daily-hyosatsu · 1 month
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Back today with something different: some stickers spotted near JR Shinjuku Station. The top one reads #戦争と家父長制を憎む.
戦争 [せんそう] means war.
家父長制 [かふちょうせい] means patriarchy. - To break down a big word, sometimes it's best to start with a suffix. 制 (which is new to this blog) means system, law, or rule. It is always read セイ. - Next, the first character, 家, means one's home or family. The second, 父, means father. Combine them and you get 家父 [かふ], meaning one's father (not commonly used in speech). - Finally, 長 can mean chief, leader, or head. Combine it with 家父 to get 家父長 [かふちょう], meaning patriarch. - Putting it all together, 家父長制 means a system of patriarchy, or a system run by the father/men.
憎む [にく.む] is the verb to hate or detest.
How best to translate the whole statement is pretty context dependent. "[I] hate war and the patriarchy" is faithful, but decidedly milquetoast wording for an act of protest. I think we can say that the spirit of the statement is more along the lines of "Fuck war and the patriarchy." (And "fuck ___" doesn't really translate directly, so that may have been what they had in mind anyway...?)
The other sticker shows a 招き猫 maneki-neko (beckoning cat or lucky cat) beneath a Palestinian flag, whose stripes read "Ceasefire now / Save lives / Free Palestine!"
The cat's right paw is drawn to look like a raised human fist. On his left side, there's a dove holding an olive branch perched on his shoulder and he has a peace sign in his paw. He's wearing a collar with a keffiyeh pattern and its tag(?? I think) is a watermelon.
(Also, the colors of the sticker perfectly match the bus driving by in the background, which is very pleasing to me. Even the cat's eyes are accounted for!)
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ninelanguages · 1 month
Kanji for "long", "chief", "head"
長 = chou / naga•i
長い - Nagai - long / lengthy / prolonged / protracted - ながい
長電話 - Nagadenwa - long telephone conversation - ながでんわ
社長 - Syachou - the company president - しゃこう
部長 - Buchou - the manager [head/director] of a department - ぶちょう
長所 - Chousho - a strong point / a good point / a merit - ちょうしょ
身長 - shinchou - height (of body) / stature - しんちょう
Kanji for "wind", "breeze", "manners", "customs"
風 = kaze / fuu / fu / kaza
和風 - Wafuu - Japanese style - わふう
風上 - Kazakami - (the) windward (side) - かざかみ
風 - Kaze - a wind / a current of air / a breeze / a draft - かぜ
風邪 - Kaze - (a) cold / the common cold - かぜ
風邪を引く - Kaze wo hiku - to catch (a) cold / to get a cold - かぜをひく
風呂 - Furo - a bath - ふろ
Kanji for "sky" "air", "heaven(s)", "celestial sphere"
天 = ten / ame / ama
天ぷら - Tenpura - deep-fried battered vegetables and seafood - てんぷら
天気 - Tenki - weather - てんき
天井 - Tenjou - the ceiling - てんじょう
天才 - Tensai - (a) genius (for) / a natural girft (for) - てんさい
いい天気 - Iitenki - good [nice, fine, pleasant] weather - いいてんき
天国 - Tenkoku - Heaven - てんこく
Kanji for "thick woods", "forest"
森 = shin / mori
青森県 - Aomoriken - Aomori prefecture (of the tohoku area) - あおもりけん
森林 - Shinrin - a forest / a wood / the woods - しんりん
森 - Mori - a wood / woods / a grove / a forest - もり
森林浴 - Shinrinyoku - walking in the woods [forest] (as therapy) - しんりんよく
森田さん- Moritasan - mr. [ms.] Morita - もりたさん
森林公園 - Shinrinkouen - a forest park - しんりんこうえん
Kanji for "forest", "woods", "grove"
林 - hayashi / rin
山林 - Sanrin - a forest (on a mountain) - さんりん
杉林 - Sugibayashi - a (Japanese) cedar forest - すぎばやし
林道 - Rindou - a path [trail] through the forest - りんどう
林業 - Ringyou - forestry - りんぎょう
雑木林 - Zoukibayashi - a grove of mixed trees - ぞうきばやし
林 - Hayashi - a grove / a small wood / a copse - はやし
Kanji for "believe", "trust", "have confidence in", "message", "signal"
信 = shin
信用 - Shinyou - trust/ credit/ confidence/ reliance - しんよう
信号 - Shingou - a signal/ a traffic light [signal]/ signaling - しんごう
信仰 - Shinkou - (religious) faith/ belief - しんこう
自信 - Jishin - (self-)confidence - じしん
通信 - Tsuushin - correspondence / communication / news - つうしん
信じる - Shinjiru - to believe/ to accept as true/ to be convinced - しんじる
Kanji for "oneself", "self", "by itself", "naturally"
自 = ji / shi / mizuka•ra
自分の - Jibunno - one's own/ personal/ private - じぶんの
自ら - Mizukara - oneself/ (for) oneself/ personally/ in person - みずから
自由 - Jiyuu - freedom / liberty - じゆう
不自由 - Fujiyuu - inconvenience/ poverty/ want/ disability - ふじゆう
自己紹介 - Jikosyoukai - self-introduction - じこしょうかい
Kanji for "divide", "minute", "part", "understand"
分 = bun / fun / bu / wa•keru / wa•kareru / wa•karu / wa•katsu
分かる - Wakaru - to understand/ to see / to know / to realize - わかる
分かれる - Wakareru - to be divided [split] (into) / to branch off (from) - わかれる
自分 - Jibun - oneself/ I - じぶん
十分な - Jyuubunna - plenty (of) / sufficient/ thorough / enough - 十分な
