#š’Š Ā . Ā study Ā .
heircurse Ā· 8 months
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Q: what kind of love are you?
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A: love as a force of nature.
your love is like whiplash ā€”ā€” it comes in with the rain , it blows the doors wide open. when you fall in love , it is sudden and hard and immense. it is powerful. it is earth-shaking and world-ending. nature is a force , and that force can be destructive if you're not careful. see how the world is doused in gasoline and set on fire ā€”ā€”Ā  your love consumes , your love takes , your love burns. you're hot and cold all at once , a hurricane and a wildfire bound together in skin , and when you're in love , it can feel like it's eating you alive from the inside out. when you love , it is with everything you have because it is everything you have. be careful , darling , because not everyone survives the storm.
tagged: @hedonst ā™” tagging: @frxncaise @d3ltanu @r4chelamber @trackedwtch @voyennayavdova @byheaven @cultservate @vulpuslunae @sacrif3d @damienstoker @icebrgvdka @cynetics @spidergene @5chmidt
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fuselit Ā· 1 year
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慤are you normal or do you spend your morning making a fake netflix show for your oc ft. small nods to your other ocs? template.
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fearsohm Ā· 1 year
Ā  Ā  Ā  reposting a few notes from his old blog, and also because i Do Not adhere to that shit-kicking fuckfest they mistakenly called lore in the tome.
Ā  Ā  Ā ā€“ Ā he did not wear the facial equipment of his own volition. Ā much like the wires running through his arms, the entity sought to twist and shape his body as it saw fit, deeming the appliance a befitting punishment for the countless lives he ruined at LĆ©ryā€™s.Ā  his eyes eventually burst from the heat and pressure of the electricity, and while one was pinned shut, the other is prosthetic, a gift from the entity to aid him.Ā 
Ā  Ā  Ā ā€“Ā  Carterā€™s shoulders and arms are inwardly laced with wires and tubing that allow him to conduct and charge electricity at his whim. Ā over time, the strong, repeated voltage has severely damaged his flesh and muscles; from his biceps downwards, the damage becomes more and more severe, with wires now jutting through the split, cracked skin that exposes the bloody and charred muscles that arenā€™t given ample time to heal.
Ā  Ā  Ā ā€“ Ā he was barely 19 when his education at Yale was put on the back-burner in lieu of CIA interrogatory research. Ā his initially good intentions quickly became twisted and macabre, his ever-curious and formerly empathetic mind unable Ā ( or unwilling ) Ā to grasp the horrors he was committing on a daily basis. Ā he gradually detached himself from their cries of pain and pleas for mercy, and eventually, his interest in the human mind became an obsession he was unwilling to abandon. Ā 
Ā  Ā  Ā ā€“ Ā his final act before fleeing LĆ©ryā€™s was exacting revenge on his mentor, Mr. Stamper, by forcing him to participate in the same ā€œinterrogationā€ procedures that heā€™d taught to Carter. Ā were it not for his guidance, Carter Ā ( and his ideals ) Ā would never have been so irreparably damaged Ā ā€“ Ā but, he realizes, he would never have attained such progress, either.
on carterā€™s survivor au:Ā 
Ā  Ā  Ā ā€“ Ā heā€™s gravely serious when it comes to survival and utilizing everyoneā€™s skills to benefit the team. Ā heā€™s altruistic to a fault, often running back into the fray to carry an incapacitated teammate through the exit gates Ā ā€“ Ā but only if itā€™s a viable, relatively safe option.
Ā  Ā  Ā ā€“ Ā his unyielding rationality on certain decisions makes him somewhat unpopular amongst a few of the other survivors, and heā€™s taken part in numerous arguments about how something could have been done better, or how leaving someone behind was their only option.Ā 
Ā  Ā  Ā ā€“ Ā he spends a great deal of time studying and learning from their previous trials, in an attempt to plan ahead for whatever awaits them in the next one. Ā these ideas are shared with the group, and while some are more cooperative than others, his frustration is aimed mostly at himself when something doesnā€™t go as heā€™d so meticulously envisioned.
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cityserve Ā· 10 months
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慤this is just a reminder that cole phelps, while a gold-hearted and caring individual, is by no means a perfect, shining protagonist, and thatā€™s why i love and adore him.
Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā he wants so desperately to help and protect those that canā€™t help themselves, and when he canā€™t, he feels as though heā€™s failed not only them, but himself and the squadron he lost in japan. Ā  he lost countless men, women and children to his recklessness, and strives to atone for his mistakes. Ā  he hates knowing that he was awarded for an act of cowardice, often deflecting any sort of praise or comments about his performance / duty in the war.
Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā like many that have served overseas, he found it difficult to relate to his wife when he returned home, and while he still loved and cared for his family with all his heart, his trauma and emotional distance put a clear strain on his marriage. Ā  down the road, he sought comfort in the arms of someone who he felt better understood him and his troubles. Ā  was it a mistake? Ā yes. Ā  does he regret it? Ā  yes. Ā  did he deserve the resulting backlash? Ā  not to that extent.
Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  heā€™s the poster child for following the rules and adhering to every code in the book, and the one time that he deviates from any moral laws or conduct, the one time he makes a selfish decision after promising himself to be more selfless after the war, the one time he decides to do something that he knows is wrong, his is entire life crashes down around him, and the bright name that heā€™s made for himself is immediately dragged through the mud by a man heā€™d reluctantly come to call a partner. Ā 
Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā heā€™s intelligent and methodical, but reckless and headstrong; compassionate, but stern; open-minded, but stubborn; modest, but confident Ā ā€” Ā and his selfless acceptance of death, after aiding others to escape, is a perfect example of the hopelessness that often underlies noir stories. Ā  he tried to do what he thought was best by exposing the corruption that had slowly consumed the LAPD, and paid the ultimate price.
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liutheri Ā· 1 year
ā€ƒā€ƒthinkin' about luther in the fog and how his initial instinct , always , would be to throw hands with the killers as best he could if he knew it'd buy his teammates some time. despite his age , he's a pretty fast runner ā€” could easily keep up with or run from criminals back home ā€” so running and looping aren't out of the question. but speed is a gift tilted in the killer's favor , so he'd have to stand his ground eventually. and he does , without fail , if it's their only option. at least he no longer wonders what death feels like.
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lootdrop Ā· 11 months
ā €god i'm just.. so enamored with leo. he's arguably the most.. human? of the family? imo, at least. like no he's not a standup guy; he charms and bribes his way into anything, uses his social media infamy to get what he wants, but out of everyone in the family, he's the most visibly upset / emotional over each death, even refusing to be their spokesperson after camille dies because he doesn't think the statement is genuine enough
ā €also that pep talk he gives prospero before the party? that's some brotherly shit right there. building him up when all the siblings usually do is tear each other down. and god as much as he fucking hates freddie he realizes he's grieving too and helps him out with no strings attached. and so many of the other family members are incapable of recognizing just how kind-hearted he can be
ā €which is another reason he's become so reliant on alcohol and drugs; they keep him numb. not just to these losses in the family, but to the family itself. he's known for a long, long time that he's the only one with a dash of empathy in his bones, and it's probably come across as weakness countless times over the years, particularly with roderick and madeline
ā €so he plays their games and keeps his emotions under wraps because he'd rather coast through life knowing about their underhanded shit but unable to care. he's come to enjoy his life of luxury, and openly flaunts it on the regular, but there's still that pesky heart of his that can't help but be reminded of all the lives that get ruined to maintain his
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benbraeden Ā· 1 year
tag drop ft. people.
