bbsmuts · 3 months
Field Trip Part 2: The Queen's Homecumming ft. BLACKPINK Jennie and Lisa
A/N: This is the continuation of Field Trip, which was something that was requested a lot back when I released the original. I've kept people waiting long enough, and I'm sure seeing that title made a lot of people excited. Field Trip remains my most popular smut, with over 900 notes, shoutout to my man @xiaoondc for pitching it. It's almost been a year in real time, so it'll be accurate.
Length: 8.45k
Possible TW: Pretty much all of it
Tags: Domination, slave/master, choking, spanking, breeding, humiliation, whipping, gangbang, spitroasting, anal, throatfuck, bondage
WARNING: Intense and graphic sexual violence and degradation is depicted in this smut, much more than the original Field Trip. If you are easily triggered by or sensitive to such content, I strongly advise that you stop reading here.
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It had been nearly a year since Jennie's scandalous visit to Nairobi, and the time had come for her to return. At last.
Jennie had been waiting eagerly for a full year to go back to Kenya as she had promised, and now she had the opportunity. So it was with high spirits and high anticipation that she packed her things and headed to the airport. Only this time, there was a difference. She had decided to bring along a friend of hers who was relatively pure and innocent, Lisa. The two of them boarded the plane together, Lisa happily talking Jennie's ear off, having no idea what was in store for her. She was jittery the whole flight, anticipation and excitement flooding her. The thought of what was going to happen when she arrived...it made her want to finger herself right there with Lisa and the random-ass guy sitting in the seat next to her.
She disembarked the plane hastily with Lisa, waited very impatiently going through security, and took a cab to the familiar Radisson Blu hotel, where she settled down for a few hours of sleep before the morning.
The look of pure shock on Ngina's face when she saw Jennie, in her crop top and shorts, back on the bus was laughable, she stared for a moment and then recovered herself, going back to her clipboard to examine something. Jennie smirked and sat down near the front next to Lisa, watching the locals of Nairobi mill around by the bus stop. Once Ngina had counted her passengers and made sure everyone was there and that there were no stragglers, the bus engine started and they began moving. Jennie's excitement was reaching fever pitch, but she kept a calm outer demeanor. The scenery brought back vivid memories of her last visit, and as they pulled closer to the village, Jennie could see the massive Mugumo tree that had lead her and Somi into the trouble that had ultimately lead her to a Kenyan BBC addiction.
The village had run into some subtle improvements since Jennie had last been there; the houses and buildings had been renewed, the villagers clothes looked newer, and the architecture was slightly more modern and updated, and something that resembled an outmoded hotel was visible at the far end of the square. The massive baobab tree that Jennie and Somi had been tied to and whipped at last time was also clearly in sight, the thought sending a pang of anticipation through her body.
All the passengers disembarked the bus and entered the village, Ngina shaking hands with the leader, who looked mildly surprised to see Jennie back. The same could not be said for the other passersby, who stopped and openly stared in shock. Jennie approached the leader and extended her hand.
Taking her hand and shaking it, he said, "I never did catch your name, did I?"
"It's Jennie. You?"
"Jaali." He looked to Jennie's left and saw Lisa, who was standing there watching the exchange and had chosen to wear a very small and very tight white halter top and black shorts, which perfectly displayed her flawless figure. "I see you brought a spare."
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"Indeed I did. This is Lisa." Lisa stepped forward and shook Jaali's hand, eyeing him and her surroundings very curiously.
Jaali stepped back, a cunning smirk on his face. "Very good. Well, have a look around, feel free to explore." His smirk widened. "I hear the Mugumo trees are very pretty this time of year."
"How funny, so did I." Jennie returned the devilish grin, both of them sharing a knowing smirk. "Be a shame if we didn't check them out."
He laughed. "Indeed. Well, I have matters to attend to, so I'd best be off. Enjoy yourselves."
Jennie and Lisa departed towards the large, open fields together. The word that Jennie was back spread very quickly, and various locals, especially the men, greeted Jennie as she passed and voiced how glad they were to see her again.
Jennie inwardly smirked and shook her head, since she knew well that everyone but Lisa knew what would be going on today. She wondered vaguely whether she and Lisa would be separated, or whether Lisa would consent to or enjoy what was bound to happen once they reached the Mugumo tree. The guard troop passed several times, each time a different member greeting Jennie and throwing a glance at her retreating form.
"Wow," commented Lisa the sixth time this happened, "you must be really popular down here. What, did you make friends with every person in Kenya?"
Jennie chuckled as they both sat down side by side on a large lakeside rock. "Sure I did. Plenty of guys, as well. You know me, you know I'm into black guys."
Lisa scoffed and laughed as well. "Of course you would."
They laughed together for a moment before Jennie spoke. "Hey, you never know what could go down."
Lisa's giggles came to a hushed silence. "You mean...with them?"
Jennie nodded, curious to see how Lisa felt about it. Lisa blinked a few times and then said, "Three letters. B. B. C!"
Jennie laughed again. "Shocking that you would think that way."
Lisa paused her giggling once more. "But seriously, did you actually?"
"Maybe. Maybe not."
"Sure then. Whatever you say."
Jennie scoffed and then glanced toward the bank opposite them, spotting the massive Mugumo tree, fully in bloom, and the altar below it. The scenery was really quite beautiful, but as the guard troop passed by again, she had other things on her mind.
"Say, Lisa," Jennie said, still observing the tree, "you ever seen a Mugumo tree up close before?"
"Well, why don't we go see that one?" Jennie nodded towards the other bank. Lisa looked over at it and hopped up.
"Sure, let's go."
A small and insignificant part of Jennie felt guilty for leading her friend into such a trap, knowing that the level of pain, shame, and humiliation would match if not exceed that of last time, but that small part of her was drowned by the other parts of her, particularly parts in her lower region, that had sworn loyalty and developed addiction to the cocks of the tribesmen.
They approached the tree, Lisa making comments on how nice the leaves looked, and sat down on another rock near it. Before long, the small body of guards started moving steadily in their direction.
"That's odd," Jennie commented, fighting hard to keep the smirk off her face and her excitement down. "I wonder why they're coming over here? There's no one but us."
"No idea." Lisa yawned. "God, I should have had some coffee, I was up all night."
Inwardly, Jennie speculated that once the guards finished their trip over here, Lisa would very quickly forget her tiredness. The guards marched their way all the way up to the rock, and their leader took another step forward.
"This is a forbidden area, you must not trespass here. Come with us now."
"Oop," said Lisa as they got off the rock and followed the guards back towards the village. "Guess we weren't supposed to be there. Well, we didn't know."
"Yup. We'll probably just go back to Ngina now." Jennie knew full well that the words coming out of her mouth were blatant lies, but she ignored it as they were led into the village. Her excitement was almost making her tremble, but she kept it in.
The guards then split them up, just like last time. Lisa's cries of "Hey, wait!" were ignored by Jennie and the tribesmen. Jennie was brought to the same hut as last time, with the clay floor and thick wood centerpost. The tribesmen shoved her inside and then took their places in a circle around the hut. She would have removed her own clothes, but she really enjoyed how rough they were with her. Two stepped forward and tore off her top, not bothering to be careful. Then one of them knelt, grabbed her shorts by the front, and ripped them in two. To her surprise, they left her bra and panties alone, perhaps at the order of Jaali, and tied her hands in front of her, leaving her kneeling half-naked on the floor.
Speak of the devil, Jaali himself walked into the hut, wearing only the loincloth that the other tribesmen wore, unlike his usual expensive manner of dress. Jennie surveyed his muscular and fit figure as he paced around the small hut, feeling heat grow between her legs, finding herself growing exceedingly horny just at the sight of him.
"So, Miss Jennie," he said, the same devious grin on his face as earlier, "you find yourself the same predicament as a year ago." He gave a theatrical sigh. "Of course, since you are now a repeat offender, your punishment for such a heinous crime will be significantly more severe than last time."
He stopped directly in front of Jennie, looking down at her and allowing her a glimpse under his loincloth, both the sight and his words spiking her arousal up. He chuckled at her expression and resumed his pacing.
"I must commend you, however, for the new addition to my harem. Lisa, her name was? Quite a beauty. And in no time she, like you, wil become a cockslave to me."
There was a short pause, in which he made a half revolution of the hut. "I notice, as well, that your friend from last time has foolishly chosen to ignore my warning and stay away. Very well. She will regret it."
"How will you bring her back?" Jennie asked.
"I will send my best men to South Korea and find her. They are skilled and they will track her down and drag her back by the hair if they have to."
Jennie considered this for a moment, then realized something.
"I mean no disrespect, sir, but wouldn't a bunch of massive, smelly, half-naked Kenyan tribesmen draw a lot of attention?"
He snorted and paused in front of her, raising his eyebrows. "Surely you are smarter than that, Miss Jennie. This may appear to be a rural, run down little village, my little slut, but believe me, we are not living in the stone age anymore. I have ample equipment to disguise my men and make them fit in."
He shouted something in Swahili to the men outside the hut, of which Jennie could piece together as him requesting a chair. A heavy scraping sound sounded outside and the door opened, allowing two guards to push in a large, fancy, luxurious throne-esque chair, which they pushed up against the pillar in the center of the hut. Jaali sat down on it, unsheathed a knife from a sheath on the underside of one of the chair's arms, and handed it to a guard behind Jennie, who slashed the straps on her bra and both sides of her thong's waistband, removing both and leaving Jennie naked, wet, and desperate. The guard handed the knife back to Jaali, who cut off the string holding his loincloth together, removing it.
Jennie could practically feel her mouth watering at the sight of his cock; even semi-hard he was packing at least 7 inches. She waited for his order.
"Now, my little slave," he said, tossing the parasol leaf loincloth aside and spreading his legs slightly more, "come here and suck my cock like you mean it. Show me how much you want it."
Jennie crawled forward, sopping like a Korean rainstorm, and took his hardening shaft in both hands, slowly pumping up and down, feeling her arousal soar. She took his head into her mouth, sucking lightly. She had planned on starting slow, and she was doing so, but Jaali had other plans.
He grabbed her hair into a rough ponytail and forced her head down, sending half his length into her mouth and throat. "No one ever taught you how to suck a dick, slave?"
She moaned lightly around his dick, closing her eyes and letting him take control. Independent of him, she pushed her own head further down, pushing more of him into her.
"That's a good girl," he groaned quietly, controlling her head and moving it up and down. "Guards! Mfunge mikono!"
She didn't need to understand him, as his instruction was followed through. She felt her hands being tied together behind her back, at the same time as Jaali pulled her head down to his base, making her gag and moan. She was absolutely in love with this life, eager to serve and eager to please. She gagged again and choked as he did not release her head, thrusting his hips up into her face and driving his cock, if possible, deeper into her throat. She pushed her tongue out and licked along his balls, thoroughly enjoying being treated rough. Jaali moaned again, waited a moment, and then released her. She pulled her head off his shaft and gasped in a breath, but her moment of peace was short lived. She was turned around and shoved down, her face pressing into the cool clay floor. Jennie's heart rate increased, as she knew what was coming. A moment later she gave a gasp and a broken moan as a large cock slid into her tight, wet pussy, filling her to the brim. She had never felt so stuffed before in her life, and the sensation of the tip of a cock against her cervix when he bottomed out made her moan louder.
"Fuck!" She cried. "You're so big...master..."
She could hear the smirk in his voice. "Seems she knows her place better than I thought."
No further words were exchanged as he started thrusting his hips, slow at first, but quickly getting much faster, and in a matter of seconds Jennie was shrieking in pleasure and her legs were trembling with the effort of supporting her pleasure-riddled body. The continued assault on her pussy drove her crazy.
"Oh, fuck! Yes, yes, oh my god, please keep going! Fuck, you're so big! Keep pounding me!"
He pushed on her head and grabbed her breast, squeezing tightly. Jennie felt herself rapidly careening into the first orgasm of many that day.
"You like that, huh? You fucking slut, all nice and wet for me."
"Yes, I love it..." Jennie whimpered softly, brow furrowing at his deep strokes. "I-I'm a slut for you, master..."
"Good girl." He kicked up his speed and fucked her faster, automatically increasing force. Jennie's "Ah!"s became exponentially louder and within seconds, she gave a wail of bliss and squirted hard on his cock, her cheeks growing hotter as well.
"Fuck, Jennie, I can see why you're a crowd favorite!" He groaned. "God, you're tight!"
He pulled out and yanked her upright, slapping her face with his dick. Immediate lay understanding, she dove forward and shoved him all the way down her throat, desperate to taste his cum in her mouth. She bobbed her head up and down very quickly, sounds of deepthroat reverberating in the timbers of the hut.
"I'm gonna cum in your mouth, slave. Are you ready?"
Jennie let out a muffled "Yes, master!" around his cock before slamming her head down again, driving every last millimeter of his length down her throat. She gagged hard and coughed muffledly, but kept herself there, throat squeezing him. He gave one final loud groan, grabbed her roughly by the hair, and pulled her into his crotch, before exploding in her throat, straight down into her stomach. She slid off him slowly, savoring the taste of his thick cum, while he sat panting on the chair. She over balanced and fell on her side, still breathing heavily.
Jaali stood up and then squatted down in front of her, turning her languid hesd towards him. "I expect a performance of that standard every single time I use you, is that clear?"
"Yes, master," said Jennie, practically seeing hearts, as she looked at him.
"I must now go and sort out your friend, who will submit to me soon enough. I will leave you to my men." He walked to the door, and as the tribesmen approached, he threw a smirk oved his shoulder. "Have fun."
Jennie wished she could see Lisa get dominated, but she had no time to think about that as the men approached. Loincloths were removed, and suddenly she was surrounded by 5 large dicks, all stiff and ready to pound her.
She was grabbed and raised to a kneeling position, in which the man with the biggest cock slid under her, and pushed into her still-wet pussy, making her gasp loudly and moan in both pleasure and slight pain. He was incredibly big inside her, stretching her out considerably. Another moved in front of her and she opened her mouth obediently, allowing him in. The shaft that entered her ass, thus completing the trio, brought back strong déja vu from a year back, and she moaned louder as all three started pumping fast and hard. This feeling of being completely full, it was what she had missed so bad, and now it caused her more pleasure than ever before.
"Fuck!" Jennie moaned around the cock in her mouth as the man fucking her ass reached around her and choked her, none too carefully or lightly. She gagged as the cock was thrust deeper into her throat, her eyes rolling as she stuck out her tongue and allowed t deeper still, until he bottomed out.
All three of them groaned, and one of the other two cut the ropes binding her hands, allowing her to stroke him and his counterpart. The six of them moaned and grunted in various languages, tumbling down towards the inevitable orgasm that awaited all of them. Jennie could understand a couple of them degrading her in Swahili, which only served to turn her on more, and she felt the familiar buildup going sky high as their thrusts increased in strength and speed.
Then the hand on her throat tightened considerably as the first orgasm of the group erupted in her ass; she moaned at the spurts of warmth flooding her suddenly, and the pulsing in her tight hole. Her continued deepthroat sounds were turning her on, making her wetter, and the man fucking her pussy got an ample dousing of organic lube. His thrusts became less inhibited, faster, more slick, and he finally buried himself deep inside her, and the first shot of cum deep inside her womb made her throw her head back, eyes wide and mouth open in a gasp, the sheer depth of it having her stunned and pleasured. The man in front of her grabbed her hair impatiently and shoved his cock back into her throat, and she gagged again, eyes rolling back as he bottomed out, groaning loudly.
