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ourladyoflight ยท 7 months
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Itโ€™s incredibly rare to see Angel out of her usual bun, much less with her hair down entirely. In the event of an ambush, sudden challenge, or even just a simple fly, itโ€™s much more convenient to have it out of her face and out of mind- itโ€™s a very stable hairstyle, after all! But it still makes a world of a difference to take it down every now and then, and give it some TLC. Sheโ€™ll only do this if sheโ€™s in a lull between conflicts, or has a moment to herself.
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ourladyoflight ยท 7 months
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Angel doesn't need to eat.
She can taste food, and enjoy it- but she won't feel the sensation of an empty stomach, or gnawing hunger pains. It doesn't stop her from savoring what she does have, though; food to her is a means through which care is expressed, and through which she's learned to express her own care.
But, really, she doesn't need to eat in the same way she doesn't need to sleep- her body can certainly grow weary, and her muscles can ache and strain, but she won't feel any sensation of sleepiness.
It's something she shares with her brothers, or at least a few of them. Though all relatively close in age, it isn't difficult to notice differences based on their creation order; the eldest ones have the characteristics of traditional servants, created to tirelessly serve a single purpose. Moving down the birth order means an increase in characteristics more akin to life on Earth- a need for energy, metabolisms, and benefiting from rest.
As angels, they're a spectrum- a representation of what happens when an entire group turns away from the innate purpose they were given, and towards something different. Their biology is gradually following along with them.
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ourladyoflight ยท 7 months
โ€œIโ€™m on my way, and you better not be looping that Tekken Pachislot 3rd clip of Angelโ€™s voice when I get there-โ€œ
I write a lot of different adjectives for Angelโ€™s voice, and I think melodic is one of the ones I use the most- but I think this clip perfectly captures the โ€œgentle, but not quietโ€ vibe I can only hope comes across!! ๐Ÿฅน
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ourladyoflight ยท 8 months
What is the most interesting thing about humans to Angel?
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Angel thinks humans are a little more immortal than they give themselves credit for! Someone will die and be laid to rest; centuries later their nose will appear on someone she sees on the bus, and their voice will come out of the mouth of the barista at the cafรฉ she's gone to. She'll see a birthmark get passed down family lines, and watch different people fall in love with the same features over and over, and think to herself that nobody ever truly dies here- for better or for worse.
(She also finds emotions interesting- specifically how humans handle theirs! She wasn't created or intended to develop tangible feelings in the way that she did, but she doesn't regret it. There's a wide spectrum of how humans process their emotions- sometimes healthily, sometimes a little less so- that will always fascinate her.)
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ourladyoflight ยท 6 months
This Sparks Joy! - ๐Ÿ’œโœจ
- ฬ—ฬ€ โœฆ ใ…ค โธบ from Joy Headcanons! | Accepting
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Happy Headcanon: Although many have been lost to time (and the woes of museum storage), Angel still has some of the clothes she's worn in different centuries and continents! Some of them are more formal; others are for different identities, and different purposes. Although picking favorites is tricky, she has a few of them that she wouldn't mind bringing back if the need ever presented itself! Even if it were as simple as a costume party!
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ourladyoflight ยท 6 months
This Does Not Spark Joy
- ฬ—ฬ€ โœฆ ใ…ค โธบ from Joy Headcanons! | Accepting
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Sad Headcanon: Angel's been very worried for a significant period of time, whether she acknowledges it or not. She tends to lose an increased amount of feathers as a result, which is why they fly away so easily when fighting her- a short burst of flight or a simple block can easily scatter plenty, despite her increase in power. Even if she's feeling fine in the moment, the cumulative effects have caught up to her; she doesn't lose feathers in Tekken 2, but rapidly graduates to losing several per hit in Tag 2.
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ourladyoflight ยท 7 months
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I think Iโ€™ve always headcanoned that Angel has a lovely singing voice, despite not knowing how I wanted her voice to sound- but something came on shuffle, and then something else came on shuffle, and I suddenly ended up with two whole voice claims!! โœจ
This one, this one has the exact timbre I associate with her voice, especially towards the end!! (And the song itself is so on point!! โ€œThe shadows of night canโ€™t conquer the dayโ€ is doing some things to me!! ๐Ÿฅบ)
This one sounds otherworldly all on its own, and is a melody I could hear her voice carrying so well- especially that high note!! The singerโ€™s voice has this way of making the notes feel bright and clear, and this has a little more of the range I can hear her having!! โœจ
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ourladyoflight ยท 1 year
Have you always been an Angel? Or were you once someone else in a past life?
