aspenachilles · 2 years
common chungha slay
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kep1er-net · 2 years
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[dayeon PM]: “y/n what are you doing? yeonie came after hearing surprising news
chungha sunbaenim gave it to me 💓
i know, i should hurry and upload the dance cover
ah it’s not a dance cover but a choreography that i made!
please wait a little more” (translation credits)
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issuedelivery · 2 years
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les-serafim · 2 years
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김청하 — like or reblog! ♡
don't repost without credits.
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ussgallifrey · 2 years
Dagger Squad Headcanons | Part 2
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Originally from the Bay Area (San Francisco), he got into Yale (his first college choice) when he was 17. He was set to study in the medical field.
He saw the Blue Angels perform when he was home during his summer break and immediately thought: I wanna do that, I can do that.
He finished his senior year and earned a Bachelor in Kinesiology and immediately enlisted in the Navy as an E-4. Going right to officer's school for flight aviation after his first deployment.
He's the youngest child in his family with three older sisters.
His oldest sister, Ashley (Ae-cha, 애차) is a cardiologist. His middle sister, Chelsea (Chung-ha, 김청하) is a professor at Berkley. And his other sister, Hanna (Ha-yoon, 하윤) is a concert violinist.
His Korean name is Seo-jun (서준), which means naturally talented.
The reason he picked Logan as his English name was because he was absolutely obsessed with X-men growing up. He dressed up as Wolverine two years in a row for Halloween.
He loves the Golden State Warriors. As a kid, he had dreams of becoming a point guard for the team but ultimately lost his drive for a basketball scholarship around eighth grade.
Do not get this man started on Steph Curry. He will not shut up about him.
In his off-time, he does trick shots on the court. He dominates games of Horse and will literally decimate the competition.
He also enjoys spinning basketballs on his finger - it took him all summer when he was nine to figure out that trick.
He was known as DJ Lee throughout middle school because he was constantly burning music onto CDs from Napster for his classmates. He ran the underground music market at the time and saved up enough money from the illegal sales to buy his first flip phone. His parents still have no idea about his young enterprise.
This man is obsessed with banana milk. He drinks at least, bare minimum, two a day.
He swears by eating ginger rice before he flies because it'll settle his stomach better than anything.
His rotating music consists of a lot of classic west coast rappers (Tupac, Dre, Snoop, Easy E, etc.). But he definitely has a secret playlist dedicated to Ariana Grande.
If he has a fully choreographed dance routine for "Dangerous Woman", that is strictly between him and his bathroom mirror, okay?
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If it wasn't obvious from the name, Harvard is from Utah.
The family farm consists of twenty acres of rolling hills and goats. Just so many goats.
He is the second oldest out of his eight siblings - five brothers and three sisters. He's closest to his sister, Jocelyn who is two years younger than him.
He was a band kid (third trombone). He joined because his fifth grade teacher asked if he would be auditioning for it and he just went yeah, okay.
Also a swimmer on the high school swim team. His best friend at the time asked if he'd be trying out and he just went yeah, okay.
He broke the school record for the backstroke and the butterfly. He's the reason the team made regionals.
This may surprise people, but he has a really amazing singing voice and performed in the spring musical each year. He played both the Beast in Beauty and the Beast (junior year) and Danny from Grease (senior year).
Jocelyn asked him if he'd be putting that shower concert singing to any good use and he just said yeah, okay and he became a theater kid.
The drama/economy teacher told him to put in his college apps to more than just one university, since his parents really wanted him to go to BYU, and he thought just the one application would do.
No one expected Harvard to extend the invitation for him to attend in the fall, least of all Harvard himself. But his grades were all there and he had the stunning recommendations to match, so... to Harvard he went.
He earned a Bachelor in Engineering Sciences.
At the end of term, there were army recruiters just about everywhere within walking distance of campus. Lo and behold, Harvard crossed paths with a Navy recruiter who asked if he ever considered serving his country. He just looked at him and said yeah, okay.
