#💎 Heiress Answers (Suzuha Asks)
universestreasures · 3 months
@relevc Sent:
❛    alright. spit the secret. how in the world do you manage to do your hair like that?    ❜  ( for suzuha )
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"Ho, ho, ho, ho! My, aren't you bold in asking a magician for her secrets, darling." She opens her fan to uncover her face in a playful but dramatic way, as was characteristic of the heiress. The question itself is one she's been asked before, for her hair was a unique but beautiful display of craftsmanship if she does say so herself. It was what made her stand out in a crowd, drawing everyone's attention so she could be the center of the world, just as she always liked to be.
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"Spoiling the wizardry for you would make it less impressive, wouldn't it?" She couldn't share her secrets! Then everyone would copy her, and Suzuha could not have that at all! "What I can tell you is that it is hard work that I take great pride in. After all, a girl's hair is one of their greatest assets, you know. If you need some help on styling yours, maybe for a special someone in your life, then I'd be more than happy to assist."
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universestreasures · 8 months
@tophatz Sent: THE LITTLE MERMAID ( 1989 ) SONG STARTERS (Accepting)
❝ Look at this stuff, isn’t it neat? ❞ (( Anzu @ Suzuha ! ))
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"Ohohoho! Why, of course it is! Would you expect anything less from my personal closet, Anzu dear?"
As with everything in her Sky Home, Suzuha took pride in her rather large closet space. It was a full room of its own, complete with a makeup vanity, mirrors, and even a platform to model new outfits or to be used for fittings. Indeed, the space was perfectly fit for the Amanosuzu family's dear princess.
Inviting Anzu over here had been for a different reason other than clothes, though. Considering the activity they were going to be partaking in, she only felt it fitting for them to be dressed for the occasion. Ballroom dancing was difficult to learn without the proper dress, for its shape and how it affected one's movements were crucial to executing the moves correctly.
Oh, how much fun this was going to be!
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"Now, please. Pick out anything you like from that left rack over there. Those are my spares, but I have them in a variety of sizes just in case my figure ever changed so suddenly. I'm sure quite a number of them will fit you perfectly! Please, try some on!"
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universestreasures · 7 months
@relevc Sent:
❛   oh my..  ❜ anzu’s reaction was as quick as it was spontaneous; the girl was the epitome of flamboyance when it came to style & hair. specially hair. ( & she thought yugi’s was wild & mai’s was voluminous.. ) there was no mistake, she must be the girl in charge of mokuba’s brand new style. with that in mind, the brunette approached; gentle smile gracing her face as she sought the compliment the younger. ( such hair needed praise. ) ❛   hello, just want to say that you have a very nice hair. ❜. ( for suzuha c: )
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Throwing events was a specialty of Lazy Suzuha's. It was something she absolutely adored doing, and while doing so often indirectly or directly promoted her family's company or the game of Buddyfight, her main concern was always making the event a spectacle for her guests. She felt true joy seeing everyone have such a good time.
Tonight's event was another one of those, a little arts and crafts session with afternoon tea she hosted at her castle home near Mount Fuji. She had invited her schoolmates in addition to any friends and family who also wanted to attend as well. That later seemed to be the case for the beautiful brunette who approached her, Suzuha whipping out her fan immediately in response to the compliment.
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"Ho, ho, ho, ho! Isn't it though? Truly a marvel of styling talent, don't you think?" She says with a radiating confidence, her polite amused smile gracing her lips. "You have rather nice hair as well, dear. It's well maintained and the short cut suits you well. Tell me dear, who are you here with? I don't quite think we've had te pleasure of meeting before."
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universestreasures · 3 years
@senpujin​ Sent: 🎁 for the receiving muse's reaction to getting a gift from the sending muse. (Accepting!)
🎁 a new tea set ( for suzuha )
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“For me? Oh, Setsuna! You shouldn’t have!” Suzuha remarks, but does not refuse the wrapped gift. It would be rude to not accept a gift from someone, especially not from a treasured and dear friend like Setsuna. Gently removing her gloves and placing them to the side, the heiress slowly unwraps the gift. She is careful to keep everything as intact as possible, not wanting to tarnish the beautiful wrapping job her friend presumably did.
