#🎀: Jules x Nate
midnightpsychos · 1 year
For Jules
@predatorymaniac, I’m going to be basing Jules and Cassie’s ones off of songs.
|| “Sometimes life isn’t fair to you and you wish upon god to try and help you escape from this madness that we call earth, I told Nate that if it ever came to the situation of us dying that I would want to die first. And that’s mainly because I don’t see my life worth living if I didn’t have my partner by my side, looks like if Nate goes then I’m going to have to go too - life is one of the hardest decisions I’ve ever came across and I’ve been living like that since when I first transitioned at 13; some people were against it but some people loved it and Nate was one of them. 
Yes, Nate has done a lot of shit in the past like pointing a gun at Maddy’s head and going insane over someone who was not worth his time - sorry Maddy but I have to say the truth - to the time where he set up a fake account just to try and blackmail me due to him finding out I had sex with his dad. But all those never shone over me and I saw the true Nate Jacobs, he was someone who people misunderstood and tried to label him as different things to which came to everyone’s shock that he started dating me and continued with our relationship even after high school. He was my everything, he was the devil but also my guardian angel and now I have to save see you soon my precious angel as we mourn the loss of my dear boyfriend, Nate Jacobs. I love you, forever and always”
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midnightpsychos · 1 year
why did we ever break up? ❜ dealers choice
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Jules looked at Nate before laughing - "we broke up because I was more into girls at the time but you weren't my worst partner, just think of it as a mutual agreement" Jules kissed Nate's cheek before walking off.
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midnightpsychos · 1 year
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She will appreciate this @predatorymaniac even though she’ll act like she hasn’t forgiven Nate for being Tyler, Jules will still love it and will forgive him.
Jules looked up at what Nate was giving her a rose as a sort of an apology for hiding behind a screen and trying to blackmail her for having sex with his dad, even though she didn’t know that it was Nate Jacobs she was talking to. “What? You’re giving me some bullshitty rose to try and make me forgive you for what you done? You’re a twisted bastard Nate Jacobs, I just can’t work you.”
Low-key though, Jules loved the rose that he got her, it made her feel wanted again and again even though she knew off by heart the toxicity of Nate. Getting up out of her chair to go somewhere more quietly - she did the unthinkable and asked Nate if he would like to go with her by she whispered it so people thought that she was still made at him.
“Just act like I’m telling you off or something but I was wondering if you’d like to maybe go somewhere with me? So we could have a bit more leave and quiet? I’ll be waiting behind the bleachers” Jules whispered into Nate’s ear
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midnightpsychos · 1 year
Send in ☥ for my character’s reaction to receiving nude pictures from yours
Nate x anyone
Hm, probably Jules @predatorymaniac
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Jules pulled out her phone as it beeped, opening the message she saw Nate completely naked just standing in front of the mirror. Her blush appeared on her face as she continued to look at the photo - at last Jules hovered over the keys as she responded to the photo:
[ text from Jules to Nate ] : oh baby, you look amazing in the photo. How about you come over to me and we can play cat and mouse game? 😂
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midnightpsychos · 1 year
here’s the shit for Jules x Nate, @predatorymaniac !!
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Jules had been talking to Nate for a while now and it was no surprise that she did fancy him but he had just gotten out of a relationship with Maddy which wasn’t a good time for Jules to consider dating him at that moment in time but it didn’t stop her from spending time with him after they finished school. The chemistry between them was amazing and Jules couldn’t ask for more, she already got half of her dream sorted by having the guy of her dreams (who she thought would never date her) stood here talking to her. 
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The timing felt perfect for her to kiss Nate but feared that he would reject her, especially how she saw what Lexi’s play had done to his reputation. Jules still loved him even after Lexi started saying all those things about Nate in front of hundreds of people and then witnessing Maddy beat Cassie up after both of them calling each other cunts over Cassie being found out that she slept with Nate after him and Maddy broke up. 
