lindscys · 10 months
@fatalelity ♡’d for a starter (still accepting) !
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"how long does a dna test take to come back?" erin asked, head turning towards the doctor as the question came seemingly out of nowhere. "i'm just asking for a friend." the slow seeping of a man claiming to be her father coming back into her life was sitting in the back of her mind more than she'd care to admit, it seemed.
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trustschaos · 11 months
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✭ orphan black sentences ✩ accepting ✭
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i panicked , what do you want me to say ?
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she realizes after a moment that the fact that she's just staring might be disconcerting. oops. then again, lauren's usually the one doing stupid, impulsive things with zero thought involved, not @fatalelity. still, she's not about to gloat or anything. that'd be the opposite of helpful, and... well, lauren can't recall addison gloating after any of her fuck ups, so that wouldn't be exactly fair, would it? not that the world's fair or anything but — okay, that's a train of thought neither of them needs her to go down right now, and she knows it.
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"okay, you're stressed, i get it. there's no need to snap though, i'm not going anywhere and i'm here to help. you never judge me," too harshly or with any real longevity, anyway, but lauren chooses to leave that part out, "i'm not gonna judge you. just walk me through what happened. a little slower this time,"
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trustsarchive · 2 years
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5x09 + 5x10 BASED.
STATUS:   open.
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it’s irrational,  deep down lauren’s aware of that.   she knows @fatalelity​ had made the right call,  and still anger flares alongside her desperation as she wheels on her wife,  tension ravaging her frame as she attempts to push past and through the door. 
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“you have to let me go back,  addison!”   jaw trembling,  eyes mist over as a demand turns into a plea,   “that’s my sister,  you have to let me go back.  please,”
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ofblackskies · 6 months
Send to 10 other bloggers you think are wonderful. Keep this going to make someone smile. ☆♥
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amadaans · 7 months
@fatalelity has a blind date with claudette!
there are many things that claude does not partake in. two of them are favors and blind dates. yet here she is on a blind date as a favor owed to somebody. she thinks about the choices that have led to this scenario, and after a few minutes of retracing them, she realizes there would have been no other ending.
at least she is able to pick the time and place. an art museum, early in the morning before children run amok, still quiet and serene. there are a few people milling around, viewing the various works of art, but claude has her eye on the redhead peering at a painting.
it's a painting that claude knows, for a fact, is a fake. she helped to orchestrate the theft of the original.
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"what do you think the artist meant to convey with this piece?" she smiles, lips painted red spreading into a friendly smile. for once, it isn't icy.
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buglesbetty · 7 months
@fatalelity liked for a short starter
"sorry," betty starts, placing her recorder in the centre of the table, "i did my best to research the procedure before today but there's only so much understanding wikipedia and sophomore biology can get you."
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clawsextended · 8 months
"may I have a kiss?" 🥺
“what, proper grammar and everything?”
the cat peers over with laughing chestnut eyes, an eyebrow quirked in enigmatic posture. brows are dark, while platinum gold sits in falsely positioned curls upon her head. she watches the doctor with quiet intrigue from where she’s settled upon the couch, perched like a raven with a chamber door.
her movement is boneless, easy, serpentine. she shifts like water, flows limitlessly, gently molds the contours of her scarred palms with the sides of a pale throat. the kiss is soft, entirely honest, winds her arms around a neck before a nose touches hers in a silly little brush.
“ah, my wish is your command.”
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archivestarlyht · 8 months
❝ look at him…posing like he’s all important. ❞ from @bardick to sol'rys ... probably mocking one of those gortash posters
not that he could read it well,   the ranger nonetheless peered curiously over the bard's shoulder as the other man paid for and took a copy of the baldur's mouth from the paper boy.  he ignored the boy's curious gaze as it settled upon him,  turning and following lewyn as he made his way along the cobbled city streets.
