#👑👿👼sympathy for the devil👼👿👑
voidselfshipp · 2 years
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Dresses based off of my favorite (arch)angels of supernatural 
If blurry Open the image!
Balthazar’s colorscheme is based off of @/klayr-de-gall on Tumblr and their drawing of balthazar's wings.
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♡lovely taglist: @malewifehenrycooldown @tex-treasures @mercuryships @sugar-and-pearls
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voidselfshipp · 2 years
Supernatural F/os and the flowers that represents them.
"This Is stupid" Dean teased with a smirk. "Really? Flowers?" "Dude" Sam interjected "cmon they took the time to make a list" The oldest winchester shot a playfully annoyed look at jerico and said "alright then, go ahead"
Excerpt from s13 episode 24 "Quality time" (fanmade)
Lucifer: Hydragena (Gratitude for being understood; Frigidity and heartlessness) Snapdragon (Deception, Graciousness)
Gabriel: Lillies (associated with Gabriel in biblicall paintings) Red Carnations (Alas for my poor heart, my heart aches, deep love)
Sam: Aloe (Affection, also Grief) Clematis (Mental beauty)
Arthur Ketch: Chamomile (Patience in adversity) Edelweiss (Courage, devotion)
Crowley: Crab Blossom (Ill nature) Purple clematis (associated with royalty)
Balthazar: coriander (hidden worth/merit) peruvian Lilly (associated with wealth)
Death: white Rose, red spider lilly (associated with death/passing)
"Romantic love is nice and all, but what happened to platonic and familial love! You surely didnt leave us behind, did you?"Charlie whined. "Of course she wouldnt, dearie!" Rowena interjected, almost offended that Charlie would think jerico would leave them out. "Alright then!" Jack Chirped with gleaming eyes"tell us!"
Excerpt from s13 episode 24 "Quality time" (fanmade)
Charlie: Ivy (Affection, Friendship, Fidelity) Arborvitae (unchanging friendshipp)
Castiel: Dill (powerful against evil) zinnia (Thoughts of absent friends, lasting affection)
Dean: gladiolus (Flower of the Gladiators, Integrity, Strength, Victory) Oak (Strength)
"Okay then, what about family?" Bobby said "ya idjit didnt leave us out didja?" "Since when do you care about flowers?" Dean teased with smirk. "I can appreciate flowers, ya idjit!" Bobby replied with annoyance in his tone and s slight blush on his cheeks.
Excerpt from s13 episode 24 "Quality time" (fanmade)
Rowena: Sage (wisdom) Datura/ Devils flower (Power + pun bcs shes a witch)
Bobby: peonies (family) Marigolds (stubborness)
Jack: White Carnation (Innocence, pure love, sweet love) Lilac (Joy of youth)
Mary (mother in law): Lily-Of-The-Valley (Sweetness, Tears of the Virgin Mary, Humility) Carnation (Fascination, female love, mother’s love)
"So?" Jerico mused. "Thank you for putting the time and effort in doing this, babe" sam thanked with a smile. "No probs!" Jeri chirped.
Excerpt from s13 episode 24 "Quality time" (fanmade)
Only mutuals allowed to reblog.
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voidselfshipp · 2 years
Valentines Day Moodboards
I wanted to do something to celebrate my lovers + friend now that its VD
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"Nothing's sweeter than you, honeybunny"
"If I recall correctly your dad created sugar because he wanted something as sweet as you!"
"I- ah..., you got me there sweetpea"
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"If I had a heart you'd be its owner, my queen"
"Thank you my king"
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"You were raised catholic, werent you?"
"I was, yes"
"You see the irony?"
"Ah bite me"
"I love you too"
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"Give me a break, it was like a damn movie!"
"Two Friends that fall in love! How Disney of us"
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"Why is it funny when people mispell Thyme as Time?"
"Because both sound the same"
"Oh....heh thats funny!"
