#๐ข๐ข๐ข. ๐˜๐จ๐ฎ ๐ฐ๐š๐ง๐ญ ๐›๐š๐ญ๐ญ๐ฅ๐ž? ๐ˆ'๐ฅ๐ฅ ๐ ๐ข๐ฏ๐ž ๐ฒ๐จ๐ฎ ๐ฐ๐š๐ซ > threads
lykosog ยท 3 months
Aย  HANDย  RANย  THROUGHย  AUBURNย  CURLS,ย  ACCOMPANIEDย  BYย  THEย  SIGHย  THATย  LEFTย  HISย  LIPS.ย  Everย  sinceย  Sansaย  hadย  gottenย  backย  toย  theย  apartmentย  sheย  hadย  stayedย  inย  herย  room.ย  Shuttingย  herselfย  offย  fromย  theย  restย  ofย  theย  world.ย  And,ย  whileย  heย  hadย  thoughtย  it bestย  toย  letย  herย  haveย  someย  space,ย  heย  couldn'tย  helpย  butย  worry.ย  Heย  rememberedย  howย  excitedย  andย  happyย  hisย  sisterย  hadย  beenย  โ€”ย  theย  smileย  sheย  hadย  onย  herย  faceย  whenย  sheย  left.ย  Theย  emotionsย  thatย  cameย  afterย  theย  disappointmentย  couldย  onlyย  matchย  thatย  previousย  intensity.
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Soย  eventually,ย  aย  softย  knockย  onย  herย  doorย  wouldย  beย  heardย  โย  Heyย  โžย  Robbย  began,ย  hisย  voiceย  stillย  perfectlyย  audible fromย  outside.ย  Asย  wasย  probablyย  theย  concernย  inย  it.ย  Evenย  toย  hisย  ownย  surprise,ย  heย  wasn'tย  feelingย  angryย  atย  thatย  idiotย  forย  whateverย  itย  wasย  thatย  heย  hadย  doneย  thisย  time.ย  Notย  evenย  glad,ย  asย  heย  thoughtย  heย  mightย  beย  whenย  sheย  finallyย  realizedย  heย  wasย  notย  rightย  forย  her.ย  Whatย  matteredย  toย  himย  nowย  wasย  howย  itย  hadย  affectedย  Sansaย  andย  figuringย  outย  whateverย  heย  couldย  doย  toย  makeย  herย  feelย  slightlyย  betterย  โย  canย  Iย  comeย  inย  forย  aย  secย  ?ย  โž
Plotted starter for @messianique
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lykosog ยท 10 months
@malka-lisitsa liked for a small starter
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Ever since king Robert's arrival, both of his parents seemed to be as occupied as they had imagined they would be so Robb decided to take upon himself to help with the last preparations โ we will need more candles there... โž he began, pointing to the place in question โ and more food just in case โž the fire haired added. Gaining himself a confused look from the servant beside him before he nodded and left to fulfill his orders.
It was then, as he scanned the room in order to find anything else that could possibly be missing, that he noticed her with her brown hair and eyes. Seemingly searching for something without much success. โ› She looks like she needs some help โœ the Stark thought, and thus took a few steps towars the girl โ forgive me, but you appear to be lost โž he said now standing just some meters away from her โ is there anything I can help you with? โž
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lykosog ยท 2 years
@summerkng continued from here
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โย  It does not seem like you understand that if this alliance is to work, we are both equalsย  โžย  lacking the stagโ€™s apparent ability to be calm even in a tense situation, Robb continued furious. And, even as if Grey Wind could feel it, a distant howl coming from his tent could be heard. Did he think he was that stupid? Even him was clever enough to notice how behind his kind words during supper, he was not taking him seriously. Perhaps he thought he was merely a green boy who hadย  taken a liking to playing at war.ย 
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It mattered not. He would prove to the other how wrong he had been to judge so quickly โ believe me, king Renly,ย  despite your armyโ€™s size, you need me as much as I need youย  โž a reality he would understand even more easily if he knew the plan he had in mind, but it was too soon to reveal it when he didnโ€™t even know if he could trust himย  โย  for together we could have the Lannisters' head mounted on spikes before the moon has turned and Westeros would be spared the bloodshed of a long war. โž
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lykosog ยท 1 year
@li0ndaughter sent: ๐Ÿ’
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He had been suprised, to say the least, when his father told him. The king had proposed he married his daughter Myrcella. They were of the same age. She was a princess and he the next Warden of the North. It seemed beneficial to both parts and it would make the alliance the frienship between Eddard Stark and Robert Baratheon had created between their houses even stronger as now their families would truly be joined through that marriage.