Jennie closed her eyes and let the pleasure and arousal take over, allowing her submission to control her. She bobbed her head back and forth on the tribesman in front of her, driving him in and out of her throat, pushing him closer to his climax. Suddenly, the two others she had been stroking moved behind her, and she gasped, choked on the sudden inhale of saliva, and whipped her head around as the sensation of two cocks pressing against her asshole invaded her. She had never been double penetrated in one hole before, and she had the feeling it might not be as pleasurable as single anal penetration. With a fair amount of spit, they managed to push into her tight hole, causing her a great deal of pain and pleasure. She moaned out of both, but dutifully turned back to the other, jamming his cock back into her mouth. Both men behind her began furiously thrusting into her, seemingly enjoying her cries of both pleasure and pain. The guy in front then assumed a new position; one that benefitted all three remaining gangbangers. He lay down on his back, sliding his thick legs under her, so his cock was pointing straight up. She quickly brought her upper half down, so her ass was in the air, opening up her hole better, and brought her head down on the shaft hard, plunging it down her throat in one smooth motion. She furrowed her eyebrows in the effort of keeping it there; the new position allowed for better leverage and more penetration in her throat, it wasn't easy.
As her throat contracted around him and she massaged the underside with her tongue, he gave an almighty groan and grabbed her by the head, pulling her down still further as he blew his load in her throat, straight into her stomach, and her eyes rolled back once again as she struggled not to choke and spit his cum out. She pulled off him, swallowed with difficulty, then looked him in the eye, biting her lip in arousal.
Her seductive look was interrupted by a moan and her eyebrows arching upward as one of the two behind her started roughly fingering her clit, making her arch her back and buck her hips against them, crying out wildly at the sudden burst of pleasure. The other pushed her head into the ground, allowing him to see her side-profile moan. He leaned forward, putting more weight on her grounded face, railing her into the floor. Her entire body quaked under the force of the impacts, the strokes, rocking her prostrate form. Each and every blow to her ass made her tremble. She felt her limp hands being tied together again, something she didn't object to in the least. It made her feel controlled, helpless. And she loved it.
The man in front of her, now sitting comfortably on a wide pillow, grabbed her hair and yanked her face up, allowing him to see her pleasure-addled face. Her eyebrows were curved upwards, eyes closed, and she bit her lip at his roughness. She opened her unfocused eyes slightly and looked at him, letting out a small "ah" at a particularly hard thrust from behind her.
"You're a good obedient whore, hm?" He spoke in a thick accent, but not indecipherable. She didn't answer immediately, trying to think clearly past her haze of bliss. He slapped her roughly, making her yelp and give a quiet moan.
"Yes...master..." Jennie moaned out, giving a louder cry as three additional fingers were shoved into her pussy, adoring the roughness and the degradation. "I'm a...fuck...g-good little slut for you...master..."
He chuckled and let go of her hair, allowing her face to fall back into the floor. "Yes you are. Good girl."
Jennie moaned again. How could she ever go back to Korea? How in her right mind would she ever give this feeling up? As one of them behind her slapped her ass viciously, making her yelp louder, and she threw an arched-eyebrows lip bite over her shoulder, which earned her another slap on the ass. She moaned a vague plea for more, and the two kept up the spanks.
"Fuck..." She said softly, a small squeal escaping her lips at an especially hard spank. "I'm gonna cum..."
Her head was pulled up and she looked with hazy eyes into those of the man now relaxing on the pillow, who smirked. "You're going to what?"
"C-cum, master..." Jennie repeated, her voice trembling slightly, the pleasure reaching fever pitch inside her. "It's so good...so f-fucking good..."
He moved closer and pressed his cock against her lips, to which she gave a long lick, and then took it into her mouth, slowly moving back and forth. She moaned around his thickness, and with stifled groans, both men fucking her ass orgasmed simultaneously, sending another tirade of hot cum deep into her bowels. Her moans increased in volume dramatically, and she pulled off the cock in her mouth to vocalize her pleasure.
With a scream, she squirted intensely all over the thighs of the two behind her, yelling her lungs out as her world disappeared in a whirlpool of bliss. She was no longer aware of anything; all she knew was the pleasure of being the cockslave of this tribe. She panted heavily, slumping to the floor as all three men backed off. Faintly, she heard a very similar scream rent the air, and she immediately knew it was Lisa succumbing to the pleasure as well.
A sheen of sweat covered her entire body. She could feel cum starting to leak out of her ass and pussy, and as she returned to full consciousness, she heard footsteps approaching. Jaali entered the tent, a large and satisfied smile on his face, and she turned onto her back to see him.
"Did it work...master?" Jennie said breathlessly, chest heaving. She pulled herself upright as he approached.
"Very well, I'd say." He smiled wider. "She hasn't fully complied yet, and she's still acting a bit defiant, but that'll be fixed very soon. My men have done a good job so far. Soon enough she, too, will realize that she has no choice. The pleasure will get to her."
Jennie knew quite well what was coming next, and she was both excited and scared. It was quite painful last time, though she had enjoyed it in a way. But this time, he had said it would be more severe. She shivered, even though it was at least 40 degrees outside.
"So now," Jaali continued, "I believe you are aware of our next step?"
Jennie nodded, a small smirk tugging at her lips despite her fear of the possible intensity this time. The guards moved forward and grabbed her by the upper arms, pulling her upright. They marched her outside, where a crows had assimilated and she could see Lisa's slim naked form waiting by the huge baobab tree in the village square. Among the many emotions Jennie could see in Lisa's eyes, betrayal and hurt were not detectable. What was detectable was pleasure, adoration, slight confusion, and excitement. Despite having experienced this exact situation before, her modesty had been somewhat recovered during her year in back Seoul, and she felt her cheeks grow hot as her naked body was exposed to the crowd. However, she made no attempt to cover herself and allowed herself to be led up to the baobab tree. The guards lifted her onto the brick tree ring, and one climbed up after her. He tied another rope around the one binding her hands, fashioned the other end into a noose and threw it up over the branch of the tree, tightening it so she couldn't move her arms. Lisa's arms were also tied above her head, and as the guard retreated, she turned her head to look at Jennie.
The guard started professing their crime to the crowd gathered, and Lisa said three words to her.
"Did you know?"
Jennie was silent for a moment, considering whether or not she should tell the truth. Finally she looked at her and spoke.
"Yes, I did."
Lisa snorted. "So you led me into this on purpose?"
Jennie thought she was angry, but she then smiled. "Can't say I expected something like this to happen, but I like it."
"Wait - you're okay with this?"
Lisa smiled wider. "Didn't you hear me earlier? BBC! I wasn't talking about the news corporation, I knew we'd be doing that kinda stuff with them."
In spite of what she had just said, Jennie looked away. "I'm sorry."
"But why?" Lisa questioned. "We came here both knowing what would probably happen, you just knew more of it than me."
The voice of the guard and the usual angry shouts subsided from behind them, and Jennie looked over her shoulder. The box of whips and punishing tools was being brought out again, and Jennie could see a few cat-o-nine tails hanging over the edge of it. Jennie's heart skipped a beat; they had refrained from using the cat-o-nines last time, but since it would be more severe, would they this time? A cold sweat gathered at her hairline. She knew that, even though she would enjoy being punished with their other implements, she would not enjoy that.
Lisa looked around as well and her face went pale. "Wait...wait, they won't use the spiky ones on us, will they?"
Jennie breathed out a heavy exhale. "They won't use them on you. They might for me...since it's my second time doing this. I really hope not though..."
The two guards in charge of punishing them approached the box, dug around in it momentarily, and one pulled out the barbed whip. Jennie's eyes went wide and a stab of fear tore through her. But she experienced heavy relief as the other one grabbed his hand to stop him, shaking his head and irritatedly saying something in Swahili. The other protested, and the reasonable one raised his voice slightly, which allowed Jennie to hear and understand what he was saying.
"No, you sadistic idiot!" He said in impatient Swahili. "We're punishing the girls, not tearing them apart!"
The one holding the barbed whip put it back, looking sullen. The other one continued digging around, shaking his head and muttering incredulously. Jennie thought a silent blessing on him for his mercy and breathed a sigh of relief. Her heart rate jumped up drastically as they finally settled on a pair of flexible riding crops, pumping her excitement up. She was a pain slut and she knew it. They approached holding the tools, and Lisa whipped her head around to look at Jennie.
"How long do they do it?"
"Not long," Jennie replied, shifting into a comfortable position and preparing for her punishment. "Enough to hurt, though. But don't worry," she continued, smiling deviously, "you'll enjoy-"
Her sentence was interrupted by a vicious smack to her ass by the crop. She cried out loudly in the middle of her sentence and Lisa gave a small squeal at her first strike. And then the second stroke came. And the third. The fourth. The fifth. Jennie, through her haze of pain and pleasure, saw Jaali sitting on his chair by a different hut 10 yards away with his ankles crossed, a drink in his hand, observing the scene. He saw her looking at him and raised his glass mockingly, his smirk visible even from this distance.
She yelped louder at a particularly hard stroke. So far, she thought, this was not more severe than last time, in fact it was more mild. No sooner had she thought this than the crops were put away, and she caught a glimpse of the bullwhips from last time when she looked back. Lisa shot a glance over at her calm, composed demeanor.
"Well, you were right, it isn't as bad as I thought it would be. And I do kinda like it."
A loud, sharp crack cut through the air and Lisa shrieked in pain, eyes wide from the shock of such a drastic increase in intensity. A faint red streak was visible on her ass. A second later Jennie felt a stinging pain on her own ass, and she yelled out as well. Lisa got whipped again, and she gave another howl, eyes screwing up.
"Ow!" She cried, tears welling in her eyes. "It hurts!"
Jennie got her next lash, and she felt tears springing to her own eyes, purely from the pain of it. At a glance to her right, she saw Lisa's pained and tearful eyes looking back at her, her mouth opening in another cry at her next lash. They were each given 12 more lashes and then the bullwhips were put away. Behind her, Jennie heard a man's voice, shouting in Swahili.
"Turn around!"
Jennie turned to face the crowd obediently, but Lisa didn't move, not understanding the command. Jennie opened her mouth to tell Lisa what he'd said, then another crack sounded and Lisa wailed again.
"He says turn around, Lisa."
Lisa turned around hurriedly to face the crowd as well, and a pink tint appeared in her tear-streaked cheeks at the lecherous jeers of the onlookers. She crossed one thigh over her pussy a bit, in a minimal effort to decrease the humiliation, but a warning look from a guard was enough for her to put it back down. She let her leg relax, letting the crowd have an unadulterated view of her naked and abused body, hanging her head in shame. In a way Jennie felt sorry for her, but that thought was strangled by the sight of Jaali walking over from his chair. The guards stood at attention and bowed their heads respectfully, and he climbed up to where Jennie was, surveying with approval the marks left on her and Lisa's bodies. He stepped right in front of her and spoke into her ear, roughly grabbing her sore ass.
"Do you think we should bring out the kitties, little slut?"
Jennie could only assume he was referencing the tails, to which she frantically shook her head.
"Are you sure?"
"Yes, master."
Jaali chuckled. "Very well."
He walked behind her, delivered a painful slap to both of their asses, and then walked back to his chair with a single shouted word.
"Kuanza!" ("Commence!")
While Jaali had been talking to Jennie, the guards had gotten out two thin wooden canes and were now preparing to strike. Jennie gulped and steeled herself as much as possible, and completely lost her composure as the first lash landed directly on her nipple.
"FUCK!" She screamed, jerking away as much as possible. It stung way worse than last time, and she had not been prepared for the level of agony it caused. Lisa spouted a similar shriek at her first hit.
And so it continued for dozens of lashes, each stroke becoming more agonizing, until they stopped, leaving the two girls panting heavily, moaning in pain and covered in red streaks. Despite the intense stinging pain she was feeling, Jennie couldn't deny that her pussy was absolutely drenched, and she found herself wanting more. Then she spotted her punisher eyeing her pussy as though about to hit it with the switch.
"Please..." Jennie said quietly, almost to herself, "No..."
Despite her arousal, she knew that being whipped there with that switch would be absolute hell. He seemed to consider it, but shook his head and put away the switch. This time around they used different tools. Perhaps since it was Lisa's first time, they went easier on her this round. Her punisher brought out a multi-tasseled leather flogger, and Jennie's retrieved an old-fashioned Russian knout, thankfully designed without wire. It was, Jennie thought, like a more intense version of Lisa's flogger.
The guards approached once more, holding their different implements of punishment. Jennie saw what was coming an instant before it did - the crowd gave a collective gasp as each of the two girls was struck violently in the pussy with their respective whips. But instead of a shriek of pain, both of them let out moans of pleasure.
"Ooooh..." Jennie moaned, as the guards drew their arms back once more. "Now you like it, huh, Lisa?"
Lisa gave a cute yelp as she was struck between her thighs again. "Mmm, yeah..."
The next upswing hit her directly in the clit, eliciting a high pitched "ahh" and upping her arousal. Lisa moaned again, a barely perceptible buck of her hips signaling her pleasure.
"Harder!" Jennie cried as she was whipped again, desperate for her release. "Fucking whip me harder!"
The guard didn't understand the words she said, but could clearly decipher her tone because his uppercuts increased in force and frequency. She felt herself drawing nearer to an orgasm from pain alone, though the strikes caused her intense pleasure from it. Lisa's cries also got louder as she too approached her orgasm.
"Fuck," Lisa gasped, chest heaving, "I'm gonna cum!"
Jennie only moaned in reply, giving a loud "ah" at her punisher's swing. But then there was a pause in the pleasure pain. Jaali had roused himself from his chair and was making his way through the crowd as Lisa's shouts continued, and after a quick word with Jennie's guard he took the knout from him and turned to face Jennie. There was a moment of silence, broken only by her counterpart's broken whimper, wherein Jaali and Jennie looked each other in the eye, and Jennie knew she was about to cum.
With a slight cock of his head, Jaali brought his hand down and then swung it up into her soaking wet pussy. Then again. And on the third strike, he calculated his movement, let his hand fall, and then brought up a stinging, painful, blissful strike into her. Every tassel of the ten-tail knout was felt, each landing an exquisite sting on a different spot. Her clit, her entrance, her lips, everything was hit in a magnificent blow. And this was what drove her over the edge.
With a final shriek, voicing her pleasure, she squirted explosively all over the place; droplets of her cum showered the tree ring and everything below her. It only took a few more strikes for Lisa to reach her orgasm as well; lithe body writhing, she squirted hard on the tree ring below her too. The two of them hung limp against their bonds, chests heaving.
Jaali climbed up to stand in front of the crowd, back to the two bound girls, and starting speaking loudly in Swahili to the audience.
"You see this?" He gestured at the two of them. "These two degenerate whores have just orgasmed before your eyes, from a public whipping! They are aroused by pain and humiliation! Now that you have seen with your own eyes the level of decadence these licentious sluts show, I leave them to you. I trust that you will handle them appropriately."
The crowd, especially the men, cheered at the last two sentences, and the mob converged. The rope on Jennie's hands was sawed off and she was dragged onto the ground with Lisa. Jennie felt a mass of hands groping and fingering her, to which she moaned quietly. She was pulled to a kneeling position, at which time someone tied a piece of cloth into her mouth, keeping her from talking. A hand grabbed her by the hair and yanked her head back, and a few more restrained her hands behind her back. She felt a lukewarm substance being daubed across her breasts and cleavage, but she couldn't decipher the words from feeling alone. The hand gripping her hair was pulling very hard, and Jennie gritted her teeth at the pain. Yet another hand grabbed her by the neck and tightened its grip until she was gasping, and several more slapped whatever parts of her were accessible. She felt blows land on her ass, pussy, breasts, face, thighs, and other spots. She managed to turn her head enough to see Lisa, who was being treated the same way, and black clay paint which had been roughly smeared across her breasts spelled "Kahaba" (Whore). An unknown someone slapped her face hard enough to knock her over, but she was steadied by the thirty hands grasping her.