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She took a deep breath as she approached Nate and attacked his lips with her own. Kissing him felt like a dream come true and nothing would ruin this moment between them, Jules’ feelings started to blossom whenever her and Nate hung out and this was the perfect time for her confidence to kick in - she didn’t expect much of a reaction to Nate but wasn’t that surprised when he kissed her back. It wasn’t long until it turned into a make out session with clothes on the floor and pauses that were filled with heavy breathing from the both of them. 
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“Sorry, that seemed a little to fast for my brain to cooperate with my body but I do have a confession to make and I’d rather do it now before another girl comes and swipes you up” Jules chuckled - she has never felt this happy in a long time - even after being with Rue and being with Nate made her feel complete.
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midnightpsychos · 1 year
@predatorymaniac is getting a starter from Jules:
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A few weeks after Jules meeting up with someone she had been texting on this app, she realized that the person who hooked up with her was married and had two children with their wife, Jules knew that that had to end before she got herself into some serious shit. But she met someone else, someone who was named Tyler - they’ve never met but as the time went on and they both talked as often as they could considering that they were both in school still, Jules felt her world light up after meeting this mysterious guy on the other side of the phone. 
What she didn’t know was that it was Nate Jacobs who was pretending to be Tyler, and once she finds out - she’d probably never speak to him again (not like she ever did anyway) but that’s besides the point of the present. Jules was busy, looking into her locker when her phone pinged to which she thought was Tyler but ended up being Rue just telling Jules that she will be a bit late today because something came up.
Jules knew deep down that it was about another drug test she would have to do but instead for Lexi to do the sample because there was at least one person who would never touch drugs in the friend group that the three of them formed and that person was obviously Cassie’s younger sister - Lexi Howard. 
Closing her locker, Jules decided to be the one to text Tyler first for once because most of the time it was Tyler texting Jules first and never the other way around - so that’s exactly what the girl done, she would always smile at the messages between Tyler and her even though some of it was more confidential due to Jules being able to open up around him, considering that she never met Tyler, she felt he understood what she went through. 
Jules didn’t really expect Tyler to reply to her because she knew he already started school, which was the same time that she would usually start - providing that she never skipped homeroom but it just wasn’t something she fancied most of the time when it was the literal definition of hell. 
But to her surprise, Tyler responded and they hit off another conversation - by this time Rue had returned from wherever she was with Lexi as soon as the bell went, “guys… I know that you both have just walked through the door but I’ve got something to say” Jules said excitedly for the first time in a while. Rue and Lexi gave each other the odd look as if they thought that Jules was messing about with them because it was something that Jules made them used to. 
She was known as the joker of the group so whenever she had something, both Rue and Lexi never knew when Jules was being serious with what she was saying, “okay - so what’s the news? And please don’t joke around because you genuinely seem really happy” Jules heard Lexi say while Rue looked like she had seen a ghost.
“So, I’ve been talking to someone else since I’ve told you about what happened with that other fucker who was sick and needed someone else to suit his pleasure but then I found out that he was married and he even had children!” Jules hoped that both of the other girls got who she was on about because Jules went to them about anything on her mind - well tell a little white lie - except for self harming herself and when her usage of drugs got out of control sometimes. 
“But anyway-“ as she continued once explaining about DominantDaddy and the shit she got herself into with him to which were about hooking up but she would never tell anyone about, “I’ve met a guy called Tyler and no we’ve never met but I feel like there’s some mad chemistry going on between us over texts, like - I’ve told him stuff that I would never be able to say in person to people. Overall, he just makes me happy and I’m grateful for that”
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midnightpsychos · 1 year
Ship meme Nate x Jules
@predatorymaniac :)
Who’s the cuddler? = Jules
Who makes the bed? = Jules
Who wakes up first? = both
Who has the weird taste in music? = Nate
Who is more protective? = I’d say both but Nate would be more protective over Jules
Who sings in the shower? = both
Who cries during movies? = Jules
Who spends the most while out shopping? = Jules
Who kisses more roughly? = Nate
Who is more dominant? = Nate
My rating of the ship from 1-10 = ♾️/10
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midnightpsychos · 1 year
@predatorymaniac, continued from this ask with Jules’ response:
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what are you doing out of bed?" "for the love of god, i need to pee." 