Sapphire hues then widen ever so slightly once the gift had revealed itself, Suzuha staring at the beautiful tea set in awe. The young lady owned several sets, never wanting to use the same one and of course having one to go for every occasion, but she didn’t quite have a special one she used during her teas with her best friend. Gently placing the tea set down, she bows her head in gratitude for the generous act before lifting it to speak once more.
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“It’s beautiful, Setsuna. I am deeply honored that you would gift me with such an item. I shall cherish it always, and will make sure it is used whenever you visit for one of our tea sessions like today. I am...most grateful for your friendship. Truly, I am.”
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universestreasures · 3 years
@senpujin​ Sent: A Grumpy/Sunshine Trope Prompt (Accepting!)
" no. no way, no way in hell am i doing that. no! no... aw, fine... " ( for suzuha )
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“I knew you’d see things my way eventually, Setsuna!” Suzuha smirks, laughing a bit to herself at managing to convince her best friend. She, and everyone else for that matter, knew how stubborn the Katana World user could be about these sorts of things. However, an Amanosuzu was never one to give up so easily. Besides, she was doing Setsuna a favor, even if her methods for going about this were less than ideal to the scourging swallow. 
She then instantly clapped her hands before her twin maids appeared, both taking the young Taisho daughter and bringing her to Suzuha’s dressing room where she would be fitted for a new gown. If she was to be Tasuku Ryuenjii’s date to the school dance, she had to look her absolute best, right? She and him both had reputations to upload, and they both had to make a statement considering this was their first formal event as a couple. And what better person to help with all of this then the single heir to the Amanosuzu family who was an expert on the subject?
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“Now, we’re going to transform you into the perfect date for dear Tasuku! Oh, I can’t wait to see how beautiful you look when this is all over! I made sure to pick out the best array of gowns that were your size for you to try on, and I even made sure to get you a matching fan to go with each of them! After all, I’m sure you’ll need it when everyone at the dance marvels at your beauty!”
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universestreasures · 3 years
@duelcafe​​ Sent: Some * Character Headcanons (Accepting!)
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♡ Concept of home and family
To Tasuku, home is not a location. It certainly isn’t the apartment he really only goes back to in order to eat and sleep. To him, home is where those he cherishes are. The Buddy Police is an example of one of his homes, a place filled with people who loves and cares for such as Takihara, Stella, Commander I, and Setsuna ( @senpujin​​ ). 
As for family, family to Tasuku means more than just blood relation. Family are people Tasuku has bonded with the strongest, whether that bond is platonic, romantic, or familial in nature. The first person other than his blood family he considered as part of it (and the only member of his ‘family; for a long time) was Jack. However, over time his family has slowly grown (Mainly after Season 1 and Tasuku saw first hand just how many people cared for and cherished him even after his mistakes)  to include others such as his Gao Mikado, Setsuna Taisho, his Buddy Police Family, and all his friends at Aibo Academy. 
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Talk about your muse’s most prized possession(s)
Suzuha, being a rich heiress to a large financial empire, has quite a lot of possessions. Though, if I was to list the most prized things she has, it would have to be two main things. The first is her fan, an item that was passed down to her by her late mother who passed away when she was very young. Suzuha admired her mother and continues to strive to live up to her legacy, her being a huge part why the Amanosuzu Group is as famous and successful as it is. She was also the one who taught her the proper ways to be a lady, and after attending her first successful business party, Suzuha was gifted her mother’s fan. She continues to use it, even into adulthood. 
As for the second thing, it would definitely be the people in her life and the experiences she’s had because of them. She wasn’t the most social child when she was younger, her really only having her butler, Mary Sue, and maids to talk to. This does start to change after her loss to Gao Mikado, Suzuha starting to interact with and become friends with his friends. It was through that fight and Gao’s friendly smile that got her to start to socialize a bit more, and if it wasn’t for that, I don’t think she would have been able to bond with her eventual future BFF for life Setsuna as much as she did. 
Every memory, every person in her life, all of them are treasures to Suzuha, worth more than any of her material wealth.
