#🐉flow like water
aachria · 5 months
I love SSSBMTY it's what I look forward to at all times when I refresh my bookmarks because it's absolutely a work of art. Ed is amazing, and so are your characterizations. You're an amazing writer, and I admire you so much!
Also, quick question if we're talking Ed turning things, can they decide that (with certain things that flow) they can turn it off? Like a faucet? Or would that only work with an actual faucet. Is the turn mental, or does there have to be something that can *normally* be turned. (I'm sorry if this is weird. I'm a D&D player, and my brain is weird)
-I'm gonna call myself 🐉🌸 because I'm too shy to do this off anon
Honestly? I’m making this shit up as I go. If it sounds like it would work, it works. Back when I was DMing I was super fast and loose and honestly just let shit happen lmao.
So yes they could turn off a faucet, same way they could probs turn off a light, but like if they were getting sprayed with a hose or some shit they could turn the water a different direction. Does that make any sense? Idk.
In other news my friend is bringing back their Strixhaven/homebrew mashup campaign that’s been on hiatus because of classes and I am very excited 🥳
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charmixpower · 2 years
Winx Convergence spells!!
Incursion magic (creates harm on contact, made of volitle magic), symbolized by: ⚔️
Solidified magic, aka protective magic, (can be touched without immediate physical harm, or more specifically not created by volitle magic that causes harm on contact) symbolized by: 🛡️
Imbuing magic (magic that cannot be touched) symbolized by: 💫
🐉Bloom and Stella:🌟
Solar Flare (💫⚔️) - A flare is formed that can travel to the highest point in the atmosphere before exploding
Bright Heart (💫) - Solar and Dragon based magic mix to revitalize the spirits of allies, restoring their energy in the process
Incandescent Fusion (⚔️) - The power of the Sun and the power of the dragon flame combine to make a giant wave of plasma 
🌳Flora and Tecna:🖥️
Barrier of Thorns (🛡️⚔️) - A crown of thorns plant with Technomagic augmentations is created, holding electricity between the plants
Natural Flow (💫) - Using the electricity in all living things, the reach of knowledge exchange in nature is amplified 
Natural Electrification (💫⚔️) - All plants in a radius become electrified with contact electrification
🎶Musa and Aisha:⛲
All Powerful Waves (💫) - Liquid and sound magic combines to make absolutely gigantic waves from a central point
Oceanic Harmony (💫) - Music powers and Liquid powers combine to locate and dispel any magical spell or item causing disruption in the ocean 
Fujiwhara Harmony (⚔️) - Music magic and Liquid magic combines to take control and combine to nearby cyclonic vortices 
🐉Bloom and Tecna:🖥️
Supercharged Energy (💫) - Tecnomagic and the dragon flame combine to create a huge surge of energy, with the ability to restart just about any piece of technology
Plasma Wall (⚔️🛡️) - A intricate wall made out of pure plasma is formed, with the ability to incinerate most magical attacks
Dragon Lightning (⚔️) - A super hot lightning strike in the shape of a dragon hones in on and pursues a target 
🌟Stella and Musa:🎶
Lunar Light Music (💫) - The calming effect of lunar magic and music magic combine to put anyone in the immediate are to sleep
Echo Mirror (🛡️) - This barrier reflects and creates duplicates of anything sent at it, all as strong as the original 
Beyond the Speed Barriers (💫) - Light magic and Sound magic combine to make a target fly faster than possible without magic
🌳Flora and Aisha:⛲ 
Healing Spring (💫) - A pool of water is enchanted with life and healing magic throughout its body, healing anything put inside to new
Plant Acid Storm (⚔️) - Liquid powers and plant powers combine to create a wave of plant acid that is sent at a target 
Spring Shower (💫) - Rain with revitalizing powers is created, healing the nature where it hits
🐉Bloom and Flora:🌳
Blazing Wind (⚔️) - Flower petals and leaves on fire all assault a target 
Strength of Life (💫) - This healing spell both heals the recipient and restores their spirit, giving them new energy, drive and more energy then they had before 
Dragon's Call (💫) - Dragon magic and nature magic combine to connect to all dragons in the area, hearing their voice like the voice of nature
