#👤 : Korimi
juvian · 3 years
A turn of events - Chapter 4
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Summary : Korimi Lockser always been one of the best students, but one day when her crush decide to come visit his friends more often, including her sister. She decide do to the dumbest thing she's done in her life... fake being stupid to get is attention.
Disclaimer :  I lot of swear words ! Fairy tail belong to Hiro Mashima !
Characters : Korimi Lockser (Oc), Rogue Cheney, Gray Fullbuster Lyon Vastia, Juvia Lockser.
Shipping(s) : Oc X Lyon Vastia, Gruvia, Nalu (Mention)
Genre : High school au, modern au, romance and humour.
Words : 1334
Chapters : Masterlist // Chapter 3 // Chapter 5
Chapter 4 
“Juvia, I’m home! With Rogue!”
“Juvia is in the kitchen!”
Again? I think she did 10 batches of cookies in less than two weeks… 
“Are you making cookies again?” I said going to the kitchen followed by Rogue.
“Yes, Gray-Sama is coming again tonight and I think Lyon-San is coming too.
Oh… fuck. I am going to look like a complete mess in front of my best friend, great. Oh no! He would probably think Rogue is my boyfriend! Like almost everybody on this earth… Why does nobody believe in girls and boys friendship seriously?! I hope Lyon isn’t going to say anything about the lessons, my best friend would murder me if he knows.
“I know what you are thinking, don’t worry, I will not get too close to you in front of Lyon.” Rogue said, whispering into my ears.
“Thank you.” I said whispering again. 
“Sting is not with you today?”
“No, he had a date.”  Rogue answered.
“Oh! With who?” My sister said, excited.
“We don’t know, he didn’t want to tell us, what I know is that she must be courageous for having a date with this jerk.”
“Don’t be so mean Kori-Chan, Sting is a good guy.”  Juvia said. “Juvia likes him.”
“Well you are not the one spending every day of your life with him.”
“Who are supposed to like Ju? Should I be jealous?”
OH GOD! I almost had a heart attack! Gray you bitch, I didn’t even hear the door opening.
“Oh Gray-Sama! Juvia was only saying that she liked Kori-Chan’s friend, Sting.” My sister said, before kissing Gray. “She said he was a jerk.”
“Well she is not wrong, I’ve seen Sting a couple of times and he is not the brightest guy in the city you know.” Gray said, laughing. “Hi Rogue and no offence dude.”
“Well I can’t really say the contrary, I love my brother but he can be really stupid.”
“Talking about him, he didn’t follow you?”
“He has a date, I don’t know with whom.” I said, to Gray. “That’s why Juvia say I am a meanie, because I said that the girl must be courageous to endure him... or maybe she is as stupid then he is.”
“Wow, are you sure he is your friend?” My favourite voice in the world asked, behind me, laughing.
Oh fuck that’s Lyon, he probably thinks I am an awful friend now! What if he doesn’t want to be the next victim of my insults and doesn't want to hang out with me after this?! My life is ending now because of Sting Eucliffe, fuck this jerk.
“Umm, that’s how we work you know.” I laughed, awkwardly. “Making fun of each other is our way to show our love.”
“Don’t worry Korimi, I am not judging you, me and Gray work like that too.” He laughed.
“Except that I really hate you.” Gray said, laughing.
“Yeah, yeah keep telling yourself this Gray, I know you love me.”
Everybody laughed, even Rogue, well he let out a little chuckle. When Lyon is around or we talk about him he always looks stiff. He seems to not like Lyon, I really don’t know why.
“Umm, Rogue and I have to study, see you guys later.” I said, awkwardly.
“Okay! Study well you two!” My sister said, smilling. “Oh! Kori-Chan, Mom and dad said they will not come home this week-end because of dad’s work. Mom told Juvia, that dad wanted her to come with him so they could spend a little time together alone.”
“Oh ok, they are coming back Monday?”
“Juvia thinks so.”
“Ok, thank you for telling me.”
 We’ve been studiying for 30 minutes when we heard a knock on the door. 
“Come in!”
“Juvia came to bring you some cookies, you should eat a little, and she also brought you two glass of milk to accompany the cookies, hope you liked them!”
“Thanks Ju! You are the best.” I said, kissing my sister on the cheeks when she came closer, to bring the tray to my bed.
“Anything for the best little sister in the world.” She responds with a wink. “Gray-Sama suggested that we order pizza for dinner and of course Juvia will be happy if Rogue stays to eat with us.”
“I don’t want to be a burden.”
“Are you stupid Rogue, when will you ever be a burden in this house.” I said, rolling my eyes. “You are staying and I don’t want to hear anything from you!”
“That’s settled then! Juvia will call you when the pizza is here.”
My sister returned downstairs and I was going to take some cookies when I saw Rogue looking at me with a smirk.
“I know that fucking face, you want to say something but you don’t want to make fun of me.”
