#꒰ ♡ ꒱ with seonhwa ╱ haneul ◞
okayhaneul · 1 year
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     getting a pet together had been something the two of them talked about for a bit now. more specifically, a dog — because haneul really couldn’t stand cats. he wasn’t bothered being around one, but the concept of raising a cat wasn’t interesting to him. he was glad seonhwa voted on a dog as well. they hadn’t been on an active hunt for one, since tour was so demanding of their time. now, that was changing. tour was over and they were all settled in together with him officially moved in. the timing just felt right. his girlfriend was the one to find a pomeranian litter of four up for adoption on the shelter’s website. if han was being honest, pomeranian wasn’t his top choice for a breed. he would have preferred a bigger dog, like a husky or doberman. however, one glance at seo’s pout had the bodyguard agreeing to being open to all options. the look of the dog of the shouldn’t matter. what mattered was the connection. apparently, it just clicked when owners found the animal that was meant to go home with them. they would see if today was one of those days.
      the two arrived at the municipal animal shelter in the late morning. haneul kept a tattooed hand against the small of seonhwa’s back to keep her nearby. as they were led down the hall towards the meet and greet room, he leaned down to murmur: “ i read that pomeranians only grow up to be 3.6kg. that’s fucking tiny. ” he couldn’t even properly imagine something being that small. the employee opened the door for them and he nodded in silent thanks, leading them both inside. the sight of four puppies caused him to pause. there were two cream ones, one brown, and lastly and the smallest of the litter, an orange one. han hadn’t even realized his expression softened as he watched them bark and playfully tussle each other. as always, his girlfriend had been right. the breed didn’t really matter. glancing over, a half-smile formed at the adorable expression on seonhwa’s face. she looked so happy. “ okay fine, they’re kinda cute. ” he admitted, perhaps a bit reluctantly. really cute, if he was being honest. pressing a kiss to seo’s temple, he nodded towards the puppies. “ alright, jagi. pick one for us to meet first. ” haneul was curious to know which one was calling to her first. for him, the sleepy orange runt shied away in the corner was appealing. they seemed to be the least chaotic of the bunch.
꒰ ♡ ꒱ — @offleurs​​​ !
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okayhaneul · 1 year
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    considering how competitive both haneul and seonhwa were, it shouldn’t have come to much of a surprise that they decided to do the scavenger hunt. the team who solved all the clues the quickest would get a prize and while he doubted infinite would actually have something they would want, the mere satisfaction of beating everyone else would be more than enough for him. in one hand, his tattooed hand clasped his girlfriend’s, keeping her close as they walked down one of the camp trails; in the other, he held the paper full of instructions and clues. “ we have to collect all the items on this list. apparently, some of the clues lead us to places where the items will be waiting. ” he explained, glancing over at his partner in crime. it honestly sounded like fun. he was an expert camper, but he usually did adrenaline-based activities. nothing like this. “ first one’s a location: i’m full of water where winged friends take a sip, or if they prefer a proper splash and sip. . . ” the bodyguard handed the paper over, so she could read the clue as well. his lips pursed in contemplation. “ well, winged friends are obviously birds. ”
꒰ ♡ ꒱ — @offleurs​​​ !
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okayhaneul · 1 year
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    haneul was fully aware that he could be a bit of an adrenaline junkie, but he wasn’t apologetic about that fact. life was way too short to approach it in boring ways. if he was going to be traveling all over the world, then he was going to do it the way he saw fit. naturally that meant the moment he spotted the paragliding brochure at the concierge desk, he knew how he was going to explore rio de janeiro. it hadn’t taken much to convince seonhwa; his girlfriend had always been a willing participant to his daredevil tendencies. they didn’t discuss much other than what day they would be able to do it, and soon enough, that day came. the two of them slept in that morning, savoring as much rest as they could after a concert night, before they ordered room service for breakfast and got dressed for the day.
     there were several ways to get to pedra bonita, the location where they would meet their paragliding instructor, but the two had decided on the easiest and fastest — renting a car to drive to the top. as always, the bodyguard offered to do the driving while his girlfriend was responsible for the directions. adjusting his sunglasses, he used one hand to drive up the winding road while the other rested against seonhwa’s thigh. a half smile curled onto his features as he spotted the approaching summit, his tattooed hand giving her a gentle squeeze. he parked in the dirt before he let her out on the other side. “ it’ll be fun, jagi. ” haneul reassured, as he always did when they were doing something more spontaneous. this wasn’t his first time paragliding, so at least he spoke from experience. “ bungee jumping’s worse, honestly. at least this time, you don’t have to prepare for this huge drop. ” his smile widened as he leaned in to press a kiss to her forehead.
