卷十98出(总831至928出)
《一文钱》烧香;罗梦;济贫 《钧天乐》诉庙 《满床笏》郊射;龚寿;纳妾;跪门;求子;后纳;卸甲封王;笏圆 《偷甲记》盗甲 《双官诰》做鞋;夜课;前借;后借;舟讶;三见;荣归;赍诏;诰圆
《风筝误》题鹞;鹞误;冒美;惊丑;梦骇;前亲;逼婚;后亲;茶圆 《奈何天》逃禅;醉卺
《长生殿》定情赐盒;春睡;旁讶;复召;酒楼;闻乐;制谱;偷曲;进果;舞盘;夜怨;絮阁;窥浴;鹊桥密誓;陷关;小宴惊变;埋玉;闻铃;情悔;剿寇;哭像;刺逆;看袜;弹词;见月;驿备;雨梦;寄情 卷十一75出(总929至1003出) 《雷峰塔》收青;游湖;借伞;盗库;赠银;赠符;端阳;盗仙草;化香;谒禅;烧香;水斗;断桥;重谒;合钵;祭塔;佛圆
《夺锦标》走边;报信;祭风;定计 《扈家庄》迎敌
《还金镯》诉魁(哭魁) 《四弦秋》送客 《红楼梦》葬花;扇笑;补裘;警曲;听雨 《烂柯山》前逼;后逼;悔嫁;痴梦;泼水 《金不换》守岁;侍酒 《盘陀山》拜香
《修箫谱》访星 《清风亭》赶子;盼子;逼迎;认子 《梅花簪》遣刺
《金钱缘》荐馆 《双占魁》锡财;报金;遇虎;山叙 《鸳鸯带》赏梅;义救;窃枕 《天缘合》试灯;观灯
 《呆中福》作伐;代替 《青石山》上寿;上坟路遇;书帏密会 《祝梁怨》楼台会 赐福、上寿、送子、磨房、打面缸、打吉平、黑风山、娘子军、小妹子、借靴、拾金、刘富梁小令二首、小商河 (《昆曲史料与声腔格律考略》,  刘有恒,台北;城邦印书馆,2015年))
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la-muerta · 3 years
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方池如鉴碧溶溶,锦鲤游扬逐浪中。 竚看三春烟水暖,好观一跃化神龙。
In that clear green lake, a mirror carp plays in the currents, From the warm spring water, it leaps – like it might transform into a dragon
锦鲤山庄庄主阿瀚 Mirror Carp Manor Master, A-Han
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la-muerta · 3 years
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The Story of A-Han and Zhe-gongzi
A-Han and Zhe-gongzi’s story is a side quest in the game and is revealed to the player in an asynchronous manner. All A-Han knows is that Zhe-gongzi descended into demonic cultivation and joined the Demonic Sect, and was eventually killed by the Demonic Master of Lian Xie Hall, the Black-hearted Old Man. 
The only thing that A-Han has left of his friend is a blue lotus petal, and he has a blue lotus plant planted in Mirror Carp Manor (presumably grown from the same parent plant as Zhe-gongzi). A-Han has spent the last 600 years looking for a way to bring Zhe-gongzi back, and with the help of Zui Guangyin, the “King of Time”, A-Han exhausts his spiritual energy to send the player back to the past several times to find out the truth behind what happened to Zhe-gongzi, at great risk to himself. 
A-Han was originally a mirror carp and Zhe-gongzi was a blue lotus plant. They grew up together and practiced cultivation in the pond in front of the temple of a Shamaness from Nanjiang, the Sacred Lady Linglong, and with her teaching they both attained human forms after a few hundred years. At that time, Linglong was trying to collect the malevolent energy from the beast gods (兽神 shòu shén) and suppress it, but it leaked out and contaminated the pond where A-Han and Zhe-gongzi lived. Wishing to protect his shidi, Zhe-gongzi absorbed all the malevolent energy on his own.
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Unfortunately, the malevolent energy was too much for Zhe-gongzi and under its influence, he accidentally injured A-Han. Horrified at what he’d done, he fled, but the amount of malevolent energy he had used had attracted the Black Water Mystic Snake. The Snake invited Zhe-gongzi to join the Demonic Sect and Zhe-gongzi refused, but at that moment, a heavily-injured A-Han started calling out for Zhe-gongzi and Zhe-gongzi agreed to join the Demonic Sect so that the Snake would not kill A-Han.
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  Zhe-gongzi attempted to sabotage the Demonic Sect as a spy, but he was eventually ordered to kill A-Han for his role in the war against the Demonic Sect. Zhe-gongzi couldn’t bear to kill A-Han and only wounded him, but Black-hearted Old Man decided to finish the job and Zhe-gongzi rushed to A-Han’s side to save him. He took the brunt of the killing blow and he was annihilated, his soul scattered to the wind, and A-Han’s hair turned grey in his grief.
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  The player finds a fragment of Zhe-gongzi’s soul, pure and uncontaminated, and after A-Han apologises to him for misunderstanding his intentions all these years, he is able to collect the soul fragment and bring it back to Mirror Carp Manor. He places it in the lotus he planted for Zhe-gongzi, and after 600 years, they are finally reunited again.
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Apparently when players visit Mirror Carp Manor now, they will meet A-Zhe as well as A-Han, and during an in-game event recently, both of them showed up, bickering like an old married couple. A-Zhe whines about being left alone at home to recuperate, and A-Han will tell you that Zhe-gongzi has always been clingy, but he will spend the rest of his life making up for all the suffering A-Zhe has gone through :’)
P.S. Their ship name in Chinese is 喜结莲鲤 (xǐ jié lián lǐ) which is a play on 喜结连理 (a joyous marital union), replacing the 连 with “莲 (lotus)” and 理 with “鲤 (carp)”, which are both pronounced the same way.
(All in-game videos kindly shared by 秋水篱霜)
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