deathflm · 3 years
sharing an apartment with the tot boys!
warnings: obvious vyn favouritism i am so sorry🙁 vyn stans unite ig<3
characters included: vyn, luke, artem, and marius (in that order)
note: my art teacher told me to draw hairy balls /srs 😕
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v. richter
— vyn is a very pleasant roommate! he constantly respects your personal space and boundaries.
— you two would split the chores around the apartment, but vyn would be very understanding if you couldn’t complete a chore since you were busy. he’d probably take it into his own hands to do it himself and then prepare a cup of tea for you to have when you aren’t busy.
— he’ll often bake and cook, offering you to join him. though, more often than not you end up accidentally messing up due to the rather complicated instructions of what he’s trying to replicate. he wouldn’t be mad though! he’d just chuckle and fix it the best he can, which usually ends up really tasty.
— the kind of roommate who seemingly has your entire schedule memorized, whether it’s intentional or not. if you’ve slept in, he’ll wake you up because he knows you have to be off to work in the morning. if you’ve gotten home earlier than expected, he’ll question what happened. if you’re spending more time in the washroom than usual, he’ll knock on the door and ask if you’re alright. he’s very observant in that way.
— the same goes for your mental state. it’s both a curse and a blessing to have a psychologist as your roommate. on the bright side, free therapy sessions every day. he notices how you’re feeling before you even know how you’re feeling. but on the downside, he can sometimes analyze you and bring out that psychologist side when it’s not needed.
— if you’re a messy person, vyn would definitely be a little passive aggressive when he sees you dirtying your common areas. he doesn’t care if your bedroom isn’t clean though, or at least that’s what he says but it isn’t exactly true. he would offer to clean it for you when he had the time but he feels that would be overstepping your boundaries so he’d simply avert his eyes while walking past your room.
— not big on take out because again, he’ll be cooking and baking a lot. when making a fancier dinner, he will tell you to wear something nice then prepare the table neatly so you two could have a sophisticated dinner together! though, that doesn’t happen often, his work still takes up a large portion of his time.
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l. pearce
— whenever he goes out, he’s the type of roommate to bring something back for you! even if he doesn’t go anywhere with any food or drinks, he’ll stop by a convenience store and pick something up for you whether you asked for it or not. there are times you end up with a pile of food—mainly sweet things, in your room since he kept bringing things back but you weren’t able to eat it all.
— despite this, he also will occasionally cook and when he does it’s really good! he cooks traditional meals and meals that a suburban dad would cook during the summer. there is no in between. either way, they both taste immaculate. you will always have leftovers from his meals since he eats so much and expects you to always have like three plates.
— knocking? he forgets that most of the time and settles for shouting your name then running down the hallway so you can hear his footsteps approach. you only really have a few seconds to spare before he flings the door open to show you something cool or asks you to help him with whatever. he doesn’t even realize how invades your privacy. in turn, he’s fine with you just barging into his room. he has his limits with the washroom, of course. he would definitely knock before entering if you pointed out how you felt your privacy had been breached.
— he would want a pet but knows very well the apartment complex doesn’t allow pets. even so, that wouldn’t stop him from randomly bringing in a .. “pet” then it’s just some pigeon who stole his food and he ended up bonding with it so he decided to take it home.
— he is a morning person and wakes up at ungodly hours, ready to start the day. he would try to be as quiet as possible during this time! he’d even leave most of the lights off in fear that the light would sleep under your door and obstruct your sleeping. if you preferred some lights stay on outside of your room, he would definitely leave them on.
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a. wing
— he wakes up early and doesn’t come home until late at night if he comes home at all. it’s slightly worrying. so, due to his stressful and time consuming job, you’ve taken it upon yourself to do most of the chores. though, when artem has time off he refuses to let you do any, in order to pay you back.
— when he’s able to, he cooks! he also likes to eat with you, he enjoys talking to you about certain cases (that he can talk about) and likes to hear your thoughts on them, even if they’re silly. he wouldn’t do all the talking though, he’d would absolutely want to hear about your day. he would probably be the most interested in hearing about your family and friends too. he would mentally take note of all their names in case they came to visit.
— countless times he’s fallen asleep on the couch, being unable to make it to his room after a long day. usually some documents will be scattered against the table. he’s grateful in the morning when he wakes up to a blanket around him and once tight tie having been loosened. along with that, his documents neatly organized on top of each other in the order they were spread out in. he’d bring back something he saw in a shop window on his way to work since he doesn’t know how else to express his gratitude.