Jennie's mind was a whirlwind of chaos and mixed emotions, and the only things that resonated with her brain were the pleasure of being caressed and fingered and the pain of being slapped, spanked, and abused. Bodies and noise pressed in on her. Her hair was released, and she looked down at her chest to see the same clay paint, which spelled "Malkia Kahaba" (Queen Whore). Her cheeks grew hot again, but that was nothing compared to Lisa's. Lisa's face could have been easily mistaken for a beetroot, it was so red.
The two were dragged onto their feet. Jennie's hands were tied behind her back, and she was pushed forward. She could't see where they were going, or where she was being led, but the crowd was marching her and Lisa somewhere, and by the noise of the crowd behind her, she could tell she was at the front of it. Gasps and shouts were heard from who was presumably villagers who hadn't been made aware of the situation. Blindfolded, gagged, tied, and naked, she was paraded through the village, shown to everyone who hadn't already been at the gathering. As humiliated and ashamed as she was, she couldn't ignore the heat building up between her legs again. Was she really being turned on by this?
Then someone in the lead of the crowd shouted in gleeful Swahili, something like "I got it!"
Jennie didn't know what he was talking about, but all the was concentrating on was keeping her arousal to a minimum, since her thighs were rubbing together a lot as she walked. But then, out of nowhere, something flat and something that stung hit her ass, and she gave a loud cry, not expecting the sudden pain. They had broken out the crops again, and Lisa let out a similar squeal a second after. Jennie's ass was already sore from its earlier abuse, and the sting was made much worse now. But each hit not only send a jolt of pain through her, but one of pleasure as well. She struggled to keep her moans at bay, and was battling to keep herself from cumming again. She was fighting on multiple fronts, including her own front, and soon enough the armies of pleasure would overtake her defense.
And sure enough, when the crop was brought up into her pussy, she folded. Her entire body shook with the effort of controlling itself, and she bit the cloth in her mouth hard to keep herself from yelling out. A stream of cum leaked out despite her best efforts. The leaders of the mob noticed her decrease in pace and pushed her to keep walking, thankfully not noticing her orgasm. Her whole body felt hot and shaky, whether that was from arousal or humiliation she didn't know.
Before she knew it, they had made a full circle of the village, and her blindfold and gag were removed. While they had been away, some remaining helpers had constructed two large structures that vaguely resembled spits for cooking meat, which were made up of two vertical wooden poles with an adjoining horizontal pole on top, both of which having been laid down on the ground. The crowd had assimilated more members on its tour of the village, and various members were shouting something Jennie couldn't understand over the noise. But she and Lisa were each forced onto one of the respective spits. Jennie's hands were tied to the top pole, and each of her feet was tied to the two outer poles, spread-eagling her across it. Then a rope was tied onto each of her thighs and then connected to the top pole, to support her and make sure she didn't fall. She looked to the side and saw Lisa in the same position, everything on display for the villagers. Tears were gathered in her eyes, but she didn't seem to be too opposed to her current situation.
The crowd left them alone momentarily while they held an internal discussion, no doubt debating how to humiliate the two girls further. They seemed to come to a unanimous conclusion, and the two were suddenly surrounded by men. Jennie got a brief glimpse of the surrounding houses before the mob of guys closed in. And in every direction, they all pulled out their cocks, and in every direction they started stroking their cocks.
Jennie understood their purpose now. She and Lisa would be covered in cum and raised on their spits to be displayed to all passersby. She was mortified at the idea of it, but the idea also sent a thrill of excitement through her and a fresh wave of slick to her lower region.
It was only a couple of minutes before the cum started flowing; Jennie gasped as the first spurt of cum landed directly on her hypersensitive pussy, and then the floodgates were opened and dozens more hit every part of her that was reachable. She closed her eyes and felt the warmth of each white spray covering her body. They focused much of it on her face, but eventually they covered her whole figure with streaks of white cum. A final spurt landed on her outstretched tongue, and then the men dispersed. Her spit was heaved and hoisted into a standing position, leaving her hanging naked about six feet above the ground, well in view of everyone.
And after a few minutes of jeers, ogling and shame, the crowd dispersed and Jennie found herself in a similar position to last time: naked, tied, abandoned, and humiliated. She looked over and locked eyes with Lisa to her left. Tear tracks adorned her beet-red cheeks.
"You okay?" Jennie asked in Korean, so the remaining locals and guards wouldn't understand.
"Yes," Lisa replied, giving a small struggle against her bonds, "I'm good. And you know what?"
Lisa suddenly smiled. "You were right, I did like it."
Jennie raised her eyebrows in surprise. "Really? All that, and you enjoyed it?"
Lisa nodded. "But fuck - that hurt. A lot."
Jennie grinned. "That's what makes it good, isn't it?"
Lisa giggled. "You're a really big fucking slut, you know that?" She sighed. "How long do you think we'll be up here?"
Jennie shrugged, as much as was possible with her arms splayed out. "As long as it takes for the guards to get horny again."
Lisa shivered at the thought. "Damn, that felt amazing..."
"Yes, now you see why I was so eager to come back."
"So what happens next?"
"You'll probably be taken down, then fucked again, then the tribe leader will offer you the option of being this tribe's sex slave. You can go back to Korea with me as long as you come back with me every year."
"Not that I will, but if I refuse?" Lisa asked.
"Prison, in which case the same outcome happens."
"Well, even if I had a choice I would still become their slave. Because god...I can't resist that..."
Jennie laughed. "Now who's a slut?"
"Heyyy!" Lisa protested. "I'm not a slut, it's just...well..."
"Who said there's anything wrong with that?" Jennie chuckled.
Lisa blushed. "Ok fine...I'm a slut."
"That's better."
It was about half an hour more that they hung there, with the occasional goggling passerby, talking. But then a small body of guards approached and took the spits down, untying the two girls and dragging them to their feet. Then their hands were tied behind their backs again, and their blindfolds were replaced.
No fanfare was bothered with and no privacy was cared for as the guards removed their loincloths and bent the two over on their knees. Jennie had no time to react whatsoever before a thick, long, and hard cock entered her pussy from behind, and another pushed against her lips until she opened them, which she did, gladly welcoming the shaft into her mouth. Both dicks quickly reached their maximum depth and bottomed out, making Jennie moan and gag simultaneously. She was very sensitive everywhere from the day's abuse and manhandling, and the man fucking her pussy was taking no care to be gentle. Nor was the one in front, who was savagely fucking her throat with no consideration for her rapidly emptying lungs. She choked on the thick meat filling her throat, trying to draw breath, but to no avail. He thrusted his hips forward fully, shoving his entire cock into her throat, keeping her from inhaling anything but his precum. She gagged, trying to pull away, but he held her head there, making her eyes roll back. She choked again, inadvertently jerking, her throat being stretched out by his thick cock. She desperately coughed and choked, fearing that he would facefuck her to unconsciousness, but then he let her go, pulling out of her throat. She gasped in a breath, coughing and panting. He gave her a moment's rest before starting throatfucking her again, but he didn't hold her down. Quick, hard thrusts were given from both sides, and again she felt herself drawing nearer to a climax. She had lost count of how many she'd achieved, but the number, whatever it was, had left her very sensitive and very delicate, and she was loving being absolutely demolished by the tribesmen. They gave no regard for her sensitivity, uninhibitedly drilling her with relentless abandon. Similar noises came from Lisa to Jennie's right; her cute deepthroat sounds and moans could be heard even over Jennie's own.
Then she heard a groan from behind her and a moment later, a deluge of hot cum filled her pussy, shooting deep inside her. The sudden torrent of warmth triggered her oncoming peak as well, and a gush of cum streamed out of her. Her loud "ahhhhng" was muffled and absorbed by the cock in her throat, and its owner succumbed to the orgasmic pleasure Jennie's mouth gave him, and finally buried himself inside it, releasing his load deep down her throat.
The two were given a minute to recover, breathing heavily, until they were heaved to their bedraggled feet once more.
"Well, see you." Lisa called to Jennie in Korean, excitement easily distinguishable in her voice, and then they were led their separate ways. Jennie nodded at her and allowed herself to be steered away towards the sex hut. Jaali was waiting there, in his chair which was pushed against the center post. He gave a small smirk at the sight of her, cheeks flushed and red, naked, covered in semi-dry cum and whip marks, and pushed onto her knees.
"Enjoyed yourself, little slut?"
"Yes, I have, master."
"Last time, of course, you were offered a choice, which I will be giving to your friend once I'm done here. This time, you having already accepted the better option, you have another choice. You can, of course, return to Korea, and await this time next year. But," he continued, a small smirk curling his lips, "our hospitable village would be willing to play host to you and your friend, should you wish to stay a little bit longer to enjoy our...amenities."
Jennie was silent for a moment, and then smiled widely.
A/N: Jesus Christ, it's about time I put this out. It might've been a bit rushed. It's been pretty fun writing this series, and you know I can't leave it like that, so a part 3 will be in order in about...ten years. You're welcome.
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pettyofficial · 18 days
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2024.6.8, 10.
6.8. 개인적으로 가장 마음에 드는 서울 슬로건은, Hi Seoul 하단의 'Soul of Asia' 라는 문구다.
엄청 웅장한 느낌이 들어서 좋다. 지금의 슬로건은 너무 여린 느낌이 강하니까.
엄청 강남역 파파이스를 자주 다녔던 거 같다.
6.10. 연수 출발!
오스트리아 빈에 도착했다. 공항에서 가장 빈같은 느낌을 찍고 싶어서 담은 사진. 숙소에 바라본 노을. 유럽은 참 해가 길더라.
그리고 2유로짜리 아이스크림인데 우리 나라돈으로 3,000원 조금 넘는데 저렇게 맛있는 아이스크림은 왜 한국에 없나 싶었다. 트램도 실제로 보니까 신기했다. 마을버스처럼 다니더라. 저 트램을 양보하며 운전하는 문화가 너무 신기했다.
아침에 일찍 일어나서 모짜르트 무덤앞에까지 다녀왔다. 너무 새벽이라 열어주지 않은 게 아쉽더라.
그렇게 부다페스트로 떠났다. 참 다른나라 수도가 이정표에 있는 게 신기했었다. 그리고 살면서 처음본 지평선도 이때까지는 신기했었다. 뭐 앞으로 윈도우 바탕화면 같은 언덕과 지평선은 실컷 볼줄은 몰랐으니까.
나는 오펜하이머 영화에서 오펜하이머가 친구인 슈발리에에게 아들을 부탁하는 장면을 퍽 인상깊게 봤다.
"우린 한심하고 이기적인 인간들이야" 라고 자책하는 오펜하이머에게 슈발리에는
"이기적이고 한심한 인간들은 자기가 이기적이고 한심한지 몰라" 라고 대답한 장면이 기억에 많이 남는다.
하반기에는 농촌봉사활동 지역축제 참가 2건 바자회도 해야한다. 사실 내 주요 업무는 피평가 담당도 아니고 CS담당도 아니고 상훈 담당도 아니고 사회공헌 담당이다.
좀 많이 힘들지만 가장 회사 일중에서 보람 느끼는 건 사회공헌 활동이다.
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mandukkul · 1 year
( masterlist ) — #tank
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read terms and conditions before continuing
🫧— fluff , 🐟— angst, 🐡— crack/humour, 🍥— comfort, 🎣— new, 🐠— request
happy national girlfriend day texts 🫧🐡
would you love me as a worm? 🫧🐡
texts while in the same room 🫧🐡 🐠
call me noona 🫧🐡🐠
mood swings (?) 🫧🐡🐠🎣
희승 | heeseung
제이 | jay
제이크 | jake
상훈 | sunghoon
사누 | sunoo
장원 | jungwon
texts with bf!jungwon 🫧🐡🐠🎣
니키 | niki
texts with bf!riki 🫧🐡
texts with bf!riki pt.2 🫧🐡
texts with bf!riki pt. 3 🫧🐡
teenage angst 🫧🐟🐡
idol texts with bf!riki 🫧🐡
idol texts with bf!riki pt. 2 🫧🐡
practice 🫧🐡
love between two— PREVIEW 🫧
texts with bf!riki reassuring insecure!reader 🫧🍥🐟🐡🐠
lights camera action— WIP🫧
ghosts in the building 🫧🐡
read your contact 🫧🐡🐠
dear lord, there’s two of them 🐡🐠🎣
( comeback soon )
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jaehwaniee · 2 days
240923 KEN via Twitter •
안녕하신지요! 켄입니닷! ☺️
이틀간 정말 고생하시고 멋지신 상훈 지휘자님의 지휘로 이루어진 바싸르 오케스트라와 밴드, 코러스분들!! 그리고 보이지 않는 곳에서 정말 많은 고생 해주신 모든 스태프분들!! 소중한 관객 여러분들!! 사랑스러운 팬들!! 특별한 무대 할 수 있게 해주시고, 소중한 시간 함께해 주셔서 정말 감사합니닷🥹
앞으로도 정말 다양한 모습 보여주는 멋진 가수, 배우가 되도록 노력할 테니까요! 지켜봐주세요오☺️
Hello! It's Ken! ☺️
The Vassar Orchestra, band, and chorus, who worked so hard for the past two days under the direction of the wonderful conductor Sanghoon!! And all the staff who worked so hard behind the scenes!! Precious audience members!! Lovely fans!! Thank you so much for allowing me to do a special stage and spending precious time with me🥹
I will continue to work hard to become a great singer and actor who shows various sides of me! Please keep an eye on me☺️
Thank you🌼
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livlovlun119 · 2 years
1 밤
은하 엄마 겨레(조카) / 오태만(아나운서) 남 국장 / 마망자들 / 이지민 정피디 소봄(막내작가) / 펫시티(암 영상 진단) / 쿠바 트리니다드 / 앙콘 해변 론리플래닛 / 양요(아이돌 출신 방송인) / 두문리 산촌두부집 제천 의림지 / 우현우(맛집 알파고) /
나(한가을) 할머니 누나(소봄) / 유석이형 / 경은선배(은감독) 강쉐프 / 안미진(간호사) / 승미씨(환자) / 장배우(기획사 사장 뮤지컬 배우) / 리키 브라이언 /
옥주 예후이(엽휘) 현우 / 윤슬 / 야콥 레이철 상훈 / 월계동 중랑천 /
0 notes
monsta-ali · 7 years
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Debuted: September 18, 2012
With: We, 100% 
Track: Bad Boy
Social Media:
Twitter: @top_100percent
Facebook: Official100percent
Fan cafe: 100PERCENT
Position: Leader, Vocalist, Lead Dancer
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Position: Main Vocalist
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Position: Vocalist
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Position: Main Rapper, Vocalist
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Position: Lead Vocalist, Lead Dancer, Maknae
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Position: Vocalist, Visual/Face of the Group, Maknae
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Position: Main Dancer, Lead Rapper, Vocalist
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100% V - Rockhyun, Jonghwan, Hyukjin, Chanyong
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hrmkos-blog · 7 years
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plattagon · 6 years
A nightly parting gift.
You're all welcome.
0 notes
new-key1-blog · 6 years
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아침부터 킨더조이~ 맛의 신세계~! #상훈 #킨더조이 #일상 #육아 #육아일상 #육아소통환영 https://www.instagram.com/p/BnKa0SLg5xP/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=kbmrgcb5f5qu
0 notes
bbsmuts · 3 months
Midas's Gift ft. Kiss of Life Natty
A/N: This was a request from @dav1233555. No kinky shit here, just a nice, wholesome smut, if such a thing exists. Just as a note, our main character is supposed to be a high-up executive in a successful engineering/engineering company. I don't know how that works, I'm a lawyer. At the request of the pitcher, we'll call him Y/N when we need to, which isn't something I usually do but not a problem. Enjoy!