Nate x Jules when he's sick from using drugs
“Nate, honey, what’s happening? What’s taking you so long?” Jules was worried because Nate hadn’t returned to bed after he went into the bathroom and she wondered where he could’ve possibly gone if he did decide that he wanted to leave without warning. 
Knocking on the door again, she realized that he had been out to party and must’ve gotten high off of the drugs and that this was his body rejecting the rest of the drugs/food/drinks whatever, this resulted in Nate throwing up halfway through the night and even though Jules wasn’t a fan of people throwing up - she never minded cleaning up after Nate because she knew what it was like to get high or be able to run away when no one loves you. 
But Nate helped Jules to escape that mindset to which she will forever be thankful for so this led to Jules always trying to pay Nate back for being there for her whenever she needed him, even if no one approved of their relationship, she really didn’t give a shit because she got to spend the time with someone who is her everything. 
“Honey, I’m going to need you to open the door so I can help you clean up, don’t get scared because I’m not mad at you - I just want to make sure you’re okay and you can head back to sleep” Jules said gently before entering the bathroom to see Nate lying on the floor and her heart sank, Jules could feel her eyes began to fill with tears as she saw the pills on the counter scattered all over the place and Nate just looking lifeless. Was she too late? She thought, “oh god! Baby? Are you still in there?” Jules really started to panic as tears rapidly fell from her eyes onto her cheeks.
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midnightpsychos · 1 year
𝐒𝐂𝐀𝐑 ] ― sender traces a scar on receiver’s body reverse Nate x Quinn well Tyler or it can be Jules and Nate before new York
I’ll be doing Jules and Nate before New York cause Jules’ reactions will be different for that side of things @predatorymaniac
Nate x Jules (euphoria verse):
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It had been a while since Jules and Nate finally got some time alone with each other since mainly Jules was busy trying to find a job while Nate was busy getting drunk and using all sorts of drugs, this time was different then the usual times where they’d hang out together - Nate just came out the shower and he had a towel wrapped around his lower part of his waist and Jules could see the amount of scars that Nate had on his body due to his dad always taking out his anger on the poor boy.
Jules didn’t want to ask nate about she was allowed to trace one of his scars and discover how he had got them because she thought he didn’t want to open up old wounds again with his past since they wanted to both move on together but she asked him anyway, “I know it may seem as if I’m being sort of a pain and I know you’ve just gotten out of the shower but that looks like a recent scar on your body” Jules traced it with her finger as she wanted him to open up to her sort of and tell her how he got this scar
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midnightpsychos · 1 year
🙊⛓️ reverse Nate x Jules
@predatorymaniac, sorry it’s a bit late!!
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“I had no idea that you had grown to be someone who’s into both a leash and a collar. What do you expect me to do? Let you get on your knees and run around like a good boy? Face it Nate - you’ve never been good but I like it - no, I love it. Just never speak about this to anyone else when I do.. alright?” Jules smiled at him while she but the collar around Nate’s neck before clipping on the leash that came with it, it was only harmless fun, right?
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midnightpsychos · 1 year
♥ Send a ship and I'll give you who: Nate x Jules
oh fuck yes, @predatorymaniac
Gives nose/forehead kisses ~ Jules
Gets jealous the most ~ Nate
Picks the other up from the bar when they’re too drunk to drive ~ Both would
Takes care of on sick days ~ Both
Drags the other person out into the water on beach day ~ Probably both but more so Nate
Gives unprompted massages ~ Nate
Drives/rides shotgun ~ Nate (Jules is his passenger princess)
Brings the other lunch at work ~ Jules
Has the better parental relationship ~ None but probs Jules
Tries to start role-playing in bed ~ Jules
Embarrassingly drunk dancer ~ Jules
Still cries watching Titanic ~ Jules
Firmly believes in couples costumes ~ Jules
Breaks the expensive gift rule during Christmas ~ 1000% Nate
Makes the other eat breakfast ~ Both (if not then they’re each others breakfast)
Remembers anniversaries ~ Both
Brings up having kids ~ Jules
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