🌟Stella and Aisha:⛲
Lunar Pool (💫) - A pool of water enchanted with the soothing effects of lunar magic and liquid magic is created, with the ability to keep someone in a calm stasis and relieve curses 
Dance of Tides (💫) - Solar and lunar magic combine with liquid magic to give the casters complete control of the tides 
Crystal Water (⚔️🛡️) - Water droplets in the air act as prisms form light rays, creating a giant attack affecting a large area with either solar or lunar magic
🖥️Tecna and Musa:🎶
Technomagic Amplifiers (🛡️💫) - Amplifiers made of technomagic and sound magic are created, loud for the entire area to hear it, enhancing the reach of support spells 
Loud Speakers (⚔️🛡️) - Speakers made of sound magic and Technomagic are formed around a target, bombarding the area in constant sounds
Technomagic Staffs (🛡️💫) - Musical staffs with technomagic are created, covering a surface, absorbing and outputting any magic thrown at it
🐉Bloom and Musa:🎶
Allegro Dragon Call (💫) - Everyone who hears the song is filled with confidence and determination 
Dragon Song (💫) - Dragon magic and sound magic combine to soothe all dragons in a area, leading them
Burning Sonic Wave (⚔️) - A wave of visible superheated sound is created 
🌟Stella and Flora:🌳
Dawn of Light (💫) - Solar magic and nature magic is channeled to revitalize all plant life in the area 
Lunar Tranquility (💫) - Lunar magic and nature magic combine to calm all agitated nature in a area 
Breeze Blast (⚔️) - Solar wind and fall twister combine to make a wind storm of light made leaf blades
🖥️Tecna and Aisha:⛲
Lighting Rain Storm (💫⚔️) - Thunder clouds with lightning and rain is created 
Electric Water Barrier (🛡️⚔️) - A barrier of liquid with a powerful electric charge is created
Hydropower (⚔️) - A electrified blast of water is created 
🐉Bloom and Aisha:⛲
Magma Wave (💫) - Liquid magic and Flame magic combine to pull magma from underground, and send it at a target 
Silver Scales (💫) - Liquid magic and dragon magic mix to control and connect to leviathans and other other underwater creatures close to dragons
Newborn Volcano (💫) - Magma is summoned to the surface with such speed it becomes a volcano 
🌟Stella and Tecna:🖥️
Solar Magnetism (💫) - Tecnomagic and solar magic combine to attract all nearby metal
Relocation Beam (💫) - Space magic and Technomagic combine to teleport an object to a new location
Solar Storm (⚔️) - A storm of burning light, electricity, and magnetism is created 
🌳Flora and Musa:🎶
Gale Barrier (🛡️) - Music magic and Nature magic combine to control the wind into a constantly whirling barrier that deflects attacks 
Nature's Summons (💫) - The caster's play a song with nature magic infused summoning all of nature, beyond plant life, to their command
Natural Harmony (💫) - Music magic and Nature magic combine to repair discord in nature
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bb-drayster · 3 months
We asked maple about it but now I bring this to you.
Most type specialists seem to have a trait of their type. Fire specialists have higher temperatures ice types the opposite. Ground types are grounded while water types go with the flow. I have determined your trait.
Mf you’re greedy, you hoard people
me? c’monnnnn, the drayster doesn’t do anything like that, y’know.
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thunderfcry · 4 months
“Do you wanna know something?” They balanced on the top of the flat stone on one foot, watching the rapids of the river flow around them.
Kurai’s sharp eyes shifted towards them from where he was lounging in the grass, under the shade of an old cherry blossom tree. “Always.” He said, chewing on the edge of a twig.
“I was the one that stole Zezra’s trout.” Aishya tittered in delight, hopping to the next smooth stone ahead of them, shifting to put their weight on the opposite foot. “They called me an ungrateful runt so I snuck into the temple and ate it. They have no idea it was me.”
Kurai barked out a laugh, flicking his wrist— a small stream of water funneled up from the river, splashing the young kitsune in the face. “You devilish little thing. If father finds out it was you…” The sea dragon’s expression shifted into something more…unsettled. “You know he’ll be very angry.”
Ryujin wasn’t known for his mercy.
