#馃悷Cod michaels tag
ask-toonie-cogsworth 4 months
Introducing, straight from C.O.G.S Inc. Valentoons day collection, Cogsworth & Co limited edition Valentoons cards!
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Be sure to pick them up before they're gone forever!
Limited while stocks last, toon related cards are in no way associated with The Toon Resistance Operation, please read terms and conditions before purchase
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ask-toonie-cogsworth 5 months
So uh... Does anyone know how to get back to barnacle boatyard-?
Im still here in DDL-
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ask-toonie-cogsworth 5 months
So the crocodile brought a friend with him today. It wasn't the usual fox he hangs around, but rather a very minty kiwi...
And he kinda left the poor thing here-
I'm sure he wont be gone long-
You're very optimistic.. Uh. What was your name again?
Cod Michaels
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ask-toonie-cogsworth 2 months
Do you all have favorite areas in Toontown?
Uhm.... That'd be home! Boardbot apartments! Love being home.
Mayyybe mezzo melody land? I mean anywheres great with silly at my side.
Oh! Oh! Drowsy dreamland!!!! There's so many stars there! Did you know im an aspiring astronomer?! Theres so many...
Frankly. Anywhere is fine. I prefer my work space backstage at the musical master of melody, but home is also nice.
The sorting room! Best place in my opinion! Been workin there since i joined the company! Heck thats where i met toonie!
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