#💎 Heiress's Treasured Homeland (Suzuha Main Verse)
universestreasures · 3 years
@senpujin​ Sent: 🎁 for the receiving muse's reaction to getting a gift from the sending muse. (Accepting!)
🎁 a new tea set ( for suzuha )
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“For me? Oh, Setsuna! You shouldn’t have!” Suzuha remarks, but does not refuse the wrapped gift. It would be rude to not accept a gift from someone, especially not from a treasured and dear friend like Setsuna. Gently removing her gloves and placing them to the side, the heiress slowly unwraps the gift. She is careful to keep everything as intact as possible, not wanting to tarnish the beautiful wrapping job her friend presumably did.
Sapphire hues then widen ever so slightly once the gift had revealed itself, Suzuha staring at the beautiful tea set in awe. The young lady owned several sets, never wanting to use the same one and of course having one to go for every occasion, but she didn’t quite have a special one she used during her teas with her best friend. Gently placing the tea set down, she bows her head in gratitude for the generous act before lifting it to speak once more.
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“It’s beautiful, Setsuna. I am deeply honored that you would gift me with such an item. I shall cherish it always, and will make sure it is used whenever you visit for one of our tea sessions like today. I am...most grateful for your friendship. Truly, I am.”
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universestreasures · 4 years
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“Dear Setsuna has finally done it in the most pure way possible... I’m so proud of her.”
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universestreasures · 3 years
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An Unlikely Friendship: Suzuha & Setsuna
For @senpujin <3
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universestreasures · 3 years
@senpujin​ Sent: A Grumpy/Sunshine Trope Prompt (Accepting!)
" no. no way, no way in hell am i doing that. no! no... aw, fine... " ( for suzuha )
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“I knew you’d see things my way eventually, Setsuna!” Suzuha smirks, laughing a bit to herself at managing to convince her best friend. She, and everyone else for that matter, knew how stubborn the Katana World user could be about these sorts of things. However, an Amanosuzu was never one to give up so easily. Besides, she was doing Setsuna a favor, even if her methods for going about this were less than ideal to the scourging swallow. 
She then instantly clapped her hands before her twin maids appeared, both taking the young Taisho daughter and bringing her to Suzuha’s dressing room where she would be fitted for a new gown. If she was to be Tasuku Ryuenjii’s date to the school dance, she had to look her absolute best, right? She and him both had reputations to upload, and they both had to make a statement considering this was their first formal event as a couple. And what better person to help with all of this then the single heir to the Amanosuzu family who was an expert on the subject?
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“Now, we’re going to transform you into the perfect date for dear Tasuku! Oh, I can’t wait to see how beautiful you look when this is all over! I made sure to pick out the best array of gowns that were your size for you to try on, and I even made sure to get you a matching fan to go with each of them! After all, I’m sure you’ll need it when everyone at the dance marvels at your beauty!”
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universestreasures · 4 years
@mozaikrolez​​ (Kyoya gets Suzuha because this must happen!!!)
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“K-Kyoya Gaen?” Suzuha is quick to grab her fan, using it to cover her face to hide her embarrassment at his surprise visit. No one had told her he had arrived at her family’s castle, a mental reminder to scold the security department later. For now, she needed to keep her poise for she was facing a rather powerful young man. 
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“W-What brings you to my humble home? I did not have advance notice you would be coming, and it is not like you to drop in uninvited.” It was behavior she would expect from someone like Gao Mikado, but not the head of the Gaen Financial Group. “Please, do come in and make yourself at home. If it is important matters you wish to discuss, then you can join me for tea in the drawing room if you’d like. Sebastian just finished preparing today’s special blend.”
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universestreasures · 3 years
@senpujin​ Sent: 👫for four headcanons I have about our muse’s relationship! (Accepting!)