Length: 5.47k
No TWs today you kinky little bastards 😁
Ok, I lied, maybe some light choking/spanking.
Tags: Wholesome-ish, light choking, light spanking, throatfuck
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It was a warm, bright kind of morning; the sunlight shone through the gold-colored curtains in Natty's room, making them look a pleasant, shimmery amber, with a beam of it falling over my back. Faint sounds of other apartment residents could be heard from every side I groaned languidly and rolled over onto my back, the warmth streaming through the window felt nice.
To my right, Natty gave a sleepy moan and turned on her side to face me, her arm sliding across my chest. She pulled herself closer to me, and her other hand took hold of my arm, slowly caressing my bicep.
"Good morning oppa," she murmured drowsily in an adorably high-pitched morning voice, hugging me from the side. I opened one eye and smiled at her cute face gazing back at me.
"Sleep well, babe?" I asked, shutting my eye again.
"The best." She yawned. "I was so tired after last night..."
"Yeah, me too." I put my arm around her slim form and pulled her closer. "What time is it?"
I heard the sound of the sheets rustling and then her voice.
"9 am, just about."
I yawned and kept my eyes shut. "Shit, I have to go soon."
She snuggled in close to me, resting her head on my pec. "But not yet." She was quiet for a moment. "Your morning voice is so sexy oppa..."
I chuckled, slowly stroking her hair. "So's yours."
She gave soft purrs at my stroking. "Really?"
I turned onto my side to face her, smiling. "Really."
She giggled and buried her face in my chest. "Oppa I love you."
"Love you too, baby." I planted a kiss on her head, and I could feel her smile against me. My hand dipped lower, slithering down her back and caressing her supple ass cheeks, massaging a quiet moan from her.
"Mmm, you like that baby?"
"Ohh yes...yes I do..."
I pulled her on top of me and she opened her legs, her pussy pressing on me, releasing a rush of blood to my cock and stirring it from its rest. I pulled her head down and kissed her lovingly, and then she pushed herself up and started slowly grinding her hips on me, letting out soft whimpers.
Natty's breath was shaky and her voice needy as she bent down, moaning in my ear.
"O-oppa...I need you..."
"Fuck, baby, I need you too."
I grabbed her hips, guiding my tip to her entrance, and pushed into her slowly. She and I moaned in unison, the sound's volume increasing the deeper I went. I bottomed out after come considerable resistance, and she pushed herself up on my pecs, starting to ride me. Her arms trembled slightly as she moaned, gyrating and bouncing her hips on me and driving me in and out of her. I times thrusts with her bouncing, ramming my cock deeper inside her.
"F-fuck, you're so big oppa! Ohh my god yes, harder!"
My eyebrows contracted as her pussy tightened around me, her walls squeezing and pleasuring me. "Ugh, you're tight babe, so fucking tight, god!" I groaned through gritted teeth. I pulled her close to me and rolled over, lifting her legs into the air and fucking her pussy vigorously, making her moan louder.
"Oh, oh fuck yes, harder, please!" She yelled. "Fucking pound me, that's it, YES!"
I reached around her thighs and squeezed her tits roughly, drawing more cries from her. She moaned out mindless nonsense, incomprehensibly begging for more.
"Fuck, it's so good oppa! So fucking big in me, I'm gonna cum!"
I knew that, and I also knew my own peak was approaching. I gritted my teeth and rammed into her harder, fucking her raw and driving her to her orgasm like a chauffeur in a limo. I hooked her knees over my shoulders and leaned down, keeping up my hard and fast thrusts while whispering in her ear.
"Are you gonna cum for me baby?"
"Yes oppa, I'm so close, don't stop!" She cried into my ear.
I felt her pussy clenching and contracting wildly around me and her shrieks of pleasure increased in volume.
"I'm cumming! Keep fucking me!"
I closed my eyes and kept postponing my hips forward, allowing her cries to envelop my half-vacant brain. I heard her scream and felt a gush of warm juices spray over my abs. Feeling my own pleasure rising to an apex, I buried myself to the hilt inside her and struck gold, also known as her cervix. She gasped at the sudden contact and the deluge of hot seed that was shot deep down her tunnel, triggering her second orgasm. She let out a small "Oh, fuck", not having the breath in her lungs for a loud sound. Then she sucked in a breath and moaned, her voice breaking a bit.
I rolled off her, panting a lot, feeling the blood start to empty from my softening cock. Natty took a minute to recover before speaking.
"That was - fuck, that was amazing."
I turned her head towards mine and kissed her. Then I caught sight of the clock and groaned. "It's 9:15, I really have to get ready and go."
"Aww, okay."
I reluctantly got out of bed and went to the bathroom, washed my face, brushed my teeth, and styled my hair. I got dressed, putting on the suit I had taken off last night after going straight to Natty's place from work. Black blazer and pants, white button-down, blue tie, the obligatory watch, my black shoes, and my favorite lapel pin. Perfection.
I gave Natty one more kiss goodbye, putting all my willpower into resisting the urge her naked body forced on me, then took the elevator down to the ground floor. I got in my car and then drove away, heading towards the office.
After parking my car in the huge building's parking lot, I made my way inside with my briefcase in hand, the usual morning greetings meeting me from all sides.
"Good morning, Mr. L/N."
"Morning, Y/N."
"Looking sharp, Y/N."
Nodding respectfully at all of them, I immediately made a beeline for the coffee bar. "Morning, Min." I said to Minjoon, a coworker and friend of mine, who nodded. I set down my briefcase at the nearest table and filled a cup to the brim, lidded it, and left, heading for the elevator. A short trip later, I arrived on the 15th floor and marched up to the desk of my secretary, who chuckled as I approached, sat down in front of her desk, and set down my briefcase momentarily.
"Busy day for you, I'm afraid, Mr. L/N. Twenty-two calls, what I count to be a few million emails, a stack of paperwork a foot tall, and a very upset client."
I sighed and facepalmed, wishing heartily I could be back with Natty right now. "Jesus Christ, and here I was hoping for an easy day."
She laughed. "Easy day? Good one. The upset client happens to be Mr. Han Jong-min, the manager of a construction site we approved and sponsored, who has found a major issue with the location that was sanctioned for their foundation."
I sat back in the chair and let my head fall back. "Him again? My god, has there been one site we've approved for him that he hasn't deep searched, found a minor problem in, and tried to sue us all for it?"
"I don't believe so, Mr. L/N." Her amused voice said.
I sat back up, exasperated. "What's this major problem he found?"
"I'm not entirely sure of that. You'll have to talk to him."
I sighed again, stood up, and seized my briefcase. "Alright, let me go and placate this penny-pinching bastard. Thanks, Sunhee."
"You're welcome, sir. Have fun."
I snorted as I closed my office door, dropping into my chair with a groan. I could tell today would be quite the stressful day, seeing as I was dealing with that son of a bitch Han Jong-min, who tried to find as many issues as possible with the construction sites I and my associates approved. Almost every single time, they were minor issues that wouldn't affect the buildings being constructed. And every single time, they weren't my fault, they were the inspectors' faults, but it somehow always became my problem.
There was indeed a large stack of paperwork on my desk. A lot of files. I opened and logged into my computer to see an astronomical 267 emails, killing another small part of my brain.
"Jesus fucking Christ, why couldn't today be a chill day..." I opened my Gmail and looked through said emails. Excluding social emails, promotions, and spam, I had 3 legitimate emails to read. One was from a coworker, reminding me about a conference today. Another was from my boss, saying he wanted to talk to me later today, and the other was from Han Jong-min, and just from reading the first few words in the preview I could tell I was in for a hell of a time with him.
After sorting out the other two emails, meeting with my boss, participating in the press conference, it was time to sort out the construction site. Unless he had a legitimate issue this time, I was finished fucking around with him.
With a sigh, I picked up my phone and dialed his number. I tapped my fingers on my desk while the line rung, and then he picked up.
"Han Jong-min speaking."
"It's Y/N L/N." I said, trying to remove all the annoyance from my voice. (I think that's how you'd put a full name, I don't know). "I was informed that you wished to speak about a problem on your site?"
"Ah yes, Mr. L/N. My crew have indeed run into a problem while preparing to lay the foundation of the building."
"And what would that be, Mr. Han?"
"There's a large, eroded underground cavity in the southeast corner of the lot, which has now collapsed into a sinkhole, taking one of my men with it!"
I raised my eyebrows. "He's dead?"
"No, he's been hospitalized with a broken arm and a broken hip."
"Well, I'm terribly sorry to hear that." I paused. "Unfortunately, there's very little I can do to help you right now."
"What the hell do you mean, very little? We can't build here!"
"I'm aware of that, Mr. Han. But I'm not in charge of sanctioning new build sites, nor am I allowed to. I suggest you speak with one of my superiors."
He sighed. "Alright. I'm sorry for troubling you again, Y/N."
Mood lightened and exasperation softened, I spoke back. "That's quite alright, not to worry. Good luck, Mr. Han."
"The same to you, Mr. L/N."
I hung up, surprised that we had ended on a good note. I was expecting an argument at the very least. Shrugging, I returned to the stack of paperwork, mentally steeling myself for another few hours of innately mind-murdering busywork.
There was a knock at my door about two hours in, and I heard my secretary's voice.
"Mr. L/N?"
"Come in." My voice was a bit hoarse.
She entered the room and walked to my desk, holding a small stack of paper.
"More paperwork, I'm afraid. But not much."
She handed me the papers, which I added to the stack.
"Anything else?" I asked.
"Well, it's getting quite late, Mr. L/N. Would it be possible for me to leave?"
I looked at my watch, and was surprised to see how late it was.
"Damn, is it that time already?" I shook my head in disbelief. "Must have lost track of time. Yes, you can go, I'll be fine here by myself."
She smiled, bowing respectfully and seeing herself out. "Thank you, sir. Have a good night."
"You too, Sunhee."
I smiled myself, her happiness contagious as always. She had been my secretary for a good 8 years, and had not once failed to be of the utmost help when I needed it. So I never missed an opportunity to let her go early, as was the case today.
I finished up the paperwork as quickly as I could, and then had an idea. I picked up my phone once more and dialed Natty's number.
She picked up almost immediately.
The sound of her voice after such a long day was like music to my ears.
"Hey, baby." I paused, smiling. "What do you think about dinner together tonight?"
I had planned to head straight home to change and get ready, but on my way home I spotted a familiar sign that read "예작쥬얼리" (Yei-Jak Jewelry), and another idea formed in my head.
I parked my car on the side of the street by the shop and stepped out, taking off my sunglasses and walking into the shop. The store's owner, who I knew quite well, was happy to see me back.
"Ah, Mr. L/N. Long time no see."
I chuckled. "Been about three months, hasn't it, Seo-jun?"
"Indeed, about that. What shall it be today, my friend?"
"Hmm..." I looked around at the various options on shelves, in display containers, and inside the glass cabinet in front of me, and decided I'd let him pick. "I'm thinking something gold. Elegant. Robust, but subtle. Maybe inlaid with a stone...something fit for a woman of unrivaled grace and elegance."
"I see." He smiled. "Well, I happen to have a perfect little piece for such a woman...we just got it handmade..." He walked into the back of the shop and brought out a small box, which he opened and took a case out of. It was a velvety, dark blue case with "예작쥬얼리" stamped in gold letters. Upon my opening the box, a light turned on and shone upon an artistic and sophisticated golden necklace, inlaid with a tanzanite pendant, which was surrounded by tiny diamonds.
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"Solid 24 carat gold chain with a titanium lobster clasp, one 120 carat kite cut tanzanite stone, and fifteen .25 carat round cut diamonds. All pure and natural materials, hand-crafted in and shipped directly from Florence, Italy."
I nodded approvingly. "Sounds very good. How much?"
"That will be...$1500." He leaned forward. "Don't tell anyone, but it would normally be $1800."
I pulled my wallet out of my jacket pocket, smiling, and took out my card. After he entered the amount, I swiped it and put it back in my wallet. He handed me the box, shutting it, and I stowed my wallet back in the pocket.
"Thanks very much, Seo-jun."
"Anytime, Mr. L/N." He smiled as I saw myself out.
I hopped back in my car and hurried home with the necklace, already beginning to imagine Natty's face when she got it. Just the thought made me happy, and my mind was consumed with thoughts of her as I changed into my best suit.
I fixed my hair, which the wind from my convertible's open roof had messed up, and secured it with gel, touched up the polish on my shoes, straightened my tie, spritzed my favorite cologne on my purse points, and tucked in my pocket square.
Let's do this.
I picked Natty up from her apartment at about 6:20 pm, her looking as beautiful as ever. She was wearing a tight black dress that showed just the slightest hint of cleavage and most of her thighs; just enough to leave me wanting more.
I stepped out and took her in my arms, kissing her neck passionately. "Hey, babe." I murmured into her ear, and she buried her face in my jacket, giggling.
"Ooh, you smell good oppa."
I chuckled. "It's Bleu de Chanel. You like it?" (I know I do)
She took a deep inhale before pulling back slightly, smiling up at me. "Yeah, I love that one."
I smiled back, giving her another peck on the lips. "Great, let's go."
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I pulled up to the restaurant in my car with the roof down and sunglasses on, despite the fact that it was 6:30 pm and the sun was entirely set.
I stepped out, walked around and helped Natty out, straightened my blazer, and placed my key into the outstretched hand of the valet. He looked fairly excited to drive it, and I smirked at his expression. He stepped into the car and the engine roared at his touch on the pedals.
"Classy ride, sir."
I nodded and chuckled. "Indeed it is. Be careful, it wasn't cheap."
He nodded. "Of course, sir." Then he pulled away, the car's rear headlights blazing. I waited by the
Arm in arm, we walked into the bustling restaurant, the brightly lit sign on the exterior wall shining in my eyes: 중식당
"Reservation for L/N?" I said to the host, who nodded. "Right this way, sir."
We followed him to a small, two-seater table with a white, gold-laced tablecloth and a candle burning low in a fancy golden candlestick. The host nodded at our thanks and then returned to his post. We sat down, and were immediately approached by a waiter.
"Anything to drink, sir? Miss?"
I considered for a moment. "What do you have as far as wine?"
The waiter smiled. "Allow me to get you a menu."
He returned moments later with two meal menus and a small drink menu. Upon opening it, I immediately found my choice: Argiano Brunello di Montalcino, choice from Tuscany.
"The Argiano, please. Yes, the bottle."
"Yes, sir." He bustled off to get the bottle and we were left to each other again.
"So," I said, loosening my tie a bit in the warmth of the building and looking into her eyes, "got any plans for later?"
"Oh, I think I do." She said playfully. "Or should I say...we do."
I smirked. "Funny, I was thinking the same thing."
The waiter came back with the bottle and filled our glasses, leaving it in a bucket of ice.
"A toast?" She suggested, holding up her glass."
"Alright." I sloshed the wine in my glass around and raised it. "Here's to...a long night of pounding you senseless."
She giggled, blushing, and clinked her glass against mine. "Cheers to that, oppa."
We both took a small sip of the fine wine, the fresh initial notes and tart aftertaste making the drink quite the magnificent choice.
"Mm," she said, after setting her glass down. "Good choice, oppa."
"Indeed." I took another small nip of the wine before setting my own glass down and picking up the menu. "Jungsik's choices of entrees are quite nice as well."
The waiter approached once more, this time with a notepad. "Perhaps an appetizer, sir? Miss?"
I reviewed their options, and almost immediately found the choice option.