Joining the Navy as an E-4, he served for barely six months before his CO recommended him for officer's school.
Look, people think Harvard is a simple guy. But he's just overly polite and eager to please. He went to Harvard University, after all. And he graduated from the Top Gun program when he was 26. He is very good at what he does.
He doesn't drink. Okay, he let's himself have one drink when he's out with the squad. But he's usually a designated driver.
He dominates at strategy games. Back home, he has a cupboard full of board games that his family almost flat out refuses to play with him because he's just that good. Do not let this man near a Monopoly board.
Absolutely loves chili cheese fries. Even the bad ones they serve in the mess hall. He will literally never turn down a basket of them.
He has a watch collection. All with different purposes (formal events, hiking, first date, etc.). And he usually spends a good chunk of his pay on a new purchase.
His Spotify consists of a lot of musical theater numbers, Dolly Parton, and Nirvana (oddly enough).
˚ ✧ more top gun headcanons ✧ ˚
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sailorjisunq · 2 years
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wannafreesomebody · 8 months
𝐅𝐈𝐋𝐄 - 𝐀𝟏𝟏𝟑
⠀⠀❈ Nombre real: Kim Chung Ha ( 김청하 ).
⠀⠀❈ Ocupación: Idol (solista).
⠀⠀❈ Nombre OC: Lee Bo Na (이보나).
⠀⠀❈ Fecha de nacimiento: 08/12/1994 (28 años).
⠀⠀❈ Pronombres: Femeninos (she/her).
⠀⠀❈ Lugar de nacimiento: Seúl, Corea del Sur. 
⠀⠀❈ Edificio: Cloe.
⠀⠀❈ Estatura: 160 cm.
⠀⠀❈ Peso: 48 kg.
⠀⠀❈ Tipo de Sangre: B.
⠀⠀❈ Signo Zodiacal: Sagitario.
⠀⠀❈ Orientación Sexual: Bisexual.
⠀⠀❈ Estado Civil: Soltera.
⠀⠀❈ Profesión: Lic. Administración y Dirección de Empresas.
⠀⠀❈ Ocupación: Vendedora de la Tienda BRIGHT.
⠀⠀❈ Afiliación: Tienda BRIGHT / Grupo Empresarial Golden (비즈니스 그룹 골든).
⠀⠀❈ Datos curiosos:
⸻ ﹔ Es la única hija del segundo matrimonio de Lee Seung Joon, sin embargo, se ubica como cuarta en la línea de sucesión a la presidencia del Grupo Empresarial Golden. Su padre tuvo tres hijos varones antes que ella, todos con su primera mujer.
⸻ ﹔A pesar de haber crecido con todas las comodidades posibles, nunca recibió real cariño de sus progenitores. Prácticamente fue criada por la servidumbre y otros empleados de su padre.
⸻ ﹔Suelen tacharla de ser una mujer un poco intolerante, altanera, y egoísta. Sin embargo, tras aquella fachada se esconde una joven insegura, solitaria y con ansias inmensas de ser aceptada por una sociedad que continúa rechazándola.
⸻ ﹔Estudió en la Universidad de Seúl y se graduó con un promedio más que aceptable. Siempre pensó en abrirse su propio camino sin la ayuda de sus padres, pero las recientes circunstancias le han hecho acelerar el proceso al punto de ser un poco frustrante.
⸻ ﹔Recientemente se le dictaminó a su padre una sentencia de 18 meses de cárcel (que cumplirá en casa) por un delito ligado a algunos impagos de impuestos. El rumor que corre tiene que ver más bien con una cuestión relacionada con su hermano mayor, reconocido estafador en las altas esferas.
⸻ ﹔Todos los bienes de la familia Lee han quedado congelados y en manos del estado mientras su padre cumple la condena. Se han realizado los pagos correspondientes a las multas impuestas por el gobierno, sin embargo, nada del dinero proveniente del Grupo Golden se encuentra disponible para su uso.