Aishya sputtered, shaking the water from their messy hair, ears bristling in false annoyance at how wet they were now. “He won’t find out. I’m fast. I’m smart. I’m strong. More so than any of the other Kitsune in the village.” As if to prove this, Aishya hopped to the next stone, then the next, than disappeared in a puff of golden smoke just before they hit the other side of the stream.
Kurai raised his horned head, twig dropping uselessly from his mouth. “Ai-Ai?” The nickname he had come up for his friend when they were both new to this realm bounced off the trees and nearby cliffside. “Ai-Ai, come on. This isn’t funny.”
A low rumble seemed to shake the very earth, a vibration akin to mighty waves crashing on the shore. Kurai turned his head up, up, up, greeted with the most beautiful, iridescent scales any mortal or beast would ever see. Shimmering navy blues mixed with teals and violets, massive, muscular coils twining against one another, regal horns like a crown of bones reaching towards the heavens.
Ryujin. Dragon God of the sea. Kurai’s sire.
“Were you aware that the lesser one took my offering from my temple?” His mane moved like water, his voice a thousand rolling thunders. Kurai shrank back, bowing his head. “Father. I…” His green eyes, the color of sea foam, snapped up to the elder God, pleading. “Please don’t punish Aishya! They may not…be on their best behavior, but they have a good heart! A golden soul! They…They are my dearest friend!”
Ryujin narrowed his own crimson gaze, like an endless fire burning within his skull. “If you wish, you could take the blame instead. Maybe I’ll punish YOU!”
Kurai took a few steps back, gaping in fear before their gaze caught something moving atop their patriarch’s head; a pair of fuzzy fox ears.
“Aishya!” The young dragon snapped, tail whipping around in irritation. “That’s not funny! You really had me scared Father had found out!”
“Kekekeke!” In a burst of golden smoke, the kitsune returned to a humanoid form, patting their friend on the snout. “Sorry, sorry! I just thought it would be amusing to see the high and mighty ocean prince shake under his scales, is all.”
Kurai snorted, then flashed that smile— the one that always made their stomach feel hot, like they had swallowed the stones that burned at the base of the volcano in the Badlands. The one that made them feel like they were above the clouds, in the dark, about to taste stardust.
“I don’t think I’ve ever seen a Kitsune mimic Father as perfectly as you, though.” A clawed paw ruffled the top of their head, making Aishya scrunch up their nose and close their eyes, pouting for only a moment. A toothy grin replaced the childish expression, clutching their own claws together. “Really? It was cool, right?”
“Very cool.” Kurai agreed with a hum and a nod. “Very impressive. It’s a wonder you—“
aren’t thought of more highly like the others?
aren’t being trained in powerful magic?
were born with no tails
“…Come on! Let’s go see if the whales are singing!” Kurai said with a playful swish of his furred tail, nudging the laughing Kitsune along.
“First on there cleans barnacles off the temple for a month!”
“You’re on!”
They clutch their stomach. It hurts. It always hurts after they feed, just a little bit. The corruption grows, and sometimes, more often than that care to admit, they wonder if it’s Kurai. If he is disappointed in them, or is being hurt the same way they suffer.
But they quickly think about the hate instead. The spite, that disdain, the rage they have for those that have done them wrong. Them and Kurai.
They dig their claws into the forever bleeding scars that leave marks over their eyes, down their cheeks, the bloody spiral on their forehead pulsing.
They won’t forgive or forget.
They’ve been in this together since the beginning. Kurai and Aishya. Not one without the other.
Together, they’ll kill Ryujin; no matter how many yokai they brutalize, no matter how many lost souls they tear apart, no matter the amount of magic they steal and swallow.
Together. Till the end of days.
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Frilly loves Daddy! 🫣🤠👻🙈🙉🙊🐣🐦‍⬛🦖🦈🐆🐉🐚🪷🫧☔️🍍🥤⛸️🎪🎸🏙️🌃💳🎁🪞🛋️🧮🚺🚮
“Daddy!” says little baby girl Frilly, eyes twinkling as she turns on a light. “It’s Sunday time to dress me for church and wash me..” and giggles.
He comes out of his “mancave” and feeds her a bottle and some cookie biscuits. He straps her in a swing in front of TV to watch baby prayers, while he takes a shower.
