#🐧 heart pirates
searabbitz · 7 months
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Happy Valentine’s Day
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melancholitas · 4 months
A round of scattergories
Law: for animal, I got polar bear.
Ikkaku: what a surprise. I have platypus.
Shachi: Penguin.
Law and Ikkaku: *snorting* who would've guessed.
Penguin:*stares at Shachi* Porpoise.
Shachi: Oi. What's that supposed to mean?!
Penguin: *smirking* why? are you taking offense?
Shachi: I don't know! Depends, did you just roast me or did you call me cute?
Penguin: hmm...both.
*chaos ensues*
Law: I can't believe they're grown ass adults, fighting over a game like toddlers...
Ikkaku: Oh, I don't think they're at their throats for much longer, more like down their throats... GET A ROOM, YOU ANIMALS!!
Law:Room. Shambles. *sighing* Now, where were we?
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Shopping with the Heart Pirates
I am not sure if these are in character or not, I just messed around with a few ideas I felt would fit with each character from the limited screen time we saw and of course a few fan theories enjoy. I also used second person when talking about Bepo before switching to S/O for all the others. I couldn't find the right wording for Bepo.
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🐻‍❄️Bepo is the best person  bear to shop with.
🐻‍❄️He loves giving positive feedback when shopping, and helping with outfits he finds best.
🐻‍❄️Though his choice of clothing is a bit odd, picking mostly animal prints or shirts that have a bear face on them.
🐻‍❄️He can also carry a lot of shopping or grocery bags easily without complaining.
🐻‍❄️His favorite part of any shopping trip is when he gets treated, he loves ice cream and sweet treats. Sitting and enjoying the ending of the day talking about all things that you had purchased.
🐻‍❄️He just was so happy when you chose/asked him to go shopping with him.
🐻‍❄️You are in charge of the shopping most of the time even when Law gave you
🐻‍❄️He would apologize if he picked the wrong outfit you didn’t like. Or picking the wrong fruit or vegetables. But he does have a keen eye when it comes to shopping for fish or meat knowing by just smelling if it is good or bad.
🐻‍❄️Of course, he would love to shop for his Captain to find little trinkets that his captain would like. Law does have a drawer full of little trinkets Bepo bought him. Law does secretly love and keep them.
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🐧Shopping with Penguin is more serious but fun
🐧He cares more about grocery shopping than clothes, but he will still have fun regardless.
🐧He finds amusement in shopping for penguin merchandise just to get his S/O. The more Penguin stuff his S/O has the more excited he gets. (Almost like he is claiming S/O)
🐧Shopping with him is a bit more organized than with Bepo or Shachi. He is more in the lead as he and his S/O stop at grocery stands picking up ripe fruits and vegetables. Or fresh meat, fish, or pork.
🐧He does have a grocery list of meal plans he has for the month/weeks.
🐧Clothes shopping is a bit more of a mess, he wears nothing but coveralls normally, but he will give his S/O fashion advice. It would be better than Bepo but with Penguin prints instead.
🐧If done grocery shopping he will wonder with his S/O and if they like trinkets or something he would buy for them.
🐧He loves trying new fruits/vegetables/meat that comes from the island before buying it. He wants to make sure the quality is worthy of his captain who is a bit of a picky eater.
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🐋Shachi 🐋
🐋Shopping with Sachi is more relaxed.
🐋He isn’t very well versed in shopping for groceries like Penguin.
🐋But unlike Penguin he does put more thought into fashion for days when does go off the Polar Tang without coveralls.
🐋He loves trying on hats, any hats that would work with his hairstyle and not ruin it. Him and his S/O spending hours wearing so many different hats.
🐋He will have more funny buying goofier items for the Polar Tang…~~maybe a dirty magazine or two that he would share with Penguin~~
🐋He is useless in grocery shopping but willing to try new things all the time. A new bag of chips with a new flavor he had never heard of, he would buy and share with his S/O and discuss what they just ate.
🐋He likes wandering around the shops finding anything of interest.
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🐅Law hates shopping, getting him off the Polar Tang is a hassle.
🐅He will spend most of his time wandering the street stopping at book stalls, and flipping through the pages before buying the books he finds interesting.
🐅Shachi and Bepo do most of the cloth shopping for him as they have a better sense of style than Law.