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♡Lovely taglist: @tex-treasures @malewifehenrycooldown @mercuryships @stevenstoneswaifu
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voidselfshipp · 2 years
Supernatural f/os and the songs that I feel represent them/my dynamic with them:
Jack: Wild Things by Alessia Cara
"Find table spaces, say your social graces
Bow your head, they're pious here
But you and I, we're pioneers, we make our own rules
Our own room, no bias here
Let 'em sell what they are sellin', there are no buyers here
So gather all the rebels now, we'll rebel-rouse and sing aloud
We don't care what they say no way, no way
And we will leave the empty chairs to those who say we can't sit there
We're fine all by ourselves
So hey, we brought our drum and this is how we dance
No mistakin', we make our breaks, if you don't like our 808s
Then leave us alone, 'cause we don't need your policies
We have no apologies for being
Find me where the wild things are (oh my, we'll be alright, don't mind us)
Find me where the wild things are (oh my, we'll be just fine, don't mind us, yeah)
Find me where the wild things are"
Gabriel: Gabriel By Lamb
"I can fly
But I want his wings
I can shine even in the darkness
But I crave the light that he brings
Revel in the songs that he sings
My angel Gabriel
I can love
But I need his heart
I am strong even on my own
But from him I never want to part
He's been there since the very start
My angel Gabriel
My angel Gabriel
Bless the day he came to be
Angel's wings carried him to me"
Sam: Best Friend by Rex Orange County
"And that's because I wanna be your favorite boy
I wanna be the one that makes your day
The one you think about as you lie awake
I can't wait to be your number one
I'll be your biggest fan and you'll be mine"
Lucifer:devil wanna love me by Rosey Reign
"The devil wanna love love me
Hotter than hell (ya)
I fuel his fire from within
The devil wanna love love me
Hotter than hell (ya)
I reign over dark night as his Queen
The devil wanna love me
Love love me
He love me
Love love me
At least King Luci loves me"
Crowley: Orpheus by Shawn James
"Oh my heart had been aching since the day that I first laid eyes upon you
I knew you were the one
Since that day I have never been the same nobody every could turn me away
Our love had just begun
Then you opened up your heart to me [...] "
"I will follow you down even through the gates of hell
I will save your soul
I will make you whole"
Balthazar: Dirty Car by Studio Killers
"I wish you'd be
As dirty as my car
I could be your ride tonight
I may not be (oh yeah)
Worthy of your heart
But I'll make you feel alright
So come on into the night
Let's follow, follow the lights
So let go of wrong and right
'Cause who wants, who wants
Who wants to dance all night?
Get on my dirty car, alright
Buckle up, hit that beat, turn up the music
Face Time on the front seat just while we're cruising
Buckle up, hit that beat, don't stop the music
We're conceived in the backseat and born to boogie"
Death: damn! The grim reaper is cute by Raine Emily
"Got eyes darker than the pits of hell
My heart's gone soft like caramel
Has his hood pulled tight overhead
Dark circles "from late nights" he said [...]"
The grim reaper is cute
Gotta find his number
I wanna visit his house of ill repute
Cause damn
The grim reaper is fine"
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voidselfshipp · 2 years
Romantic f/o Hangout ideas
Sam: library date, to enjoy some good books, maybe find Chuck's books and maybe research...maybe. and probably to make out.
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Balthazar: museum date, admiring pieces of art, maybe getting a drink from Starbucks, and hear balthazar tell the true stories behind each painting and probably take cute couple photos and kiss, and he probably recognizes himself in some paintings.
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Crowley: fancy dinner date, with Growley as security detaild just in case, whoever has a problem w that well....they arent seen again. He also gives me roses as the gentleman he is.
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Gabriel: cafe date, but like, a tour around the best bakeries of the whole world! Plenty of cure couple pictures too!
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Lucifer: Rock concert. He has the time of his life screaming the lyrics, hoisting me up so I can see, and yes, front row seats. We get backstage pass and we wear matching rock themed leather jackets, un the back mine says "speak of the devil" and lucifer's says "and he shall come". Hes also all the security i need.
We take a picture of us holding hands and doing the horns with our free hands, the picture taken from the back so the phrases on the jackets can be seen.
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Death: walk through a graveyard at night/dusk, Him telling all the stories about each tomb,in a gloomy and misty day. maybe we find some friendly cats and criws! and they bring us shiny things, deep talk with some spirits and we hold hands , maybe theres some faint old classical music in the bg
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voidselfshipp · 2 years
for the valentines day asks: adoration, bouquet, crush, confession, darling and date night w/ Lucifer (supernatural)? :3
adoration — how would your f/o speak about you to someone else?
He's never gonna shut up about me, he'd praise me and say all the things ive accomplished, all the stuff I do for him n all, hes so extra about it too! "And you know what else? They want to learn how to Cook! Arent they amazing? Oh and they look so pretty in everything they wear! They are so funny and cute!"
crush — when did your f/o realize their feelings for you? how did they deal with those feelings?
When Lucifer found out he had feelings for me he was confused and very angry with himself. He hates humanity and now hes head over heels for little ol me. He dealt with his feels to the best of his abilities, a lot of denial until he said "fuck it" and confessed.
bouquet — what’s their favourite flower and why?
Hydragena because it means "Gratitude for being understood,Frigidity and heartlessness"
Snapdragon because it means graciousness And deception.
confession — how’d the confession happen, and looking back on it, what are your (and f/o’s) thoughts abt how you both were back then?
I broke down crying because I was conflicted bcs hes lucifer n stuff, lucifer thinks he could have been nicer about courting me,and I think it was really unnecesary.
darling — what outfits would you both wear on a date? feel free to show pics!
