#🐚︵‿ 04 ╱ extras.
syrentales · 2 years
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wearesempiternal · 1 year
. 𝕰𝖑 𝖆𝖗𝖔𝖒𝖆 𝖉𝖊 𝖑𝖆 𝖒𝖚𝖊𝖗𝖙𝖊
ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ🦀 Actividad random | #kgRM129 ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ🍺 sentidos | on ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ🐚 08 semillas + 04 en conjunto ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ ⤷+06 por escrito extra. ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ
Los primeros rayos del sol chocaban contra su mejilla y sus párpados aún cerrados, podía ver y sentir aquel aura amarillenta que tanto confort le entregaba. Acto seguido comenzó a sentir un exquisito aroma a café recién preparado; lo imaginaba humeante, amargo, el aroma a tostado se impregnaba en su cuerpo, en sus poros, lo sentía cerca… Y ahora el olor a panecillos recién horneados y preparaciones dulces que tanto le gustaban, le hacían sentir en un extraño y delicado éxtasis y emoción, tanto así que parecía un sueño del cual no quería despertar. Aquel aroma le recordaba momentos felices de su infancia dónde eran ella y su padre en las mañanas o madrugadas en las que una pequeña Luna no podía dormir y era él quien le cuidaba y consentía constantemente. Le preparaba panecillos, a veces pancakes con sirope y un vaso de jugo de naranja. El aroma a café que tanto le gustaba era el que desprendía de la taza y aliento de su padre cuando conversaban, cantaban y le abrazaba. Besaba su frente y ella sentía que el aroma a café quedaba por siempre en su piel. Aquellos momentos felices los evocaba a través del olfato.
Derrepente un olor a canela comenzó a opacar todos los otros; Luna en ese instante supo que era el día de su muerte.
En marzo de 2001 Luna nacía y junto a ella el aroma a canela que inundó el lugar acompañado al número que anunciaba su muerte el 16 de septiembre de 2028 a sus 27 años. ¿Había llegado entonces el día? No recordaba la fecha, ni siquiera el lugar en que se encontraba, pero su padre en algún momento de su juventud le recordó que el día de su muerte el olor a canela comenzaría a aparecer tal cual el día de su nacimiento. Su mente divagaba por hermosos y felices recuerdos junto a quienes quería, todos acompañados de un aroma: su padre oliendo a café sonreía, su mejor amigo fallecido olía a rosas, Nicolas olía a vainilla y ese aroma fue el que predominó por unos momentos, permaneció ahí. Llenando sus pulmones de aire y aquel aroma delicioso que le recordaba solo a una persona con quién añoraba estar día a día. Aquel hombre que había marcado su existencia desde la primera mirada y cruce de palabras. Recordaba el aroma a vainilla que desprendía de él y cada vez que aparecía ese olor se sentía abrazada y cálida.
Quizás el día de su muerte no sería tan terrible como siempre lo creyó; yacía en su cama con su cuerpo relajado quien se sentía envuelto en un manto amarillo de rayos de sol, con combinaciones de olores que anunciaban su muerte tal como lo habían hecho en su nacimiento. Por sus pensamientos solo corrían recuerdos felices y cálidos, hermosos que le llevaban a una extraña felicidad que en mucho tiempo no había sentido. ¿Así se sentía la felicidad entonces? La muerte parecía felicidad…
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10:45 am pdt 27 December 2022 Tuesday part 2
since mid 2019 I started having difficulty breathing. Now the incubus keeps on burning up burning 🔥 my back sides and front causing the air in my lungs 🫁 to heat up and choke me to death ☠️ he’s relentless at the moment. Not allowing me to breathe 🧘🏻‍♀️ much unless I’m up 🆙 from bed 🛌. Heat/dehydration can make me tired 😓 tired 😴. But if I can’t breathe 🧘🏻‍♀️ I cannot walk (which I haven’t done very much lately and all year 11:06 am pdt ) 🚶🏿‍♀️🚷 or sleep 💤. 