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There's a moment of quiet contemplation that follows the question. It lingers in the air for a moment, as she sifts through memories that often sit on one of the higher shelves in her mind. It had been a while since she'd reached up to pull them down, and they'd gotten rather dusty.
"As far as I know," she begins, "I've always been the way that I am."
She'd been born, and she was she. It had all begun when she'd stepped into herself, and out of nothing. There had been no childhood, nor nurture under a gentle parent's touch; she was Angel amongst humans, and a different name entirely amongst her siblings. They had been the first ones she could remember alongside her. They'd been born grown together, for there was no need for infancy- which the art of nurture had been learned through observings, and tryings, and persistent self-teachings.
It left the question of what she was for unanswered. But that was a query Angel liked to answer in her own time, and through her own actions. She would write that part herself.
"I've been many someones here on Earth," she continues, smiling faintly at the memory. "So I suppose I've lived plenty of past lives, haven't I?"
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ourladyoflight ยท 1 year
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(( As far as affection and love languages go, it isn't difficult to tell when Angel cares about something or someone! She's very much a touch oriented kind of carer- and if she knows someone's comfortable with it, she'll do small things like resting her hand on someone's shoulder, pushing stray strands of their hair back into place, or letting them lean against her if they need to.
It's one of the reasons why she hugs Kazuya back in the time of the second tournament- to her, hugs are a way of expressing care and protection. Hugging someone means that she can keep them safe in her own arms- and it's the notion of holding those dear to her that makes her feel truly able to protect them.
If she's watching over someone that doesn't appreciate or isn't open to physical touch, that same expression of care doesn't go away! It just takes different forms, like in the way that crows leave behind small gifts. There are always some aspects of human culture that she's still learning to understand- but leaving trinkets behind, especially one that a person might've mentioned liking, are another way to know that she cares.
(And- of course- she's been known to have food sent too. Whether she brings it herself, or has it delivered from a mysterious unknown benefactor, she'll never say!)
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ourladyoflight ยท 1 year
Angel has a brother!!!!!!!! Omg pls tell us about him
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Oh my gosh, I would be absolutely delighted to!!!
The short animatic is from last November, when I was still toying with designs- but the brother you see there is Corsanthius, also known as Corey for short!! He and Angel are pretty close, and he worries about her overexerting trying to get Earth under control! Even still, he does his best to respect her wanting him (and her other brothers) safe, and out of harm's way. (But as you can see in the video, it sure doesn't stop him from popping down every now and then- just to check in!!)
Corey has an idea of what they were originally for, and he knows why they were created- but he tends to keep that to himself.
Like Angel (and the others), he's naturally a being of light- but they all have small specialties that they gravitate towards and pick themselves, which I like to call savvies!! Corey's savvy is anything that grows!
He's very powerful with creating new life- he can coax plants out of anything and nothing, and has plenty of pastures back home that he oversees! He's meant to represent new beginnings and the resolve of life to begin anew anywhere- even if it's out of death!!
(His favorite crop to grow is, by far, corn- he was the one that introduced it to humanity as maize, when it was bright and multicolored!! Thousands of years later, and it still makes him very happy that they've cultured and evolved it into corn- even if he's a little bit touchy about all of the other colors going away.) His favorite time of day is early morning, just before the sun rises- and he likes nothing more than to watch his family (including his child, which would be Angel's nephew) enjoy the crops he grows, some of which have never seen Earth!
I'm planning on doing more art for Corey (and Angel's four other brothers!!) to give them a bit of a solid design- but please have this concept bust I did for him today!! โ˜บ๏ธ
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ourladyoflight ยท 1 year
How do you feel about the king of iron fist tournaments and it's competitors?
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"I think I've always found them rather interesting. And sometimes, very convenient too. I get to learn about plenty of people during the span of one event, which means less having to fly everywhere."
She smiles a bit.
"But it's quite evident to me that the tournaments were never just a game. Not to most who participates. They're hosted for a reason, and they're participated in for many separate reasons alike.
I think the ways competitors spar and train amongst each other is the truest of the tournaments. But there's always been far too much at stake for that to be all there is. Even still, it's refreshing to see the rivalries, and the natural desire to compare abilities."
