#오늘은 좀 매울지도 몰라
xbethelight · 2 years
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Recipe for Farewell 오늘은 좀 매울지도 몰라 (2022)
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raccoonsway · 2 years
recipe for farewell episode 5
from starting this show to finishing the 5th episode made me do a lot of thinking. i just love how this show is being produced + the meaning behind the actions of each character
cooking food for the ones you love, trying to mend something that might not even be able to be mended. in these episodes changwook claimed that he doesn't know what his relationship with dajung is but from these episodes; it may as well be love. love can be expressed in many ways and although there's a valid reason why he's been acting this way, going out your way to blog his cooking experiences by making healthy foods for his wife is what we can call love.
kim seohyung who plays jung dajung is one of my favourite actresses, i loved watching her in 'nobody knows', 'mine' and obviously we can't forget her performance in 'sky castle'. i love her character in this show, dajung has a personality which doesn't like to be reliant on others so when she realises she's quite sick. she has to have an extra layer of support to be able to stand up like she did before. this will be interesting to see in further episodes on how she copes during her journey. i'm really excited to watch further.
but also throughout the episodes, unspoken emotions have been portrayed: desperation, anxiousness and isolation. dajungs son jaeho expresses these emotions so clearly with just his eyes. you can really tell how much he loves his mum just from the smallest interactions. in the scene where he was following his girlfriend, yeojin, around which led to him breaking down about how he truly feels about his mother's condition put a hole in my heart. jin hoeun who plays this character has done an amazing job at portraying this character, seeing him previously play bullies and characters that aren't the brightest, it's nice to see him portray a different type of character - unlike any he's done before.
i'm not ready for the next 7 episodes, i just want them to be happy and live happily ever after. but at the end of the day, these are based on real life experiences - those who have family who have suffered from cancer, my thoughts are with you all.
treasure your memories, treasure the experiences you share with your family and friends.
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youngjedisubs · 1 year
Recipe for Farewell
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Episode 1-2 Episode 3-4 Episode 5-6 Episode 7-8 Episode 9-10 Episode 11-12
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Watch "캐스팅에서 끝났다. 한국 드라마 최고 평점(왓챠 기준) 기록한 웰메이드 화제작 "오늘은 좀 매울지도 몰라" 몰아보기" on YouTube
Miss Kim did you wear sexy underwear when you went to go on an interview to speak to me because you're in trouble?
I love you too
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raccoonsway · 2 years
recipe for farewell episode 10
definitely an emotional rollercoaster from episode 5 until 10.
i was putting off watching episode 10 as i wait for the last two episodes to come out but i just really wanted to watch it and i'm glad i did.
in episode 10, i could really feel every emotion that was being portrayed the whole episode. changwook being so upset that there was no sea cucumbers in the convenience store, it sounds silly when typed but that scene was heartbreaking to watch. the defeat he felt knowing that he wouldn't be able to give his wife the food she wants most whilst she was able to gain her appetite. however the store worker suwon pulled through and went out of his way to get them some, you can truly tell he understood how he felt in that scene.
timeskipping to the last 10 minutes of episode 10, my tears wouldn't stop following. an absolute tear jerking scene for me was when jaeho was having a conversation with his mum, it was hard to watch. dajung obviously doesn't want to leave her family but feels guilty making them see her in pain constantly at home and jaeho being reminded that she will no longer be in this world anymore. it's just all heartbreaking. i don't think i'm ready for the next episodes, they will obliterate my heart.
the acting is amazing, they never fail to disappoint. jin hoeun has been doing such a great job by acting as jaeho. so proud of him, i really hope he gains more popularity. i hope he is able to get a main role!
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