#𓆩*π“†ͺ jinhae & jongho | say can i make you mine ?
lucidrims Β· 1 year
24 / 7 with you.
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βΈ» sitting in front of what he would usually use as his vlog-slash-ghost-hunting camera, jinhae reaches over to press the record button, waiting for the red light to turn on. once he gets the signal, he gives the camera a wave and a small smile, " hello, this video is for yang jongho and him only. i'll be uploading it to my youtube channel for everyone to see though. because . . as much as he hates attention, i think everyone deserves to know how much of an impact he's made on my whole life. " looking at himself in the viewfinder, jinhae couldn't help but burst out laughing at how serious he looked. " ah, this looks like an apology video -- but i'm telling you all right now, it's not. i didn't do anything problematic, or, least i think i didn't. i'm just here to talk about my boyfriend, and to show my appreciation to him. my handwriting is shit, so i thought a video letter would be better. "
now that his little introduction was done, the soccer player takes a deep breath, " jongho ya, if you're watching this right now, first off, hello. i hope you're comfortable wherever you're watching this from. " breaking out a bigger smile, he briefly looks over at his phone on the table, " it is now, august 22nd, 2:33am, and i stepped away from the room just so i could record this. you're asleep right now, and -- as always, i didn't want to wake the baby angel cherub sleeping beside me. you look so at peace when you're asleep and i know the both of us struggle with sleep so i would never want to take away even one second of your sleep from you. " lacing his fingers together, he rests his hands over his stomach and leans back on the chair comfortably, " to be honest, i don't know where i should even start. i feel like, even though we've been officially dating for just a month, we've gone through so much already. " thoughts of him and his journey to win jongho's heart start playing in his head like an old movie in his head, causing him to smile once again.
" to start off, i wanted to say thank you. for . . quite literally everything you do for me. if i could describe it, you added color to my life. for the longest time, it felt like i was in some sort of black and white movie. but when you came in, everything changed. i can't even quantify how much my life has changed since we started dating. " now leaning over the table with both elbows to come closer to the camera, he continues on, " but you didn't just turn my whole life around for the better -- even i myself, i know that i've changed internally. you and your love changed me. i started to look forward to every single morning. rather than living life aimlessly with no real goals or ambitions, i even started to envision and look forward the future. " jinhae clears his throat, lips twitching into a small smile, " a future with you in it. no matter how much i tried to look at things, i really couldn't imagine living out the rest of my days without you - and really, that's when i knew that you were different. see, i've met a lot of people in my life, seen a lot of faces, even spent intimate moments with others . . but nothing else has come close to the feeling you give me. with you, i'm home. you are my home. " sincere words continue to pour out of him, " no one else makes me feel loved and adored the way you do. when i look into those eyes, those beautiful, wonderful eyes, i can feel your heart. without even saying anything, i can feel your love. . right. . here. " he pokes at the left side of his chest, looking down momentarily before gazing up at the camera, heartfelt eyes staring into the camera lens.
" do you remember our conversation about my dream ? when i told you that i had the recurring scene in my head of you lying on the snow and me rushing to you ? it's weird to say out loud, but i really feel as if this happened. i do fully believe that we've met so many times in our past lives. " a solemn nod follows, " do you think we loved each other in those lifetimes too ? i would like to think so. there's no other explanation for why we're so drawn to each other like this. " his hand brushes through his thick hair, tilting his head, tongue swiping over his lips to wet them, " and, i hope you don't mind but -- i'd like to think that even in the lifetimes to follow, i will still be loving you. doesn't matter if you don't love me back, i know my heart will always, always scream your name. i feel it, jongho ya. and i know you feel it too. " he raises his hand, pointing to his empty ring finger, reciting a quote he memorized before, " this magical cord may stretch or tangle, but never break. " jinhae didn't really need to give much context, as he already knew that jongho could clearly catch onto what he was talking about. it was fate. they were fated to be together, and the both of them knew that.
right on cue, as he was about to wrap up, he heard some rustling coming from the other room, " ah, i think you're awake so -- i gotta wrap this up. hmm, let me think about how to wrap this up nicely. " tucking his lower lip under his upper tier, he puffs out his cheeks in thought, organizing his thoughts, " just know. whatever the future holds for us - whether good or bad, i will always be here for you. i don't care what kind of role i will play in your life, as long as i'm in it. i will always be your rock, your knight-in-shining armor for when you need it, i will keep you safe. and i will make damn sure that you feel loved every fucking day because it's what you deserve, yang jongho, that, and so much more. " jinhae wasn't much of a crier, but one could clearly see the tears welling in his eyes as he smiles, showing off the smile that he knew jongho loved, baring his whole set of teeth, " okay, i gotta go. bye, future jongho ! i have to go give past jongho some kisses now. " he then starts waving at the camera, his smile staying in place, " i love you. " and with that, he presses the end record button, effectively cutting the video.
( @heartcode β™‘ )
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