“look at him  ...”   the other man proclaimed with an impish little laugh,  producing the paper and turning it around so that sol'rys could see it more clearly.  “posing like he's all important.”  the ranger hesitated until he realized it was not words that the other was trying to bring his attention to but a drawing of the new archduke posed mid speech.  his red eyes danced across the headlines writ in bold dark ink,  trying to make them out.  fortunately,  the font and size lent itself well to his understanding.  nonsense about lord gortash's reiteration of the citizens of baldur's gate coming first.
lewyn's words,  however,   earned the faintest chuckle from him.  “the artist flatters him,  too,”   sol'rys mused.  “a joke he may be,  but one we need to take care of with   ----”  care?  hells.  take care of with care?  he was no bard.  he paused as he searched for the right word.   “----  diligence.”
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goldshadows · 8 months
@fatalelity / old sc, no longer accepting.
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the energy always shifts when addison steps into the room. this morning though, her smile seems to be particularly bright. curious brown eyes land on the other woman, attentively watching her for a couple of moments while a smile begins to grow on her own features. happiness being one of the few things she doesn't mind being contagious. " well, someone is in a good mood today. "
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stupiidgood · 9 months
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they're giving waffle house level of chaos right abt now i must leave before shit happens smdh
*chanting* waffle house! waffle house!
Shawn can spoon her after she pegs kicks his ass<3
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lovethcrn · 9 months
Send to 10 other bloggers you think are wonderful. Keep this going to make someone smile. ☆♥
gany this is such an honor! idk if you know this, but back when i had single blogs i used to run into your blog and admire from afar bc i had no grey's muses fghgfdfghj but your addison was always Iconic to me, truly. and now that i get to write lexie opposite the actual addison montgomery? dream come true. period. i'm glad to reciprocate some of the smiles you gift me with your writing!
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trustschaos · 2 years
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✭ thread ✩ cont. ✭
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back leaning against the ledge of her desk,   blue eyes furrowing in deep focus as she listens to lauren intently.   it’s as if every word leaves a mark on her,  as if lauren’s fears,  lauren’s remorse,   &   all of her hurt just absorbs itself into herself.  jaw tightening in response, every single muscle of her body contracting until they pulsate aggressively.  each passing sentence manages to trigger old memories of her’s from different stages of her life — then, words hit her like a ton of bricks ... am i really a bully?  blue eyes widen in response,  a sharp exhale through her nose whilst she lets her thoughts linger on the words of lauren’s question. 
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“   lauren...   ”   voice velvet smooth,  she stands straight once more whilst one hand trails up,  palm resting against lauren’s face as the other rests lazily across her shoulders.   “   the only time i’ve seen you bully anyone was because they asked for it ... and yes,  that person would be .... me.   ”   a soft flush on her face as her own words triggers a very vivid recollection of the alleged bullying in reference. 
“   but in all seriousness —— you’re not a bully, lauren.   i know bullies   — hell, i’ve even been bullied so i know a thing or two about bullies ...   ”   fingers run across the outlines of her face,  thumb brushing gently against the prominence of her cheeks,  fingers trailing along the path of her jawline.   “   bullies kick, bruise,  ‘n batter the weak — the oppressed — you ... you — you empower.   i’ve seen you empower patients who didn’t even wanna defend themselves ‘cuz they felt so powerless.   i’ve seen you fight for the underdog — lauren.  having a temper, being impatient isn’t a crime & it certainly doesn’t make you a bully.   ”
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lauren feels like she's been walking on eggshells lately. maybe she doesn't need to... maybe things should be fine now that they've talked everything out... but it's not. there's still the unshakable feeling that she's balancing on a tightrope that's fraying on both ends, threatening to leave her in a free fall. again.
she doesn't know if she can take that.
she doesn't know if they can take that.