“Not at all, I just know that you want me to stay because Lyon is here.”
“What! No! I just…” I said, trying to find an excuse but he started to laugh. “Okay! You’re right, I just don’t want to ridicule myself in front of him and you are doing a great job at talking at my place when I am about to say something really stupid.”
He laughed harder and I took my hand to my face and sigh. I sound so fucking dumb, at least Rogue know that I am not stupid, I just don’t know what to do in front of a guy I like.
“Seriously Rogue, most of the time I look stupid.” I sighed. “I only look at him and have a hard time concentrating on what he is saying to me.”
“I never saw you like this, what this boy is doing to you.” He said, raising an eyebrow.
“I don’t fucking know.”
“Whatever, I think we should eat those cookies.” He said, taking 3 cookies from the tray. “Juvia would be mad otherwise and we should continue to study.”
“Are you scared of my sister Rogue?” I asked, smirking.
“No, I just don’t like to disappoint a lady, when she kindly cooks for us.”
We laughed and continued to eat and study until Gray called us for dinner.
“It’s been so long since I ate pizza!” Gray said,  when he took his first bite.
“Gray you ate pizza like two days ago because, how did you say it… « I don’t have a fucking life anymore so I have to eat what I found on my way, even if it’s garbage».”
“A good pizza if you prefer.” Gray said, rolling his eyes at his brother. “The one I bought from school was awful.”
“Juvia couldn’t agree more, the sauce tasted nothing and the peperoni too.”
“That’s a crime OMG!”
How can you do that to a pizza! Failing a pizza it's worse than failing at life, it’s not supposed to happen. After a couple of second of shocked, I saw Lyon looking at me and Rogue with question, oh no don’t ask the question, don’t ask…
“Are you two together?”
“Oh! No!” I said, a little bit too fast I think I saw Rogue stiffening. “He is my best friend!”
“Oh, I’m sorry.”
“It’s okay.” Rogue said a little bit too harshly.”
“Don’t worry Lyon.” Gray said, laughing. “Those are so close that everybody thinks they’re together, worse than Lucy and Natsu in high school. That’s probably why Kori never had a boyfriend.”
Wow Gray, thanks, I hate you.
“Gray-Sama don’t say that, yes those two are close, but Sting is also close to her and they never mistaken them to be together. I am sure if Kori-Chan wanted a boyfriend she could easily have one.”
Thanks for believing in me sis, but you can’t be more wrong than that. But at least someone is kind to me.
“Maybe, but when Korimi and Sting are together, they’re always fighting, so it gives away easily that it would never happen.”
I hope someone never thought of that, just the image of me and Sting make me want to vomit.
“I just want to make sure I am not making anyone jealous with our little lesson.”
What did he say?! Rogue is going to kill me, Lyon talked about those little lessons. He is going to hate the fact that I am lying and being stupid for a guy, I am never going to hear the end of it.
“Little lessons? What is he talking about?” Rogue asked me with a disapproving look.
“Umm… well.”
“Korimi asked me to help her in math, you didn’t know about it?”
“No, I didn’t, but that’s kind of you.” Rogue responded glaring at me.
“Are you fucking stupid?!”
“Listen Rogue.”
“No you listen! What is wrong with you?! Normally people fake being intelligent and you!” He said, pointing at me with disappointment.  “Are faking being Stupid?!” 
After dinner, the 5 of us watch movies and I insisted that Rogue stay the night, because I had to explain myself. As soon as Rogue and me came to my room, he didn’t hesitated to make me know how stupid my plan was.
“I know it’s the most stupid thing I have done but, he was asking me how was school because I looked weird and it make me realised that he didn’t know anything about me and without really thinking I said that I had problems in math and he suggest I got help form Gray, and after he said he could help me when he come over and…”
“You still didn’t have to do that!”
“How do you want me to become close to him then? He sees me as Juvia’s little sister, nothing else, I just want him to notice me a little, even if it’s not in a good way.” I said, sighing.  “It’s been three years already, I have enough.”
Rogue sighed probably not satisfied by my answer, but I didn’t care, it’s my stupid problem not his. 
“Come here.” He said, opening his arm for me. “Sorry, I just don’t want this to go against you, you are the most intelligent girl I’ve know, I don’t understand how you can’t do that just for a boy, how can’t you fake being stupid with IQ like yours.”
“Well with an IQ like mine like you said, I think I am intelligent enough to fake being bad at math.” I laughed. “And don’t worry at the end of the month I’ll say that he was the best teacher ever and that I don’t have any problem anymore and show him whatever note that I will have even if it's 100%.”
“You’ll always surprise me, but not always in a good way.”
“Please don’t say anything to Sting, I don’t want to have to kill him because he is making fun of me.”
“I will not, don’t worry, but if you are daydreaming every time he talked to you, I would be obligated have to say how stupid you’ve been.”
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