— greatly respects your privacy, will always knock more than once, and won’t ever pry into personal issues. if he picked up your mail along with his, he would put your mail under his so he couldn’t even dare see where the letter was from. majority of the time it’s just your phone provider.
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m. von hagen
— if you work a stressful long day job, then i wouldn’t recommend rooming with marius! though he is respectful, he pulls a fair share of pranks that would definitely not help with your stress. his pranks are genuinely funny! being roommates with marius can only be described in one word: fun.
— obviously you both have your own things to do, but when you’re free he’ll force you to watch every twilight movie with him in one night. he was so team edward that he would get unironically pissed when bella was with anybody else. don’t like edward or pretend not to in order to spite him? he’s throwing you out of the apartment and locking the door as you can hear twilight continue on inside.
— he often stays up at night and is unintentionally loud. sometimes he’ll accidentally drop something or get too loud when immersed in a tv show but would apologize profusely the next day. though, when he does go to sleep early, it’s really early, like around nine or eight but once he’s out, he’s out until the morning.
— frequently leaves without telling you in person but will shoot you a text. he’s usually in a time crunch so don’t be too hard on him for being unable to tell you before he goes. he would bring something back, whether it would be a small thing he found, some kind of flower or food, he’s got you covered!
— contrary to popular belief, he wouldn’t be that messy. he wouldn’t care for what his bedroom looked like but would understand that places like the living room and kitchen are shared spaces so he should do his best not to cause too much of a messy and will continuously pick up after himself. still, his room never even gets very messy. he’ll also help with chores and would never let you do any of his. even if he was busy, he’d get it done. he believes that it would be unfair to you.
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deathflm · 3 years
bodyguard! au with artem!
warnings: not thoroughly edited!<//3
notes: finished nge and squid game the same night i cannot mentally recover from this😕👎👎
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bodyguard! artem who always insists on holding your umbrella during the rain, no matter how much taller or shorter you are than him. sometimes, it proves to be as hassle as you watch him trouble to stay under the umbrella himself since he’s keeping it at the perfect height to cover you. you always tell him that you can hold your own umbrella, so he could hold his and not have to risk getting wet but he never listens.
bodyguard! artem who respects your boundaries and stays an agreeable distance away from you and your friends in public but will have a heart attack and instantly call you when he loses sight of your group.
“artem, we’re in the washroom,” you say, annoyed. that was the fifth call this hour while you were just trying to have a nice outing with your friends. even so, you couldn’t blame him for being so concerned for your well being.
bodyguard! artem who instantly knows when you’ve had a bad day based on how your acting and will do whatever to cheer you up. he won’t outright ask you what’s wrong, but he’d hint at it and your bring favourite snack as a bargaining chip. if you choose to tell him, he’ll listen very intently and mentally make note of what or more importantly, who had made you feel bad. you will definitely catch him eyeing the person if he ever meets them.
though if you don’t feel comfortable telling him, he’ll just start bringing you little gifts in order to make you feel better. he considers it apart of his job as your bodyguard. the plushie you called cute as you peered into the store’s front window a few weeks ago? it would now be in your lap. that bracelet you said you liked when you saw a random stranger wearing it? he’s got a keen eye and found it online. he wouldn’t make a big deal of these gifts, he felt he didn’t need to. they were never really expensive or big gifts but they were thoughtful and showed how observant he was.
bodyguard! artem who asks if you’d like a piggyback when you’re too tired regardless of your weight. he will persist when you refuse his offer and it takes a stern glare to cause him to shut up. even then, he’ll keep a hand on your back, gently leading you in worry of you fainting or your legs giving out.
bodyguard! artem who you tease about always wearing the same outfit, except in different shades of dark blue. though he doesn’t realize you’re teasing and takes time to point out every difference between the suit he wore today and the one he wore yesterday. yes, they were both navy blue, fitted exactly the same, and even his tie was the same but apparently they were two different outfits! the stitching on the suit was so obviously different, at least that’s what he had said.
bodyguard! artem who will go awkwardly stiff whenever you lay your head on his shoulder to fall asleep after a long day. if it’s in a public area, he’ll try his hardest to gentle scoot away while being worried about disrupting your sleep. if you’re in a car or some place similar, he’ll let you sleep, maybe even turn on your favourite playlist which he has downloaded. if he finds you squirming in your sleep, he’ll put a jacket on his shoulder to make it more like a pillow.
bodyguard! artem who goes to extreme lengths to secure your safety because he cares about you! everything is always planned out in advance so he can compensate for any mishaps. with artem, there’s many backup plans and procedures he created in case of emergencies. though emergencies never happen, he doesn’t want to be too careless.