10:50 am pdt. I have never smoked 🚬 anything in my life. Once I ran away from home and someone forced me to try a pipe - and I took the tiniest sample: it tasted 👅 like alcohol. That was all! The only time EVER. My sister had asthma when we were kids. Once I got sick 🤒 from second hand smoke 💨 from my daycare/babysitters and I had to leave school 🏫 to rest. I don’t remember if they stopped smoking 🚬. I remember playing outside a lot at some point even when it was gray and windy 🌬. I think they might have made an extra effort the day they had to bring me back to their house 🏠 from school 🏫. I remember taking a nap 😴 near the front door 🚪 and window 🪟 on the couch 🛋 (I was stilll in elementary school years), & I woke up 🆙 to find the cat 🐈 that normally laid on top of the refrigerator on my legs 🦵 like a loaf 🍞. I think she was a tortoise 🐢 shell 🐚 calico ?? Brown black spotted maybe a white belly? Felicia was her name. Fast forward ⏩ to high school 🏫 years there was a friend I probably spent the night at her place maybe 🤔 3 times? Or 4? She gave me allergy medicine bcz my nose 👃 got congested. I think I saw 👀 her mom smoke once. Eventually she started smoking 🚬 and I think by that time we started growing distant instead of closer. 11:04 am pdt. I was a long distance 🏃🏻‍♀️ runner 🏃🏻‍♀️ in high school 🏫 the last 2 years. My crush 😻 recruited me and the coach asked is this your girlfriend 👧?? Since elementary school 🏫 I was serious 🧐 about running 🏃🏻‍♀️. There were walk Athons to earn money 💰 I think 🤔 for charity?? I think I remember staying until the very end trying to walk as much as I could. I liked to do a type of little gallopy movement when it was only me and my classmates and maybe around family. But when I was home 🏠 I either played dolls/legos/video games or my eyes 👀 were “glued” to the tv 📺 that actually looked a lot like this emoji. Whenever I was out at recess and not stuck doing homework 📚, I was active on the field or blacktop or playground. There were sometimes I played imaginary” house,” pretending to be family with a classmate/friend, whose last name was del grande. Like Ariana grande. She always wanted me to be the baby 👶 🍼. One time ☝️ I walked home 🏠 with her without letting my mom know bcz she told me she had a lot of toys 🧸 and she wanted to show me. I saw her bedroom for a minute with toys 🧸 on her bed 🛏 I think I said “whoow!!” 11:18 am pdt in middle school 🏫 the p.e. Teacher criticized me I think after the first mile we had to do. I walked the end of it, but after she criticized me I worked harder. And she noticed my efforts I think 🤔 bcz when it rained 🌧 we danced inside and she gave me her handmade xeroxed/photocopied play” dollars” to use later on to take a break from future half mile or mile days. 11:22 am pdt pain left side ribs. I remember my partner for the square dance 💃 his name I think was Luis? 11:23 am pdt. Promenade! I remember I wore bell 🔔 bottom/flare pants 👖 bcz they were back in fashion, and unfortunately those shrank or I grew or both. Not a good deal when your parents don’t earn much money 💰. I often had to wear the same pair multiple times a week without washing bcz I didn’t have many. In high school 🏫 I became self conscious that people would notice so I tried to switch between pairs everyday. 11:29 am pdt still heating me up 🆙 a lot even though I’m sitting 🪑 up 🆙 11:30 am pdt. Adam Noah Levine is gross 🤮. Incubus, gross 🤮 he’s probably going to make me throw up 🤮 again anyway. He and his friend (Sagittarius ♐️) made me feel like vomiting 🤮 to communicate to me how they felt about me. And at that time they said
12:19 pm pdt hungry 😖😭😫🥵left 👀 sting 🦂 pain
That they said the new woman 👩🏻 who whar was it who joined the verve??? Is perfect 😍. (They erased this part and I rewrote it.) I had difficulty saving it but it saved without telling me. Had error messages many times. Then something weird happened with the login. Had to close the window.
12:24 pm pdt I m afraid 😟 they might be using my whole life to “fake me out.” Which is something that Adam the incubus seems to like to do since he was a kid. I watched a video online I think 🤔 or I read something online that said this. Something having to do with sports 🏀 sports 🏈 sports ⚽️. 12:28 pm pdt.
#3 pain abdominal area and below belly 😖😫😤🥵😭😭😭😭
Melissa darman variety.com 12:31 pm pdt
2:22 pm pdt (always think of poison ☠️ control number has 222 in it) Sometime after I read about Saint Lucia this year on Wikipedia, the incubus started pulling my eyes 👀 out of the skull a little ways 😖😭😫it was painful he keeps hurting the bones 🦴 of my face and hurting my eyes 👀 probably since 2017. In 2019 he beat my eyeballs 👀 a lot! 😫😖😭😩 it felt like they shrank maybe 3 times at least???? He fakes me out a lot. Makes me think he might be trying to keep me quiet especially since I wrote on this blog about him trying to decapitate me he hurt my neck like that again A LOT!!!!
