Lookout/The Guardians (파수꾼) Whump List
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Synopsis: The plot centers on a group of people who find their ordinary lives thrown into chaos due to a family tragedy. They monitor criminals 24 hours a day and rescue potential victims before the crime is committed. They also embarrass corrupt state prosecutors and make sure that criminals are punished for their crimes.
The members of this group are curated by a mysterious leader who always knows everything and never shows himself. Over time it becomes all the more apparent this leader has his own grand plan in mind, and is determined to do anything in order to bring that plan to life.
Genre: Cop/Crime, Action, Thriller, Mystery, Law
Main whumpee: Jo Soo Ji (played by Lee Si Young)
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Secondary whumpees: Jang Do Han played by Kim Young Kwang, Kong Kyung Soo played by Key and Seo Bo Mi played by Kim Seul Gi
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Note: there were a lot of episodes, a lot of characters and a lot going on, so this whump list may (and probably does) contain inaccuracies and misses some stuff, but I have no desire to go over the episodes again, so... Please forgive me and correct me if you see mistakes.
Also I want to warn you all there's one character who does not get a happy ending (you'll see in the whump list) which really soured my mood so idk do with that what you will. But I'd say it's still a really worthwhile watch regardless.
!! Spoilers Below !!
!! Warning: there are several mentions of s*icide in the show. Even though noone actually commits it, there are moments others and the viewer are lead to believe they did.
If not specified, the whumpee is Soo Ji
Ep. 01: crashes on a bike, asleep, woken up
Do Han: flower pot thrown at him (missed, also it's comical)
Ep. 02: hit on the head, told her daughter is missing, seeing her daughter being put in an ambulance, crying
Ep. 03: being with her daughter in hospital, daughter dies, crying, screaming
Ep. 04: grieving, aiming her gun at the boy who killed her daughter, hand punctured by a pen, crying, killer taunts her, in a car accident
Kyung Soo: falls hands down on a bunch of spilled screws
Ep. 05: Kyung Soo: scissors held against his neck
Ep. 06: flashbacks, thrown off of a moving car, almost got run over by a truck, limping
Kyung Soo: stayed up all night
Ep. 07: crashes on a bike (replay of ep.1), surrounded by the police, takes a person hostage, run over by a car
Do Han: held at gunpoint
Ep. 08: fought, bottle broken against her head, held at gunpoint
Ep. 9-10: none
Ep. 11: Bo Mi: flashbacks, her entire family was killed
Ep. 12: Kyung Soo: asleep, startled, killer sees him and starts running after him
Bo Mi: panic attack, killer murders her uncle just to find her
Ep. 13: talking about her daughter, falls from a building, injures her shoulder, fought, physically subdued, arrested, manhandled, handcuffed, kidnapped
Kyung Soo: (cont. from previous ep.) chased by the killer
Bo Mi: (cont. from previous ep.) panic attack, flashbacks, feeling guilty that her friend got caught
Ep. 14: at gunpoint, gets shot in the stomach, can barely walk, collapses, unconscious, carried, dragged
Do Han: held at gunpoint
Kyung Soo: shares his guilt
Bo Mi: overwhelmed, panics, panic attack, flashbacks
Ep. 15: waking up, holding her wound, drugged with sleeping pills, falls unconscious
Bo Mi: meeting her family's murderer, aiming a gun at him
Ep. 16: asleep, waking up, clutching her wound, at knifepoint briefly, clutching her wound
Bo Mi: (cont. from previous ep.) holding the killer at gunpoint, he talks about killing her family, crying, scared, threatened, flashbacks
Ep. 17: Do Han: his father doesn't recognize him, crying
Kyung Soo: emotional, teary-eyed
Ep. 18: none
Ep. 19: emotional, crying, at gunpoint
Do Han: at gunpoint (pretend, then for real)
Kyung Soo: grabbed, manhandled, teary-eyed, feeling guilty
Bo Mi: grabbed, manhandled, arrested, handcuffed, has a panic attack, held
Ep. 20: emotional
Do Han: handcuffed to a steering wheel
Kyung Soo: nervous, almost gets caught
Ep. 21: Do Han: confessing his guilt, crying
Kyung Soo: is told his mother was murdered, angry, crying
Ep. 22: fought
Do Han: is told his father seriously hurt himself, grabbed by the chin, tery-eyed, has to conceal his fear in front of someone, upset, can't see his father
Kyung Soo: crying
Ep. 23: briefly aimed gun at
Kyung Soo: finds his mother's body, crying
Ep. 24: Do Han: handcuffed, arrested
Kyung Soo: drifting off after not having slept in days
Ep. 25: Do Han: interrogated
Ep. 26: teary-eyed
Bo Mi: feels guilty
Ep. 27: feels betrayed, angry, crying×2
Ep. 28: arrested, interrogated
Do Han: arrested, interrogated
Ep. 29: handcuffed
Ep. 30: crying, at gunpoint, ready to die, shot
Ep. 31: (replay of ep. 30) points gun at herself, gets shot, collapses, held, jumps off the building, saved
Do Han: offers to be sacrificed, ready to walk off the building, self sacrifices while saving someone, pushed off the building, falls
Ep. 32: holds her wound, crying, slays like a queen against like 100 people, grieving
Do Han: in hospital in critical condition, it's said he won't make it through the night, dies off screen
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