#ā€œ Ā  Ā  š’Š. Ā  Ā  countenance Ā  Ā  ļ¹• Ā  Ā  bees hum funeral dirges in his wake.#ā€œ Ā  Ā  š’Š. Ā  Ā  character study Ā  Ā  ļ¹• Ā  Ā  heaven and hell are warring inside youā€š always brutalā€š always merciless.#ā€œ Ā  Ā  š’Šš’Š. Ā  Ā  dean winchester Ā  Ā  ļ¹• Ā  Ā  when the laurel grows heavy on your browā€š where do you lay down the burden.#ā€œ Ā  Ā  š’Šš’Š. Ā  Ā  sam winchester Ā  Ā  ļ¹• Ā  Ā  you were never made a godā€š but you were remembered.#ā€œ Ā  Ā  š’Šš’Š. Ā  Ā  sarah braeden Ā  Ā  ļ¹• Ā  Ā  he feels sunlight in the warmth of her skin and trace mountains in the peaks of her spine.#ā€œ Ā  Ā  š’Šš’Š. Ā  Ā  gunchamber Ā  Ā  ļ¹• Ā  Ā  her laughter is the sound that makes flower bloom and her rage is is the thing that burns empires.#ā€œ Ā  Ā  š’Šš’Š. Ā  Ā  lily winchester Ā  Ā  ļ¹• Ā  Ā  how long can a heart survive without the head?#ā€œ Ā  Ā  š’Šš’Š. Ā  Ā  wailshe Ā  Ā  ļ¹• Ā  Ā  youā€™re the dawn that rises bloody and wrecks ships in its wake.#ā€œ Ā  Ā  š’Šš’Š. Ā  Ā  frankie shaw Ā  Ā  ļ¹• Ā  Ā  youā€™re all bronze and biteā€š all venom and fistfight.#ā€œ Ā  Ā  š’Šš’Š. Ā  Ā  fightforbetter Ā  Ā  ļ¹• Ā  Ā  there is only so much flesh and muscle can hold back before her divinity shines.#ā€œ Ā  Ā  š’Šš’Š. Ā  Ā  hallie anders Ā  Ā  ļ¹• Ā  Ā  you fight because it is the most intimate act you can think of.#ā€œ Ā  Ā  š’Šš’Š. Ā  Ā  rueben baker Ā  Ā  ļ¹• Ā  Ā  being ruined isn't a bad thingā€š it means that you're going to be a legend.#ā€œ Ā  Ā  š’Šš’Š. Ā  Ā  jamie walker Ā  Ā  ļ¹• Ā  Ā  you will grow back over and overā€š no matter how badly you are devastated.#ā€œ Ā  Ā  š’Šš’Š. Ā  Ā  odessa muyne Ā  Ā  ļ¹• Ā  Ā  she is the stuff of dreamsā€š a shooting star that burns too bright.#ā€œ Ā  Ā  š’Šš’Š. Ā  Ā  lisa braeden Ā  Ā  ļ¹• Ā  Ā  i still see a constellation of you in the sky.#ā€œ Ā  Ā  š’Šš’Š. Ā  Ā  sarah miller Ā  Ā  ļ¹• Ā  Ā  as long as your heart beatsā€š there's fight.
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m1kaelsons Ā· 2 years
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Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā Ā HOW Ā  ARE Ā  YOU Ā  RUINEDĀ  ?
ruinedĀ  byĀ  lonelinessĀ  ;Ā Ā youĀ  areĀ  soĀ  lonelyĀ  .Ā  youĀ  areĀ  miserableĀ  inĀ  yourĀ  solitudeĀ  .Ā  youĀ  hateĀ  thatĀ  youĀ  cannotĀ  bringĀ  yourselfĀ  toĀ  reachĀ  outĀ  ,Ā  toĀ  askĀ  forĀ  helpĀ  .Ā  youĀ  willĀ  beĀ  forgottenĀ  byĀ  allĀ  whoĀ  neverĀ  knewĀ  youĀ  .Ā  yourĀ  biggestĀ  fearĀ  isĀ  thatĀ  youĀ  willĀ  dieĀ  aloneĀ  ,Ā  andĀ  youĀ  knowĀ  thisĀ  fearĀ  willĀ  beĀ  seenĀ  toĀ  fruitionĀ  .Ā  youĀ  refuseĀ  toĀ  extendĀ  yourselfĀ  beyondĀ  theĀ  boxĀ  Ā thatĀ  othersĀ  putĀ  youĀ  inĀ  .Ā  andĀ  itĀ  isĀ  aĀ  boxĀ  thatĀ  noĀ  oneĀ  dareĀ  comeĀ  nearĀ  .Ā  youĀ  areĀ  lonelyĀ  becauseĀ  youĀ  areĀ  afraidĀ  ofĀ  yourselfĀ  .
