#馃搵daphne tag
ask-toonie-cogsworth 3 months
Introducing, straight from C.O.G.S Inc. Valentoons day collection, Cogsworth & Co limited edition Valentoons cards!
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Be sure to pick them up before they're gone forever!
Limited while stocks last, toon related cards are in no way associated with The Toon Resistance Operation, please read terms and conditions before purchase
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ask-toonie-cogsworth 1 month
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Happy asexual awareness day 馃枻馃馃挏
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ask-toonie-cogsworth 2 months
It's been a while.
I think... I think the whole rush is over..? At least i hope it is. A lot of good cogs have been fired, I thankfully haven't.
We've heard heavy chatter of upgrades and new employees but yet still no sight of them.
Every head honcho and every magnate have been whisked off somewhere for upgrades, or so I've heard....
And Corvid........ I haven't seen her since... I hope shes ok, for Daphne's sake.. I hope if she really does get upgraded that they tailor to her style and desire accordingly, she wasn't always herself yknow..
Anyway, I'm exhausted and i can finally slow down. I'm in dire need of recharge and I'd like to go outside again. I'll come back when I've got some news.
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ask-toonie-cogsworth 3 months
I saw a beetle today. I wonder if toonie would appreciate the story.
- Daphne
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ask-toonie-cogsworth 5 months
These holidays i spent alone, mostly in my office or at home. It feels a bit sad, but i hope anyone else had a very happy and festive holidays. -Mx Cogsworth
I spent my holidays with my parents and extended family, sure we sometimes get heated but at the end we still love each other. Sometimes moments of happiness go a long way. - Salty Westerdile
Work has slowed during the festive season, I got a chance to spend quality time with my beautiful partner and feel a sense of ease, which I dont typically find in my continuous work. - Daphne Screwdon
The influx of Toonsmas cards and gifts flowing through the mail line has been wonderful! It's always so exciting to see so much love being stored into an envelope and transported across the globe! Goes to show how love doesn't care how far someone is. - Lydia Lonsden
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ask-toonie-cogsworth 3 months
I think you'll be fine since you got a higher position
Yeah.. You're probably right-
I-im sorry- everything started happening so fast and he didn't tell any of us anything so we don't know who this audit is supposed to affect .
If I'm not at risk then that's great..! But Corvid... Her job is at risk.. She's a lot lower than me. If she lost her job Daphne would probably lose it! She'd go off at mr Cyger and then probably lose her job herself... She might seem calm and focused at work but i know how angry she can get...
Cogs... Ever since this audit started i haven't stopped shaking...
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ask-toonie-cogsworth 7 months
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I love my friends
Lydia and Daphne are the coolest friends i could ever have
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ask-toonie-cogsworth 5 months
There was a quiet knock at the office door. Toonie didn't even have to get up or look up from her paperwork before it opened, a familiar red haired cog making her way in. Leaning against the desk they watched their friend work.
"Need any help?"
"No thank you Daphne.. It's nice to see you again though." Looking up from the files Toonie flashed her friend a warm smile
The two decided to chat a bit before eventually Daphne was called back to work in Mezzo Melodyland. Even though the time was short, it was important to her to keep an eye on her friend.
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ask-toonie-cogsworth 1 month
Toonie, how is your relationship with other cogs? Besides Dave and Buck of course
Well that honestly depends who you're asking about
Some of my fellow managers id consider us friends like Holly and Mary.
Coworkers, i get along with on a work standard, some of them I'll catch up with outside of work for friendly meetings, unfortunate firings....
Still on coworkers im actually incredibly good friends with the lead stage hand Daphne Screwdon and the head sorting lead in the mail room Lydia Lonsden! They were my first friends actually.. Despite working for the company since the day i was made
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ask-toonie-cogsworth 1 month
Do you all have favorite areas in Toontown?
Uhm.... That'd be home! Boardbot apartments! Love being home.
Mayyybe mezzo melody land? I mean anywheres great with silly at my side.
Oh! Oh! Drowsy dreamland!!!! There's so many stars there! Did you know im an aspiring astronomer?! Theres so many...
Frankly. Anywhere is fine. I prefer my work space backstage at the musical master of melody, but home is also nice.
The sorting room! Best place in my opinion! Been workin there since i joined the company! Heck thats where i met toonie!
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ask-toonie-cogsworth 7 months
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I think my friend Daphne and her girlfriend Corvid are pretty cute together!
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