However, that was not what came to the northerner's mind. I know very little about her, he thought instead. But so does she about me. Thus, to try and change that, after the small talk with his father he decided to look for her. Something that took him quite some time until, at last, he found her in the Great Hall. Sitting in front of a fireplace. It seemed that, no matter that the water from the hot springs was piped through the walls to warm them, it was still cold for a stag.
If she had heard him enter, he saw no reaction from her. Not even when he sat next to her. She keep looking straight to the fire. And, for a few seconds, he did the same. Not knowing what to say. Not wanting to mess things up from the very beginning โ you have heard too, haven't you? โž Robb ended asking. Finally breaking the awkard silence that had settled between them โ how do you feel about it? โž
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lykosog ยท 1 year
Plotted starter for @wntrbird
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Almost the moment the door opened, the younger Stark would find herself trapped in her brother's arms with a tight hug that lasted for a few seconds before he finally let her go โ welcome to London! โž Robb greeted, excitement obvious in his voice. Even if he was genuinely enjoying his independence, there was always a part of him that always made him miss his family, specially his siblings. So how could he have refused when Sansa asked to move in with him?
โ Come, I'll show around โž with that, he walked backed inside. Grey Wind, which had been next to him the whole time, following close behind โ Here's the kitchen, the living room, the bathrooms... โž he began pointing to each part โ Those are our rooms โž it was obvious whose it was even without entering. Theon, Jon and him had different enough personalities โ and... โž making a dramatic pause, his hand rested in a doorknob as his lips curved up in a smile smirk โ here's yours! โž he finally said once he revealed it โ do you like it? โž
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lykosog ยท 10 months
@zalarys liked for a small starter
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โ None of my words were a lie โž beneath the ice cold tone in which he spoke, was a sense of understanding. It had been hard for him as well to accept that the tales he had been hearing ( and never actually really paid attention to or took seriously ) from Old Nan ever since he was a child were actually real. But previous beliefs don't matter right now, he thought. What mattered was that the Long Night was coming, and the dead came with it.
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โ You said it yourself โž Robb began โ I came to you certain that you would offer me to bent the knee to you and that I would refuse, but not knowing you or the reaction you would have โž his Tully eyes meet her violet ones as a short silence settled between them. He wanted to take a moment for her to understand where he was going with all of it โ you could have ordered my execution right at that moment, so why would I dare risk both my head and the future of my people? โž
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lykosog ยท 1 year
@depictedblue liked for a starter
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Come on, you will not regret coming to it! He hated to say it ( and he would never tell him ) but Theon had been right. The party was as fun as he had promised. Definitely worth not studying that night like he had planned to do. Even Jon, who had been angry because of their insistence and absolutely refused at first, seemed to be enjoying himself too now that he was finally there. However, they still needed some drinks to get in the proper mood.
So, since it was his turn to pay, it was the Stark who went to get them. Telling the bartender what they wanted. What he had not expected was for a certain blonde to come too. And while she may had not recognized him, he had โ hey, you are the girl from the coffee shop โž Robb began with a smile that left obvious he was not upset about what had happened there. Raising his voice so that she could hear him over the music that was playing โ it seems like we keep bumping into each other. โž
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lykosog ยท 1 year
@forgaeven liked for a starter
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In all honesty he had not expected to see him there. After all, it was still early in the morrow and not many were awake yet. However, precisely because of that, he guessed it could be a good moment as any to get to know Gendry a bit better. So the Stark walked towards him ( snowflakes already falling and melting in his auburn hair ) and took a look at the sword he was working on. Though, apparently, he was so focused that he didn't seem to notice his presence until he spoke.
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โ You certainly have a talent โž were the only words he found at that moment. Had he seen better weapons? Most likely. But it was still very impressive that someone as young as him could achieve something like that no matter if he had learnt from a good blacksmith. Though we are close in age, Robb had to remind himself โ is it for you? โž a smile accompanied the question. He knew he had had to fight before, so perhaps that could be the case
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lykosog ยท 2 years
Closed starter for @gcldencrownofsorrowโ€‹
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That Eddard Stark's opinion on the lions of Casterly Rock was not good ever since the murder of children, the murder of the king they sworn to protect and their arrival when everything had already been won what took place in Robert's rebellion was known to anyone who had spent some time with him. Though, for those who didn't, his face left clear his displeasure when he received a letter from Tywin Lannister's hand where he requested for his oldest son to be sent to King's Landing so he could learn under him.