He pulls her out of the swing and turns off the TV. She runs over to get a mixture of meat etc. for babies and some water. They go into a bathroom and she gets stripped and placed in the tub and she crawls around delightedly. He spanks her dainty booty and says, “Okay!” He sprays water on her gently from a hose of gently flowing water and sprays her face as she shrinks away. “It’s okay!” he says. He shows her a stuffed water animal. He rubs down her body with a nice warm sponge with netting on it and nice moisturizing soap. He also uses a gel with a washcloth. He shampoos and conditions her hair and puts an invigorating hair mask on for several minutes while he plays with her with some toys. He rinses her hair with a showerhose. It’s time to “climb out” and he takes her out quickly himself. He dries her with a thick soft fuzzy towel. He puts cream and lotion all over her. He gently dries the water from her hair. He puts a bathrobe on her and grabs her and brings her out to a clothes room.
He puts on silky underwear, underpants for girlies, a long flowing shiny cream dress. He ties a shimmering bluish green sash below her little chest. He puts jewels around her neck and wrists. He puts on shiny dress shoes that button up almost as boots, blue.
He dries her hair. He smooths it out with a liquid. He makes sure it curves at the bottom.
He sprays perfumes on her and different types of glitter in different places. He sweeps up pieces of hair in s ponytail and puts chains of jewels on it.
They eat breakfast and pack up.
He puts a warm soft coat on her, rose colored with darker cuffs, neckline, bottom, and belt.
They head out.
She sits in front at mass and does some activity Zane every one likes her and is quietly impressed.
Then, Frilly knows it’s time to go to the mall.
She wanders around. She meets up with Daddy for a snack of Chinese. She buys some accessories.
She is tired and Daddy carries her outside. They go to a “nice” restaurant. She is tired and lays in Daddy’s lap while he talks to some hot, smart women. They leave and Daddy nudges Frilly to awaken to eat. She has a fancy dish she saw on a cooking competition, a smoothie, some cold water with ice, and later a dessert.
Daddy carries her out.
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modx-reborn · 3 years
i wish to be feminized by eret.
finding a very short outfit and some pretty little pink panties nicely folded with care on your bed with a note that says to meet them in their throne room after court wearing their outfit of choosing. putting it on and realizing just how short the dress is and how small the panties are makes you flush bright red when you look at yourself in the mirror.
you go meet your dear king in their throne room, with a cloak over your outfit, and drop it in front of them. they feel you up and down and whisper filth into your ears about how you look so pretty, and they point out how your hard on peeks out of the panties, then they tear what little cloth is on you and fuck you full and stupid right there on their throne.
🐉... You have watered my crops and driven me back to writing, thank you.
It was definitely a gift from your dear partner, their personal touches littered through the designs and even the lace that made up what could barely be called panties. It was not uncommon for Eret to be seen wearing different dresses and glamourous skirts that billowed and flowed behind them but this, this was nothing like those outfits, this was a short dress the hem would be lucky to reach the tops of your knees while standing let alone while you were seated with them addressing the court.
But it had been left with such care wrapped on your bed with a little note asking to see you wear it for the day, with the offer of a reward if you did. The looming idea of the reward is what drove you to give in, after all, it was just dress and some underwear, not anything truly scandalous, yet, there were many more days this could happen and many more things that your dear partner could ask you to wear, mostly being the countless harnesses and leather pieces tucked away in the dresser that were 'for a special day' so they said.
Finally putting it all lets you see just how skimpy this dress really was, sure it covered your chest and dropped across your arms nicely, but the skirt was shorter than you had thought, reaching your knees seemed like a fever dream rather than a real goal. Thankfully once you had worked the courage up to don your cloak and leave the room the court had emptied and all that was left was a few guards and the king themselves, but with a wave of their hand, it was just you and them alone in the long hall.
Lieth hands undo the cloak still covering you, the heavy fabric dropping to the floor and leaving you completely exposed to their covered gaze, knowing that even if you pulled down the hem the skirt would ride up once again, leaving more exposed if you kept fidgeting under their gaze as they continued to let their eyes roam across your form.
"Look at you my dear, so pretty in the little dress I left out for you, a good boy listening to me and earning your reward. But first, come here, kneel for me, I want to see just how pretty you look dressed up like this, barely covered and so very, very pretty for me..."