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deathflm · 3 years
tears of themis teacher au!
warnings: unedited!😟
characters included: vyn, marius, artem, luke (in order)
note: had to read a 3 page french story then find every verb and say which tense it’s in, i’m in tears rn guys .. THERE WERE OVER 150 VERBS..
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vyn richter
✩ psychology and sociology teacher (it’s surprising rlly)
— he would probably mark rather harshly, but would always try his best to help his students learn and improve.
— like in his personal story, vyn does care a lot for his students! he’s the kind of teacher who’d let students stay in his classroom during lunch no matter what the reason was, this would be the time where he’d also offer extra help, not only to the students in his class but also other psychology or sociology classes!
— he could be talking about the most boring concept yet somehow make it really interesting. he knows so much about psychologists, sociologists and their experiments that you would question whether or not he was actually there.
— he’d give out homework, but also give a fair amount of class time. the kind of “it’s only homework if you don’t finish it in class” teacher.
— not the kind of teacher to go off topic, so if you’re expecting to distract him by asking him about what he did on the weekend, that won’t work.
— gives tests after every unit and projects too! doesn’t force you to work with somebody else if you don’t want to though. i also feel he’d understand that some students might have social anxiety, and that exposure isn’t always the best for them, so presenting would always be optional in his class.
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marius von hagen
✩ media arts ( ofc ) and fitness teacher
— if you don’t know what media arts is, it’s a combination traditional and modern arts! so, painting, sculpting, animation, digital art, and more!
— he’d give his students so much freedom not only in the classroom but also with their artworks. “do whatever, as long as it gets done,” typa beat!
— with fitness, he’d hype up his students even if they weren’t able to do the pull up or bench a certain amount. he’d never mark off of how impress your physical abilities were, he’d mainly (almost solely) mark off of participation because to him that’s enough! he knows some people just need the gym credit so he won’t push them to do fifty pushups or something, unless they set a personal goal to do that.
— due to his last name being longer than usual, he’d probably allow students to call him mr. m or something along those lines!
— he is definitely somebody you can distract for about twenty minutes when asking about his day, or what he does in his free time but he’s well aware you’re trying to stall time so you don’t have to do anything in class.
— he would take his art students and just crash vyn’s psychology class during a test every once and a while to spice up his work life.
— friday’s in his class would probably be a special fun day where he’ll pull up a random kahoot. at the end of the year or semester, the kahoot is about himself and whoever ranks first place gets a gift card.
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artem wing
✩ law teacher
— one of those teachers that gets very stressed over any little thing but tries it hide it. assembly this morning? oh god, it’s gonna ruin the entire schedule for today. you were sick? that’s fine but how is he gonna catch you up.
— the moment summer break starts, he plans his lessons for the next year. he always does things in advance because he finds it very anxiety inducing when he has such a small time frame to get things ready.
— despite this, he’s still an amazing teacher! probably the best at speaking in front of the class. he always has these elaborate presentations, with some interactive examples along the way. he’ll actually stand up in front of the class as he goes through the slides.
— takes it very seriously to a fault and sometimes doesn’t realize when his students are making a joke. “what does that have to do with murder charges?” he isn’t mad, of course! he’s just .. really confused on how his students got from manslaughter to whatever dn is.
— would get bombarded with deez nuts jokes on a daily by his students AND marius. he’s not even safe in the staff room. he’d fall for every one too, even when marius reuses the same one he said two days ago.
— he would give lots of quizzes, but nothing that was a test. the quizzes, though being more frequent, wouldn’t weigh very much on your report card and are mainly for him to see whether or not you need extra help!
— he’s definitely someone you can trick into getting distracted, but instead of asking about his day, ask about a certain criminal case and that’ll keep him busy for the next hour as he’ll go into so much detail.
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luke pearce
✩ biology and physics
— no tests or quizzes! sometimes papers and science thesis’, but mainly hands on experiments and projects that will last a week or so! more than enough time to accomplish them.