taggedĀ  by :Ā  @bllakcatĀ  ā¤ tagging :Ā  @salvatoraesĀ  ,Ā  @deavouredĀ  ,Ā  @shetalesĀ  ,Ā  @3brihdā€‹Ā  ,Ā  @appleyedā€‹Ā  ,Ā  @aquariusvibesā€‹Ā  ,Ā  @godwrthā€‹Ā  ,Ā  @desafreyā€‹Ā  ,Ā  @godpactā€‹Ā  ,Ā  @divienityā€‹Ā  ,Ā  @nobleyouthā€‹Ā  ,Ā  @forbaesā€‹Ā  ,Ā  @unseel1eā€‹Ā  ,Ā  @enhauntsā€‹Ā  ,Ā  andĀ  anyoneĀ  elseĀ  whoĀ  wantsĀ  toĀ  doĀ  thisĀ  šŸ’•
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heircurse Ā· 9 months
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Q: what your muse will notice about mine.
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conventionally attractive , classic movie star handsome. typically very well kept in both appearance and style. tall , pale complexion ā€”ā€” with many beauty marks on his face , neck , and back. sharp facial features. very expressive eyes that almost always appear sad or tired. long eyelashes. lots of curls in his hair when it's grown long enough. he has a nice smile and it's a shame no one tells him that often. after his disease was accidentally accelerated , there are some days where he looks particularly sickly.
cigarettes , fresh laundry. cologne with a rich earthy vanilla scent that's balanced with a woody musk underneath. it's warm but mild. he not only looks , but smells very expensive.
cool menthol. between his cigarettes and a habit of chewing peppermint gum , he tastes cold and icy like when you take a deep breath in the middle of winter. a hint of coffee if it's still early in the day. sweet dessert wine or an acidic champagne at night.
somewhat deep and very husky , with a hint of something nasally. he typically speaks firmly and in a slow manner. unless he's upset. then it becomes faster paced and more whiney. his new york accent is apparent but not too strong ā€”ā€” his r's are less pronounced , and there is often an added w to vowels. example here.
both gentle and stiff. he has a very soft touch and soft hands that most would associate with having hardly worked a day in his life. the rest of him is soft , too , as someone who takes great care of his appearance. but despite his own touch being gentle , he may stiffen under the touch of others. his body temperature runs very warm and his skin can be sensitive.
tagged: stolen ! tagging: @spiderz0mbie @frxncaise @loetise @kostenkos @hangtenn @divinehr @godforbidrp @breaksmen @nightsuffer @mercred
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fuselit Ā· 1 year
慤happy sunday. wick is not a particularly sexual man; he's simply not wired that way. it never has been and never will be a priority for him. that being said, he's most likely to seek gratification while inebriated, and only with people who've earned his trust. also, despite his rough and brash personality, he prefers to take the more submissive role in the bedroom. he enjoys relinquishing control, if only for a while. he's a very giving lover, though, so if his partner requests it, he'll top. good with his hands, even better with... well. you know.
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fearsohm Ā· 1 year
tbh between trials, carter isn't nearly as affected by The Madnessā„¢ inflicted upon him by the entity. so y'all are welcome to hang out in the library at lery's, chill a while, check out a book or two. as long as you bring them back in good shape.
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liutheri Ā· 1 year
1 . Ā  Ā CHOKEHOLDĀ  Ā  Ā ā€” Ā Ā  sleep token.
i've seen my days unfold, done the impossible / i'll turn my walls to gold to bring you home again / so show me that which i cannot see / even if it hurts me, even if i can't sleep / oh, and though we act out of our holy duty to be constantly awake / you've got me in a chokehold
2 . Ā  THESE STREETS Ā  Ā ā€” Ā Ā  city wolf.
praying that you don't run out of luck / you're runnin' but the pavement's got you stuck / you've been around the block, i know; you've got the cuts to show it / smokin' like a bullet from a gun / the city got you crushed under its thumb / you're starin' at the clock, i see / your time is up; you know it / so write your name in the dust / hope they remember you 'cause these streets, they're mean / you gotta fight if you want to eat / it's blood and bone / the blacktop's got a heart of stone / they're mean, these streets / they're gonna try to take you / never let 'em break you
3. Ā  Ā LOST AGAINĀ  Ā  Ā ā€” Ā Ā  kings elliot.
