#💋  : out to the ballgame * ( v 010 )
knowsvaluemoved · 2 years
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“   i  just  want  to  hear  your  voice  until  i  fall  asleep  …   ” | @rgerz​
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the   phone   is   resting   on   the   pillow   next   to   her   ,   sapphire   eyes   trained   to   the   ceiling   .   “   i   miss   you   .”   it’s   not   an   uncommon   statement   coming   from   her   ,   he’s   been   gone   for   a   while   .   both   her   and   william   are   missing   him   ,   but   he’s   out   there   living   his   dream   .   peggy   can’t   stop   him   from   doing   that   .   “   i   think   william   has   grown   so   much   since   the   last   time   you   saw   him   .   might   be   off   to   college   before   you   get   back   .”   there’s   a   hint   of   laughter   in   her   voice   .
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knowsvaluemoved · 2 years
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“ i could kiss you for hours. “ @fatalelity​ - kissing starters
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sapphire   eyes   gaze   at   the   other   woman   ,   hands   cupping   her   lover’s   face   .   “   tell   me   then   -”   accented   voice   low   and   soft      .   “   why   you   ever   stop   ?   because   i’d   be   more   than   happy   to   spend   all   my   time   kissing   you.   ”   nevermind   the   fact   that   peggy’s   five   year   old   son   is   the   reason   they   typically   have   to   stop   whatever   they’re   in   the   middle   of   .   
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knowsvaluemoved · 2 years
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❛  you’re  going  to  believe  them  over  me ?  ❜        @rgerz
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PEGGY   IS   SO   TIRED   OF   THIS   FIGHT   ,   of   this   conversation   .   it   feels   like   they   get   no   where   any   time   it’s   brought   up   .   there   was   another   issue   ,   another   lie   being   spread   in   the   tabloids   about   him   .   after   seven   months   of   dealing   with   this   ,   she   thinks   she   would   be   better   .   and   has   been   ,   until   her   son   was   invovled   in   their   lies   .   “   i’m   not   believing   them   over   you   .   thinking   i   would   hurts   ,   steve   .   you   know   how   much   i   trust   you   ,   how   much   i   believe   in   you   -   but   you   are   not   the   only   person   affected   by   these   rumors   any   more   .”   eye   cast   down   to   a   very   round   belly   .   “   i   can   handle   whatever   they   say   about   me   .   i   can   take   it   .   i   know   my   value   -   but   we’re   bringing   a   child   into   this   world   .”   sigh   leaves   red   lips   as   sapphire   hues   look   back   up   at   him   .   “   it   is   our   job   to   protect   him   from   the   world   .   including   the   press   .”
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knowsvaluemoved · 2 years
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[ RESCUE ] for one muse to intervene upon seeing a third party making the other one uncomfortable                          @rgerz​ - moved from old blog
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IT’S  NOT  THAT  SHE  HATES  MINGLING  WITH  HIS  TEAMMATES,  she  loves  to  listen  to  them  tell  stories  about  their  road  trips,  how  steve  was  before  they  started  dating,  how  amazed  they  are  that  he’s  landed  her.  no,  peggy  carter  rather  enjoys  hanging  out  with  them,  but  she’s  heavily  pregnant  and  has  been  working  longer  hours  at  the  firm  to  get  ready  for  maternity  leave  and  she  is  worn  out  .  
there’s  a  certain  teammate  that  peggy  can’t  stand.  he’s  always  made  her  uncomfortable,  always  talking  about  how  much  better  he  could  treat  her  than  rogers  could  (  she  doubted  this  ),  how  he  could  please  her  more.  that’s  the  same  teammate  who  has  her  cornered  against  the  wall,  towering  over  her  ,  standing  as  close  to  her  as  he  can  with  her  belly  in  the  way.  sapphire  hues  dart  around  him  to  see  steve  approaching,  a  relieved  look  coming  across  her  face  .  “  steve,  darling  ,”  she  states  with  a  smile  as  his  arm  wraps  around  her  waist,  leaning  into  him  slightly.
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knowsvaluemoved · 2 years
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@rgerz​ reported: “...Why are you here?” 
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peggy pulls her coat around her , the rain soaked fabric doing nothing to keep her warm in the air conditioned hallway . “ my power went out and i didn’t have anywhere else to go .” it’s not a lie , but it’s not the complete truth. the storm did knock out the power in her apartment complex, but angie lives closer . in fact , peggy could list five of their friends who live closer to her than he does - but if she wasn’t going to be sleeping at home , she might as well be with her son .