— students absolutely adore him, he’s extremely helpful and kind to those in and outside of his class! he’s the teacher that you don’t know at all that will cheerfully greet you in the hallway and wish you a good day.
— understands that physics can be really confusing so he tries his best to make it as clear but interesting as possible. always has so many examples in his head in case a student didn’t understand the one he gave.
— the kind of teacher that you can trick into giving you the answer to a question. just say you’re confused about a specific question and he’ll start breaking it down with you which will eventually lead to him just stating the answering without realizing.
— the teacher who would go to washroom mid period and leave some random student in charge. “don’t burn the classroom down!” he says as he leaves the burner that he was using to demonstrate on.
— would joke around with his students and could be easily distracted, wouldn’t even notice it until he was telling vyn about his third period and vyn would point it out. damn.. he really got out played by a bunch of freshmen.
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deathflm · 3 years
tot headcanons w a s/o who does sfx makeup as a hobby !
warnings: mentions of fake blood, some minor descriptions of fake gore (nothing too extreme or unnerving), unedited, trying a different + shorter style for hcs👍
characters included: artem, vyn, luke, marius (in order)
note: guys my dad saw my atmospherics artem card and got flustered before he walked away w/o saying anything😟 be honest if y’all were him what would u think i was doing
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a. wing
— almost has a heart attack the first time you walked into the room with sfx makeup on whether you intended it or not.
— he was super concerned and thought that you had gotten hurt but he then felt embarrassed when you explained it was only makeup.
— he finds your looks really cool but sometimes they make him a little squeamish due to how realistic they are. he also can’t comprehend how you’re able to do these looks in such a way that it genuinely scares him.
— artem would at first be shy to the idea of you practicing on him, so it would take some convincing but he would end up saying yes in the end!
— please do not leave him to get the prosthetics and makeup off himself, he wouldn’t know where to start and would be too scared to accidentally ruin the prosthetic (which you assure him is fine)! he also might forget to take it off himself so definitely do it for him.
— he wouldn’t wear your sfx makeup outside except on halloween (again, with enough persuasion).
— “hey, can you pick up some blood on your way home?” little did you know you were on speaker phone in his office while rosa stood there in shock. he had to frantically explain that it wasn’t what it seemed like.
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v. ritcher
— part two of would almost have a heart attack the first time he saw you in sfx makeup. he spilled his tea all over the table as he rushed to see what happened to your now bloody eye.
— he would notice it was makeup once up close though and he would lightly scold you. inside, he’d feel really proud! you always find a new way to surprise him.
— he wouldn’t let you do any makeup on his face, but he’d allow you to try it on one of his arms. he just feels it’d be too messy to get off his face and he doesn’t want his skin to be irritated.
— he likes to sit there with you doing whatever makeup on his arm while he rants about his day or reads to you from one of his favourite books with his free hand.
— wouldn’t really dress up at all or allow you to do anything to him for halloween or any other event. despite this, he really does support you! he finds what you do really cool and enjoying hearing you talk about different techniques.
— sometimes you’ll relay a problem about how you don’t know how to create this certain texture and he’ll find a solution like who’s the real one into sfx makeup?
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l. pearce
— luke would absolutely adore and embrace your talent and love for sfx from the exact moment he saw it! though, he’d be a little thrown aback at first.
— would allow you to do looks on him, and would occasionally wear them out (the ones without blood). his favourite was when you transformed his face using prosthetics and face paint into one similar of a tiger! he loves to watch people’s reactions to it.
— of course, he wouldn’t keep them on for work or anything like that. luke is also somebody who struggles taking the makeup off. so do it for him, and make sure to be gentle!
— he would brag to all the nxx members. “that’s cool but have you seen my s/o’s latest sfx look-“ “luke, this is the third time you’ve interrupted the meeting to ask us that.”
— he would be so proud of you! whenever he was out, luke would ask if you needed any supplies, something he could grab for you on his way back.
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m. von hagen
— the first time he saw you enter the room with your face bloodied, he felt his soul leave his body temporarily and just froze with his eyes wide. it’s something you still tease him about to this day.
— of course, he has to use this to his advantage. so sometimes he’ll show up to the nxx headquarters with horror makeup or prosthetic that make him look like an old man. everybody is wondering who the hell this ninety-something year old man is doinf in hq and why does he keep getting everybody with your mom jokes..
