#[ hhrhgk ]
bitterbadge · 5 years
If you could trade Connor for Cole. Would you?
send hank anons
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      “ – shit. ” 
      Brows pinching together, Hank took far longer than he intended to answer the question. His chest felt heavy and tight, hands curling to fists at his side as he drew in a shaky breath. Instinctively without thought he wanted to say yes. But he knew it wasn’t fucking true. That he’d regret the answer the moment it left his mouth. He’d never be able to forgive himself either for stooping to such a goddamn low too. 
      “ At one time I might’ve said yeah without a second thought. Cole is – was – everything to me. He’d been my goddamn world for so long, ” he began quietly, tucking his arms tightly over his chest as he looked down and away. Miserable. “ … but … no. I don’t think I would. Connor doesn’t deserve that. Connor deserves so fucking much – and I know Cole. If he knew I’d done something like that? He’d never forgive me. He was a caring young boy, you know. Thought the world of others – even androids. He’d tell me he made friends with them at the park sometimes. I never thought anything of it, just a kid being naive. But knowing what I know now? He probably did make friends. ” 
      A pause and a soft, strained wavering smile. “ And I know he would’ve made friends with Connor. Would’ve loved him, in fact. I know he would’ve hated the idea of hurting someone else to save himself. So… no. No I wouldn’t. They both deserve better than my selfish kneejerk reaction. ”
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