โ› It will do the boy good to see some of Westeros before he has to run a region half the size of it โœย  he had written. Something difficult to argue with, as it was no lie. But the Stark could not help but think there has to be something more to this the sudden interest on his heir than that. What exactly, he did not know yet. And that uncertainty was exactly what lead to many conversations with the old maester and his wife before he sent a raven back to the capital with his answer.
An acceptance. They had come to realize that the Lannisters held many positions near the king and that it would not serve any purpose to cross them in this matter. After all, if the others really wanted to achieve their purpose, they would only have to speak with Robert of the matter and keep insisting until he eventually ended up commanding them for Robb to go. If only to shut their mouths about it. Thus, the result would be the same, with the only difference that they would have made an insult because of their initial refusal.
So the fire hairedย began his long journey south accompanied by some of his father's most trusted men. The last words he was told at the moment of his departure brought back to his mind the moment he finally found himself in the Red Keep โ› never forget they are lions who will try to sink their claws onto you if they can, son. Watch and learn, yes, but don't lose focus of your own ideals โœ. His guards staying behind and as he took steps forward to the king and his family.
โย  Your grace โžย  Robb greeted, kneeling in front of him and only rising once he had been told to by him. He seemed in a rather good mood as he joked soon after with how he seemed to have his father's serious face and attitude despite looking more like his mother. To which he had chuckled along. Though he soon realized he had forgotten about someone distracted by the less formal conversationย  โย  my queenย  โžย  he walked to her and knelt as well, kissing her ring.
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lykosog ยท 2 years
Closed starter for @rexaestateโ€‹
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Baratheon, Arryn, Tully, Stark...an alliance that had defeated a greater dynasty than the Lannisters could ever dream of being.
At first, back when his father was still only kept a prisoner at the Red Keep, it seemed possible to rebuilt it in order to put the real rightful king on the throne. However, the Baratheon brothers were too busy now fighting against each other, his aunt Lysa refused to send him any knights ( claiming she needed them in the Vale ) and the crown of the old Kings of Winter now rested upon his head, never to be taken again. Something he knew would probably also become another obstacle towards that goal in the future.
The only ones who had joined his cause were the Riverlands after ending the Kingslayer's attack in Riverrun. But Robb was not a fool. That alone would not be enough to win a war. And so, with that change of circumstances also came a change of his plans.
He needed to find new allies and, with the fact that ships would be crucial ( for one attack or the other ) in mind, he sent Theon back to Pyke to negotiate with his father under the terms that, should Balon Greyjoy support him, he could also rule the Iron Islands as king.
Though that was not all, if he had managed to be victorious against someone like Tywin Lannister, with far more experience in warfare than him and with a bigger army, it was only for one thing. Good strategy. And with the news of a possible attack of Stannis to King's Landing, he just had the perfect one.
Or, at least, so he thought when he had marched to the westerlands. Yet, destiny seemed to not be in his favor. The older Baratheon had chosen to fight his younger brother before taking the Iron Throne. A mistake. Renly had not only the stormlands on his side but also the Reach through his marriage, and that had made him the winner. Causing his plans to change once more.
โ› It may still not be too late for it to work โœ
As soon as the news reached him, Robb gave orders for his army to continue as they had previously accorded now under the command of his great-uncle Brynden, sent a raven warning of his intentions to meet with the other king to avoid any chance of them being misinterpreted and, taking Grey Windย and the thirty members of hisย battle guard with him, rode to the stag's camp.
When they had not been far away from it, he had placed the crown on his head. It was going to be a discussion between two kings and as such he would present himself when they first saw each other. And how good his decision had proven to be since they were met by one of the other's men moments after that.
He lead the way, trying to have some type of conversation with him. Though, while he replied, they were other things more interesting to him. His eyes looked around and were amazed ( despite knowing the Baratheon had the largest army ) by how many people there were. In fact, Robb probably lost sense of time trying to count them because before he realized, he was in front of himย ย โย ย King Renlyย ย โžย ย the northener began with a very slight bow of his headย ย โย ย thank you for having us. I hope our visit wasn't too sudden.ย  โž
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lykosog ยท 2 years
Closed starter for @steel-winter-roseโ€‹
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His eyes moved over the words of the letter written by his sister and that maester Luwin had brought to him over and over again.
Robb, I write to you with a heavy heart. Our good king Robert is dead, killed from wounds he took in a boar hunt. Father has been charged with treason. He conspired with Robertโ€™s brothers against my beloved Joffrey and tried to steal his throne. The Lannisters are treating me very well and provide me with every comfort. I beg you: come to Kingโ€™s Landing, swear fealty to King Joffrey and prevent any strife between the great houses of Lannister and Stark.
