#πŸ‘‘β”Šπš•πš˜πš’πšŠπš• πš™πš›πš˜πšπšŽπšŒπšπš˜πš› ⧽ ( captain rex: interactions )
loyaltyandchaos Β· 8 months
@miracle-healing [x]
"Well, at least Medbay is a place where we can find each other every now and then."
Rex joked. He didn't like to end up in Medbay. He had too many duties and responsibilities to let things slide. Skywalker and Tano could easily cause chaos, not to mention some of the brothers.
"If we're lucky, this mission will end in the next few days. And… if we're all returned to Coruscant… I invite you to the 79s! I'll treat you to a drink or two, it'll help us relax after all this chaos. Unless you have other plans, of course."
What did he have to lose for asking?
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loyaltyandchaos Β· 2 years
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@lostwcrlds​ liked for starter
"Commander Tano is currently resting after a hard training session, so it's unlikely you'll be able to meet her today. But I can tell her that you've been looking for her when she wakes up."
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loyaltyandchaos Β· 2 years
@pieman1112 [x]
He really wished he could spend more time with her. But the more valuable were those moments when they could spend together. This will always make him happy.
β€œHmm... We can stay at home and spend time cuddling or go to the 79s and have fun. What would you like? I'm fine with both options.β€œ
Just time for yourself or time with friends. Both looked tempting.
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loyaltyandchaos Β· 2 years
@older-skywalker [x]
When Anakin saw Rex and the others, he had mixed feelings. He really wanted to talk to Rex, but he was afraid that Rex would not want to talk to him. Yet he really is guilty before him. He took a deep breath and walked over to Rex and the others.
Rex shuddered and looked around. He didn't expect to meet Skywalker again.
Hunter looked around and saw two glowing figures. His heart sank into his stomach.
β€œGeneral Skywalker?”
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loyaltyandchaos Β· 2 years
@wondrouswomcn [x]
"Oh I love to tease you"
Rex chuckled as he played with her hair. He loved spending time with Luke and Leia, but sometimes he too wished Skywalker would take them away as quickly as possible. How can you hold back when you're being kissed by such a sexy woman?
"I hope so too. It’s not so easy to controll myself~"
Luke was used to watching his parents kiss and successfully pretended he didn't see anything. He smiled broadly.
"Uncle Rex is the best!"
And at that moment the doorbell rang.
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loyaltyandchaos Β· 2 years
@pieman1112 [x]
Rex considered. There were many interesting places they could visit. The obvious place would be 79th. Great place to spend time together. But there is a chance that all the brothers will pay attention to them and this evening will turn into an acquaintance with the family. Fun, but a little tedious.
Famous places on Coruscant like the Senate Building or the Jedi Temple were best avoided. The Jedi don't allow tours, and the Senate is already occupied by Skywalker. Rex didn't want Skywalker to see them, or Rex would have to keep him out of trouble again.
β€œThere is a small but nice park where we can spend time. There are also 79s. It will be fun, but chances are it will turn into getting to know my brothers when they realize we're a couple. If you're ready for it, we can choose the 79s. But you can just walk around Coruscant and find some interesting place.β€œ
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loyaltyandchaos Β· 2 years
@pieman1112 [x]
Rebecca's touch brought Rex back to reality. He pulled her to him and hugged her, kissing the top of her head. Jesse and the rest of the men were his family. He did not want to hurt them and be the cause of their death. Umbara stood before his eyes again. But now it was worse. He himself ordered the destruction of the escape pods. But even if the capsules were intact, none of the men would have tried to escape. Good soldiers follow orders. And given that their ship is about to crash and they only have one ship and one chance to survive... They don't have a choice.
"Thank you, cyare."
He whispered. They can't stand like this forever. Time is short. If they don't act according to plan now, they will die along with everyone else.
"We need to move. The longer we delay, the greater the chance that we will crash along with everyone."
Ahsoka nodded and took out her lightsabers and handed them to Rex.
"Otherwise they won't believe that you took me prisoner." "That's right. Let's go."
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loyaltyandchaos Β· 2 years
@galaxycrxss [x]
Fives preferred to remain optimistic rather than let his dark thoughts take over. He's already lost so many brothers, including Hevy, Cutup, and Droidbate, to let Echo die. Even if the chances are low, Fives will seize on this minimal chance and do everything in his power. He was too stubborn to give up. He didn't want to think about losing his twin. This thought was too painful and scary.
"Well, optimism is all that's left for us. Otherwise, we can only let the tin cans do what they were made for."
They went through many missions together. Since they became part of the Torrent, Fives has worked hard to become an ARC troopers. For both of them to become ARC troopers. And now that they've done it, it would be foolish to let Echo die like this. They'll manage. Rex and Kix will find them and help Echo. And they will laugh at this situation later.
Fives chuckled as Echo joked over the comlink. If he still has his sense of humor, then all is not lost. It was hoped that Rex would be in time.
"But you will be in my arms, it's a little different than just dying on the ground."