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knowsvaluemoved · 2 years
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[  BEG ] ;  the sender begs the receiver to touch them.  // @fatalelity​
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“   addison   -”   peggy   warns   ,   her   eyes   narrowing   at   the   other   woman   .   she’s   been   teasing   her   all   night   .   hand   trailing   up   and   down   her   thigh   while   william   played   on   the   floor   in   front   of   them   .   now   that   her   child   is   tucked   into   bed   ,   addison’s   barely   touched   her   .   “   i   need   you   to   touch   me   .   put   your   mouth   on   me   ,   put   your   fingers   in   me   -      bloody   hell   i   need   something   .   ”
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knowsvaluemoved · 2 years
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❛  isn’t there at least one secret desire waiting within you heart that you can’t admit to anyone ?  ❜ // @fatalelity​
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teeth   sink   into   her   waxy   lips   as   she   looks   down   at   her   glass   of   red   wine   .   william   was   throwing   a   fit   an   hour   ago   ,   but   now   that   doctor   addie   was   here,   he’s   suddenly   fine   and   playing   quietly   in   his   room.   peggy   shouldn’t   be   feeling   these   kinds   of   things   for   the   person   she’s   entrusted   with   her   son’s   care   ,   but   she   can’t   help   it   .   visions   have   occurred   to   her   of   them   as   a   family   .   of   family   movie   nights   with   them   curled   up   on   the   couch   ,   of   addison   joining   in   when   she   visits   her   parents   in   england   .   “   yeah,   there   is   one   .”   her   voice   mournful   .   how   could   she   know   if   addie   wanted   her   too   .
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knowsvaluemoved · 2 years
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“ tell  me  right  now ,  is  this  really  what  you  wanted? ” @rgerz​
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things   between   them   has   never   been   better   than   what   it’s   like   right   now   .   they’re   back   together   after   a   few   months   of   separation   -   they   learned   how   to   be   parents   without   relying   on   the   other   .   peggy   spent   a   lot   of   time   figuring   out   how   not   to   bulldoze   him   and   she’s   gotten   better   at   listening   to   what   he   says   .   she   looks   at   him   from   her   spot   on   the   couch   ,   william   resting   half   asleep   on   her   chest      .   “   do   you   want   the   truth   ?”      she   pause   .   “   no.   i   never   pictured   this   for   myself   .   i   was   never   the   type   of   little   girl   who   dreamed   of   children,   of   a   husband   .”   finger   rubs   the   peach   fuzz   on   top   her   son’s   head   .   “   i   wouldn’t   change   it   for   the   world   though   .   the   two   of   you   have   changed   everything   .”   lips   press   a   small   kiss   to   the   crown   of   the   infant’s   head   .   “   in   the   best   way   possible.   ”
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knowsvaluemoved · 2 years
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﹟  tooth-rotting fluff﹕ a  ridiculously  sweet  moment  between  sender  &  receiver . @fatalelity​
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william   is   five   now   .   peggy   is   long   past   the   sleepless   nights   that   come   with   a   newborn   and   the   worry   that   comes   with   a   toddler   -   but   she   still   finds   herself   leaning   against   the   doorframe   ,   watching   the   rise   and   fall   of   his   little   chest.   she   feels   addie’s   arms   wrap   around   her   waist   and   a   smile   coming   across   her   features   .   “   hey   you   .”
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knowsvaluemoved · 2 years
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“Hey, if you need to bare your chest, I’m right here. I’ll listen.” @fatalelity​ - random misc dialogue … sentence starters
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red wine is being poured into a galss when addison’s words pull her out of her train of thought . things have been hard lately . steve is gone for spring training and william has been antsy since he left . every day has been a challenge . then he keeps telling her that he’s sick, that he needs dr montgomery to come over to make sure he’s okay . then he turns out to be fine and she looks like an idiot first time mother even though her son is five now . 
bottle is returned to the counter top , perfectly manicured fingers offer the second glass to her friend before taking a sip from her own . “ i know .” finger runs along the rim , sapphire eyes cast downward . “ this happens every year . steve goes to florida, will throws a fit about it , and i’m here to pick up the pieces .” 
another sip is taken, the bitterness of the wine settling on her tongue as she finally glances up at addision . “ but something is different this year. he doesn’t usually get sick and he certainly doesn’t lie about anything . got his father’s honestly streak -” that comes with a small laugh. “ you don’t have to come every time i call .”
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knowsvaluemoved · 2 years
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send a 📸 to see 3-5 pictures that my muse has/has taken of your muse | @rgerz
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knowsvaluemoved · 2 years
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what  a  plot  twist  you  turned  out  to  be
endless edits // feat. @rgerz
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knowsvaluemoved · 2 years
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steve & peggy : @rgerz​
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who panics over everything? steve who lives on google and webmd to look up everything the baby does? steve who’s on the fence about vaccination? steve, only because he’s worried about william crying who bothers the doctor at 3 AM? steve who nudges the other in the middle of the night to go handle the baby? peggy pushes steve tbh who pretends to be asleep when the baby is screaming? peggy. who takes pictures and videos of everything? steve when he’s around, peggy when he’s on the road who accidentally drops the baby? (let’s be real: it happens) oh 100 % steve who has more trouble adjusting to parenthood? both of them take a while to adjust honestly  who falls asleep with the baby on their chest? steve and peggy pulls out her phone to take a picture before laying down with them  who plays airplane with the baby and ends up with puke on their face? (alternatively: in their mouth) steve who gets overwhelmed the easiest? peggy who scalds themselves when testing the bottle temperature on their wrist? peggy - she knows nothing about being a mother who dresses the baby up in funny outfits? peggy who rocks the baby to sleep while singing to them? steve while peggy watches who accidentally adds too much soap to the bath so the baby ends up in a sea of bubbles? steve who lets the baby try/eat/drink anything and everything they have? peggy - steve is too worried they’re going to mess up. who is the baby tamer? steve
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