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arms cross over her chest, breath trembling as she meets @fatalelity's gaze. it's just for a second, then lauren's looking down again... but it's something, right? and as she listens to addison speaking she actually feels a little lighter. she feels like balancing isn't quite so precarious, even if it only lasts for a moment.
the gentle hand on her cheek prompts eyes to lift again, something incredulous running deep as she swallows hard.
lauren's jaw trembles as her wife continues on, leaving no room for argument or interruption, a familiar softness behind words that are so incredibly solid. firm, confident, loving.
even after everything they've been through lately, there's a voice in the back of her head that insists she doesn't deserve it. it insists that addison's wrong... but before long the reassurance is impossible to argue with. it encompasses her like a warm blanket that feels like home.
"i was a bully," lauren murmurs quietly, shaking her head, "when i was younger." the clarification comes with the brief shift of her gaze downward then back up. "i was mean. i was — i was awful, addison. i didn't have any control at home... it felt powerful. i know everyone hated me," she sniffles, laughing humorlessly, "they put up with me 'cuz jeanie encouraged wild parties with no restrictions or anything... and that only made it worse. it made me worse."
eyes shut as she tries to hold herself together. "i've been terrified ever since that i can't let that part of me go... i've been terrified that it's who i really am." a soft sob breaks loose as she opens her eyes again, "you promise you mean all of that?"
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trustsarchive · 2 years
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some meme somewhere idk this is over a year old
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everything’s a haze.   it’s like a heavy fog has settled over her,  and only minimal awareness manages to break through in fragmented moments.  fully registering the presence of @fatalelity​  —  and what it means  —  isn’t something lauren can wrap her head around in her current state,  but as the redhead speaks?  lauren’s gaze is fixed on her   ❪  unfocused and far off as it is  ❫.
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i wish i could hate you.   
somehow...  somehow the words cut deep,  even though she won’t remember them later.  she won’t remember any of this later.  too much of her time is spent drifting in and out of consciousness for anything to really stick,  isn’t it?
and maybe it’s her half-aware state that prompts lauren to swallow hard and offer as much of a response as she’s able to.  dehydrated,  broken,  still fighting against death with everything she’s got.
ha,  even if she doesn’t really know it.
“maybe you should,”   she murmurs,  quiet and hoarse,   “‘m ‘n asshole,  ‘n you...  you’re not.  i don’t wanna hurt you ‘nymore,”
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infinitebabbler · 2 years
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always accepting.
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@fatalelity​‘s question as they find seats at luke’s   ❪  following,  of course,  lorelai attempting to kick someone out of the seats at her favorite table  ❫,   prompts a response of truly dramatic proportions as she leans in.    “thoughts on the pumpkin spice latte?”   just so happens to be a query that’s near sacrilegious in this particular diner.
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“shhh!!”   hands flail around mildly as she attempts to beacon addison to stop speaking,  and lorelai’s next words are a whisper,   “don’t let luke hear you!  i heard kirk ask about pumpkin spice yesterday and luke just about flew through the roof.  don’t get me wrong,  it was entertaining,  but i really really really need coffee and a cheeseburger,  so you’d better not get us kicked out!” 
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bardick · 8 months
anyways! sc for this lil bard <3
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protagcnists · 9 months
starter call — accepting
@fatalelity vanessa bloom + addison montgomery
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"hey..." vanessa's head turned on a swivel as she sat on the edge of the patient bed, legs dangling over the side. impatience ran through her, feeling abandoned in her time of need. truthfully, she hadn't paid enough attention to the person who brought her into the emergency department. their voice was too high-pitched to take seriously, and vanessa was already predisposed to ignore any preachy-doctor types that crossed her path. "hello!?"
as she saw someone pass by, flames of red catching her eye, vanessa grabbed at the curtain and pulled, hollering in the woman's direction. "hey! you! yeah, ginger rogers," she called, picking on the person with distinguishable features she could point out. "yeah, hey, i'm sure you're busy," doctors always were. "but i've been waiting for someone to stitch me up for an eternity." vanessa nodded to the gauze on her forearm. "and i'd really like to get out of here soon before i get bored enough and remember that i have plenty of lawyers in my contacts that are well versed in medical malpractice suits, so..."
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