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Suzuha actually has met Setsuna’s father, Sesshomaru Taisho, at a party hosted by the Amaonosuzu group way before she met Setsuna in 100. This, along with only seeing her in tournaments and around school, caused Suzuha to have an impression of Setsuna prior to their meeting. She thought she’d be sort of cold like her father, and while that may be true to an extent, she was shocked at just how kind and sweet she could be underneath it all. After they had their first tea together, Suzuha just knew they’d be good friends.
Suzuha will always take the chance to go shopping with Setsuna, especially for any events that are coming up or any dates she would have with Tasuku. No doubt the two girls could spend hours in all the stores, Suzuha like a true lady of course paying for it all. She always wants her best friend to have the best clothes, after all.
Like a proper lady, Suzuha prefers hand written and verbal communication over things such as text messages. No doubt when Setsuna travels overseas, she will video call her and send her written letters to ask how she is doing and with little gifts tucked inside like a tea packet of a new brew, or a Buddyfight card she thought she could use in her deck, or even some sheet music for a song Setsuna might enjoy learning how to play.
One of Suzuha’s pet peeves is being waken up from her beauty sleep. Normally, she will be quite angry and yell at someone if they do without good reason. However, Setsuna doing so is exception. If her bff calls her late at night to talk about something or even out of the blue, Suzuha is there for her no questions asked.
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universestreasures · 3 years
@senpujin​ Sent: ‘ TRUTH ‘  +  A  QUESTION  AND  MY  MUSE  HAS  TO  ANSWER.  NO  LYING  ALLOWED. (Accepting!)
❛ one second to answer . gao mikado! drum, bal, or battz? quick. ❜  ( for gao )
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“G-Geez, S-Suna! Y-You can’t just-” Time is ticking Gao! You gotta say a name! “Uh...Uh...B-B-Bal!!” 
He truly loved all of his buddies, truly. However, maybe its the fact he essentially raised Bal from birth is why his name came out first. That, or maybe it’s the fact it’s the shortest name and he doesn’t like reacting under pressure. Who is to say?
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❛ if you could save only one from drowning- who would it be? sebastian , sadako or mitsuko? ❜ ( for suzuha )
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“Honestly, I’m appalled you’d even ask me such a thing, Setsuna. How very un-ladylike of you...” Suzuha replies, before taking a breath and preparing to answer. She did agree to this little truth game and the heiress was a woman of her word, after all.
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“If I had to save one, probably be Sebastian. The twins no doubt would help each other save themselves first, leaving me to help him out. Though, I doubt such a situation would ever occur. Everyone in my staff are excellent swimmers.”
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❛ did you ever think me unreliable? ❜  ( for tasuku )
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“Never have I thought that, and I’ll keep saying it until you believe me.” He places a hand on his girlfriend’s shoulders, squeezing it gently to let her know he was serious but there for her all at the same time. 
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“Back then, I...I didn’t want you or anyone else I cared for to get involved on what I thought was my duty and my duty alone. Yes, I was tricked into believing the Buddy Police were no longer my comrades by Kyoya Gaen, but...I was never tricked into thinking you were never not my comrade. I just...I just wanted to do everything on my own. That’s all it was, and I know now it was wrong. I know I can rely on those around me, especially you Setsuna. I can rely on you more than anyone else.”
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universestreasures · 4 years
@senpujin​ Sent: What The Single Token They Keep To Remind Them Of My Muse! (Accepting!)
a token that setsuna has that reminds her of suzuha , is the fan she gave her ( she takes it everywhere , even to her trips c: )
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“Well I’m very happy to hear that. A true lady is never fully equipped to face the world without one, you know.” She’s very happy to hear Setsuna has kept it and uses it, especially since like Suzuha she also has a tendency to blush at the most inopportune moments. Plus, it helps keep one cool during the warmer times of the year. 
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universestreasures · 4 years
New Muse!
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Lady Suzuha Amanosuzu from Future Card Buddyfight has been added to the muse roster! 
Interest checker, muse page, and the muse listing on the theme have all been updated with her information! Below are her tags! <3
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