"The sea urchin bibimbap, please." (Yes, I did look up the menu. You're welcome.)
"Excellent choice, sir. Miss?"
"Kimbap, please."
The waiter nodded. "Yes, miss."
He left with our orders. Surprisingly quickly, in a matter of minutes, he returned with our dishes on a platter, and handed each of them to us respectively. He bowed and left again.
As always, the food was impeccable, and we hadn't even gotten the entrees yet. I was barely paying attention to the food, since my hands were really starting to itch towards the case in my pocket. But I held off on it, knowing I should save it for later.
After a short time, the waiter came back and collected out bowls, ready to take the next order.
I ordered the langoustine (for reference, this is a dish made with Norwegian lobster), and Natty got the duck (self-explanatory). Then we were left alone to our conversation.
The taste of langoustine is incomparable; a juicy, slightly sweet, and a bit creamy fish, it's not quite like anything else, including its Pacific lobster counterparts. The exquisite substance's flavor and juices spread over my tongue, satisfying every receptor cell, quite like Natty's.
Wait, what?
Before I could stop the dirty analogy from blossoming into a fully fledged fantasy, quite the erotic image floated to the surface of my mind. My mind's eye traveled down Natty's naked body, spread eagled on my bed, wet and needy. I dispelled it's fast as I could before I got hard right there in my seat, but I knew that image would become reality soon enough.
"I know what you're thinking about, oppa." Natty said in a playful tone, though it was laced with a faint trace of seduction. "I know that look."
"Oh, do you?" I leaned forward, swallowing my last bite of lobster. I raised my eyebrows and smirked, knowing she was right. "Then tell me."
The flame light from the candle shone and danced on her face and in her eyes, giving them a dark glow as she looked at me. "You're thinking about me." She said in a quiet voice. "Horny, wet, and wanting you really bad. Well guess what, oppa." she continued, inclining her head towards me. "That's me right now."
"Oh really?" My smirk widened. "Better finish up quick then. You get dessert when we get home."
"Looking forward to that, daddy."
We weren't generally a kinky couple, but her words did in fact make my cock twitch a bit. She took care to chew her last bite very slowly; seemingly savoring the taste with relish and puckering her lips a bit with each movement of her jaw. She swallowed very controlledly, giving a small sigh as though of enjoyment, and looked me right in the eye, as though daring me to do something about it, an initiative I was wholeheartedly willing to endorse but unfortunately couldn't, at least not right now.
The waiter came around, seeing that we had finished, and I asked for the bill, which I already knew would be pricey but entirely worth it. I paid the extortionate bill and then we stood to leave. At the door, I decided it was time.
I took the small box out of my pocket while walking behind her. "Natty?"
She turned and looked at me, inclining her head. "Yes?"
"I have something for you."
I opened the box behind my back and then brought it around. She gasped at the sight of it, her hands flying to her mouth. I held it out and open as if I were proposing, and she took it into one hand silently, eyes locked on the pendant and one hand still over her mouth.
"Oppa..." She looked back up at me, eyes wide. "For me?"
I smiled. "Yes, for you."
She was quiet for a short moment and then she sprang towards me and threw her arms around me, beaming and giggling. "Thank you so much oppa! It's beautiful!"
I couldn't help but smile myself at her elation, a sense of happiness filling me as well. She pulled back slightly, absolutely glowing with joy, and then she sprung up on her toes and kissed me, still smiling against my lips. She broke it off and hugged me again, resting her head on my shoulder.
"You're welcome, baby." I said into her ear. "I love you."
"I love you too." Her voice sounded in my ear.
Her eyes were radiant with happiness as she took a step back.
"S-should I put it on?"
"Yes, of course. I didn't get it for nothing, did I?"
She took the necklace out of its case and clasped it around her neck, and the pendant fell and dangled just below her collarbone, making a very nice addition to the black dress.
"How does it look?" She asked, striking a pose.
"Beautiful. You look beautiful."
She beamed once more and hugged me again.
"Let's get on the way, shall we?"
We walked to the car arm-in-arm, and then we started the drive home.
"Oppa," Natty said a minute into the drive, after reverently putting the necklace back in its case. "How much did you pay for this necklace?"
"Uhhhm...let's not get into that." I replied, and we both laughed.
I parked my car in my garage and led her inside, and as soon as the door was shut behind me I pushed her against it, and she moaned as I kissed her, hands snaking around her waist and caressing her ass. She slipped her arms around my shoulders and deepened the kiss. I steered the two of us towards the bedroom, shedding my blazer and laying it over the couch as we made our way to the door. Once inside, I loosened my tie while she let her dress slip down over her slender form, revealing the fact that she wasn't wearing a bra or panties. I unbuttoned my shirt and stripped it off, and she bit her lip at the sight. She approached and slowly ran her hands over my bare chest, and I made her gasp as I reached down and rubbed her exposed pussy lightly. Her eyebrows arched and her breathing became heavier, a small moan escaping her at my touch. I unbuttoned my pants and rid myself of them and my boxers, and she knelt without hesitation, putting her hair back out of her face.
"Fuck," I groaned, her warm lips sliding smoothly over my tip. Within seconds, she had reached the base, gagging obscenely and sending ripples of pleasure through me. "God, Natty..."
She popped off me and replaced her mouth with her hand. "Mm, you like that oppa?"
She didn't give me time to answer before diving back in. I grabbed her head and pumped my hips forward, thrusting deeper into her throat. She kept a steady and unwavering gaze on me even as she throated me. She have herself no pauses, no breaks, and no mercy, impaling her throat on my cock. I moaned and pulled her deeper, and her eyes rolled back as she choked.
I pulled out of her throat, not wanting to cum too soon, and lifted her onto her feet. She panted for a moment and then laid across the bed, legs spread enticingly. I jumped on that opportunity, and knelt at the edge of the bed. A yelp escaped her lips as I buried my face between her thighs, tonguing her folds with expert finesse. She clutched my head and tugged at my hair gently, moaning and giving small shivers of pleasure as I licked her. I swiped and pressed on her clit with my tongue and circled her entrance with well-practiced ease.
"Oh, oh fuck oppa, it feels so good!" She cried. "Yes, yes, oh god yes, keep going!"
I pushed two fingers into her pussy and pistons my arm back and forth at a very fast pace, grazing her g-spot and making her moan louder, body trembling slightly as she neared her peak. The combination of sensations was quickly driving her to an orgasm.
"I'm gonna c-cum oppa it's too good!" Her whines of pleasure filled my ears, fueling me to go harder, faster. I pumped my fingers into her powerfully, her hands grasping my head crazily and pulling me further in. "G-gonna cum..."
I curled my fingers up into her g-spot and rubbed roughly, which finally did the trick to make her cum. She bucked her hips into my face as she squirted onto me, a gush of liquid spraying over my face and upper chest while she shrieked in pleasure, her hands clutching at the bedsheets.
She fell limp onto the bed again, breathing quickly and shakily as if she'd just run a marathon. I got up, letting her recover for a moment, and then climbed onto the bed.
"Get up."
She obeyed without hesitation, maneuvering onto her hands and knees in front of me, presenting her pussy to be fucked. I moved forward and slid into her tight, wet pussy with a loud groan.
"Mmmph!" She squealed, letting her head fall down so her ass was in the air. A sweet symphony of pleasure began to rise from her as I started slowly, moving my hips back and forth.
"Mmmh yes, that's - fuck..."
Her body pushed back against me, wanting more, and I grabbed her waist and pushed harder, drilling past the resistance and probing deep spots in her.
"Ah...oh god, oh fuck!"
I snapped my hips forward, drawing a cry from her, and picking up my pace, fucking her faster. My first touch on her hypersensitive clit made her gasp, her legs quivering, and then I resumed my earlier fingering of it, all while pounding her intensely.
"Fuck yes, don't stop! It feels so good oppa!"
I slipped my loose tie off my neck and put it around hers, and she gasped sharply as I tightened it and pulled her head back, bringing her torso up as well.
"Mmh yes choke me, pound me harder!"
Her pussy clenched around me and drew a moan from my own mouth, a throaty sound that only served to voice a fraction of the incredibly pleasurable pressure that was being exerted on every millimeter of my shaft.
"You're so big inside me oppa! So good, fuck! You fill me up so good..."
"Fuck!" I pumped harder, giving the tie a small yank, which made her gasp. I slapped her ass hard, making her yelp, and reached around to finger her clit. The blend of sensations and pleasures was rapidly pushing her closer to her climax. Her legs trembled and quivered with each forceful thrust, and her moans started to get louder. I smacked her ass again, and she pushed her hips back against me, meeting my at the apex of my thrusts. Pushing her shoulders down and making her ass stick up, I raised the angle of my movements to go deeper inside her, bottoming out with each stroke.
"Oh god it's so deep, you're so fucking d-deep in me! I'm gonna cum!"
I grunted with the effort of keeping up the strenuous pace, the pleasure starting to overtake me as well. It built, slowly at first but then at an exponential pace.
"God, you're so tight, fuck!"
"F-fuck, I'm cumming..." Natty moaned, voice trailing off in the orgasmic pleasure of her peak. A moment later, her voice erupted in a fresh wail as she reached it. Her juices splattered over my balls and thighs, the sensation proving to be too much for me too.
I buried myself as far as I could go inside her and exploded, groaning loudly as my cum spewed deep into her womb. She moaned again at the sensation and then collapsed, body shaking. I settled next to her, thinking we'd get a quick rest before cleaning up.
A while later, I got up and headed to the bathroom. I went to my bathtub and filled it full of hot water and soap bubbles, then went back to the bed and picked Natty up. She was half asleep, but came to full consciousness once I lifted her. I lowered her into the water slowly, and she whimpered quietly at the feeling of the hot water on her hypersensitive pussy. She relaxed and sighed softly once she was submerged, and then I climbed into the tub with her. I moved her in font of me so her back was against my chest, and she rested her head against it languidly, resting in the warmth.
"Thank you oppa."
I reached my arms around her and pulled her closer, kissing her neck lovingly. She moaned softly, hands caressing my thighs.
"You're so beautiful, baby."
She giggled. "So are you."
I chuckled. "I'm beautiful?"
"No." She tilted her head back and planted a kiss on my jaw. "Sexy."
I smirked. "That's more like it."
We sat there soaking in the water for a while more, enjoying being with each other, until I got out, churning the water around loudly, and drained it. It was pretty hard resisting the temptation of fucking her soapy naked body again, but I knew she was tired out for now and wanted to rest. I hoisted her out of the tub and dried us both off, then sat down on the bed with her. She covered the two of us with a blanket and snuggled close to me, looking adorable with her hair all wet.
"Oppa we should watch a movie."
I nodded. "Good idea."
I grabbed the remote from the bedside table and turned on my TV.
"What do you wanna watch babe?"
"I dunno, something...action."
I smiled. "Oh, I have an idea."
Heading over to Netflix, I put on Extraction (this movie is SO GOOD), and settled in for a solid 2 hours of nonstop gunshots , punches, and stabs.
It was going to be a good night.
A/N: Might not be perfect, but as always I'm busy, so I have to do things as quick as I can. I hope you enjoyed!
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namhee91 · 2 years
미스터D 05
서북경찰서. 9시10분
형사2반이 분주하게 사건내용을 확인하고 최형 반장이 사건 해결을 위해 팀원들과 이야기를 하고 있다.
최형. “이제 니들도 알겠지만 정훈이랑 수영이는 하교로가서 신고한 학생 찾아서 당시 상황을 자세히 알아보고 주변에 CCTV하고 동영상 촬영한 사람들이니 학생들 있는지 확인해. 그리고 학생중에 오늘 학교에 등교안한 학생이 있는지 확인해서 모두 소재파악하고 부모님들하고 연락해서 최근 생활이 어땠는지도 조사해. “
정훈. 수영 “예”
최형. “기태랑 상훈이는 상황실에서 확인되는 검정밴들 차주랑 운전자 탐문해서 용의점이 있는지 확인해.”
기태. 상훈. “알겠습니다.”
최형. “그리고 형님은 최근 접수된 사건중에 원한관계나 증오범죄 쪽으로 분류되는 사건자료 위주로 찾아봐주세요. 머가 나오면 알려주시구요.”
석우. “오케이”
최형. “기철이는 나랑 같이 가자.”
기철. “알겠습니다.”
최형. “다들 아시겠지만 이게 진짜 납치사건이면 길어야 48시간이에요. 그안에 못찾으면 아시죠! 모두 어서 움직이세요.”
경찰서 앞 주차장에서 급히 4대의 차량이 하나둘씩 출발을 한다.
정훈. 수영 차량
정훈. “아침 댓바람 부터 납치를 한다는게 말이되니?”
수영. “간댕이가 부운 놈들이겠죠.”
정훈. “갈수록 대담한 놈들이 많아.”
수영. “근데 고딩을 납치하는거면 부모랑 연관있는거 아닌가? 뭐… 돈을 요구한다던가? 아니면 그 뭐야 영화처럼 ‘내 요구조건을 이행하지 않으면 니 자식을 죽이겠다.’ 뭐 그런 협박 같은거 그런거 아니겠어요?”
정훈. “여튼 아침부터 납치같은걸 한거면 급해도 아주 급한 놈들인거지.”
정훈과 수영의 차량이 도로 위를 여란한 사이렌소리와 함께 질주한다.
경찰서 형사과
석우가 책상위에 사건서류를 잔뜩 쌓아두고 빠르게 내용을 검토하고 있다. 휴대폰으로 최반장에게 전화를 한다.
석우. “어 반장”
최형. “예. 형님 뭐점 나온거 있어요?”
석우. “최근에 접수된 사건이 특이 할 만한게 없는데.. 단순폭행 하고 교통사고 몇건하고 형사사건으로 번질질만 한게 없어.”
최형. “사건중에 부유한 가정이나 공직자나 기업고위직 이런 종류 보호자 있나 한번 봐주세요.”
석우. “어 그래. 내가 좀더 찾아보고 뭐라도 나오면 다시 ��락할께.”
최형. “알겠습니다. 형님 부탁 점 드려요.”
석우. “아이고 반장님 부탁은..” 석우는 다른 서류를 가져와서 계속해서 확인한다.
최형의 차안
최형과 기철의 차량이 싸이렌 소리와 함께 도로를 질주한다.
기철. “ 이 길이면 거리로 가시는 거에요?”
최형. “어 그쪽이 정보가 빠르자나.”
기철. “지난번에는 늦어서..” 기철의 얼굴이 어둡다.
최형. “그건 내가 늦어서 그런거지. 그리고 걔들이 그나마 도와줘서 찾은거지…” 최형이 지난 시간을 회상하며 슬픔과 아쉬움이 그의 얼굴에 묻어난다.
D의 사무실 9:50
소연이 엘리베이터 안에서 전화를 하고 있다.
소연. “아네 반장님. 오랜만이시네요…. 아네…. 올라오세요”소연이 최형과 통화를 하고 사무실에 들어선다.
최형과 기철이 사무실에 도착하고 소연을 발견하고 멋적은 인사를 한다.
소연. “안녕하셨어요? 간만에 오셨네요. 무슨일이라도 있으신지?” 소연이 질문으로 하며 회의실쩍으로 안내를 한다.
소연. “이쪽으로 앉으세요.”
최형. “아 네.”
최형과 기철이 회의 실자리에 앉고 소연이 문을 닫으며 마실것을 달라는 제스처를 하고는 이네 자리에 앉는다.
소연. “반장님이 오신걸 보니 그냥은 아니신것 같고 송형사님까지 오신걸보면 아주 급하신 일인듯 한데..” 사무실 문이 열리고 광석이 물잔을 받쳐들고 들어온다.