⸻ ﹔Por supuesto que ha tenido que apañárselas como pudo cuando le desalojaron de su costosísimo departamento en Seongsu pues aquel formaba parte del embargo. Actualmente ha tenido que mudarse a un bloque mucho más humilde en Gangnam, justo un monoambiente.
⸻ ﹔Otra de sus limitaciones se dio con el trabajo pues era esperado que, tras graduarse, asumiera el cargo de directora en alguna de las empresas ligadas al Grupo Golden. Tuvo que conformarse con conseguir un puesto en una tienda de ropa de marca llamada BRIGHT, donde ejerce como vendedora.
⸻ ﹔Siente una gran pasión por el turismo, sin embargo, su primer amor será siempre la moda. Le encanta vestirse bien, aunque ahora no puede darse el lujo de comprar los conjuntos más caros de la temporada.
⸻ ﹔No sabe cocinar, ni planchar, ni lavar ropa. Es absolutamente inútil en todas las tareas del hogar, lo detesta y francamente la pasa fatal ahora que tiene que hacer todo aquello por su cuenta.
⸻ ﹔Ha tenido tantas parejas que los medios especializados le han llegado a tratar con desprecio. Tiene una imagen de "femme fatal" de la que muchos se burlan, o la toman para insultarle. La realidad es que ninguna de sus relaciones ha sido estable, todas han acabado muy mal.
⠀⠀❈ Lee Seung Joon: Padre, vivo. Actualmente no poseen una buena relación, ella culpa de todas sus desgracias a la fragilidad de su padre.
⠀⠀❈ Cha Bong Soon: Madre, fallecida. A penas tuvo tiempo de conocer a su madre biológica pues esta perdió la vida al darle a luz.
⠀⠀❈ Seo Dan Ah: Madrastra, viva. Una mujer detestable. Es la primera y la tercera esposa de su padre.
⠀⠀❈ Lee Su Jin: Hermano mayor, vivo. Estafador, apostador, idiota y muchos otros calificativos negativos se pueden emplearse para presentar al primogénito del Clan Lee. No tienen buena relación.
⠀⠀❈ Lee Su Hyeon: Hermano mayor, vivo. Puede decirse con toda seguridad que Suhyeon y Bona son polos completamente opuestos, sin embargo, es el único de sus hermanos con el que lleva una relación decente. Salían a comer dos veces al mes.
⠀⠀❈ Lee Su Bin: Hermano mayor, vivo. El vivo retrato de su padre, tienen personalidades muy parecidas. Le trata con respeto, pero no termina de agradarle.
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igustiagungindrawan · 11 months
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K-Pop 3rd 한류 (🇰🇷🇯🇵🇨🇳🇹🇼):
🇰🇷: 1. 박지효
2. 임나연
3. 유정연
4. 김다현
5. 손채영
6. 배주현
7. 강슬기
8. 손승완
9. 박수영
10. 김예림
11. 김소정
12. 김예원
13. 최유나
14. 정예린
15. 전소미
16. 김세정
17. 김청하
18. 김소혜
19. 강미나
20. 유연정
21. 정채연
22. 최유정
23. 임나영
24. 김도연
🇯🇵: 1. 名井南
2. 湊崎 紗夏
3. 平井 もも
🇨🇳: 1. 周洁琼
🇹🇼: 1. 周子瑜
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weishenbwi · 3 years
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sourceofgg · 2 years
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February 9th, Kim Chungha’s birthday (26)
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eomma · 5 years
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kerushirei · 4 years
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Kim Chungha — avatars 400x640
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big-meraki · 3 years
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Chungha - The Soloist 
Korean Soloist 
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soomoabin · 4 years
chungha - play //flower theme for your lockscreen
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half · 4 years
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chungha (청하) ⌁ harper’s bazaar ‘20/04
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keiko113 · 4 years
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Avatars Kim Chungha - solo, ex-i.o.i.
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