now all of my nightmares are coming true / and i've seen beyond the darkest side of the moon / i've walked in the shadows but how do i run / from monsters in the mirror i'm afraid that i've become? / so why do i run for the flames? / 'cause there's no way back and they're all i have / am i, am i so lost again? / i'd give everything, but i'll never win
4 . Ā  Ā AN INNOCENT MANĀ  Ā  Ā ā€” Ā Ā  billy joel.
i know you don't wanna hear what i say / i know you're gonna keep turning away / but i've been there, and if i can survive / i can keep you alive / i'm not above going through it again / i'm not above being cool for a while / if you're cruel to me, i understand / some people run from a possible fight / some people figure they can never win / and although this is a fight i can lose / the accused is an innocent man / i am an innocent man
5 . Ā  Ā WARĀ  Ā  Ā ā€” Ā Ā  poets of the fall.
with no one wearing their real face, it's a whiteout of emotion / and i've only got my brittle bones to break the fall / when the love in letters fade, it's like moving in slow motion / and we're already too late if we arrive at all / and then we're caught up in the arms race, an involuntary addiction / and we're shedding every value our mothers taught / so will you please show me your real face? / draw the line in the horizon / 'cause i only need your name to call the reasons why i fought
tagged by:Ā  @solitarysurvival xoxo mwah tagging: @wtrss / @reporther , @absolutehorror , @alphateamsfinest , @ubcs , @talyonis , @renalyra , @dtperez & anyone else who wants to do it. :v
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t1tan-a Ā· 2 years
nsfwĀ  Ā headcanonsĀ  Ā  Ā  ...Ā  Ā  Ā  happyĀ  Ā lateĀ  Ā sunday !
thereā€™sĀ  Ā twoĀ  Ā veryĀ  Ā differentĀ  Ā sidesĀ  Ā toĀ  Ā eren.Ā  Ā theĀ  Ā oneĀ  Ā thatā€™sĀ  Ā superĀ  Ā sweetĀ  Ā andĀ  Ā clingyĀ  Ā andĀ  Ā justĀ  Ā overallĀ  Ā gentle.Ā  Ā withĀ  Ā permanentĀ  Ā sleepyĀ  Ā lookingĀ  Ā eyesĀ  Ā andĀ  Ā softĀ  Ā smiles.Ā  Ā thatĀ  Ā justĀ  Ā wantsĀ  Ā toĀ  Ā holdĀ  Ā onĀ  Ā toĀ  Ā hisĀ  Ā partnerĀ  Ā asĀ  Ā ifĀ  Ā theyā€™reĀ  Ā theĀ  Ā onlyĀ  Ā thingĀ  Ā keepingĀ  Ā himĀ  Ā anchoredĀ  Ā andĀ  Ā takeĀ  Ā hisĀ  Ā time.
butĀ  Ā thenĀ  Ā there'sĀ  Ā theĀ  Ā oneĀ  Ā thatā€™sĀ  Ā extraĀ  Ā dominantĀ  Ā andĀ  Ā roughĀ  Ā andĀ  Ā kindaĀ  Ā mean.Ā  theĀ  Ā oneĀ  Ā thatā€™llĀ  Ā pullĀ  Ā hisĀ  Ā partnersĀ  Ā byĀ  Ā theirĀ  Ā hairĀ  Ā andĀ  Ā holdĀ  Ā themĀ  Ā byĀ  Ā theirĀ  Ā throat.Ā  Ā thatĀ  Ā spitsĀ  Ā inĀ  Ā theirĀ  Ā mouthĀ  Ā andĀ  Ā tossesĀ  Ā themĀ  Ā aroundĀ  Ā insteadĀ  Ā ofĀ  Ā askingĀ  Ā toĀ  Ā switchĀ  Ā positions.