🐅And Penguin would be better at shopping for food as Law only shops for the basic.
🐅He does like shopping with his crew, Penguin, Shachi, and Bepo keep him entertained and get him away from work.
🐅He is more willing to try new food with his crew or if his S/O asked.
🐅He does stop to stare at cute plushies for a second or two longer.
🐅If his S/O was staring at something he would buy it when they weren’t looking and gift them later during a private moment.
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leftsidebonfire · 1 year
Heart Pirates: Shachi and Penguin Aesthetic.
They are a package deal, please do not separate.
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I really like the cold tones in this one 🐋🐧
Requested by @supernaturallyginger
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mandiemegatron · 11 months
Off to work, while I'm working my cute lil tushie off, what should I write next ?!
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rodolfoparras · 5 months
I do see Everett being the one everyone goes to because he just silently listens and nods along uninterrupted, he also loves listening, so Soap info dumping is probably his favorite.
Price bitching about some random soldier on base being an idiot for some odd reason or about a higher up and all of a sudden they've got this quiet little weird freak giving them the stink eye all the time
Definitely doesn't talk about the 141 during his little meets with Ghost and Roach, they're his besties and because he was actually entrusted with this info. The other people shouldn't have been talking to loud near him ✋😤
He has a few different masks he rotates through. A white balaclava with rabbit ears for on base (the boys definitely fidget with them all the time) and then a plain black one for missions, and then just a black medical one for when he's on leave. For colder missions, he has masks lined with rabbits fur to keep warm. He's got a buzz cut and gets a lil chilly
The rabbits feet are SUPER personalized depending on the person. The metal type, the designs in the metal, the type of rabbit itself. Everett spends a lot of time on them and wants them to have a lot of meaning
I joked with my bf about giving him an eye patch and him (play)fighting with Soap because of the constant pirate jokes, he probably does get a really cool prosthetic and a normal looking eye one for when he visits his family
I looked up quite a bit of stuff of disabilities a lot of veterans suffer with and wanted them to be well represented. Wanted the boys to be as accurate as possible.
Also Price snoring 😭 Soap is the only one who can share a bed with that man because he can't fucking hear nothing
(this isn't technically canon to the timeline with my oc in it but a fun thought I had when developing the story, the actual retirement story is way angstier) For polycule 141 retirement, I joked about them having a super big bed to bit like 6 ish people, but landed on them buying like an old school together (this is personal, I think it'd be so fun to live in an old school 😞) and fixing it up together.
They all get their own spaces, no fighting for the bathroom, more than enough space to cook and to have huge family dinners (holidays with family are spent here, AleRudy and FarahAlex are invited obviously, parking is never an issue, but the polycule do have assigned spots) I also think movie nights are fun because of school theaters. They do infact use the intercom system to talk to each other
At the high school I went to, there was like two massive fields, a track area, and tennis courts. So that + the weight rooms and gym, they have plenty of freedom and choice for exercise. And Everett has a dog (Soap's biggest opp)((and two cats)) so there's so much space for him
Security on this bitch goes crazzyyy. Ghost and Price are taking NO chances with their boys. (Especially Ghost because he is not losing another family) bitch is like fort knox, no one is touching these guys
I think you could make a really fun oc, it takes so long fleshing them out but I think you could do it ✋😤
He sounds like a great listener I’ll happily rant my heart out to him bc most of my days I just keep asking my sisters question and telling her random facts that she couldn’t care less about 😞
Everett seeing a higher up harass a new recruit and maybe using the things he knows about them to spread some rumors on base and make the higher up feel embarrassed 👀
Hello I love how you put so much thought behind his masks!! You know what would be neat if he could keep gadgets hidden in the bunny ears also the masks lined with rabbit furs sounds so neat!!
Everett being excited to tell them about the meanings of the rabbit feet and anyone who listens just looks at him endearingly 🧎🏻‍♂️
Soap being impressed with all the prosthetic eye especially those with intricate designs and begging Everett to wear them all the them
I love that you did your research!! Genuinely made the headcanons sound realistic! Especially prices, soaps and roaches!!