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How your muse responds to anger 
Gao responses to anger can change depending on the context and who is showing him anger, but what is consistent is that he isn’t one to back down. He is a stubborn, headstrong, and determined individual, after all. If he is getting anger from a friend, he will usually try his best to try and calm things down. He isn’t afraid to speak his mind back if that doesn’t work though, even if no doubt other’s words can hurt him. A good example of this is when he talks to Tasuku as Purgatory Knight, where Gao tries to get Tasuku to see what he’s doing is wrong because seeing his best friend be like that hurts him. However, he continues on fighting and never stops, even if again it can be hard too. 
If it’s anger from an enemy, he tries to not pay it any mind. Though, again it honestly depends on who it is. Gao has had to fight a lot of enemies that he thought were friends, or friends who had become enemies. It makes things complicated, not to mention Gao’s own temper and righteous anger being a factor. 
If someone is mad at him because he honestly did something wrong though, Gao will take it without complaint. He is a good hearted kid and doesn’t like to hurt or do anything bad to others, and he takes his screws up pretty hard. This can be seen when he goes a little too hard in that Aikijujitsu competition flashback as seen in Episode 6 of Season 1, and he feels so bad for it. He takes his mother’s anger full on without trying to fight back or argue, as he knows he did bad by using that dangerous technique. 
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universestreasures · 3 years
@senpujin​ Sent: 👫for four headcanons I have about our muse’s relationship! (Accepting!)
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Suzuha actually has met Setsuna’s father, Sesshomaru Taisho, at a party hosted by the Amaonosuzu group way before she met Setsuna in 100. This, along with only seeing her in tournaments and around school, caused Suzuha to have an impression of Setsuna prior to their meeting. She thought she’d be sort of cold like her father, and while that may be true to an extent, she was shocked at just how kind and sweet she could be underneath it all. After they had their first tea together, Suzuha just knew they’d be good friends.
Suzuha will always take the chance to go shopping with Setsuna, especially for any events that are coming up or any dates she would have with Tasuku. No doubt the two girls could spend hours in all the stores, Suzuha like a true lady of course paying for it all. She always wants her best friend to have the best clothes, after all.
Like a proper lady, Suzuha prefers hand written and verbal communication over things such as text messages. No doubt when Setsuna travels overseas, she will video call her and send her written letters to ask how she is doing and with little gifts tucked inside like a tea packet of a new brew, or a Buddyfight card she thought she could use in her deck, or even some sheet music for a song Setsuna might enjoy learning how to play.
One of Suzuha’s pet peeves is being waken up from her beauty sleep. Normally, she will be quite angry and yell at someone if they do without good reason. However, Setsuna doing so is exception. If her bff calls her late at night to talk about something or even out of the blue, Suzuha is there for her no questions asked.
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universestreasures · 3 years
@mozaikrolez​​ Sent: ♬for a four song playlist based on our muses! (Accepting!)
for suzuha & kyoya 👀
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 ♬ "A Dance with the Countess" By: Sigmund Krähe 
We talked about Kyoya playing the organ for her at some point, and this song fits Suzuha’s regal vibes. It also sounds like something he’d so dance to her too. 
♬ “Something There” From: Beauty And The Beast
I feel like the vibe of this song and the whole scenario fits the two of them really well (and make for a great AU just saying  👀 👀 👀 ) because Suzuha isn’t ignorant to what bad things Kyoya has done, but perhaps through spending more time with him she’s able to see his intentions and whatnot. 
♬ So Close From: Enchanted
This song when I listen too it feels like a song Kyoya singing to Suzuha (in a broadway style sort of storytelling thing, unless you hc Kyoya sings?) and maybe how he feels after his defeat in DDD? IDK IF THATS THE RIGHT EXPLANATION FOR THE VIBES I’M GETTING FROM IT BUT THIS LYRIC BIT I FEEL LIKE SUMMERIZES THOSE VIBES THE BEST:
A life goes by Romantic dreams must die So I bid my goodbye And never knew So close, was waiting Waiting here with you And now, forever, I know All that I wanted To hold you so close
♬ Long Dream From: Mr. Love: Queen's Choice
This one is another instrumental track, and I picked it purely based on one the fact it does have piano in it (which i think is a good instrumental symbol for Suzuha like how Kyoya is an organ) and two the emotions I feel when I listen to it. It feels like it would happen during a pivotal emotional moment between the two of them, maybe them relating to each other and talking bout their feelings? IDK it’s also just really pretty and I love the vibe. 