Listening to the demand is almost second nature as is leaning into how their hands roam your form, fingers popping the buttons on the collar of the dress and pulling the neckline down, just enough to be able to freely run their fingers across your chest, enjoying how you arch up into the path they take. You almost flinch when they use their foot to flip up the skirt, whispering into your ear to keep it flipped up for them, their glasses pulled off and placed down as they let watch them truly take in how you look.
"Aww look at that, so pretty in those panties I got for you, can barely hold you all. Can see how you need me, maybe I should get more like these, a set in every colour to match my own dresses, make you flip up every skirt I am getting you and let me see this more often. So pretty..."
it's not long after their admiring that Eret is pulling you up, tucking their fingers under the band of the underwear they had given you and tugging them off, there is a slight sting when the fabric breaks against your skin, but the access now give is swiftly put to use as they position you as they need. Bending you over the arm of their throne, fingers slicked with an oil unseen, cooing and shushing you as they work you open.
"Shhh, shh, be a good little thing and keep that dress pulled up, would be a shame to make a mess of something so pretty, want to keep you all wrapped up like this for as long as I can. But for now, shhh I think it's time for your reward for doing what I wanted, time to see just how much of a drooly pretty boy I have."
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sistersmcclain · 3 years
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“Be formless. Shapeless. Like water. Now, you put water into a cup, it becomes the cup. You put water in a bottle, it becomes a bottle. You put it in a teapot, it becomes the teapot. Now, water can flow or it can crash. Be water my friend.”
-Bruce Lee 🐉🍃���
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Hello sweetheart! 💖 Can i join the spirit guide game?🌙🌺🐉🌹🍃
I saw about your health condition and i was kinda reluctant to come because i don't wanna sound like i don't care, i mean, i hope this doesn't force your health and it's ok if you can't... Btw i find it so amazing, the fact you have to deal with this and still its so cool and warm doing this free guidance... I'm talking about your vibe now 😂 I don't know if it's because you're a taurean (me too lol) and i recognize traits about taurus people but you give a warm, cool and ecletic vibe at same time lmao I don't know if it makes sense but it's like you're calm and sweet but you can be like a boss and sound serious with a savage tone lol Like you set boundaries easily, i like it!
I wish the best for your health, i'm sure you will be fine soon *taurean hug* Thank you so much for doing this, you're amazing 🥺💗
Eello well well fellow tauro! ☠🌹🍒🌜🌶🌶
So that really really sounds a lot like me too seems like we know each other fro a past life 🤔lol 😆😅😂🙃 I love Taurus earth energy so grounded ♉💗
Thank you for completing all the necessary steps to engage in this event 🙏now please leave me feedback after this reading too 🙌please 🙏😊 it helps me grow as a Shamanic healer .
I had a bit of trouble at first locating your Spirit guide like they were playing hide seek they would ghost me lol 💀💀🧁 but your Spirit guide is juuuust sooo delicate , too soft and they are very flowing in nature..
Your SpiritGuide is a silver swan , read below the traits of swan animal totems
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🧁Your swan is named : Sivinae (pronounced SYV-OH-NAY)
🧁your swan is silver and often known as the SilverSwan
🧁Sivinae the SilverSwan lives in the our realm and swims in a small lake, a body of water located on a constellation named Cygnus (‘Swan’) is a large northern constellation also known as the Northern Cross in the Milky Way of our Galaxy
🧁Sivinae is a sign that you are an old soul
Creator of the Cosmos
Swans, geese, cranes and other migratory waterfowl have played a role in the minds of peoples all over the world going back into prehistory. Paleolithic peoples made flutes out of swan bones, and painted swans and other birds on rock walls. A cave painting in Lascaux, France around 20,000 years old depicts a bird, possibly some kind of waterfowl, sitting on top of a pole. A number of pendants depicting swans in flight have been found in Central Siberia; they are carved out of mammoth bone and are thought to be between 20,000 - 22,000 years old as well. Since these have been found in the “men’s section” of houses and in male graves, and are phallic in nature, they have been interpreted as both representations of male power and the swan as symbol of life and creation. A Bronze Age figurine uncovered in Serbia, dated to 3500 BCE, depicts a male solar deity in a chariot driven by swans, or similar waterfowl.