꒰ ♡ ꒱ — @offleurs​​​ !
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okayhaneul · 2 years
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     the air smelt like heaven, and haneul didn’t use a word like that lightly. to describe the scent in the air as just coffee felt too lazy for what it actually was. he didn’t have the word for it just yet but already, he felt like he was in a lighter mood. his arm wrapped protectively over seonhwa’s shoulders as they walked into through the starbucks reserve. it felt less like roastery and more like a speakeasy, almost. the vibes of seattle were very chill and eclectic to begin with, and the bodyguard felt like that permeated the interior of this place. as his dark gaze bounced between the roaster area and mixology bar, he couldn’t help but wonder wheee the hell they should start. at least there was no rush, they’d booked the private tour and had time to really take in the reserve before the next part of their tour: the chocolatier. 
     “ let’s grab a drink first. i heard they offer items here that they don’t offer anywhere else. ” han wasn’t really an excitable person, but even he couldn’t deny that it was etched in his tone. his arm dropped so that he could rest his hand over the small of his girlfriend’s back, leading her over to the main bar. that barista greeted them warmly as she handed him two menus. he nodded his thanks before turning his attention back to seonhwa, handing one of the papers to her. “ irish cream whiskey cold brew ? fuck, that sounds good. ” he muttered, scanning through the english words easily. that guatemalan pour over also sounded great. there was no way the two of them were walking out of here without being at least four cups deeply caffeinated. “ they have a raspberry cheesecake, jagi. ” han tilted his menu to her to see. he knew how much she loved the dessert.
꒰ ♡ ꒱ — @offleurs​​​​​ !
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okayhaneul · 2 years
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     new york had always been a cool place, but one that haneul didn’t go to as often as others in the states. somi had promotions here in the past, but not as often it seemed as los angeles. truthfully, he didn’t really have a chance to spend more than a day or two in the city. it felt only right to experience it fully with seonhwa. though it may not have been an official stop on the tour, he’d had this trip planned out for the two of them for months now. it was one of his girlfriend’s christmas gifts finally coming to fruition. two weeks in new york, a stay at the bowery hotel, and of course: this. the aerial studio they were headed towards was apparently one of the best in the cities. knowing how much gymnastics made seo smile, it only seemed right to give her some private time to practice to her heart’s content. she’d been so busy with tour and album preparations, and now she had a moment to breathe. he didn’t really have an idea of what to expect of the studio but he was very much looking forward to the show. already, han knew he wouldn’t be able to keep his eyes ( or hands ) off of her. aerobatics were a difficult art to master but just like everything seonhwa did, she mastered it flawlessly. it would be a pleasure to watch, that he was certain.
     “ look, jagi. madison square garden. ” haneul pointed out as the two walked down 31st street, nodding in the venue’s direction. in the music world, it was such a notable landmark and he didn’t want his girlfriend to miss it. honking taxis and rushing pedestrians whizzed past the two as they walked to their destination. media didn’t lie, this place really was bustling with so much activity. for both security and comfort purposes, the bodyguard was already ready to be inside anywhere. “ two options. ” he proposed as he wrapped an arm around seonhwa’s shoulders, protectively pulling her closer to him as he eyed the people walking by. “ we can head straight to the studio. it’s just one more block. or — ” he turned to give her a knowing look. “ there’s a coffee shop on this corner if you want to grab a pick me up first. ” nine times out of ten, seonhwa would always pick coffee. it wouldn’t be much of a surprise if this was one of those times.
꒰ ♡ ꒱ — @offleurs​​ !
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okayhaneul · 2 years
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     haneul kept his arm wrapped around seonhwa’s shoulders as they entered the barcade. it was around ten o’clock and the clientele seemed pretty lively. all around them, couples and groups of friends were enjoying themselves over drinks and food. all adults, considering the place has a strict 21+ only rule. the energy was good but even still, the bodyguard found himself on alert though he was off-duty. it couldn’t be helped. he was protective of all of the people he cared about but that trait was even more elevated around his girlfriend. one wrong look or accidental bump in her direction, and he was more than willing to step in if need be. he’d done it before and he’d do it again if that meant she was comfortable.
     he stuck close to her as he carefully led them through the crowd, heading for the bar so that they could order their drinks. “ hey. ” han greeted the bartender in english with a simple, polite nod of his head. absentmindedly, his arm dropped so that he could place a tattooed hand against the small of seonhwa’s back. “ can i get cranberry vodka and a double whiskey neat ? ” he pulled out his credit card to hand over and immediately, the bartender leapt into action to prepare their drinks. so far, haneul liked the vibe of chicago. everyone here was chill and friendly, and people tended to mind their business. leaning over, he pressed a kiss to seonhwa’s pink tresses as they waited, his thumb rubbing circles against her back. “ if they’ve got space invaders, prepare to lose, jagi. ”
꒰ ♡ ꒱ — @offleurs​​​​ !