Your faithful sister,ย 
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Though reading it more times didnโ€™t make it have more sense. Why would his father try to take the Iron Throne? It was all madness. If he had wanted it he could have proclaimed himself king of the Seven Kingdoms the day the rebellion ended and he saw Jaime Lannister sitting on it. He only needed to climb those steps. So, why now when it would be a betrayal to the man he thought of as his best friend?
That was a question he did not know the answer to. What he did know, however, was that he would not dance to the lions' roars if it meant giving up on his father. Finally lifting his gaze from the paper, he looked at the old man and askedย  โย  do you know where my aunt Lyanna is?ย  โžย  after getting a nod of his head, Robb continuedย  โย  Good, tell her to come here and that I wish to speak with herย  โžย  if there was someone who had to know about what had happened, it was her.
She was his sister, after all, and a person he thought could help him choose the right course of action in such a delicate matterย  โย  but don't mention anything about this, I will do it myselfย  โžย  with yet another nod Luwin left to obey his command. The confidence the Stark apparently had gone with the maester as a sigh scaped his lips and he sat on the chair closest to him. Waiting for the others to arrive.
The sound of the doors opening taking him by surprise as he had been so caught up in his thoughts that he had not been paying attention anything. Though Robb quickly reacted and stood from his seatย  โย  auntย  โžย  he greeted, without actually realizing himself that his tone was slightly more serious than in other occasionsย  โย  I hope I didn't interrupt what you were doing.ย  โž
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lykosog ยท 2 years
@sunchascdโ€‹โ€‹ liked this
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โย Who am I if I canโ€™t carry it all, if I donโ€™t have what it takes?ย โž
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lykosog ยท 3 years
Closed starter for @musenssangโ€‹
Born as the son of a previous marriage his mother had had with his father Ned Stark ( and that broke the moment Robert's rebellion had failed and he was sent to the wall as a traitor ) Robb had never really enjoyed growing in Casterly Rock, specially because of his stepfather, Jaime Lannister. When he was a child he simply noticed differences on how he treated the rest of his children he had later with his mother and how he tried to keep him away as much as he could but, as he got older, the cause of the many conflicts between them was also the internal anger he felt at the fact of how different his actual father and him ( both traitors to the Targaryens at some point ) had been treated. Though he would always disguise it with another reason if only to respect his mother.
So, perhaps, this travel North with her in order to take his rightful place as Lord of Winterfell and Warden of the North could be a new opportunity and beginning. Even help him feel like he actually belonged, as he had never felt that way before in the Rock, no matter how many times Catelyn had tried to show him he did and that the relationship with the rest of his siblings wasn't as terrible as his and Jaime's was. However, he couldn't help but feel nervous and ask himself many times as their journey progress and they got closer to their destination, โ€˜ will I actually be accepted? โ€™
There was no actual need for Robb to be in the North to hear of the reputation northeners had. They were fierce fighterx and loyal to their own but, if you could only describe them with only one adjective it, without not a shadow of a doubt, would be proud. And that was exactly the reason why he couldn't avoid worrying about how he would be welcomed once he arrived. He was still young and inexperienced compared to most of them, nevertheless, as his mother had said to him ( most probably realizing how quiet he had been and how much he seemed to be thinking about that matter ) none of the lord would break their vows, even if it was only because he was a Stark.
Their conversation about that was interrupted as he saw the grey walls of Winterfell in the distance, making the try at calming him Catelyn had made be completely worthless. His heart almost stopping for a moment when they finally stopped and they had to get out of the carriage. He tried his best at seeming confident and kind at the same time as they were greeted by the maester and the rest of the people living in the castle ( who had all been waiting for them in the courtyard ) . The hard northern winds hitting him as he stablish a small conversation with them before both his mother and him were shown the way to their respective rooms. She had accompanied him to his to help him settle first and it was when they alone that he spoke โ€œ It's... It's very different, wouldn't you say? โ€ at first sight it was magnificent but, for some reason he couldn't explain, it was not only the weather that made the place feel cold too.
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lykosog ยท 3 years
Closed starter for @littlequeensโ€‹
The Stark didn't often travel simply for festivities ( perhaps that was what created their reputation of them being so serious in the first place ). However, when a raven arrived from Highgarden inviting them to the anual masquerade ball a small โ€˜ย discussion โ€™ย started with Sansa almost begging their parents to finally go that year โ€˜ why do you find it so interesting? โ€™ Arya had asked, still not seeing why her sister loved those type of events that much โ€˜ It could be fun โ€™ Bran had said somewhat excited to see a new place. Robb himself had chuckled looking at Jon who joined him before his eyes traveled towards his parents, trying to guess what their answer would be. Which was no other than a simple โ€˜ I'll think about it โ€™ from his father before they both left the room.
