#🎯 Scopes
thesensteawitch · 6 months
What 2023 taught you? {A Nostalgic Hit!} 🎯👀
Pick A Pile Reading
(Left to Right- Pile 1, Pile 2, Pile 3)
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Hey, Senstea Souls!
Welcome to another collective reading. Here you'll get a glimpse of the year 2023 and what it taught you. Also, a tip for 2024 is given at the end of each pile. I hope you find the reading helpful!🤍
Please DM me for personal reading.
Booking Form|Rate Card
A Nostalgic Hit! + One Line Guidance For 2024
Pile 1
Tarot Cards- King of Wands, The Wheel of Fortune, 10 of Pentacles, Page of Wands, The World, 5 of Pentacles
Animal Spirit- Beaver
Well, pile 1 I see that this year has taught you to come out of the cyclical nature of your mind. This year taught you to be more focused and detail-oriented. It showed you intricate details especially when you were struggling. At the beginning of the year, you were okay with being in a box, in your own tiny space. But the scope for your growth became stagnant. You may have had anger outbursts. The dream you had somehow shattered because a new dream was emerging. You were coming out of your cocoon. Achieving goals became impossible to imagine. But you were divinely pushed to have hope and keep believing in the impossible even though it seemed delusional. And as the year started to approach its end you started to see some clarity. Without knowing you become the master at what you do. Something didn't work out the way you wanted it to but it worked out completely different from your imagination. Some of you may also have felt stuck in family dynamics and now I see healing in that area. You fought so many battles within a year. You broke more than one cycle this year. Wow! You were being prepared for the ultimate abundance that you deserve. Something in your DNA needed to be changed. Something significant happened during April, May, and August. No matter what you did you found yourself coming out of one circle to entering into another one. But now this cyclical process is over! You did it! You learned the importance of planning and understanding life as a whole. You learned the true value of actions and what's the best way to make long-term plans work. Some of you were looking for financial stability which impacted you emotionally. But now I see you are almost out of the lack phase and are entering into the phase of abundance.
One line tip for the next year:
Tarot Cards- 4 of Swords, 3 of Pentacles, Knight of Cups
Don't settle for breadcrumbs or stay in a relationship more than you should. (Strong Earth energy I can sense.) There's a soulmate out there waiting for you to come out of the relationship trauma.
Get your 2024 blueprint and be extra prepared for what's coming. (With Remedies/Recommendations)
3 Months- $10
6 Months- $20
9 Months- $30
12 Months- $40
DM me to book your reading!
Pile 2
Tarot Cards- Temperance, The Hierophant, 7 of Cups, 6 of Pentacles, 8 of Cups, The World
Animal Spirit- Owl
Hello, my dear pile 2. I see that 2023 taught the true meaning of give and take. It taught you how to balance. It taught you that you too deserve to receive love and effort. It taught you to walk away from anything that is not helping you grow or relationships that are keeping you stagnant. You learned the truth of selfless service. You can discern better when it comes to your emotional mind. Now you know what being at peace truly means. Something major might have happened around August. Perhaps, you found the courage to let go. You've freed yourself from always being in your head. You have learned so much that now you are capable of guiding others. You are finally gaining the light that shines within you. For some of you, I feel as though you have understood relationship and friendship dynamics pretty well there's still something lingering around that you need to deal with. There's something you still can't let go of or stop wishing for. There's a wish that you are attached to and you need to let go of the attachment. As soon as you become happy without the idea of having it you'll see it coming. This year brought you closer to spirituality but you still have a long way to go. I hear, “August slipped away like a bottle of wine 'cause you were never mine.” For some of you, I see that somewhere you still hope for someone to change. Perhaps, somewhere deep down you are pretending that you are over someone but you truly aren't. This year taught you a lot in terms of relationships and I hope you carry forward the lessons into the next year as well.
One line tip for the next year:
Tarot Card- Death
A spiritual transformation is coming your way. You may need to let go of something that might hurt you but it will be needed.
Get your 2024 blueprint and be extra prepared for what's coming. (With Remedies/Recommendations)
3 Months- $10
6 Months- $20
9 Months- $30
12 Months- $40
DM me to book your reading!