Fives rolled his eyes. This argument didn't matter, except that Echo probably wanted to annoy him. But it was a little distracting from their situation. Kix would probably really yell at him if Echo couldn't be moved. But lying still was also a bad option.
"Thanks brother! I really don't mind if Kix yells at me, so yes, I probably volunteered."
"Oh, you sure do volunteered if it was your idea to move the wounded!"
Fives was so focused on keeping Echo straight that he didn't notice Kix and Rex approaching them.
"You can yell at me any time you like, but help him now! Rex, help me then."
Rex and Fives laid Echo gently on the ground so Kix could examine the wound.
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loyaltyandchaos Β· 2 years
@wondrouswomcn [x]
Yes, Chopper could not be called cute if you communicate with him for at least half an hour. R2D2 could be an asshole too, but he was more in control than Chopper. It must have been Skywalker's influence.
"Oh yeah. Chopper might be a pain in the ass, but I'm glad we have him. He's useful. R2D2 too, but given that he belongs to Bail Organa now, he can't do much. But in the past, in times The Clone Wars, he was incredibly useful."
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loyaltyandchaos Β· 2 years
@pieman1112 [x]
Rex took her hand and stood up. He must return to the men. We had to take care of the wounded, check on Fives and Jessie, take care of the paperwork... A lot of things that needed to be done had to be done. He won't have free time for a very long time. On the one hand, this is good, you can not think about what happened, but on the other hand... he will not be allowed to do this. There will be court martial on Dogma as soon as they come back if not already is.Β And many explanations of what happened will be in next few days...
Rex closed the distance between them to kiss her forehead. Rebecca and their love will support him. He can handle it. He must.
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loyaltyandchaos Β· 2 years
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@classifiedxrey​ liked for starter
"So, since the war is over, what do you plan to do? Will you and Luke recreate the Jedi order? Or will you go the other way?"
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loyaltyandchaos Β· 2 years
@wcrspite​ [x]
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It was really interesting. The General not only wanted to talk, but was also interested in his personal comfort. In this way, she was like Skywalker, who liked to talk to his men in the barracks or somewhere in the dining room. Well, he could go to meet her.
"Thank you for your concern, sir. How about the mess hall? It's a pretty cozy place and we won't be disturbed."
It was really better and easier to talk in the mess hall. No one will eavesdrop, you can take coffee and talk. Plus, everyone sees that you are busy and will not distract him from the conversation. If Skywalker returns, he will be told where he is.
"It's always good to meet Jedi who are willing to talk and get to know the clones better. Many of the Jedi I've met, other than Skywalker and Kenobi, try to keep their distance."
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loyaltyandchaos Β· 2 years
@thechosenscrewup [x]
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Rex saw Skywalker visit the training room more than once and watched him train more than once too when he was curious. He knew what a training droid looked like and what Skywalker did when he trained with it. It was fair. If Rex tries to parry a real blaster, he needs to practice on something simple. I wouldn't want to hurt Skywalker's body.
"Yes, sir. I have seen your trainings. It will be interesting to try this on your own.β€œ
He took out his lightsaber and activated it. It is unusual to hold it and feel it like it should be like that. Of course, Rex was holding a light saber in his hands, but it all felt different. Now he will have the opportunity to use it for its intended purpose.
"I'm ready."
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loyaltyandchaos Β· 2 years
@kavecika [x]
"Well, then I guess I'll have to get into medbay more often. I'll just have to persuade the clankers to shoot not to kill."
He joked. It is unlikely that the clankers can be convinced of this. And he couldn't afford to rest and enjoy life in a med bay while his boys fought and died. Now is not the time to be selfish. We must wait until victory is visible on the horizon. But for now...
"Me too. I don't want to stop thinking about you either. But for now, that's all we have. I'll be sure to text you later."
​Nobody forbade texting each other. This is the best way to keep in touch. Someday they will have the time and opportunity. But not now.
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loyaltyandchaos Β· 2 years
@wondrouswomcn [x]
Yes, he worked closely with Bo-Katan and this work was not pleasant. Bo-Katan considered herself superior to the clones and did not view them as separate living beings. They were meat droids to her. It was annoying. Plus, she herself was involved in the fact that Maul captured Mandalore. She was part of the Death Watch and herself participated in the overthrow of her sister. What became of Mandalore after the Clone Wars Rex didn't know, and had no desire to know. In any case, with a ruler like Bo Katan Kryze, nothing good awaited the clones there.
"Unfortunately. But I'm glad our work together was short."
Mando snorted. It is unlikely that the Armorer will be happy with such a gift anyway.
"Keep it then. Robbing a woman after it's our own fault that she ended up on our board would be unfair."
Fives smiled at her and looked at Mando. He waved his hand.
"He doesn't mind. Two votes to one doesn't matter. Oh, by the way, are you hungry? We have something left to eat."
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loyaltyandchaos Β· 2 years
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@earthssprout​ liked for starter
Rex often visited the Jedi Temple to pick up Skywalker. He was waiting for him now too, when he noticed that a youngling was watching him.
"Aren't you supposed to be at the temple and learn Jedi stuff, kid?"
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