광석. “오메 우리 최반장님이 겁나 간만에 오셔부렀구만이라.”
최형. “아 하하. 네네” 멋적어한다.
광석. “나팀장님은 잘계시지라?” 소연이 광석에게 눈치를 주며 나가라는 사인을 보낸다.
광석. “아… 그럼 야구들 나누시쑈. 지는 일이 쪼께 있어서 나가볼랍니다.” 광석이 허둥지둥 자리를 나간다.
최형. “혹시 아시는지 모르겠는데 오늘 아침에 여고생이 납치가 되서 현재 행방이 묘연 합니다.”
소연. “네?? 납치요??” 소연이 놀라며 궁금하다는 표정이다.
최형. “네 8시30분경 감을고등학교 부근에서 여고생 한명이 감정색 밴에 남자들에게 끌려 납치되는 걸 목격한 시간이 있었는데요. 워낙에 순식간에 벌어져서 자세한 사항은 저희도 지금 파악 중인데요. 아무래도 윤범씨가 도와 주시면 좀더 빠르게 상황이 파악되지 않을까해서 찾아와 봤습니다.”
기철의 휴대폰이 울리고 기철이 전화를 받아 들고 일어나서 구석쪽에서 통화를 한다. 소연이 기철의 모습을 슬쩍 바라본다.
소연. “납치 사건이면 48시간안에 해결을 하셔야 할 텐데.. 납치된 학생 신원은 나왔나요?”
최형. “저희 팀이 학교로 가서 알아..” 기철이 통화를 마치고 자리에 앉는다.
기철. “반장님. 납치피해자 신원이 나왔습니다. 이름 송이연 나이 18세 감을고 2학년 4반 아버지는 얼마전 교통사고로 사망했고 어머니와 같이 살고 있는데 어머니가 아직 연락이 않된다고 합니다.”
최형. “정훈이네 팀에게 연락해서 수영이는 학생 자택으로 가라고하고 정훈이는 어머니 휴대전화 추적해서 위치 파악하라고 하고. 어 … 그리고 기선배님에게 아버지 겨통사고 사망사건 내용 확인해서 이상한 점이 없는지 확인하라고 해.”
기철이 휴대폰을 들고 전화를 걸면서 사무실을 나간다.
최형. “그분은 사무실에 안게시나 봅니다.”
소연. “저희도 아침부터 일이 점 있어서요.”
최형. “저희가 급해서 그러는데 좀 뵐수 없을까요?”
소연. “아. 제가 연락을 해볼께요. 잠시만요.” 소연이 회의실 밖으로 나가면서 전화를 한다.
기철이 통화를 끝내고 회의실로 들어온다.
기철. “반장님. 다 전달했구요. 기선배님이 학생 아버지가 일반 교통사고가 아니고 뺑소니 교통사고라고 합니다.”
최형. “뺑소니?” 최형이 석우선배에게 급하게 연락을 한다.
최형. “형님 여학생 아버지가 뺑소니라구요?”
석우. “어어.. 보니까. 그 학생 아버지가 건설현장 노동자인데 저녁에 퇴근길에 한잔하고 집으로 가다가 자기집 아파트에 주차장 입구 안쪽에서 사망한채로 발견 됐는데 사망 추정시간이 새벽 2시에서 4시 사이로 추정되고 아파트 주차장 입구에 CCTV가 있긴 한데 너무구형이라 정확한 차량 번호판을 알아 볼수가 없어서 뺑소니로 처리 됐다고 조사 됐는데.”
최형. “그래도 차종이랑 색깔로 대가 특정하지 않았데요?”
소연이 회의실로 들온다.
석우. “어 당시에 흰색 SUV차량을 확인해서 그 시간대에 주변 CCTV를 뒤져서 3대를 특정해서 그중에 한대가 사고 다음날 앞 범퍼를 수리한 이력을 확인했고 그 차량 수배해서 차주랑 만나서 확인 했는데 완강히 부인해서 나중에 거짓말 탐지기까지 했는데 그닥 사원찮았나 보더라고.”
최형. “그럼 뺑소니 불상처리 된 사건 이네요?”
소연이 유심히통화를 듣는다.
소연. “뺑소니 사건이라구요?”
최형. “어 형님 잠시만요. 네 납치 피해해 학생 아버지가 지난달에 뺑소니 사고로 사망했는데 용의자 불상으로 처리되서 가족이 많이 힘들었다고 하네요.”
소연이 다시 휴대전화로 연락을 한다.
소연. “오빠 지금 여기로 와야겠는데!”
도로를 달리는 D의 검정색 밴안
D. “어 그래? 갑자기 왜?”
소연. “우리 의뢰 중에 뺑소니 조사건 있잖아..그게 좀 수상해서 아 그리고 지금 최반장님이 와계셔.”
D. “어? 최반장님이? 왜?”
소연. “오빠 닥치고 그냥 와줄래?” 소연이 퉁명스럽게 내뱉는다. 최형이 소연을 보고 당황한 표정이다. 소연도 최반장을 의식하고는 멋적어 한다.
소연. “저기요. 여기 사무실에 최반장님하고 차형시님하고 와게시는데 직접 오셔서 이야기를 들어보시는게 좋을것 같아요. 빨리 와주세요.”
D. “영훈아 가까운 주유소에 좀 세워라. 사무실에 가봐야겠다.”
영훈. “요즘에 상태도 안좋다면서 그냥 차타고 가지?”
D. “실장님께서 급하시다고 하십니다.”
영훈. “소연이는 알고 있어요?”
D. “조용하고 얼른 주유소에나 세워.”
영훈이 가까운 주유소로 진입해서 주유를 한다.
주유소 직원. “얼마나 넣을까요?”
영훈. “가득이요.”
D가 밴에서 내려 화장실 문을 연다. D가 회의실로 들어온다.
영훈은 주유를 끝내고 밴을 출발시킨다.
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mocconews · 3 years
생교육바우처 사용처 및 신청 방법
2022년부터는 병적기록표도 온라인으로 즉시 발급이 가능합니다. 병적기록표는 병적증명서와 달리 군 복무사항에 대해 민감한 내용까지 기재가 되어있어 그동안은 온라인 발급이 힘들었습니다.
병적기록표에는 입영일자 등과 같은 기본적인 정보부터 시작하여 신체검사 내역, 병역처분사항, 복무기록, 징계, 상훈 그리고 휴가사항등의 많은 정보를 선택적으로 발급받을 수 있습니다.
군무원으로 임용이 될 때 필요한 서류이며, 또한 부사관이나 장교로 입대 할 때 등에서도 해당 서류를 필요로 합니다.
해당 서류는 간단하게 공인인증서나 간편인증 로그인으로 발급을 받으실 수 있으며 자세한 병적기록표 인터넷 발급방법은 뉴스채널에서 확인해보세요.평
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문 대통령 “어떤 경우에도 무력충돌 안돼”…한반도 평화 ‘5대 원칙’ 천명IMF·촛불 꺼낸 문 대통령 “사람 중심 경제로 대전환”식보 ग bnqsdats.wke101.com し
국회에서 개헌 논의가 지지부진할 경우 발의권을 갖고 있는 문 대통령이 개헌에 직접 속도를 낼 가능성도 있다.
헬로우카지노 올해 8월 열리는 자카르타-팔렘방 아시안게임에서 메달 가능성이 있는 종목이다.
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식보게임 당황한 멤버들은 모두가 나서 한은정을 만류하며 촬영중단을 외쳐 폭소케 했다고. 한편, 함께 출연한 황치열은 애교 비보잉을 차트 대세 블랙핑크는 엉뚱 댄스를 명불허전 썸머 퀸 보라는 걸 크러쉬 파워 댄스를 선보였다.
888CASINO 몸값이 100억원은 가볍게 넘을 것으로 보인다.
블랙잭사이트 그는 “나 왔어. 아까부터 너 앞에 앉아있어. 오늘은 괜찮을 줄 알았는데 아니네. 아직은 괜찮지 않네. 눈물이 너무 많이 나. 숨이 차고 머리가 아플 정도로”라며 아내를 향한 그리움을 드러냈다.
패디파워 [사진 청와대 페이스북]문 대통령은 한국-멕시코전이 열리던 날 로스토프 아레나 경기장에서 차범근 전 국가대표팀 감독을 만나 이야기를 나누기도 했다.
빅휠 바지는 미군 군복 바지라고 하는 순모바지다.
문카지노 그러다보니 힘든일을 내색하지 않고 혼자 스스로 해결하려고 했다”라며 언니에 대한 미안함과 안타까움을 이야기했다.
배트맨 하지만 화룡점정 주방에서 맹삼선(오의식)의 끊임없는 호통과 꾸중에 눈물을 훔치는 단새우의 모습은 짠하기까지 했다.
메가888 전원주택에 떨어진 피 묻은 복권 용지는 상훈, 혹은 태오의 것인 걸까.제작진은 “1화부터 3화까지 매회 의문의 시체 주인공을 추리할 수 있는 단서들이 등장했다.
온라인카지노 관련기사
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kpopinformant · 7 years
100% (백퍼센트)
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DEBUT DATE: September 18th 2012 - Bad Boy
LATEST COMEBACK: January 17th 2017 - How To Cry
TWITTER: top_100percent
FACEBOOK: Official100percent
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REAL NAME: Seo Minwoo  (서민우)
STAGE NAME: Minwoo  (민우)
BIRTH PLACE: Daegu, South Korea
BIRTHDAY: February 8th 1985 (Aquarius)
HEIGHT: 5′10″ (177 cm)
PLACE IN GROUP: Leader, Lead Dancer & Vocalist
IDEAL TYPE: A girl with long hair and fair skin (Someone like Shin Eun Ha).
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REAL NAME: Jo Jonghwan  (조종환)
STAGE NAME: Jonghwan  (종환)
BIRTH PLACE: Bundang, Seongnam, South Korea
BIRTHDAY: November 23rd 1992 (Sagittarius)
HEIGHT: 5′10″ (177 cm)
IDEAL TYPE: Someone kind-hearted, cute and sensible with a lot of aegyo (someone like/someone he admires is Son Ye Jin)
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REAL NAME: Kim Rockhyun  (김록현)
STAGE NAME: Rockhyun  (록현)
BIRTH PLACE: Gwangmyung, Gyeonggi-do, South Korea
BIRTHDAY: February 10th 1991 (Aquarius)
HEIGHT: 5′9″ (176 cm)
PLACE IN GROUP: Main Vocalist
IDEAL TYPE: Someone who is clean and well organised, who has long hair and is cute (someone he admires is Moon Geun Young)
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REAL NAME: Kim Chanyong  (김찬용)
STAGE NAME: Chanyong  (찬용)
BIRTH PLACE: South Korea
BIRTHDAY: April 29th 1993 (Taurus)
HEIGHT: 5′11″ (180 cm)
PLACE IN GROUP: Vocalist & Main Rapper
IDEAL TYPE: Someone very considerate, cute and understanding. (celebrity he admires is Lizzy from After School)
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REAL NAME: Jang Hyukjin  (장혁진)
STAGE NAME: Hyukjin  (혁진)
BIRTH PLACE: Busan, South Korea
BIRTHDAY: December 20th 1993 (Sagittarius)
HEIGHT: 5′9″ (176 cm)
PLACE IN GROUP: Lead Dancer, Lead Vocalist & Maknae
IDEAL TYPE: Someone who is pretty when they smile (admires Park Ha Sun)
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REAL NAME: Lee Sanghoon  (이상훈)
STAGE NAME: Sanghoon  (상훈)
BIRTH PLACE: Chungcheong, South Korea
BIRTHDAY: December 23rd 1993 (Capricorn)
HEIGHT: 6′0″ (182 cm)
PLACE IN GROUP: Visual/Face of the Group, Vocalist & Maknae
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REAL NAME: Woo Changbum  (우창범)
STAGE NAME: Changbum  (창범)
BIRTH PLACE: Sokcho, Gangwon, South Korea
BIRTHDAY: October 7th 1993 (Libra)
HEIGHT: 5′10″ (178 cm)
PLACE IN GROUP: Lead Rapper, Vocalist & Main Dancer
All information is from online, if any information is wrong please let me know. Information can be found on websites such as ALLKPOP, KPROFILE, NOWKPOP, and KOREABOO. Some information is also from interviews which members took park in.
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new-key1-blog · 6 years
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막둥이가 여동생 딸 단아랑 같이 어린이집 다닌다~ 귀염둥이들♡ #단아#상훈#조카#막내#귀염둥이#육아#일상#육아소통#육아스타그램#아동복 https://www.instagram.com/p/BnIujs6AxWS/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=4bymmh1l0c36
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bbsmuts · 5 months
Summer Getaway ft. EVERGLOW Yiren
A/N: This is a pitch I got from a friend outside of Tumblr, and it took me a long time to write since I’ve been working and planning the wedding, sorry about that. I have no doubt that this will become second-to if not more popular than Field Trip. I don’t have a lot to say about it so as not to spoil anything, so here we go. 
Length: 7.33k
Possible TW: Spanking, dom/sub kink
Tags: Spanking, choking, domination, dom/sub kink, drunk sex, sir kink
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It had been a long senior year at Hanyang University. Very, very long.
With a major in psychology, a minor in health studies, and a hopeless career path, classes had been hard. I hadn’t even had my best friend, Yiren, in classes with me.
Yiren and I were more than friends. We had been dating for a little more than nine months, but she was still my best friend. She was not only exactly the type of girl I was interested in, but the exact type of friend I wanted to keep close. It had been with great disappointment that I had found out that my girlfriend would not be in classes with me at the beginning of the year. She would have been the only way psychology would be in any way interesting. 
But now the year was over. A buddy of mine had offered me and Yiren his mountain cabin for the summer. He wasn’t going to be using it, he and his family were on vacation, so he would be touring Europe with his parents and sister.
The cabin, we found out when we arrived there, was a palatial, stone brick château with three stories and a balcony on the second. The balcony overhung the door, two large stone pillars supporting the structure. It had an very antiquated feel to it, though the sound structure still held up. My friend had told me it was over 200 years old, which I believed from the look of it. Whether it was 2 years old or 2000 though, I was happy to be here.
“It looks nice, doesn’t it oppa?” Yiren asked, arms wrapped around my arm, as we stood there and surveyed the cabin.
“Yeah, it does. Old, but very nice.”
“Three stories…wow.” She marveled at the sheer height of the place. “That's more than my house has. Come on, let's go inside.”
I slid the key into the lock and turned it, opening the door to reveal the interior. 
It gave a very cozy, log-cabin-ish vibe. The blinds were shut, allowing very little daylight in. The lamps had turned on the moment we entered, dimming slightly once we shut the door. Plush rugs covered just about every square inch of the vast living room, where soft chintz armchairs and smooth leather couches sat, pillows arranged invitingly. The fireplace could have allowed three grown men ample sitting space, and the overhanging limestone mantle was decorated with ornate wood carvings. Mounted on the wall just above the mantle was the biggest TV I had ever seen, at least 85 inches across. 
To the left of the fireplace was a bathroom, through the open door of which I caught a glimpse of a gold-rimmed mirror.
The rather titanic kitchen was a chef’s dream; the walls were bedecked with cabinets, drawers, and shelves full of cooking equipment. Two large ovens with stovetops sat alongside a dishwasher, and on top of its counter were a couple of microwave ovens. A kettle, coffee maker, waffle iron, iron griddle, and a shelf of teas, coffees, hot chocolates and various other drink mixes sat along another. Four more long shelves along the opposite wall held just about every kind of alcohol I could have asked for; bottles of whiskey, vodka, rum, gin, various liqueurs (fruit flavors like coconut and orange), tequila, port, Hennessy, and margarita sat assorted on them. Another, smaller shelf held cooking sherry, brandy, and bourbon. A wine rack nearby held several bottles and, I was surprised to see, one bottle each of Petrus 2012 (costs about $30k in real life), Armand Rousseau Chambertin Grand Cru ($19k), Versos Amontillado ($13k) and Vieux Chateau Certan Pomerol ($6k, and all of these are ones I’ve had in real life).