He'd wear something classy, suit maybe? Or maybe a bad boy vibe w a leather jacket
I'd wear something like a croptop, jeans and boots, or if we are going out on a fancy date id wear a suit (or a dress if it was fancy enough)
date night — describe your ideal date with them! spare no expense, realism to the wind, what’s your dream outing?
Im not sure, if I had to choose, id like something fancy but calm, at a restaurant with fancy food n fancy clothes.
Or something at home with good food and good movies, cuddling up.
Thanks shallow!
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voidselfshipp · 2 years
A whole New meaning to long distance relationshipps
Cw: mentions of hallucinations and hand scars.
Summary: while Sam has one of his hallucinations of lucifer, jericó decides to help out.
A/n: for this, the hallucination Sam has is more of a ghost only he can see, my s/I can too because shes in a relationshipp with lucifer
-> only mutuals allowed to reblog.
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Sam sat frozen in place, thumbing the scar across his palm, he flinches but he doesnt stop.
Jerico looks at him and sighs internally, another of his hallucinations with lucy. Her eyes catch it and says-- Sammy?
--Uh- uhm what?-- He calls out. Then he deathglares the spot he was looking before.
--Is it lucy?
Sam sighed-- dont tell Dean.
The youngest winchester heard lucifer say "aww look at her. She still calls me by that petname. And really classy telling her to lie to Dean!"
--ill take that as a yes-- she said walking to the spot he was looking at and figuring out where lucifer would be standing.
Her eyes flash gold and she sees him standing infront of her-- hello, love
--Luci-- jeri Warned-- leave him alone
--Ah but its so much fun
--Leave him alone-- she repeated sternly.
-- I dont take orders from you
--i recall that being different in our bedroom but whatever-- at this, lucifer blushes and looks away-- leave him alone
He huffs and folds his arms over his chest-- he isnt payin' attention to me!
--What are you,five?-- jeri retorted.
Sam Recalled she was the only one who could stand up to lucifer. That, took balls.
--Listen to me really well lucifer, you leave Sam alone or so help me ill go down there and kick your ass myself. Ive had it up to here!-- she exclaimed, grabbing him by the collar of his jacket.
--I love it when you get bossy~ -- he flirted trying to put his hands on her waist.
--No touch.-- jerico declared pushing his hands back.
He sticks his forked tongue out and she pushes his jaw up to make him bite on it-- whats wrong with you woman! That hurted!
--Good. Leave him alone
He huffed and crossed his arms, dissapearing into thin air.
--...thanks-- Sam muttered, clearly embarassed.
Jeri Sat besides him, giving him a big hug-- thats what im here for
--Hes not gonna be happy between this and you being all over me...
--He can suck it-- she declared helping him lie down. She rests ontop of him and he hugs her tight.
--I know we had this conversation but what did you see in him?-- sam asked
--its a complicated answer. Hes not the most easy to be around. But deep down yknow...hes kinda good..
--Him? Kinda good?
--Just trust me...-- she replied-- he's not gonna bother you much now. If anything hes gonna give me the middle finger and pout
--Ill have a hard time containing my laughter-- he said closing his eyes-- you shouldve specified no nightmares either
--he knows it includes that too-- she explained-- rest, sammy
--Alright, thank you-- Sammy muttered.
--No need to..-- she whispers
Later, during the night, while jerico was sleeping in her own bed, she sensed a cold breeze going down her neck to her back, she sighs.
Her eyes flash gold and there he is, lucifer hugging her from behind, looking like a kicked puppy.
--Thats not gonna work-- she whispered.
--Alright. Alright. Sorry-- he replied-- I missed you
-- ah shit. C'mere-- she turns around and hugs him, he hugs back and she feels his wings drape over her.
--look. About Sam..im going too far I know
--Theres a "but" coming..
He chuckled-- but its fun to terrorize him
At this, jeri frowns-- I dont like it
--I know-- he said-- I wanted to say sorry
--but youll do it again
--I Will
--Im going to kick you out of bed
--wait dont!-- lucifer exclaims -- okay okay ill stop!
He sighed-- promise
His arms tighten his grip around her and his head rests ontop of her, her scent making him relax.
Jericos hands trace the singed feathers, being carefull of the damaged wings. Her gentleness always made him melt.
His lips press against her forehead, down to the bridge of her nose, and then her lips. She kisses back, relaxing against him.
--all that you told sam about me..is it true? -- luci Asks.
--It is
He hugs her tight, eyes watering-- I miss you so much
Jeri's nose nuzzles his chest-- I miss you too. If you dont bring the apocalypse you might be able to actually come up here
--Dont think so, sweetheart
--todo es posible en la viña del señor-- she said. (Everything is possible in the vineyard of the lord)
He groans and rolls his eyes-- fuck off
She snorts and both close their eyes. At least they had this to be toghether
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voidselfshipp · 2 years
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OHHHH marry meeeee
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