2:29 pm pdt also when I transferred to a four year university for 2 years a teacher/professor?/instructor and a nurse 👩‍⚕️ at the student medical center 🏥 told me I should drop school 🏫 when they saw my chronic eczema. Probably bcz I was missing a lot of top layer of skin and oozing body fluid. I remember I had to take oral and topical antibiotics 2-3 times in one semester. The nurse 👩‍⚕️ said eczema can be triggered by stress. 2:34 pm pdt. Incubus... stay away from me!!!! Had this problem since 7 or 8 years old. 2:35 pm pdt I mentioned it in previous posts. 2:36 pm pdt. Genji = incubus!!!! 😵🤢☠️🤌 2:37 pm pdt
2:49 pm pdt 2019? I remember taking supplements and it got stuck I think at the top of my throat. I think I was alarmed 😱 and it might have, I cannot remember, if it made it more difficult to breathe 🧘🏻‍♀️. I drank a lot of water 💧 and I remember it happened 2 times and then shortly after I realized it expired???? It was after I recalled the Sagittarius ♐️ guy hurt my neck. Also I remember he struck me in that part of my body? And my throat I think 🤔 before the supplements got caught in it???? It was extremely stressful and difficult experience, one experience after another. It all seems never ending. 2:55 pm pdt when he did that to me, it felt like he was torturing/punishing me for recalling it and not forgiving it???? Incubus friends, Merlin 🧙‍♂️ and kings. 2:57 pm pdt I don’t think King Arthur was a bad guy. I don’t know 🤷🏻‍♀️ anything. I remember reading a 📖 t.h. White book 📖. And something about ants 🐜 regurgitate. I think I heard 👂 someone say we regurgitate what we 👂 hear /learn. Now I’m getting to thinking 🤔 a little more but it’s hard to get smart. 3 pm pdt. How many kings 🤴 did Merlin 🧙‍♂️ (incubus offspring?) know and work with???? 3:01 pm pdt do most kings work with “sorcerers?” 3:02 pm pdt was King Arthur real???? 3:03 pm pdt
3:21 pm pdt I think once babies 👶 are born they don’t need us anymore. They only see us as cattle 🐄 to breed to keep our genes 🧬 in circulation. Then they get rid of us. Too many people for them to know. Spread thin. They have no attachment to us. 🚺🚻🔼🚼🚺🚮🚻🚹🚮🚺🚻 🔼= delta= change=rise/run = y/x= why over ex?-> new woman younger 👩🏻 . 3:25 pm pdt. Incubus 3:26 pm pdt 3:27 pm pdt they only care about power and their own happiness? Sacrificial lambs/rams (nihongo r sounds like L) 3:28 pm pdt 🧐😭😱😩😖😫😤🥵😭3:28 pm pdt
4:15 pm pdt he has been giving me signs 🪧 since 2017 for Job in the Bible I think. Trying to recall : I think job gets sick 🤒 and loses all his money 💰. I have no money 💰 left. He takes my things and destroys my things. He destroyed my $20 neck pillow from the airport bcz there are little round styrofoam balls ⚽️. Foam. Sea 🌊 foam. Hans Christian Anderson. For about a week my mom left a 🧈 butter knife 🍴 in my room. I am the rejected 🙅‍♀️ mermaid 🧜‍♀️ who dances for the misogynistic womanizing gold digger prince 🤴 even though it hurts. 4:20 pm pdt. Brothers playing good cop 👮‍♀️ bad cop. If I don’t believe Adam the incubus is my husband he abuses me. After I give him the benefit of the doubt he at first will stop 🛑 hurting me for a few minutes and then doubles down on the pain and destruction and heat/fire even more. Vicious. His brother is doing him a favor (Sagittarius ♐️) so he never has to prove anything to me so he never has to touch me to get what he wants from me. He gives me no gifts 🎁 he steals and cheats me. He won’t even leave $20 here. He alters my books 📚 too it looks like and past ID cards to make me look ugly so probably no one will believe me when a guy in high school 🏫 treated me like a whore because he had a special relationship with him most likely and told him directly that I’m a whore even though I usually covered up 🆙 more than other girls in school 🏫 because I had body shame of having hairier arms than other girls and I had chronic eczema. I even got it on my face and it made me look like I had herpes even though I was still a virgin in every physical way. Did not touch a duck during high school 🏫 years. 4:29 pdt. I once unzipped my jacket in front of him and yes! I did want him to look 👀 at me and be interested. I did not reveal cleavage. It was a light yellow b neck 3/4 sleeve top with little embroidered? Eyelets 👁. The holes 🕳 were very small. Cannot really see anything. It was same shirt 👚 worn freshman year photos. He looked me up and slowly down and he had a very telling smile. And when I instant messaged him during the summer before sophomore year he wasted no time in treating me like one but I was kinda naïve and only focused on the exciting feelings of being thought of as attractive and he being interested. He asked would you ever let a guy finger you? I don’t remember when I learned the word “horny” but somehow I remember him saying “hella” as in hella horny. We did not talk again until after school started, and first day of school 🏫 I see he got back with his girlfriend from last year that I probably learned about near