In ‘earth diver’ creation myths, which are common throughout Central and Northern Asia and Native North America, a divine being dives into the primordial ocean and brings up mud or earth in order to create the world. The Altaian Tatars described this divine being as a white swan. Egyptian creation myths instead speak of a cosmic goose called Kenkenwer, the ‘Great Cackler’. This goose is associated with the earth god Geb, and although some say that it is called ‘great cackler’ due to the belief that Geb’s laughter causes earthquakes, it is also credited with laying the cosmic egg from which came the world. It was also said that the cosmic goose created the world by breaking the eternal silence of the universe with its call.
Around 16,000-17,000 years ago the Milky Way would have been seen to flow from Scorpio at its ‘base’ (often conceptualized as a dragon or serpent) up through to Cygnus, the celestial bird. The brightest star of Cygnus, Deneb, would also have occupied the position of Pole Star at about this time period - a Pole Star being the closest star to the axis around which the firmament
Swans (or geese) also feature in Hindu mythology, where they are associated with Brahma and his consort Saraswati and are known as Hamsa. Kalahamsa, the ‘swan/goose of eternity’ is said to have laid the cosmic egg, or otherwise assisted Brahma in creating the cosmos. The swan here is linked to royalty, divinity, purity, knowledge and enlightenment as well as creative power. It is said to be the vehicle of the goddess Saraswati, patroness of wisdom, learning, music and the arts. Some have suggested that Hamsa and Saraswati may be one and the same, making her the divine swan-maiden par excellence. The goddess also personifies the sacred river, Saraswati and also possibly the Milky Way.
"Lacerta, Cygnus, Lyra, Vulpecula and Anser", plate 14 in Urania's Mirror, a set of celestial cards accompanied "
The Cygnus Constellation and the Celestial Otherworld
Sculptor's model with relief of goose, Egypt. Wikimedia Commons.
Creator of the Cosmos
Swans, geese, cranes and other migratory waterfowl have played a role in the minds of peoples all over the world going back into prehistory. Paleolithic peoples made flutes out of swan bones, and painted swans and other birds on rock walls. A cave painting in Lascaux, France around 20,000 years old depicts a bird, possibly some kind of waterfowl, sitting on top of a pole. A number of pendants depicting swans in flight have been found in Central Siberia; they are carved out of mammoth bone and are thought to be between 20,000 - 22,000 years old as well. Since these have been found in the “men’s section” of houses and in male graves, and are phallic in nature, they have been interpreted as both representations of male power and the swan as symbol of life and creation. A Bronze Age figurine uncovered in Serbia, dated to 3500 BCE, depicts a male solar deity in a chariot driven by swans, or similar waterfowl.
In ‘earth diver’ creation myths, which are common throughout Central and Northern Asia and Native North America, a divine being dives into the primordial ocean and brings up mud or earth in order to create the world. The Altaian Tatars described this divine being as a white swan. Egyptian creation myths instead speak of a cosmic goose called Kenkenwer, the ‘Great Cackler’. This goose is associated with the earth god Geb, and although some say that it is called ‘great cackler’ due to the belief that Geb’s laughter causes earthquakes, it is also credited with laying the cosmic egg from which came the world. It was also said that the cosmic goose created the world by breaking the eternal silence of the universe with its call.
Swans (or geese) also feature in Hindu mythology, where they are associated with Brahma and his consort Saraswati and are known as Hamsa. Kalahamsa, the ‘swan/goose of eternity’ is said to have laid the cosmic egg, or otherwise assisted Brahma in creating the cosmos. The swan here is linked to royalty, divinity, purity, knowledge and enlightenment as well as creative power. It is said to be the vehicle of the goddess Saraswati, patroness of wisdom, learning, music and the arts. Some have suggested that Hamsa and Saraswati may be one and the same, making her the divine swan-maiden par excellence. The goddess also personifies the sacred river, Saraswati and also possibly the Milky Way.
"Lacerta, Cygnus, Lyra, Vulpecula and Anser", plate 14 in Urania's Mirror, a set of celestial cards accompanied by 'A familiar treatise on astronomy' (ca. 1825). Wikimedia. Public Domain.