whichĀ  Ā sideĀ  Ā theyĀ  Ā getĀ  Ā dependsĀ  Ā onĀ  Ā hisĀ  Ā moodĀ  Ā <3
heĀ  Ā reallyĀ  Ā onlyĀ  Ā bottomsĀ  Ā whenĀ  Ā heā€™sĀ  Ā tired.Ā  Ā butĀ  Ā heā€™llĀ  Ā stillĀ  Ā findĀ  Ā aĀ  Ā wayĀ  Ā toĀ  Ā haveĀ  Ā mostĀ  Ā ofĀ  Ā theĀ  Ā controlĀ  Ā :|
possessiveĀ  Ā manĀ  Ā isĀ  Ā possessive !Ā  Ā heĀ  Ā willĀ  Ā markĀ  Ā hisĀ  Ā partnerĀ  Ā evenĀ  Ā ifĀ  Ā itĀ  Ā isnā€™tĀ  Ā inĀ  Ā theĀ  Ā mostĀ  Ā obviousĀ  Ā ofĀ  Ā places.Ā  Ā bruisesĀ  Ā /Ā  Ā hickeysĀ  Ā /Ā  Ā biteĀ  Ā marks.
thatĀ  Ā alsoĀ  Ā leadsĀ  Ā meĀ  Ā to:Ā  Ā br**dingĀ  Ā kink.Ā  Ā hisĀ  Ā pullĀ  Ā outĀ  Ā gameĀ  Ā isĀ  Ā weak.Ā  Ā itā€™sĀ  Ā inĀ  Ā lessĀ  Ā ofĀ  Ā aĀ  Ā ā€œuwuĀ  Ā iĀ  Ā wantĀ  Ā toĀ  Ā beĀ  Ā asĀ  Ā closeĀ  Ā toĀ  Ā uĀ  Ā asĀ  Ā possibleā€Ā  Ā way.Ā  Ā moreĀ  Ā ofĀ  Ā aĀ  Ā ā€œurĀ  Ā mineā€Ā  Ā way.Ā  Ā theĀ  Ā closenessĀ  Ā ofĀ  Ā itĀ  Ā isĀ  Ā justĀ  Ā aĀ  Ā bonus.
heĀ  Ā neverĀ  Ā shutsĀ  Ā theĀ  Ā fuckĀ  Ā upĀ  Ā so.Ā  Ā thisĀ  Ā translatesĀ  Ā wellĀ  Ā intoĀ  Ā theĀ  Ā bedroom.Ā  Ā heĀ  Ā lovesĀ  Ā praisingĀ  Ā andĀ  Ā teasingĀ  Ā andĀ  Ā degradingĀ  Ā andĀ  Ā dirtyĀ  Ā talk.
angryĀ  Ā sex.Ā  Ā jealousĀ  Ā sex.Ā  Ā hateĀ  Ā sex.Ā  Ā yeah.
heĀ  Ā lovesĀ  Ā makingĀ  Ā betsĀ  Ā aboutĀ  Ā anythingĀ  Ā withĀ  Ā hisĀ  Ā partnersĀ  Ā whereĀ  Ā theĀ  Ā winnerĀ  Ā getsĀ  Ā head.Ā  Ā heā€™sĀ  Ā veryĀ  Ā competitive.Ā  Ā butĀ  Ā heā€™sĀ  Ā happyĀ  Ā withĀ  Ā theĀ  Ā resultĀ  Ā eitherĀ  Ā wayĀ  Ā <3
heā€™sĀ  Ā aĀ  Ā gentleĀ  Ā headĀ  Ā pusherĀ  Ā :|
unapologeticallyĀ  Ā vocal.Ā  Ā notĀ  Ā necessarilyĀ  Ā loud.Ā  Ā butĀ  Ā heā€™sĀ  Ā notĀ  Ā atĀ  Ā allĀ  Ā afraidĀ  Ā toĀ  Ā moan.
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iteats Ā· 2 years
AESTHETICS: THE DAEDRIC PRINCES. part one. please repost, not reblog!
š–†š–Ÿš–šš–—š–†. fluffy owls. flowers blooming at night. drowsiness. the daintiness of dawn. the heaviness of dusk. a golden rose. the glimmer of sunlight over waves. morning dew. crescent moon. pointed ears. bathed in rosy hues. shades of violet. silk & satin. do not test my fury. an air of haughtiness. intricately-designed daggers. will not stand for mockery. reds, purples, & blues.