the end of school 🏫, why I cannot remember anymore 😞😖😭😖😭😖😭😖😭. Anyway, and then he messaged me I think telling me he and his girlfriend broke up. Not long after he asks for friends with benefits, and it’s probably the first time I hear 👂 the phrase? Even though we rarely talked, in fact I don’t really recall actually having any other conversation with him other than online?? I thought about saying no, but I hesitated and told him I would think 💭 about it, and I say yes bcz the thought enters my mind it would get my foot 🦶 in the door 🚪 to become his girlfriend. Hit became more apparent that he only wanted to treat me like a prostitute and he didn’t want the school 🏫 to know. 4:44 pm pdt. I 🧢 e you incubus, you suck dick! 4:44 pm pdt 4:45 pm pdt
5:47 pm pdt the devil 👿 uses the truth to lie, and will confuse you. You can not rely on feelings they give you. You have to figure out stuff for your self what logic is and hope they don’t confuse you. Confusion is the enemy. God can control your memory, thoughts 💭, everything. They damaged us like people take cats 🐱 and dogs 🐶 to the vets to be “fixed” Coldplay fix you. Spade ♠️ 🖤 neuter. Is it love ❤️ if you do that? 5:51 do cats 🐈 and dogs 🐕 “deserve” that? Then you smile 😊 in their faces? Blind? Stupefied? Unaware? Retarded? Which is it? You know what rich 🤑 people do? Do they breed their dogs 🐕 and cats 🐈 for best in show? And a lot of money 💰? I only had pet fish 🐟 all my life. The cheap ones. So I only thought about that recently. With all my head trauma and mind @_@ control there were a lot of things I did not question 🙋🏻‍♀️ until recently! God likes to “fix” us. Probably makes it easier to keep things manageable controllable with 8 billion people? The more isolated the less you know. The more you trust him? Shouldn’t? God will distract you. Maybe 🤔 I’m being too hard on people without knowing them? To desolate someone, you risk not finding out the truth. They guilted me about that; about not finding out something for myself in person about Adam Levine to see if he was telling me the truth. He the incubus tried to get me to come out to Los Angeles by myself. Every time I thought 💭 about it the next day something happened like the train 🚆 crashed after I thought 💭 about using the train 🚆. I started thinking 💭 every thing seems like it will kill me. That they are trying to kill me. Scare me. He scared 😱 me. Behati scared me. A lot of people sounded scary 😟. They also put a big spider bot 🤖 near me and it crawled up 🆙 into my anus and whipped the inside of my intestines with barbed wire feeling whips - they’ll probably do that again- usually if you think it it could mean they put the thought there and it will probably happen again - it might have been 2018 or 2017. After I wrote about 2019 here about the supplement getting stuck in my throat they made me choke on my food the same way this evening. It’s a trick if they’re making you think 💭 they’re friend and then abuse you. (I’m jumping around editing and adding 6:38 pm pdt) I really think there is no heaven at all now. 6:39 pm pdt.
He is always depriving me of air. I don’t recall burning 🔥 anyone or depriving someone of air. Did I? I accidentally boiled my pet fish 🐟. It was cold. The thermometer 🌡 read below normal range so I turned on the little fish heater. My boyfriend I think 🤔 called then picked me up 🆙 and I forgot! My mom woke up 🆙 and found it boiling 🥵 one fish 🐟 barely survived and 2 died. He lived a deformed life for about 5 more years. He got transferred to a bigger fish tank by my mom’s boyfriend and then she left the fish 🐟 with him. Shortly after that s/he died (the fish 🐟). I went to dolphin 🐬 pet village store and bought yellow capsules and my mom changed the water 💧 every time? We used a new capsule. I used I think epsom salt 🧂? The guy gave to me free to try. He said to apply other salt 🧂 but I chickened out bcz there was stuff I didn’t know if it was good for the fish like yellow Prussian was it? I still don’t know what it is. I have not seen the additive since. That fish 🐟 seemed angry 😡 at me. 6:07 pm pdt. I lived in blossom hill and the store 🏬 was in Campbell. My boyfriend drove me. Trying to recall if I did anything else wrong like that on a bigger scale. I use to wash 🧽 dishes? I burned myself. I cooked 👩‍🍳 sometimes and my mom burned me by turning up 🆙 the heat high and the oil spit on my face. She burned me by turning on the wall heater high when I was near it sleeping on the 🛋. She did it many times in 2016? Or 2017? I cannot remember if the toilet 🚽 flushing would change anything? Bizarre to me if it does. But I guess it could?? I would think it could make it cold 🥶 if it takes hot water 💧? But if it hogs cold 🥶 water 💧 🚿 then I guess it would make it hot 🥵 ??
6:44 pm pdt I have no husband, and no friends. 6:44 pm pdt
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syrentales · 2 years
𝒕𝒂𝒈 𝒅𝒓𝒐𝒑⠀ ⠀︵‿ ⠀ ⠀
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