“Wow,” I said, taking out the Petrus and examining it. “I guess his family is rich.”
“What makes you say that?” Yiren asked while looking at the coconut liqueur. 
“The fact that they have a bottle of wine in here that costs about thirty thousand dollars, and a few other expensive ones.”
“Huh, make sense.”
After looking into the pantry, which was the size of a walk-in closet and had enough food to feed a small town, we made our way to the staircase to upstairs. Six bedrooms took up this floor. We went straight to the master, which was as large as a neighborhood cul-de-sac.
The bed’s size could be compared to that of a midieval portcullis, with a deluxe king size mattress and nightstands on either side. A few dozen pillows were laid delicately across it, each with its own gold-laced pillowcase. An intricately carved wooden frame with a canopy structure and drapes held up the mattress. A pair of French doors were built in on the opposite wall from the door, which led out to the balcony, which spanned about twenty feet. Gorgeous scenery was what I laid my eyes on when I looked through the doors, a great view of the surrounding mountains and forest. The bathroom was off to the left from the entrance and Yiren made a beeline for it the moment we entered the room.
I followed her inside and was stunned. The same gold-framed mirror stretched across the wall, with three sinks and a vanity under it. White LEDs rimmed it, lighting up the bathroom when Yiren walked in. 
“Oooh!” She squealed, looking around excitedly. I knew well by this point that the bathroom was her favorite and most valued part of a house, so it was always what she looked at with the most judgement. But she found nothing to criticize about this one, and looked very pleased to have access to it for the next two months.
“Like it?” I inquired, amused at her expression. “I’d say it’s pretty impressive.”
“Tell your friend I love it!” She said, positively radiating joy and excitement. “This is amazing!”
She ran to me and hugged me, then went to look around again.
I took a look into one of the drawers below the mirror and saw a vast array of hair and skin care products, no wonder my friend had good skin and hair.
Beyond the mirror space, there was the tub, which she was already scrutinizing. It held the same old feel with the weathered stone slabs making up the rim, but the pristinely white jacuzzi tub looked like it had been crafted yesterday. Bordering the bathtub was a large glass shower, with a rainfall showerhead on the ceiling and a nozzle clipped to the wall just below it, with multiple different kinds of shampoo, body wash, shower gel, and conditioner. A closet was off to the left of the door into the room, and after appraising the tub and shower we made our way to it. It was as big as the kitchen downstairs, and that was saying something. Multiple racks full of clothes were set into their pole grooves, and several racks of shoes rested on the floor. They weren’t ours, so we didn’t mess with them.
The floor above that was just one enormous game room. Pool, air hockey, foosball, mini golf, and several others were strewn around. A walled-off area seemed to be designated to archery and airsoft target practice, something I approved of. Another bathroom was at the far end, something I didn’t need to explore again. After looking around for a bit, we went back to my car to unload our baggage.
The cabin was about ten miles from any kind of civilization, which made for a nice and secluded area for a summer getaway, but it would be a bit of a pain in the ass driving back and forth through the unpaved roadway to the nearest town. But we had brought food, and there was food in the house, so we were fine for the time being.
I heard Yiren’s voice call from upstairs a while later.
“Yeah?” I called back.
“Are you up for a hike? I hear they have great trails up here.”
“Sure, I’m down.”
I got up off the couch and went up there to see her.
“You did bring the hiking boots, didn’t you?” She asked, seeing me upstairs.
“Yes, of course. We can’t go to a mountain lodge without hiking boots.”
“True. Hold on for a minute, I have to change.”
She disappeared into the master bedroom and the sounds of rustling clothes could be heard from inside. I leaned my head over a bit to see past the doorway and found her raised eyebrows staring back at me while she slipped off her jeans, taking her panties with them.
“Peeping, oppa?” Her playful voice sounded as she turned away to her bag, and I would have challenged a Buckingham Palace guard not to look as she bent over slightly to retrieve her leggings.
I walked slowly into the room where she was rummaging in her suitcase and stopped behind her as she straightened up, leggings in hand, and placed my hands on her waist. She leaned backwards into my touch and sighed as I stroked her hips. 
“Oppa, don’t tease me…”
I paid this no attention and moved my hands lower, sliding my palms over her naked thighs. 
“Stop it, we’re going to hike, wait until later.”
Reluctantly, I paid her some heed and went to the dresser to get my bag and keys while she got dressed. And thus, a few short minutes of driving later, we arrived at the entrance to the trail.
The trail was nice and peaceful, with flat paths and beautiful scenery. It was rather tranquil, with the occasional squirrel or chipmunk darting across the rocky path in front of us. But of course, Yiren couldn’t let me enjoy the little things like that, she had to wear something skintight on both halves, and had to walk in front of me, which distracted me from any of the scenery.
So it was with slightly exerted legs and a straining bulge that I completed the trail, a fact Yiren was perfectly aware of. 
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Mind almost numb with lust by the time we got back into the care due to her deliberately dropping her phone and bending over to pick it up, I started the engine of my car and drove away toward the cabin.
I was again surprised by its immense size even though I had seen it an hour previously. We walked to the door, unlocked and opened it, and that was as much time as Yiren needed to latch onto me the moment I closed the door.
I turned around from the door and she was instantly there, wrapping her arms around my head and pulling me into a deep kiss. A moan sounded from her as my tongue sought entrance into her mouth, and I pulled her by the hips closer, so she could feel the bulge in my jeans. She started grinding herself against it, still kissing me with intense passion. 
I half-carried her up the stairs to the bedroom and set her down on the mattress, where she laid on her back with her legs spread enticingly, eyes glittering with lust.
After shutting the drapes around the bed, I removed my shirt and saw her bite her lip at the sight of me shirtless, a fact I took heed of and tossed my shirt elsewhere, settling my hips between her thighs. I made sure she could acutely feel the tent in my pants against her, and she definitely did feel it.
Her breaths became shorter and more frequent, a sure sign of growing neediness. Her hips started moving of their own accord, grinding up against me. I felt this and got off her.
I hooked my thumbs under the waistbands of my jeans and boxers and pulled them off, finally freeing my cock from its denim prison, while she quickly removed her own clothes in my peripheral vision. She looked at me once I straightened up, bit her lip again, and her hand sneaked along her waist towards her pussy.
I was amazed for the millionth time by the fact that she had a body like a Greek goddess. To verbally describe the intensity of the lust her body induced would have been impossible.
I stepped forward and grabbed her hand, tearing it away from her leaking pussy, replacing the fingers with my tongue.
Her reaction was immediate. Her hands shot to my head and pulled, and she gave a short cry every time my tongue penetrated her. I targeted the spots I knew would pleasure her the most.
“Yes, fuck!” Her mouth was wide open and she was taking shallow breaths, giving short moans and gasps on the exhale. “Yes, don’t stop oppa it feels so good!”
I pressed by thumb to her clit while I continued the circular swiping motion with my tongue, which was quite effective to say the least. Her cries became sharper, her breaths more shallow, all building up to her climax. 
“I’m gonna cum oppa, keep going, I’m cumming! AHH!” 
How turned on I was could not have been described in words as her juices gushed out, into my mouth, and over my face. Her hands trembled as they clutched at my hair, and she had a small out-of-body experience as the pleasure of a second orgasm briefly took her to another realm of consciousness. I was in heaven right along with her, nothing was more satisfying that pleasuring her to an orgasm. 
When she came back to earth I had gotten up, dried my face, and laid down on the bed beside her. The section of sheet under her lower half was soaked, as were her thighs and pussy. Her eyes were unfocused and dreamy, her chest heaved while her extremities still trembled. 
She had turned her head towards me and I could almost see the hearts in her eyes as she looked at me.
“That was…so good…”
She spoke each phrase between breaths. If she thought what I had just done effortlessly was good, she had yet to feel what would happen when I was pounding her and completely abandoning any restraint.
I turned myself towards her and put my arms around her, though the effect was kind of ruined by my stiff cock poking her in the thigh, which made her giggle. She turned over and maneuvered down between my legs, placing her hands on my thighs as she stared fixedly at my length like a lion looks at its dinner, and I could tell she was about to go to town.
“I’m really hungry oppa,” she purred deviously, each word laced with teasing, while her hands performed slow strokes over my length, “I think I need to be fed, hmm?”
I took the cue and grabbed a fistful of her hair, pulling her lips down over my cock, and then everything else disappeared. Her lips parted and then slid smoothly over my shaft, a fresh coat of saliva washing over me. 
“Fuuuck,” I groaned, unable to contain the immediate pleasure that filled me. “Fuck Yiren, that feels amazing!”
Each bob of her head made its way closer to my base, and she got a little more than three quarters before she started gagging. She moaned, gasped, gagged, and choked, but she didn’t give herself a break, even for a moment. She was hungry, and I was the only thing that could sate her appetite. Hearing my moans, she upped her speed. Her tongue slid over the underside of my cock, stretching out to flick my balls, while she forced her own head further down on me. My entire length was lodged inside her mouth and throat, and I felt myself very quickly nearing a climax. 
“You’re going to make me cum,” I panted, getting even more turned on by her moans and  small ‘mmm’s of satisfaction. “I’m gonna fucking cum down your throat, keep doing that!”
She took heed of this and slid her head all the way down my cock once more and held there, and with an almighty groan and a bed-rattling thrust of my hips I buried myself in her throat and spurted my load down it, a fact she was very pleased with. She bobbed her head rapidly, throating my cock a final few times and swallowing every single drop. And she couldn’t resist holding her head down on my now hypersensitive rod for another few seconds, simply loving the feeling of having her throat penetrated.
I lost count of the seconds she held herself there, I wasn’t really paying attention. Twenty, thirty, forty, somewhere around forty-five I lost count, and then she pulled up, dislodging me from her mouth and gasping for some much-needed oxygen, though her face showed pure enjoyment.
She dragged herself up the bed and settled next to me, sighing contentedly.
“I love you oppa.”
I drew her closer under the thoroughly stained blanket with one arm, using the other to run my fingers through her hair. 
“I love you too, Yiren. Always.”
I could practically hear her purring as the warmth from my body emanated off me, and she snuggled in close, planting a small kiss on my jaw. I turned my head to receive and respond to her second kiss, and put my hand around her head.
Before I knew it, she was on top of me and we were kissing passionately, soft moans leaving her mouth as our tongues met. I found my cock returning to full life, and she most assuredly did, since her already-wet pussy was handily positioned right above it. 
I flipped her over and pressed myself down on her. My tip rubbed against her sensitive folds, causing her to give tiny sighs of pleasure.
And then I pushed into her tight warmth. The insane tightness of her walls squeezing every part of my shaft was making me see stars, and there was quite a lot of resistance as I determinedly pushed inside her. 
She moaned as I bottomed out inside her, my tip brushing spots inside her that I didn’t even know existed at that depth. 
“Fuck me oppa.”
That was my cue to begin my thrusts, quickly increasing the speed and intensity of them. I landed a slap on her jiggling ass and immediately her pussy clenched around me and she cried out. I timed my spanks with each thrust of my hips, and her various obscenities also fell in rhythm.
“Oh - god - fuck - yes!” She said, each word coming out in time with the spanks. “Feels - so - good - fuck!”
I took her ponytail in my hand and pulled back, forcing her face up, her moans becoming higher in pitch at my pulling. Her back bent up so she was almost kneeling as I fucked her, and with my other hand I paused the spanks and reached around to squeeze her breasts, only heightening her arousal. Her hands gripped the hand caressing her chest.
“Please oppa, fuck me harder,” Yiren half-whispered, which I knew to be a sign that she was nearing an orgasm. “Your cock is so deep in me, it feels so good!”
I did as she asked and fucked her harder, abandoning all restraint as I slammed my hips into hers, the sounds of skin on skin getting louder as my hips met her ass. It was becoming difficult to resist the hypnotic jiggle of her ass and the way her pussy was exquisitely gripping my cock, massaging as I pistoned in and out. I was about to cum, as I realized it, and there was nothing I could do about that now.
And then, before I knew it:
“So fucking good, yes! Fuck oppa I’m cumming, FUCK!”
“Shit, I’m cumming as well, fucking take it all!”
We met our orgasms at the same time, sharing that moment of bliss together. Her juices splattered my legs as they sprayed out, accompanied by her scream of pleasure, always reserved for just such a moment of satisfaction. The feeling was pervading up my entire body, immense pleasure before my actual release. Yiren gasped twice and moaned quietly at the deluge of hot cum that flooded her tight pussy. I kept fucking her at a slower pace, now the only things audible were the wet slaps of our skin and her occasional murmured expressions, as she rested somewhere between this bed and heaven itself.
“So good…feels so…feels so good…ohh yes just like that…”
I got the impression from what she was saying that she was very near unconsciousness. It wouldn’t surprise me, since she had just had a very intense orgasm. I pulled out of her with a lewd squelch and a large quantity of cum rushed out of her. 
“Ahhh…ohh yes…I love you oppa…”
I settled in front of her as she flopped over onto her side, breathing very heavily. I rubbed her back as she moved close, nimbly stroking all the spots I knew she loved, and she purred into my neck.
“I love you too, baby.”
I got up a while later, put on my clothes, and after giving the half-asleep Yiren a kiss, I went up to the kitchen to start preparing dinner. It was a quality that especially attracted her to me, the fact that I could cook, and well. She always said that a man who could cook was a man who wouldn’t have trouble finding women.
Jjajangmyeon was a personal favorite of both of ours, and so it was what I started making. I was nearly finished when the sound of the bedroom door opening sounded behind me and she entered the room wrapped in a blanket, yawning.
“Did you sleep?” I asked, industriously stirring the noodles. 
“Yes.” She yawned again. “For a little bit.”
“Good,” I replied, “because you’re not going to be doing much of it tonight.”
She giggled and peered into the pot.
“Indeed.” I put the spatula down and turned to her. “Just how we both like it.”
She hugged me, the top of her head barely brushing my chin.
“Aww oppa you didn’t have to, I could have done it.”
I put my arms around her shoulders and pulled her into a tighter embrace.
“I know. That’s why I’m doing it.”
Yiren hugged me tighter and buried her face in my shirt, and I could feel her smile against my chest.
“I love it when you do this.”
Her words warmed my heart, and I smiled as well. 
“I do it all the time, you’d think some of the novelty would be lost.
She snorted. “Well, it hasn’t.”
I turned back to the wok and stirred my stir fry, my arm still around her shoulders. 
“What do you say we pop open some of that Hennessy after dinner?”
“Sounds good to me. That stuff hits hard, though.”
“Precisely.” I said. “We might not even have to use a lot.” 
“That looks like it’s done.” She said, nodding at the pot of noodles.
“I’m aware.” I replied. “Would you get out the bowls?”
She got out the bowls and two pairs of chopsticks as I turned off the fire on the stovetop. I dragged the noodles out of the pot and into the bowls and spooned the sauce onto them. She took them to the table and set up two chairs across from each other while I got out a bottle of choice Pinot Noir from the rack along with two glasses.
“Wow, you really are trying to get drunk, aren’t you?” She raised her eyebrows.
“Not really, but I’m not trying not to, if you catch my drift.”
She just smirked, absolutely catching my drift and knowing the outcome. I sat down after pouring the wine and setting the glasses down in our places.