The Cygnus Constellation and the Celestial Otherworld
Cygnus (‘Swan’) is a large northern constellation also known as the Northern Cross. It lies in the plane of the Milky Way - in fact, the Cygnus constellation marks the beginning of what is known as the Great Rift, Dark Rift or Dark River, a band of dark interstellar dust clouds that appears to split a third of the Milky Way lengthwise in half and which extends from Cygnus through to Sagittarius. In the case where the Milky Way is perceived as the body of a goddess, Cygnus would be roughly where her two legs part - in some sense, perhaps her womb. Where it is the World Tree, it would be situated where its roots begin to split from the trunk. It is interesting to think that in Norse myth, two swans (from which all other swans descend) are depicted as swimming upon the lake or pool - the Well of Origin - at the base of the Tree. Since Cygnus is found beside the constellation Lyra, it was said by the Greeks that Cygnus represented Orpheus who was transformed into a swan following his death at the hands of the Maenads and placed in the sky next to his beloved lyre.
Around 16,000-17,000 years ago the Milky Way would have been seen to flow from Scorpio at its ‘base’ (often conceptualized as a dragon or serpent) up through to Cygnus, the celestial bird. The brightest star of Cygnus, Deneb, would also have occupied the position of Pole Star at about this time period - a Pole Star being the closest star to the axis around which the firmament appears to revolve. Some have suggested - perhaps controversially - that the shamanistic peoples of the Upper Paleolithic period during this time conceived of the image of the World Tree/Axis Mundi, with a reptilian creature circling its roots and an avian figure resting in its upper branches. If so, it is fascinating to think that this imagery survived into the mythologies of much later peoples, spread all over the world.
Some have also suggested that for many early peoples, who orientated temples, great earthworks, megaliths and graves towards the north, their belief was that the realm of the dead lay in the direction of the north. For several cultures, the Milky Way was thought of as a path to the otherworld, a ‘ghost road’ of sorts, which gods, shamans and the spirits of the dead would travel. Considering this, alongside Cygnus as the celestial bird of cosmic creation, resting in the uppermost branches of the World Tree or else swimming upon the Well of Origin, combined with Deneb as the Pole Star and cosmic axis at the time this mythic imagery may have originated, provides us with a powerful analogy. They may have thought that Cygnus or other places in the stars served as gateways to the celestial otherworld.
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Swan message
With love and the right blend of spices, you can transform an otherwise unremarkable dish into something that is truly delectable. The same goes for anything you try in life, Taurus. If you are looking at a dull, ordinary assignment you have received or going through the motions with an obligation, or just with the goal of getting by, you need to recognize you have far more power than that. It is what you bring to what you are doing that will make it stand out. Put your signature on it and aim high.
I hope you enjoyed this please leave feedback hi, if took me hours to complete 😊☺😀 sooomuch enjoyed Sivinaes energy this majestic bird is something special in your life . 💖
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cestlamodedavoirun · 3 years
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Hydra & his Lotus a new audiovisual art installation by my friend @nicolas_paolozzi for Lyon @fetedeslumieres Like a gigantic sea serpent, it emerges from the water at nightfall to wander among the visitors, its body twisting and turning amidst a field of lotus flowers, symbols of the of tenderness of the soul and compassion. This protective spirit watches lovingly over the plant and animal life of the park. A soft luminous energy flows through the creature's body and, as you get closer, you can hear its whispers enveloped in a soothing cocoon of sound. We feel tiny in comparison to this huge creature. This unhurried moment filled with sweetness and light prompts us to reflect upon the relationship between Humans and Nature 🐉 Produced by @moduledigitalart Sound design by @kanchi_ezlife Team @antonputinoff @lincoguypur @t_one @carolinebernard12 - #fetedeslumieres #fdl2021 #lyon #artinstallation #ledlighting #parcdelatetedor (à Parc de la Tête d'or) https://www.instagram.com/p/CXn1um7gM7a/?utm_medium=tumblr
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wakairyuu · 8 years
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A grownup is a child with layers on. -Woody Harrelson
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wakairyuu · 8 years
Wow okay, sorry for the wait. Freaking internet man
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