— is also somebody who is really proud and brags to everyone! he’d buy you all the supplies you needed, even if you already had liquid latex from yesterday when he had bought you some.
— he finds it a fun and endearing activity to allow you to do his sfx when he’s free. he enjoys watching how concentrated you seem at the task on hand. he actually would not disturb you during this time and would try his best to stay still but would fail miserably when a brush tickled him.
— he has an entire photo album in his phone of just him in every look you’ve done on him. most of them contain him looking either scary, weird, or borderline humorous while you simply stand behind him with a smile on your face, directly contrasting whatever was going on with his makeup..
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deathflm · 3 years
historical pirate au headcanons
warnings: mentions of seasickness, despite being historical— it’s not very historically accurate
note: y’all see me w the atz song in the title ayo ?? if u have any manga recs shoot them my way! i’m currently reading hell’s paradise and watching nge!
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— pirate! marius, captain of the pax ship which he had recently inherited from his father. the pax ship was large and old, but didn’t look its age for it was very well kept by the crew. its floorboards did not rot due to being made from mainly mahogany compared to the usual cedar and oak wood because of its heavy water resistance. though it was much more expensive than the latter mentioned wood, marius was glad his father had chose mahogany for its red tint glistened under the mid afternoon sunlight.
— pirate! marius who prioritizes his crews and their needs yet whose curiosity was piqued by a person waiting near docks randomly one night. he was unaware as to why you were waiting there but approached you anyway. despite very well knowing his title and the infamous reputation surrounding not only the pax crew, but pirates in general, you still asked to board his ship. board his ship? sure, you had gotten his attention but this roped him in even more. he found the entire situation amusing. thus why you ended up on his ship in the first place. though, you only sailed to the next town over before coming back. marius insisted that you shouldn’t stay away from your loved ones for too long.
during this night, he had told stories of travelling the seas and showed you a fake hook which he sometimes liked to wear since he thought it looked cool. he spent a long time explaining how his left eye was indeed fine, and the patch was simply to help him instantly adjust to the dark. that notion confused you which caused him to furthermore explain how he switches the patch from the right to the left at night so he can continue guiding the ship without need to adapt to the light, same with below deck too. at first, he had thought he was crazy for taking in a stranger on his beloved ship, but as he continued talking to you, he realized that you were more interesting than the entire crew combined. it was easier to talk to somebody who didn’t address him as an authoritative figure.
it’s safe to say marius took a liking to you, and you returned the feelings, having been swept away by his charm and courageous tales.
— pirate! marius who catches you waiting on the docks every three weeks for when his crew shall arrive back in town. with a grin plastered on his face he’ll shout out something along the lines of “miss me?” from the top deck before hurrying off the ship to greet you properly. always, no matter what, he would come back with a gift. being attacked while trying to dock near a village? that sucks, but they are gonna need to dock. he could see a beautiful ring in the market by using his telescope and all he could think about was pleasantly slipping it on your finger while giving you a playful smile. though, when he actually had to put the ring on your finger, he tried to put it on the wrong one— then continued to get frustrated since it wasn’t fitting, before accidentally dropping it into the sea.
don’t worry though! he jumped straight in... fully clothed.. in order to retrieve it. his soaked knee high leather boots refused to come off after that until they dried.
— pirate! marius who unexpectedly went on a longer voyage than he had anticipated and felt sad when he didn’t see you at the dock. of course you wouldn’t be, he had been two weeks late. so, imagine your surprise when you wake up in the morning and find marius sleeping in front of your home since nobody had answered the door last night. after getting inside, he sleepily apologizes for being absent for so long and continues to shower you with many gifts and plenty words of affection! not wanting to experience something like that again, he asks your parent(s) to allow you to sail the sea with him! when they say yes, he is more than ecstatic and immediately begins preparing the ship for you.
— pirate! marius who will take you to the top deck at night and starts showing you the constellations in the night sky. his face always being illuminated by the dark sky’s purple hue as his eyes glint like how they usually do when he’s talking about something that he’s interested in. in truth, you didn’t care very much for the constellations but you adored the way he had such a childishly beam as he lively explained the stories behind each constellation.
— pirate! marius who would fake being sea sick every once in a while for you to fuss over him before you find him on the top deck easily steering the ship without seeming ill at all. though, once his gaze is caught on yours, he’ll pretend to double over as if he was about to pass out but he knows very well you would never fall for something like that.
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