#𓆰 𝐿𝑜𝓇𝑒 𝒶𝓃𝒹 𝐵𝒾𝑜
ourladyoflight · 1 year
Have you always been an Angel? Or were you once someone else in a past life?
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There's a moment of quiet contemplation that follows the question. It lingers in the air for a moment, as she sifts through memories that often sit on one of the higher shelves in her mind. It had been a while since she'd reached up to pull them down, and they'd gotten rather dusty.
"As far as I know," she begins, "I've always been the way that I am."
She'd been born, and she was she. It had all begun when she'd stepped into herself, and out of nothing. There had been no childhood, nor nurture under a gentle parent's touch; she was Angel amongst humans, and a different name entirely amongst her siblings. They had been the first ones she could remember alongside her. They'd been born grown together, for there was no need for infancy- which the art of nurture had been learned through observings, and tryings, and persistent self-teachings.
It left the question of what she was for unanswered. But that was a query Angel liked to answer in her own time, and through her own actions. She would write that part herself.
"I've been many someones here on Earth," she continues, smiling faintly at the memory. "So I suppose I've lived plenty of past lives, haven't I?"
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ourladyoflight · 2 years
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𝔹𝕒𝕤𝕚𝕔 𝕀𝕟𝕗𝕠𝕣𝕞𝕒𝕥𝕚𝕠𝕟
Full Name: Goes by pseudonym "Angel"- true name is kept secret
Species: Angel
Fighting Style: Mishima Style Karate (Unknown elements included)
Height: Morphable- most often around 5"11 (180.34 cm)
Alignment: Neutral Good
Occupation: Protector of Kazuya Mishima (Tekken 2), Silent Observer, Fate Weaver
Family: Five brothers*
Notable Abilities: Purification, absolving corruption/possession, "Fate Tying" in the form of red thread
Appearance: Most often feminine, with blue eyes and blond hair. If she's taking a human appearance, she'll appear as a taller woman with an athletic build- and tends to wear brighter or neutral tones.
In human forms, there'll often be hints to her true self. This can appear as a shade of blue in her eyes that borders on unnatural- or a "glow" to her skin that goes just beyond what any makeup can give.
If she's in her much more recognizable "Angel" appearance, she'll opt for light, white robes instead.
Feathered, white wings- these can be hidden depending on how she's chosen to appear, but her feathers can sometimes appear to glow.
Post Tekken 2: Old burn scars along her lower back, that crawl up to the area just below her wings. These are more than often covered by her robes, but are still visible- and act as vulnerable points. These can be seen in her human form still.
Post Tekken 5: Two faint dots below her hairline, equally spaced apart. These are more difficult to see, and a reminder of a time she'd rather not think about.
Post Tekken 8: The tips of her fingers seem to get "stuck" in a state of glowing, from usage of her own mana. It's currently unclear if this will fade with time.
Various faded scars from battle, that are difficult to see without being close.
Circlet- it's rather simple, set with a small blue moonstone that hangs at the center of her forehead. It's remained with her for her entire time on Earth- and in the event that she fires an energy beam, it's this that she fires it from.
Demeanor: Generally quiet- it's not often that she readily speaks, but her voice is described as having a hint of reverberance when she's revealed herself. In human forms, it's more gentle.
Her displayable emotions aren't readily apparent, unless one is able to get to know her or pick up on behavioral changes. She can range from serenely peaceful to deep contemplation- from troubled to exhausted- within a few micro-expressions. (Occasionally, in cases of battle- or when protecting someone- she'll embody pure rage. It is this transition from serenity to wrath that is the most dizzying- and the most apparent when it happens.)
Gaining her favor and affection isn't terribly difficult- and one of the easiest ways to know that she cares is how frequently she appears as her true self. She'll leave gifts in opportune places if she's worried for someone, and will speak more readily. (For some in particular, she might even be more of a chatterbox than anything else.)
Likes: Earth, Kazuya Mishima, Purity, Peace, Her family*, Chocolate
Dislikes: The Devil Gene, Evil, Unrest, Azazel, being confined or caged
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For a being such as Angel- blessed with immense power- one would think her incapable of feelings such as love. Perhaps angels like her were exempt from it. Perhaps the joys- and pain- that came with it were never theirs to bear.
But the longer Angel remains on Earth, the more that's proven to be untrue. It began with a boy bearing the surname Mishima- and it grew as he did, alongside the strengthening darkness within him. She made a promise, to guard his soul with every fiber of her being.
She would not break her promise.
Nowadays, her love is tired. She has been here for a long time.
She has battled the horrors of evil: demonic, and- perhaps more frighteningly- human in nature. She has watched things awaken that never should have woken up, and fought against them in her own right.
But she's here- if for nothing else, then to watch. Nowadays, she moves from place to place- sometimes steps behind the one she swore to save, sometimes keeping an eye on a being far more malicious.
She has a promise to keep.
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Tekken 2: Angel had been near Kazuya for quite some time- long enough to care. It was only around the second tournament when she was readily apparent to him. By that point, the demon within him was strong enough to act on its own accord- pulling Kazuya into a vicious struggle for control, the power to guarantee his own security.