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okayhaneul · 2 years
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     haneul doubted he’d taken his eyes off of seonhwa once the entire night. even at their private dinner before the party, his dark gaze never left the sight of her. she was far more appealing than anything offered on a plate. now that they’d finally made it to the gala, a part of him was tempted to suggest they ditched as soon as they arrived. he decided to save that suggestion for at least an hour but still wanting some quiet time with just his girlfriend, the bodyguard led them to the gardens behind the venue. he couldn’t claim to be much of a romantic but even he could appreciate the aesthetic of the grounds. still, the pretty lights and sweet scent weren’t quite enough to keep his eyes away from the other. seonhwa’s presence had always caused him tunnel vision. it had been that way since the day they’d first met. “ we don’t have to stay out here long. i know it’s cold. ” already, he was shrugging his jacket off to give to her. “ just thought you might wanna see this. ” no one loved flowers more than his girlfriend, after all.
꒰ ♡ ꒱ — @offleurs​​​ !
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okayhaneul · 1 year
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     art was kind of everywhere in bogota. haneul saw them on the pillars in the airport and throughout the streets on the way to the stadium. each piece he came across was so compellingly different in its own way. the bodyguard had severely underestimated this city’s power to capture his attention, that was for certain. but now that he was aware of its charms, he wanted to experience more. during a smoke break the other day, a hotel staff member mentioned that the downtown area was the best place to find the most incredible art. immediately, he made a mental note to go there with his girlfriend. to most of the world, han radiated an aura of absolute disinterest — but he felt the most comfortable showing that he cared when he was around her. 
    before the two made their trek to la candelaria, they of course had to grab coffee at a local cafe by the hotel. having authentic colombian coffee was definitely something to knock off his bucket list. the beans were so fresh and they provided a very balanced, silky cup of coffee. han took bigs sips of beverage as he walked alongside seonhwa, the two venturing deeper into the city at a leisurely pace. soon enough, there was art all around them: on the hostels, in the park, covering the shipping containers. everywhere. a half-smile etched into his features as he took a look around. “ apparently, the art goes for miles. ” haneul informed her as he threw away his now empty coffee cup. digging in his pant pocket, he pulled out a half-empty box, plucking a cigarette out from inside to place in between his lips. “ how about we just walk around, see which ones catch our eye. sound good, jagi ? ” he muttered the words through parted lips, patting himself down for the lighter as his dark gaze looked over at his girlfriend.
꒰ ♡ ꒱ — @offleurs​​​ !
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okayhaneul · 1 year
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     “ thank you. ” haneul spoke in simple spanish as the agua frescas were passed to them on the counter. immediately, he grabbed seonhwa’s and handed it to her so that she could drink it while he finished up with the cashier. for this new leg, he came prepared. at the airport, while the infinite team was waiting for the cars, he’d made a stop at the currency exchange desk to make sure he had cash on him. he used some of it right now to pay for their drinks, waving off the change that was offered back to him. it was a hot day and it was clear that the older woman was working hard. she deserved a good tip. and perhaps a part of him was endeared because she reminded him of eunkyung. he missed her a lot.
     once everything was paid for, the bodyguard grabbed his own drink with one hand before offering the other hand to seonhwa. normally, he would have wrapped her up in his arm as they walked but it didn’t seem wise to do when it was so warm. the two walked out of the small shop and han took his first sip of the beverage, humming in soft delight at the mandarin agua fresca. it was the right balance of tart and sweet, and now he understood why everyone was so obsessed with it here. “ it’s good. ” he declared, leaning over to press a kiss to his girlfriend’s lips. partly because he wanted her to taste it as well, but mainly because he just felt like it. the crowded streets were full of music and laughter, but haneul kept his focus on her. every place was a security risk, considering who seo was — but he never wavered on how protective he felt when the two went out like this. “ did that shop owner remind you of anyone ? ” he asked idly, wondering if she’d thought of auntie as well. the two of them usually shared one mind when it came to a lot of things.
꒰ ♡ ꒱ — @offleurs​​​ !