Dinner passed quickly. The bowls had been cleared fairly quickly. I had sipped my wine away already, but Yiren always left hers to sit out for a while, the reason for which I never knew.
By the time she picked her glass back up I had poured myself some water as a beforehand countermeasure to the many measures of Hennessy we would be sharing. 
While I was thinking about it I got up and grabbed the bottle of Hennessy, setting it down on the table.
“Cheers,” she said happily, raising her glass. I raised mine and then drank from it as she followed suit. 
“Good choice.” She said, after a moment of consideration. “Very nice hints of different flavors.”
“I know,” I said, taking another mouthful of water. “Pinot Noir is always good. But my friend imports his wine from places France and Spain and Italy, places which do wine the right way.”
“Speaking of your friend, where is he on vacation?”
“In Switzerland right now, but in a few days he’ll be somewhere else in Europe, I don’t know. I’d have to ask him.”
She took another small sip of wine before speaking again. 
“Well, I can truthfully say that there’s no place I’d rather be then right here with you.”
She leaned across the small table and poked me in the chest, a playful smile gracing her lips. I caught her hand before she could draw it away and pulled her into a kiss. Her body seemed to relax into it, and a slightly muffled sigh was audible. When we broke the kiss off and sat back down, her cheeks were flushed and her eyes were alive with desire.
“Damn, we haven’t even started drinking yet and you’re already losing it.”
Yiren blushed harder at my sentence. She said nothing, but something changed in her expression. She got up from her seat, abandoning her wine, and strode around the table to me. The next thing I knew, she was sitting in my lap, hands pulling my face towards hers. She moaned as her lips locked with mine, tongue entering my mouth, meeting with my own.
She pulled away, looking at me with the dim-ish light dancing in her eyes, a deep blush spread across her cheeks. 
“How about that Hennessy now, huh?” She said.
I reached for the bottle and unscrewed the top, as she turned to the side. I took a healthy swig of it myself before reaching for the shotglasses. The alcohol burned in my throat as it went down and I took a deep breath in.
We both downed a shot together. She coughed and winced as she swallowed, but nodded when I looked concernedly at her.
"I'm alright."
She reached for her second shot and swallowed it with me.
"How quick does this stuff kick in?" She asked as the glasses were once again refilled.
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After successfully downing three shots and of the liquor, we sat back and waited on the couch. I had made the mistake of impatience while drinking once before, and it was not going to happen again.
And then it hit.
And when it hit, it hit hard.
"Whoa," I slurred as the room started spinning before my eyes, "Yiren, you feeling it?"
She gave a tipsy giggle and fell forward, still laughing.
"I dunno, I've never been drunk bfore..."
Through the haze of drunken stupor I was seeing, I looked down and saw her ass, so sexy and perfectly positioned...she was even bent over my lap, too...I had no chance of resisting the urge.
"Ah!" She yelped as I slapped her ass, then giggled again. "Oppa..."
I gladly complied, landing more punishing smacks on her ass. With each spank she tensed and gave a small, cute cry.
Normally my dominant side stayed at a minimum, but I had to admit to myself that in my drunk state it was starting to take over my brain. I found myself increasing the intensity of my smacks and taking pleasure in it, causing her cries to rise in volume quickly.
"Nngh yes, keep spanking me oppa!" She whimpered, swiftly approaching her peak. "Ah! Fuck yes, keep doing that!"
I kept spanking her and reached around to caress her breast with my other hand. Her moans kept building until finally she orgasmed with a squeal, the crotch of her shorts becoming very wet.
Yiren took quick, shallow breaths to calm down after cumming, and when she had sufficiently recovered she rolled over on my legs to face me.
"That was fun oppa, we should go to the bedroom."
I blinked hard. "Shit, I dunno if I can walk."
She scoffed. "Come on, let's go."
I clumsily got up off the couch and weaved my way up the stairs and to the bedroom, stumbling three times on the way there. I dimmed the lights as I entered, then fell forward onto the bed, rolling over and scooting up to let my head rest on the pillow. My shirt was going to be an unnecessary accessory once she got up here, so I removed it and tossed it aside.
She entered the bed and slid the drapes shut behind her, wearing only her soaked shorts, panties, and a bra. I was already hard from the light spanking I had given her, but the mere sight of her sexy, half-naked body was enough to double my stiffness.
She clambered across the bed and straddled me, leaning down to kiss me. I accepted it only for a second, then gripped her hips and rolled over, so I was on top.
I kissed her more aggressively now, pressing my tongue against her lips to gain entry. She eventually gave in, but we both knew she was tantalizing herself by holding out, she wanted me. She gave a tiny sigh of pleasure.
I broke off the kiss and left her blushing and panting, eyes sparkling.
"God, you're so sexy when you're drunk." She murmured to me, holding my face with both hands.
"Really?" I said, locking eyes with her. "Then maybe I should do it more often."
Normally and drunkenly, Yiren's submissive side stayed at a minimum. It balanced with her enjoyment of being in control for a pretty neutral attitude. But I could see in her deep brown eyes a need. Whether she could feel it or not, I could tell that she needed to be dominated, badly.
"Hello?" Her voice said from a long way off, the sound trying desperately to be heard over the pounding of my own heart in my ears. "You gonna do something? Or will I have to do it myself?"
She was baiting me, and I knew it. Trying to spur me into fucking her. But it wasn't going to happen yet.
"Yeah, I'm gonna do something." I growled. "And you're gonna take it, like it or not."
A shudder ran through her at my words, but she maintained her cocky, playful attitude.
"Ooh, he's getting feisty. Someone's a little drunk."
I could feel annoyance rising at her words, which was exactly what she wanted, of course. She observed me with satisfaction.
"Okay, that's it." I got off her, opened the drapes, and stood up, removing my jeans and boxers. She automatically got off the bed and knelt in front of me as I sat on the edge of it, knowing my intention. I wasted no time in grabbing her hair and forming it into a ponytail in my hand, grasping none too lightly. She gasped at my sudden roughness, and I used the opportunity of her mouth already being open to shove my cock into it.
She choked as my tip poked the back of her throat, but didn't resist as I slowly pushed further in, bringing her face to the base. She gagged, and I pulled her head back by the ponytail before slamming my hips into it again, driving my length down her throat. Over and over I brought her face back before plunging it back down, spearing her throat with my cock.
Tears gathered in her eyes when she choked, gagging obscenely on my dick. After a bit she started moving by herself, her neck on autopilot, ramming her face into my crotch. Saliva spilled down her face and dripped off her messy chin to her bra-clad breasts below. Light mascara streaks tracked down her face, joining the mess at her lips.
Yiren brought her head down one more time and held it there for a second, a choking sound resounding, before pulling off, gasping and breathing heavily. She looked at me, panting, and I felt the promise of an orgasm drifting away.
"Why'd you stop?"
"I want you to cum inside me."
I reached forward and lifted her onto the bed, setting her down none too gently on her back. I held my hand on her throat, choking her, not enough to cause damage.
She caught her breath at the rough treatment, clearly turned on. But I wasn't going to hold off on that domination.
"You want?" I breathed into her face, her pupils dilating in arousal. "Maybe you need a reminder of who's in charge."
She said nothing, but I could see a subtle change in her expression. I grabbed the waistband of her shorts and panties and pulled them over her slender legs and off her feet. Her pussy was already soaked and shining with arousal.
Yiren, still keeping up her cocky demeanor, gave a huge fake yawn and smirked cheekily. I narrowed my eyes and then reached up and tore the bra off her, making her yelp. However overweening she was acting, I could see in her face a desire to be dominated. And that was a desire I was more than willing to satisfy.
I crawled forward, lifted her legs up, and sheathed myself to the root inside her tight, wet pussy. "Fuck!" She cried out as I pushed into her. She moaned and gasped when I bottomed out inside her, firmly prodding her cervix. Her quick, high-pitched breaths heightened my arousal.
My brain was far too cloudy to control my desire, so my thrusts were fast and rough. I relentlessly pounded her, not holding back a bit and not sorry at all. I gave her ass quick smacks randomly every few thrusts, making her yelp every single time.
Her brows contracted and turned up, and her mouth stayed slightly open, her face falling into that angelic expression of bliss that never failed to make me shiver in pleasure myself.
"Oh - fuck - yes - harder - please!" She whimpered in time with my strokes. I lowered my face to her ear.
"Now remind me," I growled, her moans filling my own ears, "who's in charge?"
She barely managed to get the words out inbetween her cries. "You oppa! You're in charge! I belong to you!"
I gave her ass a hard slap, somewhat dissatisfied with her answer. "Then say it right, slut."
"I'm yours, sir!" She cried again, "I belong to you only!"
"Good girl." I said in a low voice, and I felt her shiver under me. I slowed my thrusts to a calmer pace, more to tantalize her than anything else. She was near an orgasm, I could tell, so I kept the strokes at a steady pace with a lot of force.
"Sir, please," She begged, her juices leaking out around me, clearly turned on by my dominance, "Fuck me harder, make me cum for you." Cleverly worded so as to make it like this was for me, not for her. I was not, even in my drunk-as-fuck state, going to fall for that.
"Why would I do that?" I said to her dismay, evilly grinning. "You were such a bad girl earlier, why should I reward you?"
"I'm sorry, sir!" She said breathlessly, her eyes full of desperation. "I'm sorry I was bad! Please, sir, fuck me and make me cum!"
I couldn't really help but give in, since my libido was screaming at me. So I picked up the pace and resumed my uncontrolled plowing of her tight cunt, the resistance smoothed somewhat by the enormous amounts of slick she was producing.
With every subsequent thrust, her moans became louder snd her words dirtier as I brought her nearer to her peak.
"Mmhh yes sir, fuck me harder! It's so good, fuck! I'm gonna cum for you sir!"
I pushed myself up from my elbows and held a hand to her neck, pushing down just enough to make her enjoy it. She took a sharp breath and opened her eyes, pupils dilated.
"Shut the fuck up and take it, slut," I said, groaning despite myself.
"Yes, sir," she gasped, moaning, as I pushed deeper. "Oh fuck, I'm gonna cum!"
She wasn't lying. Her voice died momentarily as her eyes rolled into her head and she bucked her hips up into me, a gush of cum spraying my abdomen. She found her voice after a second, and let out a short, loud "ah", mouth open. Her hips continued their motion seemingly independent of her pleasure-addled brain.
Her moans subsided, and an idea came to me. I reluctantly pulled out of her, a lewd squelch sounding. She lay there, unmoving, eyes open and practically heart-pupiled. I walked to the french doors leading to thr balcony and opened them, a rush of cool night air sweeping over me.
Yiren lifted her head slightly at the sudden cool draft and pushed herself up with slightly trembling arms. I went back to the bed and lifted her off it easily, then set her down on her front on the soft white couch oustide. She gave a tiny gasp as a breeze of cool air moved over her naked pussy.
"Fuck me again..."
I was still rock hard despite the cool air, so I climbed onto the couch with her. Her head was laying sideways towards the dark scenery, her arms were stretched out in front of her, and her ass was sticking up in the air, perfectly positioned for me to fuck.
I slid my cock back into her wet heat, drawing a languid whimper from her mouth and clenching my jaw with a groan. I started off slow, with gentle, even thrusts, Yiren moaning softly beneath me.
"Mmm fuck yes you're so deep in me oppa..."
I kicked the pace up a little and started thrusting faster and harder, quickly turning her moans to cries as I pounded her tight pussy.
"Mmhh fuck! Pound me harder please sir! Pound my little pussy! So good, fuck, yes yes please harder! So fucking big inside me, yes! Nghh oh god yes, use me, fuck!"
Her words flicking every arousal switch in my brain to 'on', I went even faster, giving it everything I had to keep pushing into her. Beads of sweat formed at my hairline at the effort. Yiren was reduced to a mewling, whimpering, moaning mess, unable to form coherent words in her pleasure. I slapped her ass hard and she cried out.
"Please - sir - harder! Oh - yes - slap me - sir!"
I spanked her harder and she arched her back, a small yelp escaping her with every thrust I gave. Pleasure was building in my lower abdomen like resistance from a compressed spring, my abs and obliques tensing in preparation.
"Yes sir, give it to me! Fuck me harder please! Nghh yes, I'm gonna - I'm gonna - fuck, I'm cumming sir!"
"Fuck!" I groaned, as she gave a particularly sexy cry that sent shivers down my spine, "Yiren baby I'm gonna fucking cum!"
"Yes - please - sir!" She managed through her high-pitched whines of bliss. This, combined with her usage of "sir", was all the initiative I needed to cum inside her.
"Oh my god yes, FUCK!" I almost roared, slamming my hips into hers one last time, burying my cock so deep inside her that it touched her cervix again and blasting her insides with hot cum. My release triggered hers, and she orgasmed again with a scream, spraying her cum out onto me.
I rolled over and off her, sliding out to let a large amount of cum come spilling out of her. She gave another soft moan and then rolled over to face me. I pulled her closer and her face and body were very hot despite the 6°C temperature outside.
"So good... oppa I love you..."
"I love you too, baby."
I must have fallen asleep, since when I awoke it was about 8 o'clock in the morning, judging by the sun's position. Yiren was snoozing peacefully beside me. As I slowly returned to a waking state I realized that I was stiffer than a wood plank again. Yiren's sleeping body was looking incredibly sexy, and I was entirely unable to control my sudden desire. I pulled her closer to me and pushed into her again, quietly groaning. She gave a soft moan in her sleep. I started very slowly, but even this was enough to stir her from her slumber. She breathed in deeply and shifted slightly, and I continued my thrusts, making her whine faintly. She steadily returned to conciousness, moaning more and tightening around me.
"Yes, baby," I groaned through gritted teeth, listening to her soft mewls of satisfaction. "Oh, fuck..."
Her eyes opened partially, looking lazily out at the trees, and then they closed and her eyebrows contracted upwards as I reached around and started rubbing her clit, making her gasp and whimper.
"A-ah...oh yes, k-keep doing that..."
Her head leaned back into my collarbone and I could smell vanilla in her soft hair. I grabbed her hips and slammed mine into them, driving my cock deep inside her and making her cry a loud "ah".
"Ohh yes yes yes, please keep going, I'm gonna fucking cum again, don't stop oppa!"
I reached and put my hand around her slim neck, squeezing lightly, just enough to give her the sensation I knew she liked. Her intonations of pleasure became unintelligible.
"Yes - fuck - harder - oppa - mmm yes - so good!"
"Fuck, you like that baby?" I squeezed her neck harder.
"Ah! Yes, sir! I love it! Fuck my little pussy harder! Use me! Your cock is so big, so deep inside me sir!"
"Yiren, I'm gonna cum baby," I gasped, moaning in her ear, and I felt her shiver in arousal under me.
"Cum inside me, sir," Yiren panted, arching her back into me. Her hands went to her own breasts, squeezing and massaging, pleasuring her to greater heights. Her eyes closed once more and she let out a shriek of pleasure and a long moan as sbe squirted on me again, arms and legs trembling uncontrollably as her mind whited out.
I briefly lost touch with reality as my own mind was flooded with sensation and I released inside her again. My body shuddered in pleasure and I let out a few swears through gritted teeth, thrusting my way through my orgasm. Yiren gasped and moaned throughout it, loving the feeling of warmth pouring into her.
My muscles relaxed, and I slipped out of her as we both settled down again, panting and satisfied. It was a few minutes before she spoke again.
"Yiren, baby?"
She sighed contentedly. "I love you."
"I love you too." I replied, planting a row of kisses on her neck.
"You know what I think oppa?"
"What's that, babe?"
She turned over and faced me, a devilish smirk twisting her lips.
"I think it's gonna be a really fun summer."
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