Accepting the position of his guardian and protector was a choice she'd consciously made- but it confined her to reflections, and the other side of mirrors. For the second tournament, Angel would be tethered to the realm of Kazuya's soul- battling against Devil as it fed off of its host's deep seeded hate for a father loathed.
She was not Devil. She could not impact Kazuya as he did.
But she could pull fates together- tie threads of destiny together for two people, in one fateful meeting.
And so Mishima Kazuya met Kazama Jun.
When the fateful battle between father and son came- and Kazuya found himself face to face with Mishima Heihachi- a balance was tipped. Devil had been chosen, whether Angel liked it or not. The battle was his now.
Except that it wasn't.
When Kazuya was cast into a fiery death- a consequence of his loss to his father- Angel went with him. He would not burn alone. She would give him the best chance at survival that she could.
Post Tekken 2: This is how she woke up some years later- with nothing but ash, burns, and a new freedom from the mirrors she'd so long lived within.
It didn't take her long to figure out where Kazuya's Devil had gone- and why it was woven so tightly into.. Kazuya. To most everyone, he was an entirely lost cause. There was no saving what didn't want to be saved.
But Angel remained. Even if that meant she would drag out a losing battle.
There was much more in the world by now- Ancient Ogre had taken the heads of many of the world's strongest fighters, effectively forcing the next generation to take the helm. She pulled what threads she could, bringing some together- forging groups of allies.
And then she was met with the Devil form of Kazama Jin.
Post Tekken 5 (Titan Comics - Optional): And she found herself trapped again.
This was a different sort of containment than the mirrors she'd been in once before. This was more tangible. She was within an archive, and hidden away from the world.
Jin had her wings clipped, and her being restrained- she could not leave, not when he needed her so. It was a curse she'd recognized within him the moment she'd known of his existence. The days began to blur.
One day, it was no longer Jin who kept her. It was Kazuya's father, reclaiming things that his posterity had taken from him.
She was an object now.
And Heihachi's plans for her were much different than Jin's. It would be the first time her power would be stolen from her, and the first time she had been treated in such a way. This period of time was nothing short of degrading. It would be something she'd never forget.
After remaining a subject of his for a period of time, Angel began sending visions to the only connection she still had: Kazuya. Before long, he and Jin both had risen- separately- to put an end to Heihachi's power scheme. Angel revived five slain fighters, temporarily granting them divinity in a bid for her own escape.
And- almost as quickly as it all began- it was done. She was free again; back in a world that had only spiraled further into entropy. Something dark sat at the center of it, ever present in the world's workings.
Post Tekken 6, Pre Tekken 8: Nowadays, Angel is everywhere and nowhere. She roams the Earth, often staying in unassuming hotel rooms One can find her hiding in plain sight, roaming from place to place- and, if they look closely enough, tying fates together. Azazel's presence haunts both Earth and a left arm.
A storm is brewing. And to stop it, they'll need faces new and old.
Angel doesn't make herself known- not publicly, and especially not to Kazuya. But she exerts small "pulls" on various fighters in order to bring them closer together, and to the 8th tournament.
Post Tekken 8 (Spoilers Ahead): And it was done.
Her original mission was complete, though not by her own hand. Kazuya was finally free- and whether he approved of that or not, Angel couldn't say. There was nobody better suited to watch over him than Kazama Jun, and Angel believed with her entire being that he would be alright.
(She hasn't been able to bring herself to go see him, of course. That brings about a sort of emotion that she finds confusing.)
Though still divine, she's far more scarred than she was when this all began- far more tired. One would think she'd return home- her work here was long done, and her siblings would likely agree.
But Angel loves Earth- she loves the people in it. Love drives her when nothing else can. Though she's without a true purpose, she'll remain to keep an eye on various fighters, and to help the world heal wherever she can.
Things don't feel over. Not just yet.
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(( *Note- because Angel only has one canon appearance, a lot of her story here is my own fanon interpretation- based off of the later noncanon appearances she has in things like Tag Tournaments, and the Titan Comics! (There are also bits of my own ideas that I added to flesh things out- like her family!!) Angel's five brothers were all created by me, and there's more information about them under this tag!!
If there are any specific events or places in the story that you'd like to be considered while plotting, I'm always more than willing to talk with you about them! 💜))
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ourladyoflight · 2 years
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𓆰 𝕆𝕦𝕣 𝕃𝕒𝕕𝕪 𝕠𝕗 𝕃𝕚𝕘𝕙𝕥 ; A study in promise, sacrifice, and the mortality of the immortal 𓆰
" . . . 𝑰 𝒂𝒎 𝒏𝒆𝒗𝒆𝒓 𝒇𝒂𝒓. 𝑯𝒊𝒅𝒅𝒆𝒏, 𝒚𝒆𝒔- 𝒃𝒖𝒕 𝒏𝒆𝒗𝒆𝒓 𝒈𝒐𝒏𝒆. 𝒀𝒐𝒖 𝒏𝒆𝒆𝒅 𝒐𝒏𝒍𝒚 𝒓𝒆𝒂𝒄𝒉 𝒇𝒐𝒓 𝒎𝒆."
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