水分 - Suibun - moisture (content) / water / juice - すいぶん
分ける - Wakeru - to divide [split, part] / to distribute / to classify - わける
Kanji for "beautiful", "pretty", "lovely", "good", "superior"
美 = bi / utsuku•shii
美容 - Biyou - beauty / a good figure - びよう
美容院 - Biyouin - a beauty salon [shop, parlor] - びよういん
美人薄命 - Bijinhakumei - rare beauties die young - びじんはくめい
美人 - Bijin - a beautiful woman / a beauty / a pretty girl - びじん
美しい - Utsukushi - beautiful (woman)/ lovely / fine (voice) / noble - うつくし
美術 - Bijutsu - fine art / the fine arts/ art - びじゅつ
Kanji for "half", "semi-", "hemi-", "halfway"
半 = han / naka•ba
半額 - Hangaku - half the amount [sum, price, fare] - はんがく
半ば - Nakaba - middle / half / semi / halfway / partly - なかば
半年 - Hantoshi - half a year / a half year - はんとし
二時半 - Nijihan - two-thirty (o'clock)/ half past two (o'clock) - にじはん
半島 - Hantou - a peninsula - はんとう
半分 - Hanbun - (a) half - はんぶん
Kanji for "restful", "feel at ease", "cheap"
安 = an / yasu•i
安心 - Anshin - relief / peace of mind - あんしん
目安 - Meyasu - a standard - めやす
不安 - Fuan - uneasiness / anxiety / insecurity - ふあん
安全 - Anzen - safety / security - あんぜん
安らぐ - Yasuragu - to feel at ease - やすらぐ
安い - Yasui - cheap / inexpensive - やすい
Kanji for "older sister"
姉 = ane / shi
姉 - ane - one's older sister - あね
姉妹 - shimai - sisters - しまい
お姉さん - oneesan - a (one's) older sister - おねえさん
義理の姉 - giri no ane - one's older sister-in-law - ぎりのあね
姉妹校 - shimaikou - sister schools しまいこう
姉貴 - aneki - one's older sister - あねき
Kanji for "younger sister"
妹 = imouto / mai
姉妹都市 - shimaitoshi - sister cities - しまいとし
妹 - imouto - one's younger sister - いもうと
従姉妹 - itoko - a female cousin - いとこ
妹さん - imoutosan - (somebody else's) younger sister -いもうとさん
義理の妹 - giri no imouto - ぎりのいもうと
Kanji for "small", "minor", "little", "short"
小 = chii•sai / ko / o / shou
小銭 - kozeni - small change (as in money) - こぜに
小さな - chiisana - small (voice)/ minor (mistake)/ tiny (turtle) - ちいさな
小川 - ogawa - a stream / a brook/ a creek / a rivulet - おがわ
小さい - chiisai - small / little / tiny - ちいさい
小説 - syousetsu - a novel/ a story/ a work of fiction - しょうせつ
小指 - koyubi - the little finger / the pinkie - こゆび
Kanji for "few", "little", "small"
少 = suku•nai / suko•shi / syou
少女 - Syoujo - a young girl - しょうじょ
少々 - Syousyou - a little / a few / slightly / for a moment / briefly - しょうしょう
少ない - Sukunai - few / little / there are a few (...) / have a little (...) - すくない
少年 - Syounen - a young boy - しょうねん
少し - Sukoshi - a few / a small quantity (of)/ a little - すこし
少しも - Sukoshimo - (not) in the least/ (not) at all/ (not) a bit - すこしも
Kanji for "body", "object", "form"
体 = karada / tai / tei
具体的な - Gutaitekina - concrete / definite/ specific - ぐたいてきな
体重 - Taijuu - one's body weight - たいじゅう
体 - Karada - a [the] body / a physique/ awkward - からだ
体裁の悪い - Teisai no warui - unbecoming / awkward - ていさい の わるい
体調 - Taichou - one's physical condition - たいちょう
全体の - Zentai no - whole / entire/ general - ぜんたい の
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hirorin2013 · 1 year
Akiyoshidai by hirorin 2013
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jaoneko · 2 months
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holespoles · 4 months
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Yuka Osada "Cat Day"
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kidius · 1 month
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larkstonguesin · 7 months
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gunnin4glory · 1 month
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rennebright · 1 month
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NOBU📱 by March_AB [Twitter/X] ※Illustration shared with permission from the artist. If you like this artwork please support the artist by visiting the source.
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daily-hyosatsu · 1 month
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After yesterday's southerly wind, another southern name! The name 長南 is usually read Chōnan, possibly Osanami. In rare cases, you might see Naganami, Nagaminami, Nagamina, Naganan, Osanan, or Chōnami, but you're probably good just remembering the first two!
長 means long, or leader/superior/senior. It’s read なが.い, おさ, or チョウ.
南 means south. It’s read みなみ, ナン, or ナ.
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hirorin2013 · 1 year
Akiyoshidai by hirorin 2013
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jaoneko · 1 month
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beckenbauer1052 · 23 days
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millennium-bright · 2 months
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長月翠   ながつき みどり
(Lingcaran: Imageから)
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