They had to wait a whole day for the final approval, being their mother who confirmed what they all, one way or another, had been expecting โ€˜ We'll be going to the masquerade and stay in Highgarden for a visit โ€™ the raven informing of their attendance had been sent by the maester as well as so they only thing left to do was getting ready for it. They spent some time preparing everything that they needed and, eventually, the moment to leave came, as it would take them quite a whilefor them to get to the Reach ( specially taking into account that, as humans, they wouldn't be able to travel all day and night ).
The journey would be a long one, they all knew that but, when they had already spent a time traveling, it was common feeling in the siblings as they were getting tired that it was actually longer that they had originally imagined. Which was the reason why they thanked so much spending a few days at Riverrun so that they could get a better rest than in the road and their mother could also see her family before they left to continue their trip. Not making any more important stops until they finally reached the Tyrells' castle, where they were welcomed and soon shown were they would stay since they had to get settled and the others make sure everything was perfect for the masquerade.
Something they made a really good job at as far as Robb himself was able to tell since, when it had finally began, the music was happy, people were talking, drinking, laughing and dancing and, regarding the decorations, everything seemed to be exactly were it should be. Even Arya herself had been amazed no matter that she tried to hide it at least for the time he had spent closer to his family since, after a while, he decided to distance himself a bit and walk around the room. Until he noticed the girl that had been with the rest of her family when they arrived โ€˜ yes, it has to be her โ€™ he reassured himself in his mind. It hadn't been a long moment and with the mask on he had not been sure at first but there was no doubt it had to be her. Approaching her he gave a courteous smile and bowed his head slightly โ€œ Lady Margaery, I don't think I had the chance to thank you and your family for inviting us again this year beforeย โ€
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lykosog ยท 2 years
@timewoundโ€‹โ€‹ liked this
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โย  I am king, yes. Though, when it is your men who give you the crown, you must understand they can take it back just as easilyย  โž
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lykosog ยท 3 years
@stovmbornโ€‹ continued from here
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โ€œย Thank you โ€ย โ€˜ you need not ask โ€™ the northerner knew those words also meant there was no need to thank either, yet, despite that, he found himself saying it anyway before, if only for a second, he looked back to his men to see how they carried the last possessions on their smaller boat and started to follow them as well, watched over by hers. Keeping a good enough distance to make their conversation continue being private even if he noticed how all eyes where on them, still trying to figure out how they should react to his arrival. Something he couldnโ€™t blame them for. He was a complete stranger to some and a walking corpse to those who had beleived the rumors his foes had let everyone know of in order to make themselves be feared more and seem victorious.ย 
โ€œ There are times when I am suprised myself โ€ย Dragonstone was already an ironical place for their reunion when the scenario of their goodbye had been his Houseโ€™s ascestral seat. Though, it was not why he had said that. Recovering from his wounds and regaining his strength once more had been a harder process than he could have ever imagined. Such it was, that at the time Robb feared the Gods had had his death planned all along and that if he hadnโ€™t died the night of his uncle Edmureโ€™s wedding he would do in the days to come as, while the riverlord who hid him and the people serving him tried their best, everything was too complicated for them.ย 
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Luckily enough, all of their efforts combined were rewarded and the worst eventually passed. Making Robbโ€™s faith return with what, even to this day, he saw as an act of mercy from those superior beings and a miracleย โ€œ however, here we both areย โ€ย theย waiting that had been an eternity having finally come to an end. Since the moment he had found out Daenerys hadnโ€™t been in the North when the ironborn attacked the desire for this moment had always lived in his heart. Even if at that time he could do nothing to satisfy it as his full attention had to be put into the war he had been fighting if he wanted to have any chance of winning it.
โ€œ I hope you have been well โ€ was what the Stark added after a small pause, not wanting to go any deeper as he felt like they shouldnโ€™t have that conversation. Not now, at least. Yet, the same day he had discovered she handโ€™t been in Winterfell it was to hear she was rumored to be in Essos instead ( which explained why the Unsullied and Dothraki were there even if he couldโ€™t exactly figure out how it hadย occuredย ). Nonetheless, his men were never able to give him any location or any further information and his imagination often had done the rest. Essos was a cruel place, one that would have eaten the girl he knew alive before she even realized. Though it was those same difficulties in his mind what he guessed made it returnย the strongย woman in front of him.
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