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ourladyoflight ยท 1 year
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(( Wing maintenance is a pretty necessary thing for Angel- and it's something that creatures like her do regularly, or at least when they get the chance. Molting happens less regularly if she hasn't taken too much damage to her wings- but if she's been in more fights recently, she'll tend to lose feathers in stages as they replace themselves. This can take a couple weeks to a few months, depending on how much needs to be replaced!
Mostly, though, all she needs to do is keep them clean and maintained. Her feathers are already soft, and she'll lose a bit more if she's more stressed than usual- but running her hands through them every now and then is good enough for getting rid of old damaged feathers.
Wing-grooming is something that angels normally help each other with, and can be a really lovely social process and expression of care- but with her being separated and alone on Earth, she tends to take care of that on her own! If she trusts someone enough to not clip feathers or cause harm, human or otherwise, she won't mind them touching her wings either- even if she's a bit caught off guard at first!
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ourladyoflight ยท 1 year
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Love is a strange, kind, and cruel thing. Angel knows it well, and itโ€™s one of her favorite things to observe.
If someone asks her to, she wonโ€™t mind pulling a few certain red strings to help them in romantic escapades. Although she canโ€™t- and wonโ€™t- control anyone, or their feelings for one another, she can bring them into each otherโ€™s lives- and thatโ€™s sometimes all she needs to do. She finds it sweet.
It doesnโ€™t mean romance is the only option there is. She can bring enemies into each othersโ€™ lives, or introduce those meant to be close friends. She can even cement a complete aversion from romance, with a few key knots sheโ€™ll tie here and there for any soul that asks.
It doesnโ€™t mean she hasnโ€™t had a few romantic adventures of her own- but if someone were to approach her, sheโ€™d default to thinking they wanted her help with wooing someone.
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ourladyoflight ยท 1 year
๐Ÿ˜ฒ๐Ÿ˜ฒ๐Ÿ˜ฒ ๐Ÿ’œ
๐”ฝ๐•ฃ๐• ๐•ž ๐•Š๐•–๐•”๐•ฃ๐•–๐•ฅ ๐•„๐•–๐•ž๐•–
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Somewhere between her capture and her freedom, the word sterilization had come into play. It was a strange word. She could not make it fit, even when the word became more of a regular occurrence in the caged world around her. Sterilize, sterilize, sterilize.
She could not place exactly when, in that blur of time, things had begun to feel different- but it was after that wretched word, and of that she was certain. Nothing had felt the same since it started popping up. It still didnโ€™t feel the same. She suspected it might not ever be the same again.
Some of Heihachi's mutterings had reached her ears, too. She pieced them together with calloused hands. He was ever the diligent CEO. He used another strange word sometimes: monopoly, monopoly, monopoly.
She wasnโ€™t foolish. A part of her knew full well what those words meant, and could taste the tinges of grief that stuck in her throat. Perhaps the thought of another one of her scared him. Maybe it was the thought of someone else harnessing creation that nagged at his brain. Maybe he was just curious, in a grotesque sort of way. Angel remembered wondering if he had ever truly recognized fear, or if it was all just an aversion to failure.
But itโ€™s no matter now.
She's perfectly content to keep up the illusion of her being the only one.
Likeliness to Share: ๐Ÿ”’๐Ÿ”’๐Ÿ”’๐Ÿ”’
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ourladyoflight ยท 1 year
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(( Getting text messages from Angel would be the experience ever- and dependent on how long she's had a phone for, if she were to even have one at all. (And learn how to work it!) But one of the things that she'd find funny would be emojis, and the variety of faces they make- and in the earlier days of her having access to texting and whatnot, she'd enjoy stringing them together to make sentences.
Another thing she'd find amusing would be text-images!
She could have had the actual worst night of her entire existence, and someone in her contacts list would still receive something like this out of the blue:
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ย  Even as she gets into the flow of typing things, and switches into regular words and sentences as she messages people more, the captioned images would still make a comeback every now and then. As a treat.
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ourladyoflight ยท 6 months
This sparks joy! ๐Ÿงก
- ฬ—ฬ€ โœฆ ใ…ค โธบ from Joy Headcanons! | Accepting
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Happy Headcanon: Her feathers get a bit fluffier in the winter!! Itโ€™s something that began happening more the longer she stayed on Earth- and although it isnโ€™t terribly pronounced, itโ€™s immediately noticeable upon touch, or in climates that are particularly cold! Angel doesnโ€™t pay it too much mind- it can make a cozy evening much cozier.
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