Pile 3
Tarot Cards- Queen of Pentacles, 8 of Swords, 6 of Swords, 5 of Cups, The World, King of Pentacles
Animal Spirit- Hyena
So my dear pile 3 I sense some conflict between your divine counterparts (Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine). Some of you may be questioning your identity. You thought you were over something but then suddenly this year made you realize that there's more to this world and there's more to you. It was uncomfortable for you to accept yourself. For you, there was no way out of this misery. The problem is that you let the situations define you, and others' opinions define you. You didn't move based on your choice but you moved or made a decision based on what others perceive of you so that you still can be loved. You were or still are trying to prove something to the world. I hear, “You make me glow but I cover up won't let it show.” I am sorry to say but I see that there's a huge lack of self-love here. And you are still making peace with yourself. You are still learning to accept yourself. But the good news is that this tough cycle is about to end as the Capricorn season ends in January. Slowly but steadily you'll be out of this mess. You will find the courage to take the action. You need to. And you must. This year taught you what it looks like to see and feel the truth. It might have been uncomfortable but was necessary for your growth. You've suffered on the soul level and it's time that you take the right action and not what the world deems right.
One line tip for the next year:
Tarot Card- The Star
Deep down you wish to love yourself and that wish is coming true. Stay true to yourself.
Get your 2024 blueprint and be extra prepared for what's coming. (With Remedies/Recommendations)
3 Months- $10
6 Months- $20
9 Months- $30
12 Months- $40
DM me to book your reading!
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keoni-chan · 1 year
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After some skilling, Maureen leaves for another shot at love. Did you know that you can’t use “Scope Room” if your sim never did a flirty interaction? I sure didn’t. But now that Maureen has checked out old guy Luke, we can finally unleash its power. 
Target acquired 🎯
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etes-secrecy-post · 3 months
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Hi, before I explain my post, I want to say something important.
• What you see my blog has become a major overhaul. And despite the changes, I decided that my 2nd account will be now my artwork blog with a secret twist.
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Okay? Capiche? Make sense? Good, now back to the post…↓
#OnThisDay: Mar 12th, 2018
Title: Dynames Radar
Before he's armoring the powerful range weapon "Zabanya" (which we'll meet him, very soon), he's armoring his beginner "Dynames". 🎯🔫🤖🐵
A sniper type "Cuteness Mecha Armor" w/ a special scope on his hidden V-Fin forehead. Though not only he used his GN Sniper as a main, but also he has pistols, beam sabers, shield cloak on his each side of shoulders and a missile pack located his hidden from skirt. It wasn't enough, he has few special features that he'll handle used so you better read his armor info. 😉
Dynames Radar Based on: GN-002 Gundam Dynames [CLICK ME!]
GN Beam Pistol • While the GN Sniper Rifle can fire at very long ranges, it is an unwieldy weapon to use in firefights in urban environments or in high-speed melee battles. Dynames is armed with two GN Pistols to offset this. It is mostly the type of weapon that's chosen based on specific mission criterias. The dual-wields these pistols using gun-kata, dodging enemy melee attacks before responding with well-placed shots at close range. While they have a high rate of fire, they possess less power than the GN Sniper Rifle. Its best used on a group of enemies from mid-range distance. During the testing stages, they will burn out after certain usage, thus up to six extra pairs can be equipped for prolonged close combat capability. The problem has since been fixed and the extra pairs are no longer needed. When they are not in use, they are placed in special holsters on the legs.
GN Beam Sabers • For close range combat, Dynames carries two GN Beam Sabers on its rear waist armor. As Dynames is specialized for long range shooting, they are its only melee weapons and possess the same power as the beam sabers on the others.
GN Missiles • A total of 24 GN Missiles are mounted on the Dynames, with 16 located on the front skirt armor and 4 located on either knee. They fire GN Missiles, which are used for destroying large targets like space vessels or for rapidly neutralizing or destroying large groups of enemies.
GN Sniper Rifle • A long-barreled particle rifle, the GN Sniper Rifle is Dynames' primary armament. While its firing rate is low, it is able to snipe at long distances by working with other powerful sensors. As such, its for Dynames to attack enemies from outside their search operation area. The rifle may be detached and mounted on a bipod, but is usually secured to the right rotatable shoulder dock. An optional scope may also be attached above the barrel.
GN Full Shield • The GN Full Shield consists of two large E-Carbon-made GN Shields. Although Dynames has its own standard GN Shield(located at the left shoulder) it can still had to manually evade attacks. Although Dynames' maneuverability is reduced, the GN Full Shield offers a more complete defense comparatively. The sliding shields would switch in between forward, side, and backwards to efficiently defend Dynames while attacking. GN Particles are applied both to decrease the weight of the shield as well as deploying GN Fields on the outer surface for protection.