I love snoring price sm idc I’ll happily sleep next to him even if the makes the earth shake 🧎🏻‍♂️
Fixing up a school would be such a cool idea or just any old building and have them happily live together 🥹 also the assigned parking spots sounds so freaking cute like ghost marking his with a skull and sometimes they park on the wrong one bc they’re tired and fight like old married couples
Not soap having furr enemies 😭but I love that there are so many pets around
But also now that you mention security system I’m thinking of price coming home late and cursing out everything under the sun bc he’s too drunk or sleepy to rmr the passwords to one of the doors
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vergina-spva · 2 years
Character Opinion Bingo
💙🐧 Penguin 🐧💙
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Okay, so the 'wasted potential' goes hand in hand with 'didn't get enough screen time'. And this honestly goes for pretty much all of Law's crew. I mean I get that they don't get a lot of screentime, and sure, it's fine to highlight 3 of them, I can get behind that. But I think those three should have been a bit more developped as characters. Like, Law is such an important character, and it feels like his crew falls behind in that aspect. I would have loved to see more of Penguin (and Shachi and Bepo).
Sure, there is the Law novel, where we apparently get to know more about them? But I haven't been able to find an English translation of that, so I had to read everything from the Wiki page :( So if anyone knows where I can find a good english translation, please let me know, I'd love to read it.
Also, because I know barely anything about Penguin, most of what I like about him is not technically canon 😛 (though that doesn't mean I don't like the things about him that are canon).
Anyway if there would ever be like a spin off anime following the Heart Pirates' adventures, I would totally watch that.
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greeneyedsigma · 2 years
What is the opinion of the Pirates of the Heart about Rosi, do they see her and is it Oh, she the Captain's mom or is she our mom now?
(btw Female 🐧 a possibility?)
“Oh, it’s Captain’s mom.” It gets to the point where she becomes like an Auntie, but none of them want to test Law by having Rosi become the collective mom. Law is a little possessive of his mom. Just a little.
(female penguin would be adorable!)
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sketchyjaybird · 3 years
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More Heart Pirates:
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melancholitas · 8 months
Regarding Law's recent fashion choices:
What one might think
~ wearing a wife beater? He lost his grip on life (as if he even had one to begin with tbh)
~ the coat? He's an edgelord, duh
~ probably too tired and just grabbed something from his chair pile
What I think Law thought
man, it's getting chilly. I got to keep my kidneys warm. But I still wanna show off my tats. So I can't just wear my new Cora-san coat, I'm not weak to the cold! I don't wanna freeze my nips off tho. Oh, I know! I'll just wear this light thingy I found somewhere, and then drape the coat over it!
Then I look just like a hero with the cape *ehehe*
How did that even happen
It was Penguin who tossed the top out of Shachis dresser because he found it offensive. How the turns have tabled. If he knew the Captain would find it he would have burned it for good. Now he has to hype it because Law looks like an adorable drenched cat in it. Shachi won't stop mocking him as well, because the whole turn of events is sending him. Maybe Penguin will strangle him with the very same clothing later, who knows.
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melancholitas · 9 months
I think I've just made myself combust whilst working on my PenLawShachi fanfic (still in progress):
Law: *tries to be vulnerable for once*
Bepo: *is grounding by existing*
Penguin & Shachi: *drop their hats & glasses to show their own vulnerability, so Law doesn't bail last minute*
They're like "captain is precious, proceed with care" and start to banter right on the spot to lighten the mood.
I'm seriously ill for them. Please send help.
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melancholitas · 9 months
Some fragments from the "shackles" series I'm currently working on
Set in the infirmary after Law finally lets them help taking care of the aftermath of Dressrosa:
Closing his eyes instead he submits himself to his fate. It's all too much, but somehow too few as well. His touch starved body, seeking out the warmth of their hands, burning to be engulfed in their tenderness. His mind, trying to flee, rejecting the possibility. So all he can do is sit there and take their subtle care.
"Don't you dare finish that sentence, Shach! Better yet, go work on the back and shut it, you heathen!"
"Not helping the case, Pen, definitely not helping"
"Oh for crying out loud, shut your trap or I'll wipe that smirk off you face! Captain, ignore that dumbass!"
"Whoa. Rude, Pen."
"Deserved, rather."
Bepo throws Law a questioning gaze, seeming rather lost at what the other two are on about.
"Captain, what's going on?"
"Nothing, Bepo. Just Penguin and Shachi being themselves" Law softly mumbles. He's not blushing, but something warm blooms in his chest at these words.
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