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okayhaneul · 2 years
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     haneul kept his arm slung around seonhwa’s shoulder, guiding her to a good spot not too close to the shoreline. the weather app declared that the temperature in galveston would be 23.3, which was pretty impressive considering it was the middle of winter. so, they’d decided to do an early morning drive down from houston to soak in the sunshine before it got too cold in the evening. once they arrived, their first stop had been to yaga’s cafe to grab food and coffee for the trip to the beach. many reviews stated it was one of the best restaurants in the area and he definitely didn’t want to waste his time on mediocre food. now carrying their stuff in a large bag in his free hand, the bodyguard was ready to sit and enjoy some quiet with his girlfriend.
     “ are you cold, jagi ? ” right now, it was pretty sunny but he wanted to be sure. he had a shirt on under his sweatshirt if seonhwa decided she needed more warmth. deeming this spot solid enough, haneul kissed her temple before reluctantly pulling away. he set the bag into the sand, pulling out the large beach towel to drop onto the ground for her to sit. once his girlfriend was settled, he handed her the to-go cup of coffee from the cafe before placing the rest of their lunch on the towel. right over seonhwa’s shoulder, he noticed a little girl watching her closely with the biggest eyes. han wasn’t sure if it was because she recognized her, or because his girlfriend just radiated this beautiful energy. but it was pretty cute. “ looks like you have a fan. ” he murmured, nodding subtly in the direction as he took a sip of his own plain coffee.
꒰ ♡ ꒱ — @offleurs​​​ !
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okayhaneul · 2 years
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     sleepily, haneul ran his fingers through his dark hair as he propped himself up against the headboard. his tattooed arm stretched to wrap around seonhwa’s shoulders, pulling her as close to him as possible on the comfortable hotel bed. tonight was a show night and it was going to be absolute insanity, so during their free time during the day, the two of them decided to take it easy. as much as the bodyguard loved their many adventures in all of these cities, the fatigue of tour was getting to him. it was getting to everyone; he could sense it from his friends. “ do you wanna finish umbrella academy or start something else ? ” he inquired, using his free hand to scroll through the streaming channels with the remote. their room service would be here any moment, so all they needed now was the entertainment. he didn’t really care what they watched. he didn’t consume much media unless it was with his girlfriend, so he didn’t ever have a strong preference. as long as it was good, han was okay to watch it. 
꒰ ♡ ꒱ — @offleurs​ !
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okayhaneul · 2 years
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     haneul hadn’t meant for the silence between seonhwa and him to go on for this long, but he’d gotten stuck on how to remedy things. every time he wanted to pick up the phone just to hear her voice or visit her room to get a glimpse of her face, the self-loathing part of his brain convinced him that she probably didn’t want to see him. it was difficult to think about her and remember the clear upset and fear she’d had in her eyes. he’d caused that, even if she didn’t see it that way. that was a difficult pill to swallow, but it was the truth. before he realized it, one night had turned into days and then days turned into a week. he wasn’t faring too well without his girlfriend’s constant presence in his life. the bodyguard had forgotten how much he relied on her, whether it was to go to sleep or combat the negative thoughts that tended to occupy his mind. he’d wanted to reach out immediately but he knew there was some shit he had to work out before approaching her. seonhwa deserved the best version of him. he wanted to do everything he could to give it to her.
     that was why he was determined to make things right once they got to berlin. the two of them had spent too much time planning out all the things they wanted to do in their future to just dissolve into nothing. knowing that his mood shift was one of the predominant reasons for why things were weird, haneul wasn’t too arrogant to admit that it fell on him to fix it all. instead of shutting seonhwa out, the man knew he needed to let her in. sometimes, it was hard to remember that he was safe to express his feelings around her without having to worry about a cruel remark or cold indifference that he’d endured in the past. she’d tried to be the safe place for him at the nightclub, and he had pushed her away. so now, the bodyguard stood in front of her hotel room door, shifting uncomfortably as he knocked. a part of him wondered if she was even around but soon enough, the door was swinging open and he got his answer. his dark gaze locked in on his girlfriend immediately, straightening up to his full height as he took her in. she was so beautiful. it felt strange not to reach out to her and pull her closer. but with how weird things ended, he didn’t want to overstep. “ hey. ” haneul breathed out after a moment of silence. frowning thoughtfully, he stepped forward to lean against the door frame, crossing his tattooed arms over his chest. “ can we talk ? ”
꒰ ♡ ꒱ — @offleurs​​​ !