GN Shield • A shield made from high strength E-Carbon. Because Dynames needs to both hands to operate the GN Sniper Rifle, its shields are placed on the shoulders instead. It is only equipped on the left shoulder.
Special Equipment(s) / Features:
Super Substratospheric Altitude Gun • A special weapon designed for use in sniping orbital targets from the surface of the Earth. It is a massive version of the Dynames' GN Sniper Rifle that requires stabilizing equipment for Dynames to simply aim the weapon. The massive gun is connected via cables to a separate GN Condenser unit nearby where a large amount of it's particles come from. Its extreme size and weight require Dynames to be completely stationary when firing, as the weapon also possesses massive recoil. Though the weapon is powerful, it is rarely used, as this rifle is one of the most fearsomely powerful weapons of the Dynames, and one of the most powerful weapons developed by Celestial Being for its four armors (Exia, Dynames, Kyrios and Virtue).
Sniper Mode • Sniper Mode is a feature when the pilot focuses on sniping and has manage Dynames' peripheral systems. The V-fin would lower and cover the primary optics and a large mono-ocular sensor exposes at the forehead for enhanced image targeting.
Trans-Am System • A hidden system with Dynames' GN Drive. When activated, the GN Drive maximizes GN particle output. Condensed GN particles saturate Dynames' MS frame, giving it a pink-reddish hue. Trans-Am grants Dynames three times the strength, speed, and firepower.
"Veda-based Operating System" • An operating system is linked to Veda, allowing the quantum computer to provide support to the Celestial Being Meisters, exclusively. In the original Anime, they used it to intervene in the Gundams' systems, rendering them inoperable. Fortunately, the Ptolemaios team had considered such a probability and had developed a stand-alone operating system beforehand. he switch to this stand-alone operating system restores the C.B. armors to operating state, but the loss of support from Veda makes the armors and completing missions much tougher for the Meisters.
Radar - Astroblast! © Bob Kolar, Scholastic, Universal Kids (Sprout) Armor (Mobile Suit Gundam 00) - Gundam series © Bandai Namco Filmworks, Inc. (SUNRISE), Sotsu
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that-glitter-chick · 6 months
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Just some doodles of Jake and Chance I did recently. I figure they’re not morning people, finding it hard to get enough sleep between running the garage, saving the City and trying to get themselves some girlfriends lol. Oh the life of young vigilante superheroes!
For the record, that’s not a religious symbol on Jake’s coffee mug, it’s crosshairs like in a sniper rifle’s scope. He is the duo’s “Sureshot” after all. Chance got it for him at one of those military surplus stores, just because it made him think of him, and now it’s Jake’s favorite ❤️ ☕️🎯
Medium is colored pencils.
Please don’t reblog or post elsewhere without giving me credit, I wouldn’t do that to you 😘
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kyledefoor · 1 year
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New @vortexoptics Strike Eagle 3-18 x44. Absolutely outstanding mid range option for those need higher power glass. Price is solid Check it; 🎯FIRST FOCAL PLANE RETICLE Accurate holdovers through the entire magnification range. 🎯ILLUMINATED EBR-7C RETICLE Provides precise aiming under low-light conditions. 🎯COMPACT DESIGN The exposed elevation turret delivers faster adjustment, while the capped windage turret cuts the scope's size and weight. 🎯 Mine here is in Bobro Engineering mount. #vtxstrikeeagle #defoor #defoorproformanceshooting #kd4 https://www.instagram.com/p/CnC0QbSubAZ/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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rabchunter · 10 days
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Professional Poison Free Pest Control with Really Wild Pest Control.
Back out in one of the four agricultural education visitor centre sites, this time in Gloucestershire.
Today's job rabbit control in some of the grazing paddocks, both the horses and cattle have been hurting themselves in the rabbit holes and digs, plus the rabbits are eating more grass than the livestock.
Alot of the grass is still long and making it hard to see the rabbits to shoot.
Today's gun of choice is the Ole faithful .22LR with Eley Subsonic hunting ammo, whisper quiet with a deadly humane strike on target 🎯 perfect for this sort of job.
The scope of choice today/night is the Night Pearl Martin dedicated thermal scope, this is making easy work of dealing with the rabbits in the longer grass they just can't hide from me.