š–‡ļæ½ļæ½ļæ½ļ潚–Šš–™š–š–Žš–†š–. darkened grapes hand-fed. the art of manipulation. a lamb led to slaughter. fingers crossed behind back. broken oaths. blood leaking from in-between fists. sacrificial altars. bloodsport. fighting for your life in an arena under the watch of a thousand spectators. survival of the fittest. an animal backed into a corner will fight with its all. sharpened daggers. betrayed by those you thought loved you. death under the blood moon. deep, hollow eyes. icy glares. unbearable cold. unbearable heat. spilled wine.
š–ˆš–‘š–†š–›š–Žš–ˆš–šš–˜ š–›š–Žš–‘š–Š. tousled hair. too good to be true. immaturity. two-faced. hiding behind a full-face mask. freckled skin. ringlets of curls. loyal hounds. risking it all for one simple thing. was it worth it, in the end? stolen coins. a deal gone south. dark humor. superiority complex. be careful what you wish for. childish pride. trickery.
š–š–Šš–—š–’š–†š–Šš–šš–˜ š–’š–”š–—š–†. something lurking deep within waters. black seas. all-seeing eye. sickly skies. knowing too much. deal with the devil. brass towers. pitch-blackness. a warning. master of the tides of fateā€¦ or wants to be. solitude that breaks the mind. always watched. deep, dark waters. where sunlight does not reach. time that moves too slow but feels too fast. a thousand eyes watching from nowhere. green velvet. the decay of nature. losing your identity.
š–š–Žš–—š–ˆš–Žš–“š–Š. running barefoot through the woods. hooting owls. sharp features. elongated canines. dirtied hands. the scent of pine. mist over the treetops. wolves howling through the night. the sensation of being hunted. are you the prey or the predator? snarls in the shadows. the heavy scent of blood. de-evolving to your basic instincts. flight or fight. the killing blow. excellent tracker. pawprints in the mud. footsteps that do not look human. long, harsh winters.
tagged by: no one :3 i grabbed it from @timewound who created it!! tagging: anyone everyone all of you!
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m1kaelsons Ā· 2 years
klaus:Ā  desperatelyĀ  cravingĀ  affectionĀ  šŸ¤Ā  fearingĀ  affectionĀ 
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severedleft Ā· 2 years
What exactly is it that draws James towards the sea?
funnily enough , the sea terrified him as a young boy. it's a perfectly natural response for the brain to pick up on the harmful and deadly factors that surround it. the fear of the unknown of what may lurk beneath the surface of the water and what the water itself could do to a person is entirely grounded in our survival instincts. the sea is a vigorous and merciless entity that takes no prisoners , and there was no specific rhyme or reason behind his initial phobia ; no traumas that stemmed from the water or near death experiences. though perhaps it could be something similar to learned behavior in the form of his parents simply having no interest in it and thus he was never properly introduced or well acquainted with it. he did not know how to swim as a child , and all he did know was that it was a dangerous place that was skilled at swallowing things whole.
having said that , maybe it was the danger that eventually beckoned him. fear often brings on an innate fascination and an all consuming desire to understand. and growing into the stubborn and wild nature that he was perhaps destined for , he was quick to fight his fear on directly . . . . leading it to be the first thing he fell in love with completely.
on the surface , water provides a cognitive break from the overstimulation that he otherwise faces and is overall inherently relaxing. while it isn't necessarily silent , it is much more easier to process than voices or other noises he is forced to listen to on an every day basis. not to mention it is much more easier to look at opposed to the landscape of a city , and has a vastness and beauty that often leaves him awestruck. he cannot possibly help but feel a heightened sense of connectedness when he watches just how far it stretches and to feel part of something larger.
there is also an unmistakable sense of freedom that he craves that comes with the sea. as well as the cathartic and almost religious feeling of being home upon returning to the place we once came. i'll always make the comparison of: we have salt in our blood. our sweat and tears taste the same as the sea. and there must be a reason for this. water is the source of life on this planet and ties all forms of existence together. it is only natural to feel a sense of reverence when at the origin. but the sea is also a very unforgiving and lonely god despite this that he knows and feels all too well. and he will now drown at her feet if she decided to bring him home.
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