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okayhaneul · 7 months
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as always, haneul was awake with the sun. the only difference this time was that he was waking up to the peaceful sounds of verona and not the daily bustle of seoul. as light began to peek through the hotel curtains, he slowly stirred awake, mindful of the fact that seonhwa was curled up at his side. his eyes scanned over her sleeping form, a faint smile on his face. quietly as he can, the bodyguard slowly untangled himself from the soloist as to not disrupt her slumber. after a quick shower and getting dressed, he stepped out of the hotel giulietta e rome to get his morning started. obviously, han's preference would be staying in bed all morning with his beautiful girlfriend — but he had a plan to execute. he would endure seonhwa's whining complaints about waking up without him if it meant he got this done.
when the two of them arrived in the country the day before, their car drove past this lavish cafe on the way to the hotel. the display was full of delicious italian pastries and the scent of coffee was evident in the air. unfortunately though, the cafe was already closed for the day. seeing the disappointment clear on seonhwa's face then, haneul was determined to start today on a bright start. he walked to the cafe and purchased two coffees and a box full of cannolis and bombolones. upon his arrival back in their hotel room, he was happy to see that his girlfriend was now awake. " morning, jagi. " he greeted in his usual rough, low tone. han set the box down on the table before bringing her coffee to her in bed. " happy valentine's day. " he murmured, pushing wild strands away from her face.
꒰ ♡ ꒱ — @offleurs !
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okayhaneul · 1 year
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      it was no big secret that haneul wasn’t really good at making friends. he truthfully didn’t know how he ended up with the tight-knit circle he currently had, but he was above questioning that now. somehow or another, he ended up picking up little gifts here and there for the people closest to them when he and seonhwa went to new york. he hadn’t planned on starting the last leg with suitcases filled to the brim, but here he was. now that everyone a couple of weeks to get back into the rhythm of tour, it was finally time to make some deliveries. 
    that was how he ended up texting nari to inform her that he had something to give her. the two of them decided to meet up at a nearby market, at a stand that served something called salpicón de frutas. due to his inclination for spanish, he knew the rough translation meant a fruit medley of some sorts but he didn’t quite know what it was exactly. all he knew was that nari really wanted to try it. as he headed for the booth within the market, the bodyguard spotted the petite idol easily, clutching the bag in his hand tightly as he approached. “ hey. ” he greeted with a nod, looping his face mask into place with his free hand. he wasn’t one for enthusiastic, warm greetings but she had decades to be used to that. “ got this for you in new york. ” shrugging, he offered the bag to nari, allowing it to dangle from his fingers. “ figured you’d like it. i can carry it around until we get back to the hotel, but in case you wanna take a peek. ”
꒰ ♡ ꒱ — @ofnari​​ !
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okayhaneul · 6 months
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neither haneul or somi were particularly the sentimental type, but the two of them had a bit of a tradition going on for the past several years. after a successful (and exhausting) comeback, they convened for dinner to celebrate over fried chicken and beer. the first couple years, the activity occurred in various restaurants around seoul. but as the bodyguard grew to trust the idol, the common ground became eunkyung's spot, who was delighted to meet more people in his personal life of course.
from the moment they walked into the tiny restaurant, his pseudo-mother hovered him worriedly like she always did. han sighed as she asked him questions about his health and demanded to know how seonhwa and bomi were doing. he answered everything with mild amusement and soon enough, the old woman was rushing to the kitchen to bring them food. glancing over at his charge, haneul twisted the caps off both beers before handing one over. " i'm fuckin' starved. "
꒰ ♡ ꒱ — @mishiisms !
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okayhaneul · 2 years
@offleurs​ / ꒰ ♡ ꒱
      he hadn’t spoken to seonhwa since their day together in taipei. he’d seen her occasionally now that she and aeri were rehearsing their subunit, but it was hard to look at her in those rare moments. the sight of her alone immediately transported him back to their passionate moment within the glass cabin. that day had been left with so many unresolved questions and emotions. selfishly, he’d been relieved to have the time to work out the shit in his head.
      time was up, though. he knew as much when he spotted the familiar handwriting on a piece of hotel stationary slid under his door. the instructions were clear as day and haneul obliged to them. after showering and getting dressed, he took the first bus to en’ai farm and spent the time on the road in complete silence. soon enough, the bus arrived to its destination. he inhaled sharply as he stepped off, his dark gaze taking in the vibrant sight of the cherry blossoms. it made complete sense why seonhwa would choose a place like this. it was beautiful, much like her. he shoved his hands into his pocket as he walked around a group of tourists, snapping a family selfie, before he noticed her familiar figure a few feet away.
     he sidled up next to her, silent as a ghost for a moment. it took a considerable amount of self-restraint not to reach out to her, to wrap an arm around her waist or press a kiss to her temple. instead, haneul turned to look at her. “ hey. ”
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