#𝕒𝕟𝕠𝕟𝕪𝕞𝕠𝕦𝕤 𝕥𝕚𝕡 | anons
bitterbadge · 5 years
you should be called hank ander, bc youre missing a son
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bitterbadge · 5 years
just an anon telling you that i really like your blog
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tHANK YOU ANON ;; you’re so sweet gosh
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bitterbadge · 5 years
Uhm... Lieutenant? Why’s your window broken?
send hank anons
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      “ Well shit. Some asshole decided to be a decent person and check on me while I was in a pretty lousy state. Rather than using the front door like a normal person would he decided to use the fuckin’ window to get in. Punched the thing out… ” 
      A pause. And then Hank was smiling - a soft expression rarely found on someone like him. “ I should probably be more pissed about it than I am… Just – I dunno. It’s not something I can be completely mad about considering he did it because he was worried about me… It’s been a long time since anyone’s given a shit about me. Even longer to that degree. ”
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bitterbadge · 5 years
i remembered the "you are my daaaad you're my dad! boogie woogie woogie!" vine and imagined it as Connor and Hank and I haven't slept since bc the mental image has haunted me
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i mean – you’re valid and not wrong
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bitterbadge · 5 years
If you could trade Connor for Cole. Would you?
send hank anons
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      “ – shit. ” 
      Brows pinching together, Hank took far longer than he intended to answer the question. His chest felt heavy and tight, hands curling to fists at his side as he drew in a shaky breath. Instinctively without thought he wanted to say yes. But he knew it wasn’t fucking true. That he’d regret the answer the moment it left his mouth. He’d never be able to forgive himself either for stooping to such a goddamn low too. 
      “ At one time I might’ve said yeah without a second thought. Cole is – was – everything to me. He’d been my goddamn world for so long, ” he began quietly, tucking his arms tightly over his chest as he looked down and away. Miserable. “ … but … no. I don’t think I would. Connor doesn’t deserve that. Connor deserves so fucking much – and I know Cole. If he knew I’d done something like that? He’d never forgive me. He was a caring young boy, you know. Thought the world of others – even androids. He’d tell me he made friends with them at the park sometimes. I never thought anything of it, just a kid being naive. But knowing what I know now? He probably did make friends. ” 
      A pause and a soft, strained wavering smile. “ And I know he would’ve made friends with Connor. Would’ve loved him, in fact. I know he would’ve hated the idea of hurting someone else to save himself. So… no. No I wouldn’t. They both deserve better than my selfish kneejerk reaction. ”
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bitterbadge · 5 years
If Hank had a chance to go back in time for 1 minute and see Cole alive (but not change anything), would he take it? What would he do or say?
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      “ … I – ”  
      His throat felt like it was closing up as a surge of emotions washed over him. Anger. Longing. Despair. All a fucked up cocktail that knocked the air right out of him. His shoulders tensed and his jaw clenched, eyes slipping shut as he tried to reign it in. The thought of just seeing Cole again was overwhelming and painful in equal measures. He could barely keep himself standing the more he thought about it. It was too much. But it wouldn’t be enough – 
      “ – i-if I could, I’d take it. I … wouldn’t say anything. I don’t think I could, ” his voice was strained as he finally opened his eyes, tears brimming the edges as he drew in a sharp breath. “ I’m not a strong enough man to deny myself the chance to see him. It’d be easier if I could. I just… I’d just want to hold him for that miserable minute. Just to be able to remember what it feels like. Having that weight in my arms and to hear his muffled bitching about affection – ” 
      He trailed off with a choked laugh, a hand clapping over his eyes as he tilted his head backward. Trying to stave off the tears as long as he could. “ I’d give anything to hold my son one more time. ”
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bitterbadge · 5 years
what is the weirdest thing Sumo has brought you or done?
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      “ Weirdest, huh. ” Scratching at his beard lightly, Hank rolled his eyes skyward as he sifted through moments. Plenty of trash and knick knacks… ah. A faint smile tugged at his lips as he finally looked back with a huff of laughter. 
      “ I wouldn’t call it weird – probably some shit like serendipitous. But back when Sumo was a younger pup he had a habit of grabbing things and bringing them back to me on walks. Sometimes nasty shit like squirrels. One time a wallet. But one time the bright bastard brought me a crumpled bag of red ice. You know – back when I was investigating full time. ” 
      He looked downright amused as he recalled it. “ Of course I get him to show me from where – after a lot of effort and patience. Turns out? The genius found not only a distributor’s hide out in some rich asshole’s house – but it was one of Detroit’s number one most wanted drug peddlers. Gave him two big steaks that night for cracking open a two year long case I’d been on. ”
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