The livestock manager is very impressed with it as I let him have a look through it, he is coming to see Night Pearl at the next game fair with credit card in hand.
Professional Poison Free Pest Control at its finest here here at Really Wild Pest Control, the eco green professional pest control company of choice.
If you require our services drop us a line via the website link below and one of the team will get back to you asap 👇 www.reallywildadventures.co.uk www.theolehedgecreeper.co.uk
#theolehedgecreeper #reallywildpestcontrol #reallywildmarksmanship #reallywildadventures #pestcontrol #vermincontrol #eleyoutdoors #eleyoutdoorsambassador #eleyammunition #jackpyke #AirArms #nightpearlmartin #nightpearl #primostriggersticks #primos #helios
@eleyhawk @eley_ltd @eleyoutdoors @nightpearluk @nightpearlsportoptics_int @primos_hunting @jack_pyke
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masongrizchel · 2 months
Our Life; Its Direction 💫
Regardless of what you study now, it is probably not what you are going to do later. 📚
Instead of a career, focus on the purpose. 🎯
Instead of topics, think of problems to address. 🤔
As we navigate through our independent academic journey, it's important to acknowledge that the career landscape is constantly evolving. The job market of tomorrow may demand skills and expertise that are vastly different from those emphasized in your current field of study. Therefore, it's essential to cultivate a mindset of adaptability and continuous learning. Embrace opportunities for growth and exploration, even if they lead you beyond the scope of your initial academic pursuits. By remaining open-minded and flexible, we will be better equipped to seize emerging opportunities and carve out a fulfilling career path. 🌱
While traditional notions of a career may revolve around specific job titles or industries, it's crucial to delve deeper and identify your overarching purpose or mission in life. Consider what truly drives and inspires us beyond mere professional ambitions. By aligning our actions with our core values and passions, we can create a sense of purpose that transcends the confines of any single career path. Whether it's making a positive impact on society, fostering meaningful relationships, or pursuing personal growth, anchoring ourselves in a sense of purpose will guide us toward fulfillment and satisfaction in all aspects of life. 💫
In today's complex and interconnected world, society increasingly values the ability to tackle real-world problems over possessing superficial knowledge of isolated topics. Shift our focus from passive consumption of information to active engagement with pressing issues facing society. Seek out opportunities to apply our skills and expertise towards meaningful solutions that address societal challenges such as climate change, healthcare disparities, or technological innovation. By reframing your approach to learning and problem-solving, we will not only deepen our understanding of complex issues but also make a tangible difference in the world around us. Embrace a mindset of curiosity, creativity, and collaboration as you embark on this journey of problem-driven exploration and discovery. 🔍✨
By embracing adaptability, aligning with purpose, and focusing on real-world problems, you can navigate the ever-changing landscape of career and personal growth with confidence and purpose. 🚀
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wi4corporation · 7 months
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Why Health Tech Startups Need a Product Owner 🤔💡
In today's fast-paced tech world, having a dedicated product owner position is often considered necessary for high-performance teams within health tech startups. But why is this role so pivotal?
The product owner is the torchbearer for the team, providing guidance, and priorities, and aligning everyone to the goal. They are responsible for translating your startup’s vision into tactical steps and leading the team towards achieving that. They help manage scope, keep the team focused on customer value, and make tough calls when needed.
Most importantly, the product owner works with stakeholders across your system - from users and customers to senior leadership. No matter how good your technology may be, without coordination and alignment, it can fall flat.
So if you're a founder of a health tech startup thinking about who to bring on board next, consider investing in a product owner who can lead your product development journey to success! 🚀🎯
Visit our website to know more about us: https://wi4.org/services/software-solutions/ Call: (470) 830-0294
healthtech #leadership #productowner #teamwork #teambuilding #medical #medtech #saas #innovation #healthcare #founder #startup #healthstartup #artificialintelligence #AI
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metallens · 10 months
How to Mount a Scope in 6 Easy Steps
🎯 Elevate your shooting game with a perfectly mounted scope! Explore MetalLens's in-depth guide on how to mount a scope in 6 easy steps.