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universestreasures · 3 years
@senpujin​​ Sent: ‘ TRUTH ‘  +  A  QUESTION  AND  MY  MUSE  HAS  TO  ANSWER.  NO  LYING  ALLOWED. (Accepting!)
❛ do you ever have dreams about your wedding?    ❜  ( for suzuha ; ace )
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“Why, of course I do dear! I am a wedding planner, after all! It would be quite odd if I did not, now wouldn’t it?” She replies, a smile on her face that then softens as she thinks on the dreams she has had over the years. “I’m not sure when it will be or who it will be with, but I know it is going to be nothing short of magical! I’ll see to that myself!”
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❛     don’t you think it difficult? being away from home & not seeing your family for a long time.. your sons.. ❜  ( for gao ; ace )
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“I know it’s difficult. How could it be easy, Suna?” Gao remarks back, his expression turning somber as he speaks but still having a small smile too. “But...my work in America is somethin’ I just gotta do, and my family knows that and supports me. I do always make sure to do my best to make up the time we do miss, and make sure to check in on um’ and send them things on occasion. Maybe one day I’ll move back to Japan full time when I feel like there is enough trained professionals there to teach our students properily, but who knows? The future is wide open.”
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❛     have you ever thought about those kids?    ❜ ( for tasuku ; ace )
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“I’d be lying if I said they didn’t cross my mind a few times, especially after the conversations we have had regarding children. However, I still believe what I said to you back when we were kids is true. The Tasuku who those children descend from is not me. My heart...has always been yours and yours alone, my Songbird. Never would my heart desire for someone like her.”
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universestreasures · 3 years
@senpujin​ Sent: ‘ TRUTH ‘  +  A  QUESTION  AND  MY  MUSE  HAS  TO  ANSWER.  NO  LYING  ALLOWED. (Accepting!)
❛ one second to answer . gao mikado! drum, bal, or battz? quick. ❜  ( for gao )
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“G-Geez, S-Suna! Y-You can’t just-” Time is ticking Gao! You gotta say a name! “Uh...Uh...B-B-Bal!!” 
He truly loved all of his buddies, truly. However, maybe its the fact he essentially raised Bal from birth is why his name came out first. That, or maybe it’s the fact it’s the shortest name and he doesn’t like reacting under pressure. Who is to say?
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❛ if you could save only one from drowning- who would it be? sebastian , sadako or mitsuko? ❜ ( for suzuha )
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“Honestly, I’m appalled you’d even ask me such a thing, Setsuna. How very un-ladylike of you...” Suzuha replies, before taking a breath and preparing to answer. She did agree to this little truth game and the heiress was a woman of her word, after all.
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“If I had to save one, probably be Sebastian. The twins no doubt would help each other save themselves first, leaving me to help him out. Though, I doubt such a situation would ever occur. Everyone in my staff are excellent swimmers.”
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❛ did you ever think me unreliable? ❜  ( for tasuku )
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“Never have I thought that, and I’ll keep saying it until you believe me.” He places a hand on his girlfriend’s shoulders, squeezing it gently to let her know he was serious but there for her all at the same time. 
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“Back then, I...I didn’t want you or anyone else I cared for to get involved on what I thought was my duty and my duty alone. Yes, I was tricked into believing the Buddy Police were no longer my comrades by Kyoya Gaen, but...I was never tricked into thinking you were never not my comrade. I just...I just wanted to do everything on my own. That’s all it was, and I know now it was wrong. I know I can rely on those around me, especially you Setsuna. I can rely on you more than anyone else.”
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universestreasures · 4 years
@senpujin​ Sent: What The Single Token They Keep To Remind Them Of My Muse! (Accepting!)
a token that setsuna has that reminds her of suzuha , is the fan she gave her ( she takes it everywhere , even to her trips c: )
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“Well I’m very happy to hear that. A true lady is never fully equipped to face the world without one, you know.” She’s very happy to hear Setsuna has kept it and uses it, especially since like Suzuha she also has a tendency to blush at the most inopportune moments. Plus, it helps keep one cool during the warmer times of the year. 
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universestreasures · 4 years
New Muse!
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Lady Suzuha Amanosuzu from Future Card Buddyfight has been added to the muse roster! 
Interest checker, muse page, and the muse listing on the theme have all been updated with her information! Below are her tags! <3
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