Source: https://metallens.com/how-to-mount-a-scope/
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ilearnfromcloud · 11 months
🔥 Discover the 5 Common IT Project Management Failures and How to Avoid Them    👉 Welcome back to our channel, where we bring you the best I.T. practices and tips! In this must-watch video, we dive deep into the challenges faced by IT projects and share proven strategies to overcome them. 🔹 Are your IT projects constantly falling apart, causing delays and headaches? 🤯 🔹 Tired of budget overruns and missed deadlines that impact your business? 💼 🔹 Want to ensure your projects achieve their goals and objectives? 🎯 We've got you covered! 🤝🌟 Join us as we reveal the top 5 IT project management failures and provide you with expert tips to steer clear of disaster! 💡💻 🔹 Lack of Clear Project Objectives and Scope? Not anymore! Learn how to set crystal-clear project goals and keep everyone aligned from start to finish. 🔹 Inadequate Project Planning? No worries! Our comprehensive project planning techniques will keep scope creep and resource issues at bay. 🔹 Poor Communication and Collaboration? Say goodbye to misunderstandings and delays! Discover effective communication channels and foster a collaborative environment. 🔹 Inadequate Risk Management? Not on our watch! We'll show you how to proactively identify and mitigate potential risks. 🔹 Lack of Stakeholder Engagement? Engage like a pro! Get key stakeholders involved early on for project success and smooth adoption. 🌟 Ready to revolutionize your IT project management approach? 🌟 Don't miss this game-changing video! 🎬🔝 👉 Dive into the full article for even more insights and exclusive tips: Source Article: https://bit.ly/3Kx0URA 👍 👍 Like and share this video with your network to help others navigate their IT projects with confidence! 📢🔄 Take Action Now! Unleash the full potential of your business with our game-changing eCTO services at https://bit.ly/eCTO. Discover the transformative capabilities of our e-CTO and how it can effectively support your IT company's growth. Learn more: https://bit.ly/IT_Partner Discover How Our e-CTO Drives Explosive SME Business Growth | Learn More: https://bit.ly/CTO-for-SME  
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ICYMI - Weekly Digest 356
Despite most of the world having taken a day off this week for one reason or another, this week's ICYMI Digest (356) has links to some top of the line post from the likes of:
🎯 Toby Brown - 'Measuring Against Nothing (Or, Budgets Without Scope Aren’t Really Budgets)'
🎯 Kim Tasso - 'Pitching, differentiation and competitor analysis'
🎯 Stephanie Wilkins - 'Legal Tech vs. the Billable Hour: Experts Weigh In'
🎯Mark A. Cohen - 'The Legal Industry Is Not Prepared For Career Diversification— Why That Matters And Where To Look For Guidance'
🎯Heather Gray-Grant - 'How Law Firms Create (And Should Deal With) Difficult Partners' 
🎯Jack Shepherd - 'Is it time for law to properly embrace project management?' 
As well as many others. Check it out here: https://mailchi.mp/0d6c63b1f276/icymi-weekly-digest-356
#legal #knowledgemanagement #km #pricing #strategy #bizdev #lpm
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etes-secrecy-post · 11 months
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Hi, before I explain my post, I want to say something important.
• What you see my blog has become a major overhaul. And despite the changes, I decided that my 2nd account will be now my artwork blog with a secret twist.
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Okay? Capiche? Make sense? Good, now back to the post…↓
#Onthisday: Aug 11th, 2017
Title: Cuteness Member - Sniffles
Sniffles 🔵👓 is the only HTF character with a intellect and inventing all sorts. But only that, he tries to be a Cuteness Mecha member with his first armor, the "GM Sniper II". 🤖🎯🔫 He uses his mind to strategies the objectives and command to his allies, more often his main role is a long range gunner to eliminates opponents. So if you're looking a leader with superior intellect, then his ant eater will do.😉
GM Sniper II Sniffles Came from the real: RGM-79SP GM Sniper II
• Hand Grenade These waist mounted grenades can be thrown like regular grenades and set to detonate upon impact with the target or timed to explode after a preset time.
• Beam Saber The beam saber is a small cylindrical device held in the mobile suit's hands when operated and is powered by an energy capacitor that is recharged from special racks. The beam saber is capable of cutting through any metal that has not been treated with anti-beam coating. The GM Sniper II is equipped with a pair of beam sabers stored in a recharge rack located on the rear skirt armor.
• Franz EF-KAR98K 75mm Sniper Rifle A mobile suit-sized version of the modern day sniper rifle with a 5 round magazine. The scope functions in conjunction with the computer of the GM Sniper II and boasts a high hit rate. However, it is unsuitable for MS combat, resulting in the GM Sniper II carrying a beam rifle for a standard sortie.
• HWF GMG·MG79-90mm Bullpup Machine Gun • NF·GMG-Type.37/100mm Machine Gun • P.B.R-0079/A12 S-000011 Beam Rifle • BOWA BR-M-82L-9 L-9 Type Beam Rifle • HWF GR·MLR79-90mm Long Rifle • NFHI*EPHB-type.Doc-04/380mm Hyper Bazooka
• NFHI RGM-M-Sh-AGD Shield Shields are simple in their design, being essentially thick slabs of metal that the equipped mobile suit can use to absorb the impact from attacks that, for whatever reason, cannot be dodged. However shields can only withstand so much pressure before becoming damaged themselves. As technology progressed it became necessary for shields to be treated with an anti-beam coating as a measure of defense against beam weapons which can normally penetrate any physical barrier, however the coating gets gradually burned away each time a beam strikes it until it is rendered useless.Typically shields used by GM series mobile suits are almost the length of the mobile suit's height and are carried in the left hand.
• FADEGEL RGM-M-Sh-007 Short Shield
Special Equipment/Feature(s):
• Head Mounted Precision Targeting System
Sniffles - Happy Tree Friends © Mondo Media Armor (Mobile Suit Gundam 0080: War in the Pocket) - Gundam Series © SUNRISE, Sotsu
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pablofunk · 2 years
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Sight Scope 🎯 (at Miami Design District) https://www.instagram.com/p/ClCGS8BvIE6/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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rabchunter · 16 days
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Back out on this Agricultural Education Visitor Centre Professional Pest Control Contract, this time on the North Devon/South Somerset border site.
Job this day/night rabbit control in the grazing paddocks.
Rifle of choice the Ole reliable.22LR with the awesome Eley Subsonic hunting ammo.
This rifle is pin point accurate, with Eley Ammunition whisper quiet with a deadly humane strike on target 🎯 hey with The Ole Hedge Creeper behind the butt, now that's a winning combination right there in professional position free pest control.
As the evening progresses I will be adding a Night Pearl Seer 35 thermal front add on onto the scope, bringing day to night.
I gotta admit I really do love my job especially at this time of year.
Really Wild Pest Control the finest choice in Professional Eco Friendly Pest Control.
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galacticdust91 · 2 years
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🎯Target: Wolf-Rayet 134 (WR 134) 🪐Type: Nebula 📷 ASI 1600mm PRO ⭕ Zwo LRGB & Antlia 3nm NB 🔭 Skywatcher Esprit 100 ⚙ EQ6R-PRO 💻Software: Pixinsight & Photoshop ----------------------------- 📍 Skövde, Sweden (Bortle 5-6) 📅CAPTURED: 2022-08-23, 2022-08-24 & 2022-08-25 🔴 R 27 * 30s 🟢 G 25 * 30s 🔵 B 27 * 30s HA * 41 * 300s OIII * 104 * 300s ⏱ TOTAL INTEGRATION TIME: 12h 44 min 📘Astrobin: [https://www.astrobin.com/users/Calzune/](https://www.astrobin.com/users/Calzune/) 📙Flickr: [https://www.flickr.com/photos/91renner/](https://www.flickr.com/photos/91renner/) ----------------------------- This was my first target with my new Skywatcher Espirt 100ED. Im SO happy with the quality of this scope so far! I spend around 6 hours processing this image, trying out new new techniques in both Pixinsight and Photoshop. Its very different from what I use to do, but I kinda like it. Sharper image can be found on my Astrobin. Let me know what you think =) (på/i Skövde) https://www.instagram.com/p/ChuwEZQD2KK/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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anjujindal · 2 years
Yes, you heard it right!
❤️‍🔥Passion is not what you need to find the right career🕺.
It is 🎯PURPOSE what you actually need to focus👀 on.
When you will follow 🚴‍♀️ your purpose you will use all your talent and strength passionately to change the world and reach your goals🎯
Future scope and aptitude will help you to be relevant and make you irreplaceable 😊.
So what are your waiting for join my career development course and know the right career for you.
#anjs #anjujindal #career rightcareer #rightcareerchoice #rightcareerfit #rightcareerpath #rightcareerrevolution #brightcareer #brightcareerschool #brightcareers #brightcareerindia #brightcareerplan #rightcareerchoice✨ #rightcareerchoiceintheend #wrightcareercollege #wrightcareers #wrightcareercollegeprobe
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